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31 March 2021

Controversial Floating Pier approved at Milford on Sea

A recent New Forest Council Meeting descended into chaos after a controversial floating pier was approved for Milford on Sea. Objections were raised at the meeting, but the NFDC Planning Committee overruled the objections and granted permission for construction of the pier this summer.

A key objection stated that the pier would ‘damage the unique character of Milford on Sea’. But it was counter-argued that the pier would ‘increase tourism to the village, provide a landing stage for boats and allow people an opportunity to get closer to sea-life’. 

click image to view video

The pier will be located opposite the Needles Eye Café with construction work due to commence on the 2nd June for completion within four weeks.  

The innovative pier design is multi-functional providing a walkway to a jetty on calm days, the jetty also provides seating and a landing stage for small boats who wish to visit Milford on Sea. On days when the sea has a swell it provides a fun ‘moving walkway’ for the more adventurous. The design is based on an existing floating pier at Maliah Beach Club which can be seen by clicking here.

Angry local resident, Arty Fischel was appalled and said; ‘Anything new in the village should be for everybody, and how do they expect people with walking frames to use this monstrosity?’.

Never slow to see an opportunity, local entrepreneur, Joe King has stated that he intends to make an application to provide scuba diving classes and banana boat rides from the jetty from early summer.

The designer of the Floating Pier, Mr Ubin Hadd commented; ‘Just imagine…, the sun shining, the warm sea breeze in your hair, and the waves lapping over your feet. You’re going to love it!”

Local residents are expected to lodge an appeal in the coming days. If you have a view that you would like to express, please contact: April Day, NFDC Planning Officer, Lyndhurst, Hampshire on aprilday@nfdcplanning.jo.ke

To see a video of the Floating Pier design in action; please click here

*Editor’s Note: If you plan to object, please share this story with your friends in Milford on Sea. We must stand united!


  1. Replies
    1. I don't think the plan will survive a pier review.

  2. What happened to the Ferris Wheel, Amusement Arcade-on-the-Green, and Drive-in McDonalds? If we are not careful, visitors will start going to Bournemouth.

  3. Brilliant video, David - hilarious! Great start to April: can't wait to meet Joe and book my banana boat!!! Thank you!

  4. What a brilliant idea - doubtless Boris will want it extended to the Isle of Wight

  5. Well that's cheered us up, thanks 😂😂😂

  6. I shall be objecting as soon as I have had my nimby's for breakfast.

  7. This would be great but will need a local referendum on the colour!

  8. What a corker Dave. I thought we were getting a bridge over to the isle. Ha ha pinch punch.

  9. It sure looks fun, will definitely visit the place when the travel ban is over.

  10. I think these should be everywhere. Just think of the kids having fun let alone the adults and on calmer days even disabled wheelchair users could go on it. What a unique experience that would be for them. Need a few in Cornwall


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