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Showing posts with label News and Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News and Humour. Show all posts

26 November 2024

Our Village Crest Explained... (Sort of!)

Do you know what the images represent on the Milford on Sea Village Crest?

Well, the article below was published in July 2014 and we thought you might like to see it again:

No doubt someone knowledgeable from the Milford on Sea Historical Society can enlighten us, and perhaps even throw light on the crest's origin.

When faced with a question like this is, my approach is to make up the most inappropriate answer, and then wait for a grown up to provide the real facts.

So, here goes:

The Milford on Sea Crest contains two men standing on a set of scales representing how people in the village are quite good at balancing. 

The first man holds a scythe representing a rice worker from the paddy fields around Sturt Pont, the second man is a tall boy scout, his wellington boots and fishing net in hand illustrate how they used to wade into the sea to catch octopus with a stick and bag. Both men following the village tradition of wearing trousers a size too large, hence the need for both a belt and braces.

In the most recent coloured version of the village crest, the man on the right has lost the bag in his hand. I can only assume that he dropped the bag on the way to his octopus hunting.

The crest itself is headed by a Keyhaven longboat, reminding us of our shipbuilding heritage, and of the time when our forefathers set sail to conqueror the Isle of Wight. 

The Crown provides a memory of a former name of the village pub, now known as The Smugglers Inn, and finally the red rose of Lancashire represents all of those who have settled in the village from the North of England.

Interestingly, the text on both crests clearly say 'Milford-on-Sea'. The debate on the village name was enthusiastically and pointlessly researched as to whether the use of hyphens is correct some time ago and recently. The research came up with an inconclusive answer, much in the tradition of this news site.

If you can be bothered to read the ridiculous 'Hyphen research', please click here.

Over the years, the village crest
has appeared on some strange souvenir items.
It is possible, indeed almost certain, that all of these observations are nonsense, so if you can throw any light on any inaccuracies, please get in touch.

Following publishing the article above, regarding the Milford on Sea Village Crest, we had an interesting reply from Bob Braid of the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society back in 2014:

Bob, who is blighted with a similar sense of humour to my own, speculated with a wry smile; "The bloke on the left actually has a pickaxe & represents the men who dug the network of smugglers tunnels around the village. The ship is a poor representation of a Viking long ship and refers to the great battle between the Saxons and Danes when the stream ran red with blood and from which Danestream gets its name. The crown refers to Charles 1 imprisonment at Hurst Castle on passage to his trial and execution in London. The flower is not a rose, but the elusive Milford Pimpernel, also known as Paddy's Pride, which used to grow on the cliffs, hence Paddy's Gap." Mixing a few facts with some myths is a great way to create history!

Fortunately, he also has a more factual story. Bob explained that the Milford on Sea Village Crest first appeared on souvenir china in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During those times, souvenir china was all the rage and it is extremely collectable today.

Bob said; "The first pieces were sold in Mrs Christie's shop and then soon taken up by other village shops. (Christie's was firstly located opposite where Verveine now is, and later where New Seasons Florists are and next to the old Post Office.)

click image to see more village souvenirs

Bob continued; "As far as we know, and we are willing to be convinced otherwise, you could select your design from elements in a pattern book and we think the crest was selected by Telford Stone, the printer and stationer in the village."

Interestingly, the Truro coat of arms has a remarkable resemblance to our own, which makes this explanation all the more likely.

Update from Bob Braid: "I now have considerable doubt that the design originated with Telford Stone. He married Mrs Christie's daughter in 1918 when he was 28 & she 21. Mrs Christie & her daughter came to Milford somewhere between the 1901 & 1911 censuses (or censi to be pedantic). Mrs Christie's husband died in January 1906 in Milford on Sea.

If the china was first available in her shop, it's probably more likely it was she that chose the original design; it depends on the date of the earliest available pieces (and if it was sold anywhere else before her shop) and I'm no expert. As always, more questions than answers!"

So there you go... the Milford on Sea Crest is as much a mystery as when we first started this article!

10 April 2024

April Fool's Day through the years

Last week's April Fool article, 'Summer Season Spa Installed on the Village Green' had a massive response, with over 23,000 views on the Milford on Sea News website last week.

There were also several hundred likes on the Facebook posts, along with many happy comments from people that the spoof story tickled. I particularly enjoyed the person who went down to the village green to check if the Spa was there!

If you would like to revisit some of our old April Fool's Day articles, please just click on the titles below:

If you have too much time on your hands... there are even more ridiculous articles to be found by clicking here.

01 April 2024

Summer Season Spa Installed on the Village Green

Around 6am this morning, early risers visiting the village centre will have spotted a large prefabricated building being hoisted from a transporter lorry and a team firmly installing it on the top of Milford on Sea village green.

Initially it was thought that this might be connected to the Psychic Fair due to take place this Saturday. 

However, when approached, the event organisers said it had nothing to do with them, and they didn't even see it coming.

It turns out, and apparently without local residents realising, planning permission had been approved by New Forest District Council in early February to install a temporary Spa & Relaxation Centre at the top of Milford on Sea Village Green. 

The planning permission runs until the end of the Summer season in June.

The spa opens at 10am today, and will be open to all offering a range of beauty therapy, facial treatments, dietary advice, Swedish massage, as well as having a jacuzzi, a plunge pool and mud bath.

Amazingly, the normal planning restrictions were avoided on the basis that this is only to be a temporary structure.

Bob D'Bilda, managing director of Dreams on Wheels, the operators of what will be known as 'The Pleasure Pod' said; "We are delighted to be able to enhance the village green and bring some sunshine to a drab place".

One of the professional beauty therapists, Gloria Blusher said that she is looking forward to some of the challenges she will face.

Some other members of the 'The Pleasure Pod' Spa Team looking forward to meeting you will be; dietician Emma Royds, jacuzzi manager Lottie Bubbles, and the masseuse team of Ivor Bentitt and Dr Dan Tickles.

Anyone concerned about the temporary spa and wishing to express their objections, anger, or apoplectic rage can contact Mr I. Gottu by emailing his secretary on: avu.got-ityet@nfdc.com.


PS: Saturday's Psychic Fair has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. 

You would have thought that they would have seen that coming?!

16 August 2023

Random Wall beside The Lazy Lion

As you wander around the shops, I wonder if you have ever noticed the 'Mystery Random Wall' in the village centre?

No ideas what I am taking about? (Now you know how my wife feels on a daily basis.)

The Mystery
Lazy Lion /
Red Lion Wall
Well, some years ago, coming out of what was The Red Lion, I turned right, and walked smack bang into a brick wall. 

Picking up my dazed head & broken body, I could hear my wife's concern as she said; "Only an idiot like you could not see a wall coming". "It's OK love, nothing's broken, I'll be fine." I replied sarcastically, and then managed to get out of the way just as her handbag whizzed past my head.

I thought I must have walked into a building by mistake. ...But, I hadn't, I had walked into a random wall sticking out on to the pavement.

Still smarting, I took a mature approach and made useless statements like; 'Who put that there then", "What a stupid place to put a wall" and "If I had seen it, I could have used my SAS training and vaulted over it". 

I kid you not, I suspect you will have walked past this 'Mystery Random Wall' in the village many times, and not even realised it was even there.

On closer inspection the wall obviously has no structural purpose, it is definitely not holding anything up. (Apart from me, the split second after I walked into it.)

One side of the remaining random wall is rendered, whilst the the other is plain brick, ...how weird.

So, why is it there?

Well, your intrepid reporter decided to don his deerstalker hat, and disguise our dog as a bloodhound, in order to resolve the mystery. 

However, ...small problem, I couldn't find the deerstalker, (probably because I never had one), and our dog just looked at me with doleful eyes as I fitted her with a brandy barrel around her neck. She had realised, much sooner than I had, that it is the St. Bernard rescue dog that has the brandy, not Sherlock Holmes. Plan A was not working, so I gave up.

Plan B was to forget dressing up to go out investigating, instead, I grabbed a whisky and settled down at the keyboard for some desk research.

After a few painstaking hours, and a few pleasurable refills, I sort of cracked it. When saying 'cracked it', I actually mean I have made up what I think may be the most logical answer.

Mystery Wall remains
of shop front?
The early 1900's picture to the left appears to show a shop front, where now only part of the 'Mystery Wall' remains. 

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society identified the shop as Mrs Rickman’s Tea Rooms / Dolly’s Sweet Shop, and the picture shows Mrs George Rickman & her son Arthur. 

Today it is a high street cottage, with the shop front replaced by a bow window.

So, it appears that when the shop front was removed, someone decided to just leave part of the wall standing lonely and proud on its own.

This might also explain why one side of the remaining wall is rendered, whilst the the other is plain brick. As, the plain brick may be the original inside wall of the shop front.

It might have been left in situ to stop people blindly walking and then falling down The Lazy Lion's cellar hatch, which is about two metres away. Not much of an explanation I know, but best I could come up with.

I suspect it will only be a matter of time before someone corrects me with needless facts. (Then again, when have facts made a story interesting?!)  As Mark Twain said to me when we were at school together: "Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story."

Lazy Lion - Red Lion
Landlords through the years


About The Lazy Lion

A popular village pub serving quality food for breakfast, lunch, and evening meals and situated in an historic Grade II Listed former eighteenth century inn with stables.

The pub is dog friendly, and they run regular events such as Quiz Nights & Dinner Evenings. They also hold a Pie & Pudding Night every Wednesday with a changing menu of tasty homemade pies.

Garden: The pub has a large garden with outside seating, a gazebo, and children's play area.

Private Dining Area: should you wish to enjoy a meal with family or friends (Up to 20 people) a private dining area is available.

B&B Rooms: If you have guests who wish to stay over, there are four comfortable double Bed & Breakfast Rooms. Each have modern facilities such as free Wi-Fi, en-suite bathrooms, tea and coffee facilities, and of course optional lunch and evening dining on hand.

The Lazy Lion was formerly known as The Red Lion until being renamed after a major refurbishment in July 2019 by current landlord Iain Robertson.

To read the history of the pub and building with contributions from the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society, please click here.

24 November 2022

Christmas Carol Night 2009 Remembered

Looking back to 2009...
The Christmas Carol Night is one of those special evenings in Milford on Sea. Over many years the evening has created many memories for people of all ages in the village.

My wife and I have always enjoyed the Carol Night (particularly eating too much of the tasty food around the village!) Before we all enjoy the Carols & Christmas Light turn on for this year you might like to read about our visit in 2009. 

Not everything went to plan, and there are names and places that may evoke some memories for you.

To read the article from 2009, please click here.

05 May 2021

Change your plans for next Tuesday

So, there we were, looking forward to a Bank Holiday off work and a chance to enjoy the seafront and the stunning surroundings.

Well, that plan didn't work..., Global Warming deserted us and the weather turned like the north pole on a really bad day for the Inuits, and walking the dog was like trying to fly a kite in a wind tunnel stuck on overdrive.

Monday written off, we looked for a way to cheer ourselves up. The answer of course was to go out for a drink and have a takeaway.

The first objective was achieved when we sat on a bench on the village green opposite The Cave with a perfectly served pint for me, a half for my wife and our dog deciding to relax in the late afternoon fine weather. Perfect! Does life get better than this?

Yep, sometimes it does... As booked, our takeaway from La Perle arrived at our door on time and with a smile. Fish Finger Burger & Chips (They must have been triple cooked!), Cod & Chips with homemade tartare sauce, and a totally hedonistic side of Southern Fried Chicken Strips with garlic mayonnaise, all of which were awesome. There was never any doubt that Sam is an excellent chef, but boy, this proved it again. Doing what appears to be simple things brilliantly is a masterful skill.

So, whatever you plans are for next Tuesday, change them, and order you takeaway for next week by clicking here!

click image to lick food picture!

If you fancy eating at La Perle, and who doesn't? - Click here to see all menus

PS: This Saturday they have a special menu showcasing The New Forest Marque and local produce.

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643557

22 December 2020

Carols on the Green 2009 Remembered

Sadly, Milford on Sea Carols on the Green could not take place this year, but I have come across an old article from Carols on the Green in 2009. 

These were strange times when people could actually meet up in large crowds and enjoy each others company!

Hopefully the story will evoke some memories and even provide a smile or two.

Here is the old article from 2009:

Not a great start to the day in Milford on Sea, torrential rain in the morning, followed by an afternoon of horizontal stair rods. Thankfully, the evening changed miraculously to a dry crisp winters night. So, around 6pm we set off for the Village Christmas Fayre & Carol Singing Concert. As we approached the village centre we could already hear the sound of merriment, with Christmas music & lively voices. To start our evening we made our way to Monk Fishmongers, soon to discover that they had a new name, ‘Verveine’, on the front window (Verveine is of course a citrus herb. Yes, OK, Stacey had to tell me what it meant!). The new name is part of the rebranding for the new restaurant which is due to open early next year. As soon as we went in we were offered mussels by Dave, followed by a taste of a chocolate & fig compote, which was excellent. Next we popped into Inger-Lise’s & were forced to try some traditional Norwegian biscuits, of course we did not refuse. 

Things were going well, so onto the opening night of the Landfall Gallery. Now we know the new art gallery contained mince pies, but the thronging crowd inside prevented us reaching Sally’s generous offering. I suppose I have to be honest at this point, & explain that when I say ‘we’ in respect of food, my wife is normally a spectator as her body is a temple, mines more of a waste bin. I nobly tasted everything on behalf of us both. (I know, she is so lucky to have someone so caring.) Now off to the centre of the High Street, on the way admiring the Christmas decorations in DJ Gregory’s Butchers & the impressive nativity scenes created in Ellis’s Hairdressers window. Feeling peckish we (I) spotted that Dave Gates was providing Hog Roast Baps & Sausages in Rolls for a charity donation. It just seemed my duty to help the charity. My wife opted for a bag of chips, & of course I would do anything to keep her happy, whatever the expense.

As we wandered with food in hand towards the now thronging High Street, I helped out by testing her chips, & I can confirm that Mr Pink’s had done a good job. ‘Um, those chips have made me really full up’(?!!) my wife exclaimed, just before bumping into someone she knew. I picked her startled friend up & they started chatting. Whilst I pretended to be interested in their conversation, (you know what I mean guys), I concocted a plan to get myself another Sausage in a Roll. Without a moment’s hesitation, I checked they weren’t looking & then made a quick turn, rushed up Church Hill, and I was back near Dave Gates Butchers Shop. However, I then thought it might appear strange to be back so soon for another one. So, I put on my glasses to act as an effective disguise. As I reached the front of the queue I spotted Dave now had a turkey on his head! I soon worked out that it was actually a turkey shaped hat & not a real one, but I was now perplexed as to whether not only had he seen through my clever disguise, but also whether he thought his disguise would make me think he had a twin brother? I am not sure how a simple evening becomes so complex, but for us it is normal. A second sausage in roll was soon devoured, so I now had to get back without being missed. Luckily, I am good at plans. 

So, I went to the cake stall outside of Boots. A moment later I was the proud owner of two slices of millionaire shortbread & a cup cake. To give me energy for the journey to rejoin my wife outside of Piccolo Mondo I ate the cup cake. Her conversation over, I rejoined my wife & explained how a large surge in the crowd has involuntarily dragged me off & I had laid unconscious for several minutes before being taken to the St. Johns Ambulance tent, where they revived me. To make the story more convincing, I then explained how on the way back, I had fought the pain to buy her two slices of her favourite millionaires shortbread. In her usual caring way she playfully hit me really hard around my head, clearly stating that there was no St. Johns Ambulance tent (whoops, should have checked), that I still had tomato sauce on my chin, and that millionaires shortbread was a favourite of mine, not hers.

To make peace, I offered to show her a penguin, Father Christmas & an elf. How could any girl resist. So, our next destination was Ashton Estate Agents with Santa’s Grotto. I thought it might be best not to stop for a crepe at Christina’s Bon Appetite, or at the mulled wine stall at this stage. At Ashtons, Sarah & Isobel were dressed as Santa’s little helpers & the elf looked very similar to Nick, the guy from the Co-op. For some reason there was an under 50 age limit for sitting on Santa’s knee, so I couldn’t have a go, so we left. Outside I was attacked by the penguin, & all I could hear was Lesley for Sullivan Mitchells muttering something intelligible from inside her fur costume. The Village Coffee Shop stood aglow across the road with its colourful Christmas display and the Red Lion seemed welcoming, full of happy diners & even happier drinkers. "Shall we...?" "No we won’t, the carols are starting now", my wife explained with grace & a punch in my rib cage. Wasn’t thirsty anyway, I said to her, carefully just out of earshot.

The Lymington Town Band then fired up against the backdrop of the giant lighted Christmas tree on the green, we (I) quickly grabbed a bag of roasted chestnuts from the barbeque manned by Rob from the Bay Trees. We then bought our carol song sheet from a man in a funny Christmas hat. Moments later we were in a happy crowd humming & miming. Unfortunately, so was everyone else, so the first carol just had a mumbled accompaniment to the band. Not for long though. As the carols progressed, the significant crowd found its voice & soon everyone was joining in without a care in the world. My wife was even impressed that I knew the third verse to ‘O come all ye faithful’ without the song sheet. It is nice to be her hero sometimes. The atmosphere was genuinely delightful, & to feel the community spirit was special. 

At the close of the carols Reverend Eric Parker was presented with a memento for his retirement by the organising committee. Eric has led the Carol Singing for the past nine years. To round off the evening Father Christmas arrived on his sleigh, (from the North Pole apparently, which I understand is connected to Lymington Rotary Club), he was soon swamped with local children as he handed out sweets to eager hands. Now, I am not one for all of the hysteria around Christmas time, but to see delight on children’s faces genuinely made our night. A big round of thanks goes to Ray Sales & his team of little helpers at the Village Community Committee, plus all of the local shopkeepers, who did a great job for us all. Thanks everybody!

To view the evenings photo album, please click here.

Happy Christmas everyone!

click image to view album

06 June 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.32

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Fishy changes at Monks click here to read.

A lunchtime surprise at Zaika click here to read.

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04 June 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.31

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Danestream or Danes Stream, who knows? click here to read.

Danes ‘Stream' or 'River’? click here to read.

More coming next time.

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03 June 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.30

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

French for a day click here to read.

A Lymington taste of France click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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30 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.29

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

A Milford Bloke Trapped in Guildford click here to read.

Clowning at the Carnival - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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27 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.28

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Mole Men Claim more territory - click here to read.

Mole Men invade Village Green - click here to read.

Mole Men head for Whitby Road - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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26 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.27

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Another Live Bomb on Hurst Spit click here to read.

It's snowing again! click here to read.

More coming next time.

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25 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.26

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Sea Plane visits Westover Island click here to read.

Construction starts on Westover Island click here to read.

Local’s stake a claim to ‘Westover Island’- click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Go to the search box above on this website
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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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23 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.25

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Milford: A Dangerous Place to Live! - click here to read.

Don't park on wall - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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20 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.24

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

The Milford Beach Sign mystery - click here to read.

Have you seen any nude sunbathers recently? - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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16 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.23

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

The joy of Christmas presents click here to read.

Doctors advice - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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13 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.22

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Milford in Island Bridge approved click here to read.

New Railway at Milford - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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10 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.21

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Mole Men send report click here to read.

Mole Men scare in village - click here to read.

The Food Week Rap - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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07 May 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.20

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Alf cops it! click here to read.

Websites drive me mad! - click here to read.

More coming next time.

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  • Go to the search box above on this website
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  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
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