Clubs, Classes & Sports

What's On

Friday 28 March 2014

25th Anniversary Trip to Yerville

The Hordle & District Twinning Association, which includes members from Milford on Sea, have some space on the coach for our 25th anniversary exchange visit to Yerville in May this year.

They would welcome some new families to fill the spaces on what is always a very warm and friendly weekend. You would stay with French families and people don’t have to speak French. You would however need to join the Twinning Association in order to comply with Twinning Exchange insurance requirements.

Arrangements – Coach leaves Hordle 11am Friday 2nd May for an afternoon ferry sailing from Portsmouth to Caen, returning to Hordle Monday 5th May at around 8pm in the evening. When in Yerville - each family or person is accommodated by a French family, and it is a fantastic way to make new friends and experience French life. You don’t even have to speak French!

Trip cost - £80 per adult, £30 per child – this includes all travel (coach and ferry). Once in France all you’ll probably need to buy are ice creams and souvenirs – all food and all visits are taken care of by our French hosts.

Annual membership - is £5 single, £10 family. 

For further details please phone or chat to:
*Franco Casalicchio (Chairman) – 01425 617328;
*Bob Norley (Vice-Chairman & Membership) – 01425 610604

Hordle & District Twinning Association

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Keep Calm with Food Week Goodies

A whole range of Food Week Goodies are now on sale in The Village News newsagent opposite the village green.

This year we have fun branding on bags & tea towels with: Keep Calm & Bake Cake, Keep Calm & Dine Out, Keep Calm & Drink Wine, and Keep Calm & Curry On!

Although we are already sold out of aprons, we still have corkscrews, bottle openers, mugs, pens and window stickers. Show you love Food Week and buy some goodies!

Shop in the village today!

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FOOD WEEK - please click here

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Friday 21 March 2014

The Marine Partially Re-Opens

Everyone in Milford on Sea is well aware that The Marine was devastated on Valentine's night by violent storms never before experienced in Milford on Sea. Indeed, the national media had significant coverage of the evening's drama, and we know of people who heard the news on TV's as far afield as France, St Lucia and Australia.

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Since February, the team at The Marine have been working hard to re-open for their loyal customers.

Richard Thompson, owner of The Marine said: "We are delighted to say that our first floor restaurant is to re-open on Thursday 26th March, Renamed as ‘Valentine's’ and with a new menu, we will be serving breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea and an evening restaurant menu. Please use the front door to the stairs or lift to come up to enjoy the panoramic sea views.

I also want to sincerely say thank you to everyone who have sent us good luck messages, it has been great to know so many customers are behind us, and we look forward to welcoming you back to The Marine sometime soon.”

The severe flood damage downstairs means that the team are still working on repairing the floors and furniture, this part of The Marine will reopen as soon as they possibly can. Sadly some of The Marine's Food Week events have now also become a victim of the floods. Those originally planned for the upstairs restaurant will still take place, however the other events are in a race against time and will depend on whether downstairs can be made suitable.

The Marine are now taking bookings for their Mother’s Day Lunch from 12 noon to 6pm. (Three courses for £25pp, please click here to see menu.) To make a booking or request further information, please call on 01590 644369 or e-mail:

Richard was interviewed by South Coast Journalism and explains the current position. To see the interview, please click here.

To read about the Valentine's Storm click here

The Marine
01590 644369

Thursday 20 March 2014

Take the Milford Murder Mystery Walk

One of our village coffee shops have come up with a ingenious way to entertain the family and a fun way to explore the delightful village of Milford on Sea.

Bev Hayes, owner of The Village Coffee Pot said; "Any one can pop in and pick up a Milford Murder Mystery Walk Pack for just £4, for that they get a list of suspects and a list of weapons... They then follow the clues to different points in the village which will eliminate either a suspect or weapon. You are then left with one of each, and the identity of the murderer."

The beauty of this mystery walk, is that is also a tour that gets people seeing things around the village they might not normally see. There is even a small prize when the take the correct answer back to The Village Coffee Pot.

Anyone venture to take a look at TripAdvisor will see that The Village Coffee Pot features highly, and there is even a lovely comment about the Mystery Walk.

Bev is now working on a new Murder Mystery Drive, that will be suitable for bad weather and to accommodate people with mobility issues. She is planning for this to be launched at Easter.

Milford on Sea Murder Mystery Mile Walk
From The Village Coffee Pot
54 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 641414


A Bit of Nordic Walking

After my disappointment with being rejected from the Middle Eastern Belly Dancing and the spiritual Tibetan Bowls classes I was considering taking up something more mainstream, like bridge or stamp collecting.

However, my wife spotted that their were opportunities to go Nordic Walking. I had assumed that she thought this was good idea for my health, but it turned out she liked the idea of me walking in Norway, or any foreign country in fact, - as she put it, "the further away the better."

I decided to have a chat with the Nordic Walking organiser, Jane, and I was particularly interested in which food and watering hole they stopped at.

It transpires that the purpose of the walk is not to end up eating and drinking. It is in fact a secret to better health and form of activity that lots of people enjoy. Indeed, I learnt that Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking and makes something we can all do, twice as effective.

As Jane explains: "Many of us in earlier times played lots of sport at varying levels and now find exercise classes too demanding on joints or a little claustrophobic perhaps. However there is a form of exercise people can do - at all levels - which can improve your stamina and fitness, as well discovering a stimulating form of exercise which is different each time and rewards you with a happier state of mind.

Living where we do in the beautiful surrounds of The New Forest and on the edge of The Solent Way, I am dedicated and determined to show people a different way to exercise and importantly, feel better. I am also an experienced and qualified Nordic Walking instructor, insured to undertake group and personal one-to-one techniques, aimed at working the whole. 

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique, not merely walking with poles such as trekking or rambling. The poles are specific to the exercise and planted behind your bodyline, in order to propel you along and therefore automatically fully engage the upper body - as well as your feet and legs naturally. It is suitable for everyone's individual capabilities and lessens exercises the impact on joints. It is particularly good for spinal posture and the back, shoulders and upper neck. For weight watchers, Nordic Walking burns 20-40% more calories than ordinary walking, and the very fact you are out in the fresh air and  able to feast your eye on the ever-changing landscapes is energizing in itself."

Well there you have it. Apparently people do walk for fun, and people using sticks to walk are not just simply holding themselves up. 

If you fancy joining in, and want to take the opportunity of Jane and her team’s back-up, encouragement and careful eye, just get in touch with her.

Nordic Walking
Jane Monks
Tel: 01590 610089 - 07752 946000

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The New Forest at War

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A revised & updated edition of the book 'The New Forest at War' by author John Leete has been published. 

The book takes a fascinating look at the role that the New Forest played throughout the war and especially in the build up to D - Day 6 June 1944. 

Packed with photos and first-hand accounts and anecdotes, it is a excellent read for all social and military historians as well as visitors to and residents of the area.

Although many parts of Britain contributed to the final assault, it was this part of Hampshire that was used as a primary assembly and departure point. There were over 100,000 troops under canvas and thousands of military vehicles parked in the quiet country lanes throughout the area. There were also many thousands of ships off the Forest coastline in the waters of the Solent.

Available from Sabrestorm Publishing: click here

Rock at the Food Week Party!

Get your party shoes on for the Village Food Week Party Night!

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Come and enjoy pulsating live entertainment from Dorsal Fin, Milford's very own 6-Piece Rock Band. They will get the party rocking with soul, rock & retro pop numbers, whilst you enjoy a pay bar, dancing & loads of fun!

Everyone welcome, just buy a ticket & have a great time - whatever your age! Party starts at 7pm until Late.

Dorsal Fin are one of the south coast's top soul and rock bands, play a range of everyone's favourite funk, soul, blues, rock and pop. One thing is for sure, Dorsal Fin are well known for getting any party going!

The party will suit all ages, and is a great opportunity to get together with friends, or family, or to just come along and meet new people. You can get on the dance floor, or sit at the many tables to simply to enjoy the music and watch the action!

During the evening everyone can also enjoy one of Dave Gates award-winning sausages in a Hot Dog. Dave has been making his own sausages (& bacon) for many years, and a visit to 'The Butchers Shop' opposite the village green will see the walls adored with numerous certificates and awards.

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The Village Party Night will take place at South Lawn Hotel on Thursday 10th April, ticket details are below.

Dorsal Fin is a six piece Milford on Sea band featuring Tom Flatau on Bass, Kole Flatau Vocals, Pippa Westerman Vocals, Martin Fairhurst on Drums, Phil Hill on Keyboards, and Pete Vogel on Guitar.

Dorsal Fin


Party Tickets: £8 including Hot Dog, if pre-booked through Online Ticket Office or from Community Centre Box Office: click here | Child (Under 16): £4 | At Door on night: £10

Evening Snack of a Hot Dog with Onions. Sausages from local village butcher, Dave Gates at The Butcher Shop. (Served from 7.15 to 8pm)

After 8.30pm Ticket: £3.50 (No Hot Dog) | Please Note: These tickets only allow admittance after 8.30pm - and does not include a Hot Dog.

10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Monday 17 March 2014

From Bowls to Belly

Milford on Sea is full of clubs and classes covering just about every interest. Indeed there are over 150 in the village that we know of.

As you may expect, it is the more unusual one's that get my interest, such as The Gift of Sound. Where they have Drumming sessions, Tibetan & Crystal Bowl Soundbaths, and also practice Spiritual Hand Prayers (Mudras).

Run by Lorna, she explained: "If you ever feel you want to express your voice, and cannot, then why don’t you come on and join us in a session of vocal overtoning, we cover things like chanting in your Higher Self name, your Angelic name, the vowels in your Given name. 

Lorna's is a small friendly group who enjoy the Spiritual things in life as well as a bit of fun. The group meets in Milford on Sea each month on a Sunday afternoon and also a Wednesday evening a  month. 

When I asked if the Tibetan bowls ever contain food, I was disappointed to discover they just make sounds. I then asked about the Mudras, but this was not the curry I expected.

Oh well, after discovering my spiritual self is always hungry, I looked for another class that may include food.

It is hard to ignore that a Middle Eastern Belly Dance Class takes place in the Village Hall each week. Milford on Sea is not the normal place for Middle East traditions, but it sounds a lot of fun, as does Angie who runs it.

Dressing up, moving enticingly, and eating Mezze and Turkish delight is right up my street. I was gladdy accepted on the belly front, (although their was some concern that I would need a lot more room than the other dancers), however, the girls in the class were sadly more interested in dancing than eating.

If you fancy joining either of these groups for a bit of relaxation or fun, the contact details are below.

Middle Eastern Belly Dance Class
Angie Hole 
Village Hall, Park Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QU
01590 682407

The Gift of Sound
Lorna Heath 
Village Hall. Park Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QU
01590 642994

Friday 14 March 2014

Who’s Nicked Our Sign!

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Right, come on, own up, who's got it!

On opening their windows to welcome in some rare morning sunlight, a loyal reader was faced with watching our quaint village finger-post road sign being dismantled on the village green. As he watched, the two guys took it to bits, loaded it into their truck and off they went.

This may of course be the local council refurbishing the local village landmark, or perhaps it was someone with a village but no sign.

Now it is lost, I have no idea how far we are from Southampton. 

The corner of the village green is now postless, signless and reduced to a plastic cone that can't tell you how to get anywhere. So, whoever has our sign, it would be nice to have back as soon as possible please.

PS: Our source is quite traumatised as they now having nothing to look at whilst enjoying their morning cuppa. However, if they can get through the day, I am sure a few glasses of wine sitting in the window of The Cave overlooking the bare patch will soon put him right!

If anyone know what has happened, please let us know by posting a reply below or e-mailing:

Be a Food Week Volunteer

Milford on Sea Food Week is fast approaching, the celebrity shows are selling out fast, the restaurant events are proving really popular, the many people involved in the free events are looking forward to a great turn out, and there is a buzz of excitement from those who are planning to come along to enjoy the week. In other words 'We are all excited!'

To make everything run smoothly, we are now organising our Volunteer Rota.

We are particularly looking for First Aiders to help out at the Food Week Shows, Men with drills to put up banners, marshalls for the Bandstand, BBQ & Picnic and Food Market and plenty more...

If you are on our volunteer list you will soon get the the list of volunteer roles and you can let us know what you would like to do. If you are not yet on our volunteer list and want to join in, simply send me an e-mail at:

Our fabulous band of Raffle Sellers are also looking to fun people to join the Raffle Team. This is a great way to meet people and have a few hours of fun. To join the raffle selling team, please contact: Norma on 07734 476862 or email:

The other key group are of course everyone who comes to enjoy a Food week event, the Food Week Programmes are in shops across the village and in the Village Newsagents opposite the village green, so please grab a copy and come along to as many events as you can!

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th April to Sunday 13th April

From Milford on New Zealand

We have received the story below from Louisa Barten, who now lives in New Zealand. Louisa grew up in Milford on Sea and her parents still live in the village, sounds like she is enjoying live 'down under'. 

They say everyone has a double somewhere!

A quaint and charming seaside township with cafés, restaurants and shops. A boating Mecca for visitors from all over the world. Forests, golfing and fine dining. I could quite easily be speaking of Lymington, my home town, but I am not. I am talking about my new home town Russell, in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

Actually, I grew up in Milford-on-Sea and spent my childhood at the beach, swimming, windsurfing and sailing at Keyhaven. A wonderful childhood, where I would be gone from morning to night with other local children from the village. Hours spent swimming at the beach, socializing at the Buttery in Lymington and later on at the Chequers or Fisherman's Pubs. I wonder if the children, 30 years on, still enjoy the same freedom?

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It is a long time ago and when I go home to visit family and friends, I am amazed at how things have changed. The traffic, the busy pace of life and the seemingly endless development of the countryside is all so foreign to me now. I am sad to say I feel like a foreigner in my own country.

Home for me now is much like the Lymington of my childhood, except the weather is 'so' much better. Our children have the freedom to roam and it is still safe to be gone all day. My son swims, sails and instead of crabbing he fishes, but he can also go to school barefoot, play rugby and he performs the Maori Kapa Haka with pride.

Russell is rich in history and Maori tradition. It is nestled up in the north of the North Island of New Zealand. It takes some getting used to, but in New Zealand, 'north' means warmth and 'south' means cold, because everything is back to front in the southern hemisphere. When its Summer in England, it is Winter in New Zealand. This difference of the seasons has brought about the ever growing migrational populus of Russell. We call these visitors 'swallows' and they migrate with the weather. These swallows (British residents, many of them from Lymington) own a property in the UK and also a home in Russell. They migrate with the seasons enjoying summer in the UK and then summer in The Bay of Islands -missing that 'oh so wet and dreary' British winter. Life can't get much better than that! 

In Northland we enjoy a sub-tropical climate which means that most of the year is spent outdoors. Good, clean, healthy living. With hundreds of miles of unspoilt sandy beaches, the Bay of Islands is made up of over 140 Islands with crystal clear water of the Pacific Ocean. Similar to the Caribbean but without all the people.

Most of us own a boat of some sort and enjoy fabulous fishing and picnics on the island's secluded, sandy
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beaches. Lymington has Bournemouth and Southampton close by. We have Kerikeri and Whangarei. Lymington is about 2 1/2 hours from London and Russell is about 3 hours from Auckland. Both towns are on the coast and close to the forest. The similarities are many. 

The Russell Community is a special one. We open our hearts and welcome newcomers. It is a very cosmopolitan community with people from all over the world and all walks of life. The thing I value most about the Kiwi way of life is how Kiwis have their feet well and truly on the ground. It does not matter who you are, what you have or where you come from. Kiwis are not impressed by wealth or status. I am lucky enough now to be a part of this wonderful community.

As well as being a very active St John Ambulance Officer, I am also fortunate enough to help people relocate to this beautiful and very special part of the world. Never being one to miss on a good opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in finding about more about Russell and what there is to offer in this beautiful country -

It is a Maori tradition that in the end you should always return home. There are times when I am torn and miss the beauty of the New Forest and dare I say it, Marks and Spencers, but if one is to go by the adage 'home is where the heart is' I will always have a special place for Lymington in my heart, but Russell, New Zealand is home. From Russell to Lymington, I wish you all well!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Easter at Hurst Castle

This Easter Hurst Castle are putting on something different for all of the family.

It will be well worth the ferry ride to Hurst Castle on Easter Saturday and Sunday because this very popular and unique venue is hosting a special event which promises to be of interest to every member of the family.

For the first time anywhere in the south, visitors will be able to see an Enigma machine which was used during WW2 for breaking German secret codes. The machine will be part of a display presented by Bletchley Park Post Office and Home Front History, the Hampshire based (not for profit) Education and History social enterprise.

Living History re-enactors playing the role of wartime code-breakers will feature as part of the display and visitors will be shown how codes were read and used to help win the war.

Other characters from the ‘Home Front’ will also be present and will mix and mingle with visitors. Live music is being provided by Victory Arms, a husband and wife duo who sing original songs from the Blitz era and an acclaimed photographic exhibition, History in Camera will show how re-enacting creates a link with the past.

There is also storytelling and the launch of a new book, Moonlight Serenade, which is a tale of secrecy and romance, based on real events at Bletchley Park (the home of the code-breakers) during WW2. Other entertainment is also planned.

Hurst Castle is accessible by the Keyhaven ferry from Saltgrass Lane, Milford on Sea, Hampshire SO41 0TP

This is an event not to be missed so for more information contact when one of the organisers will be pleased to help.

Dementia Awareness Week

Dementia Awareness Week, Alzheimer’s Society flagship awareness raising campaign, is taking place Sunday 18th May to Saturday 24th May 2014.

As the population ages we all face the risk of one day developing dementia. The more we know about the condition, the more prepared we will be to face it. This year the Alzheimer’s Society are encouraging anyone who has concerns about dementia to stop ‘bottling them up ‘and talk to us. Alzheimer’s Society understands dementia and there are lots of ways we can help.

In the New Forest there are 3,600 (2012) people living with dementia, this number is set to rise to 4,400 by 2020 new cases in the New Forest will increase by 43.2%

Don’t keep it Bottled up.

The theme of Dementia Awareness Week is don’t keep it bottled up. The Alzheimer’s Society wants to encourage people to talk about dementia and help local communities feel better prepared to face it.

Jane Rowlatt, Dementia Support Manager for the Alzheimer’s Society in Milford on Sea said: The week is an opportunity to raise awareness and increase understanding of dementia in our communities. We want to promote the Alzheimer’s Society as the place to go for information and support. We want to talk to anyone who has an immediate and serious concern about dementia it may be either for themselves or on behalf of a family member or friend.

What is happening this Dementia Awareness Week?

A team of staff and Volunteers from the Alzheimer’s Society will be working together in Lymington and Milford on Sea to make Dementia Awareness Week go with a bang. We are organising events to raise awareness throughout the week. These include:

• Pop up drop-in cafes, 
• Balloon launch and fun day on Sunday 18th May, 
• Dementia Friends training though out the week at Lymington and Milford Libraries, 
• Pop up Art Exhibitions, 
• The creation of what’s on your mind bunting for display in the high streets, information stands at Lymington Hospital, Milford Hospital and Libraries.

To round off a fantastic week of raising awareness in the area a Market stall in Lymington with Music and celebrations throughout the day is being held on Saturday 24th May. We hope lots of people will join us for these special events. Jane Rowlatt said the events will not only be a fun day out, but also a great way to raise awareness of dementia.

To find out more about any of the events or to Volunteer please contact your local office on 01590 644679 or email

MCV: March Newsletter

The fine spell we have been enjoying has brought out the butterflies and bumblebees, even the odd honeybee. Just as well that some of our early nectar plants are also in flower. It’s still not too late to purchase flowering currants or mahonias, if you wish to beef up the wildlife provision in your own garden; low growing anemone blanda and pulmonaria are also bee friendly.

Our birds are active too and I was reminded this week that I should not be too quick to remove dried vegetation from around our gardens. I had planned to tidy up the dried growth on overwintered trailing lobelia, when a wren appeared, busily collecting it for her nest! The tidying up can wait a while and the lobelia is already sprouting healthily, so that is something to look forward to in the summer. It’s such a common plant, we sometimes overlook its toughness and capacity to keep on flowering and the bees love it too, of course.

Slowworms also love sheltered log piles and dried vegetation, so I’ve learned to lift dried crocosmia leaves very carefully in case something is still sleeping beneath. Not every creature thinks it’s Spring!

To find out more about Milford Conservation Volunteers, please visit;

Wednesday 12 March 2014

May Fayre Continues

We are delighted to confirm that the Milford on Sea May Fayre is definitely going ahead on Bank Holiday Monday 5th May 2014.

As you may know, this is one of my favourite events of the year, and my dancing around the Maypole brings many an admiring glance.

The new organiser, Henrietta Winstanley, aims to make sure it continues to be a successful village event. The day involves May Pole Dancing, Side Shows, Local Stalls, Children's Climbing Wall, Bouncy Castle, Food Tents all on the Village Green.

At 2pm the Crowning of May Queen will take place. Sadly, I have been informed that my application will not be considered on the basis that I am neither a girl, nor of qualifying age.

Henrietta of course wants as many people as possible to come along to this charming free village event, and has said if any local village traders would like a pitch application form, could they please email her on - all pitches are allocated on a first come first served as always.

Enjoy this fabulously quaint village tradition in May!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

MCV Gardening Leaflet

The Milford Conservation Volunteers have spent the last few months drawing up a Wildlife Gardening leaflet which they are planning to deliver to every household in the village except the flats.

Some gardeners do of course tend balconies and small gardens in their flats, so should they like a leaflet, we are happy to let them know that copies are available from a number of village shops and the Community Centre.

To find out more about Milford Conservation Volunteers, please visit;

Friday 7 March 2014

New Joint Managers at Charity Shop

The Trustees of the Milford on Sea Community Centre have appointed Daina Ruditis and Penny Steel as joint Managers of the Milford on Sea Village Charity Shop.

Ann Houlihan, Community Centre Trustee, said; "Penny and Daina have both enjoyed working as volunteers in the shop under the management of Judit Teunissen High and they have brought lots of energy, enthusiasm and a great deal of talent to the role. The Trustees would like to thank Judit for all the hard work that she put in getting the shop off the ground, recruiting many loyal volunteers and making the shop the unique place it has become. It has proven to be a vital source of income for the running of the Community Centre and this is in no small part down to the hard work and commitment of the band of volunteers, some of whom have been working there since its inception."

Needless to say more volunteers are always welcome, particularly as their are plans to extend the shop opening hours very soon. If this interests you please contact: Ann Houlihan on or pop into the shop and pick up an application form.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

German Comedy Ambassador Coming to Food Week

What better way to end Food Week other than with a laugh, or in fact a belly full of them!

Our comedy headline act for the evening is now Henning Wehn, the self styled 'German Comedy Ambassador in London', Henning is a regular guest on  British TV comedy shows such as QI, 8 Out of 10 Cats and 10 O'Clock Live in May 2013. He is also a recurring panellist on both the BBC Radio 5 Live comedy sports show Fighting Talk and on the BBC Radio 4 panel game The Unbelievable Truth.

He has also appeared on the BBC's Room 101, and Would I Lie to You?, on which he revealed that he spent three weeks on the Interpol missing persons list, having travelled to Morocco with a man he met on a train in Spain. *See Henning on Edinburgh & Beyond click here.

Time Out wrote: "His beautifully crafted diatribes are delivered with a passion that seems all too real and his material covers topics from football to the price of second-hand shoes, what the Germans think of our beloved 'Allo 'Allo series, to why humour is overrated and stand-up comedy pointless."

He is a funny man, and tickets will sell out fast, so why not get yours now?

For Broad-minded Adults Only | Bar Open on Night as well as a Tea Bar

Tickets: £15 incl. a Slice of Cake made by Nicola at Yum | Available from Community Centre Box Office or from Online Ticket Office. click here 


Tickets on Sale Now: £15 incl. a Slice of Cake made by Nicola at Yum  - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.

Please Note: Shappi Khorsandi is now coming on Saturday 26th April 2014.

10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Thursday 27 February 2014

James Martin gets Naked!

Local artisan jam maker, Jen Williams of award wining Naked Jam, appeared on the James Martin Home Comforts BBC TV programme on Wednesday 26th February 2014.

Jen featured an episode called 'Jam meets pastry' in which she is shown foraging for her fruity ingredients, making jam in her kitchen, and then alongside James Martin cooking up a scrumptious strawberry frangipane tart with vanilla pod custard. A natural new TV cooking star is born!

You can also meet Jen during Milford on Sea Food Week, where she will be doing a free demonstration called 'Learn about making Naked Jam'. Jen prides herself on making jams and conserves that bring together a true understanding of flavour and quality.

The free Naked Jam demonstration is on Saturday 12th April at 3pm to 3.30pm in the Cookery Theatre at the Community Centre. Her range of jams and preserves will also be on sale throughout the day. As a Food Week Free Event, just come along!

In 2013 Jen won 3 Brilliance in Business Awards for her jams and conserves, and the jars grace the tables of excellent hotels such as The Pig, Chewton Glen and Terra Vina.

Watch Jen on James Martin Home Comforts: click here (Jen is on about halfway through the programme.)

Naked Jam

Milford on Sea Food Week

Monday 24 February 2014

A Big Hand for the Council

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After the destruction of the Valentine's Night Storm the New Forest District Council were quick on the scene.

During the storm, the emergency services did a great job in rescuing the stranded diners from The Marine on Milford on Sea seafront, they also ensured no one could get close to the danger areas, as the sea wreaked havoc in destroying beach huts, cars and seafront shelter.

The next morning the council teams and army set about an immediate clean up, at the same time the village was inundated with crowds of people coming to see the carnage. At times the village centre was close to gridlock and the seafront awash with cars unable to pass due to parked vehicles. Hopefully, all these people spent some money in the local shops, and will be back for Food Week!

The drama at The Marine was not only the main story on national TV news, but also made the TV news in France and as far afield as Australia.

A big thank you goes to New Forest District Council, Army, Coastguard, and every one else who has helped. I am sure all Milford on Sea residents are grateful for the help our village has received.

Mr Pink's Help Out

A little story has reached us on the grapevine. Having finished service and cleaned everything down for the day, some peckish emergency service workers arrived after closing time at Mr Pink's Fish & Chip Shop in Church Hill, Milford on Sea. To ensure they did not go hungry, Steve fired up the frier's and provided some of his very tasty wares. Nice one Steve!

The Brownies Pitch In

To help up with the clear up, the Milford Brownies served refreshments, including home-made cake, to the NFDC workers who were doing a great job cleaning up the seafront on the Sunday following the big storm.

To read the full story of the Valentine's Night Storm please click here.