What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




17 March 2014

From Bowls to Belly

Milford on Sea is full of clubs and classes covering just about every interest. Indeed there are over 150 in the village that we know of.

As you may expect, it is the more unusual one's that get my interest, such as The Gift of Sound. Where they have Drumming sessions, Tibetan & Crystal Bowl Soundbaths, and also practice Spiritual Hand Prayers (Mudras).

Run by Lorna, she explained: "If you ever feel you want to express your voice, and cannot, then why don’t you come on and join us in a session of vocal overtoning, we cover things like chanting in your Higher Self name, your Angelic name, the vowels in your Given name. 

Lorna's is a small friendly group who enjoy the Spiritual things in life as well as a bit of fun. The group meets in Milford on Sea each month on a Sunday afternoon and also a Wednesday evening a  month. 

When I asked if the Tibetan bowls ever contain food, I was disappointed to discover they just make sounds. I then asked about the Mudras, but this was not the curry I expected.

Oh well, after discovering my spiritual self is always hungry, I looked for another class that may include food.

It is hard to ignore that a Middle Eastern Belly Dance Class takes place in the Village Hall each week. Milford on Sea is not the normal place for Middle East traditions, but it sounds a lot of fun, as does Angie who runs it.

Dressing up, moving enticingly, and eating Mezze and Turkish delight is right up my street. I was gladdy accepted on the belly front, (although their was some concern that I would need a lot more room than the other dancers), however, the girls in the class were sadly more interested in dancing than eating.

If you fancy joining either of these groups for a bit of relaxation or fun, the contact details are below.

Middle Eastern Belly Dance Class
Angie Hole 
Village Hall, Park Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QU
01590 682407

The Gift of Sound
Lorna Heath 
Village Hall. Park Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QU
01590 642994

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