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20 March 2014

A Bit of Nordic Walking

After my disappointment with being rejected from the Middle Eastern Belly Dancing and the spiritual Tibetan Bowls classes I was considering taking up something more mainstream, like bridge or stamp collecting.

However, my wife spotted that their were opportunities to go Nordic Walking. I had assumed that she thought this was good idea for my health, but it turned out she liked the idea of me walking in Norway, or any foreign country in fact, - as she put it, "the further away the better."

I decided to have a chat with the Nordic Walking organiser, Jane, and I was particularly interested in which food and watering hole they stopped at.

It transpires that the purpose of the walk is not to end up eating and drinking. It is in fact a secret to better health and form of activity that lots of people enjoy. Indeed, I learnt that Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking and makes something we can all do, twice as effective.

As Jane explains: "Many of us in earlier times played lots of sport at varying levels and now find exercise classes too demanding on joints or a little claustrophobic perhaps. However there is a form of exercise people can do - at all levels - which can improve your stamina and fitness, as well discovering a stimulating form of exercise which is different each time and rewards you with a happier state of mind.

Living where we do in the beautiful surrounds of The New Forest and on the edge of The Solent Way, I am dedicated and determined to show people a different way to exercise and importantly, feel better. I am also an experienced and qualified Nordic Walking instructor, insured to undertake group and personal one-to-one techniques, aimed at working the whole. 

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique, not merely walking with poles such as trekking or rambling. The poles are specific to the exercise and planted behind your bodyline, in order to propel you along and therefore automatically fully engage the upper body - as well as your feet and legs naturally. It is suitable for everyone's individual capabilities and lessens exercises the impact on joints. It is particularly good for spinal posture and the back, shoulders and upper neck. For weight watchers, Nordic Walking burns 20-40% more calories than ordinary walking, and the very fact you are out in the fresh air and  able to feast your eye on the ever-changing landscapes is energizing in itself."

Well there you have it. Apparently people do walk for fun, and people using sticks to walk are not just simply holding themselves up. 

If you fancy joining in, and want to take the opportunity of Jane and her team’s back-up, encouragement and careful eye, just get in touch with her.

Nordic Walking
Jane Monks
Tel: 01590 610089 - 07752 946000

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