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24 February 2014

A Big Hand for the Council

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After the destruction of the Valentine's Night Storm the New Forest District Council were quick on the scene.

During the storm, the emergency services did a great job in rescuing the stranded diners from The Marine on Milford on Sea seafront, they also ensured no one could get close to the danger areas, as the sea wreaked havoc in destroying beach huts, cars and seafront shelter.

The next morning the council teams and army set about an immediate clean up, at the same time the village was inundated with crowds of people coming to see the carnage. At times the village centre was close to gridlock and the seafront awash with cars unable to pass due to parked vehicles. Hopefully, all these people spent some money in the local shops, and will be back for Food Week!

The drama at The Marine was not only the main story on national TV news, but also made the TV news in France and as far afield as Australia.

A big thank you goes to New Forest District Council, Army, Coastguard, and every one else who has helped. I am sure all Milford on Sea residents are grateful for the help our village has received.

Mr Pink's Help Out

A little story has reached us on the grapevine. Having finished service and cleaned everything down for the day, some peckish emergency service workers arrived after closing time at Mr Pink's Fish & Chip Shop in Church Hill, Milford on Sea. To ensure they did not go hungry, Steve fired up the frier's and provided some of his very tasty wares. Nice one Steve!

The Brownies Pitch In

To help up with the clear up, the Milford Brownies served refreshments, including home-made cake, to the NFDC workers who were doing a great job cleaning up the seafront on the Sunday following the big storm.

To read the full story of the Valentine's Night Storm please click here.


  1. As well as NFDC and the Army etc. clearing up the area behind the beach huts, mention should also be made of Keith Metcalf, Milford Conservation Volunteers Group and the army of volunteers who cleared up Sturt Pond and the wildlife reserve, removing all the windblown detritus that could have otherwise choked the wildlife (as well as being unsightly).


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