Clubs, Classes & Sports

What's On

Thursday 17 May 2018

The future of Milford War Memorial Hospital

A packed community centre listened attentively to the presentation by the director and deputy director of West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the future of Milford War Memorial Hospital. As part of the League of Hospital Friends’ AGM, the guest speakers were the highlight of the afternoon. 

Director Rachel King reviewed the history of the hospital and then spoke of future planning for it and for services in the wider area. 

The NHS owns the hospital and site though not the medical centre. While recognising the hospital is valued by the community, it is assessed as not fit for modern purpose, and does not comply with current legislation on access, corridors and other matters. A recent survey concluded £700,000 would be needed just to bring it up to an acceptable standard. The hospital is 10% utilised, meaning that the NHS/taxpayers fund the non-productive 90% . 

The CCG was impressed by the community’s strong response to their recent survey and open meetings. Currently, Milford at 31% has nearly twice the national average (17%) of residents aged over 65. The CCG strategy is for local services near home, though Lymington Hospital was a valuable resource, despite difficulties accessing it by public transport. Another problem is the difficulty people experience in affording to live in the district, and this impacts on availability of care support professionals. 

The hospital offers a clinic for leg ulcer care, some optical services, exercise classes, and accommodation for a dialysis service. It could provide short term “step up / step down” facilities - beds for 6 weeks, to relieve the problem of delayed transfer out of acute hospitals. End-of-life-care was another possibility. The pharmacy was much valued, and the return of a phlebotomy service would be welcomed, and also local podiatry. 

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The director envisaged the next steps would be to investigate needs; Hampshire County Council (HCC) was very interested in exploring with the CCG, and maybe Oakhaven, a care home facility on the site. 

There were other options, based on population needs, which would have to be processed in stages, and formal planning processes observed. Schemes would have to be tested for affordability. It was difficult to give a timescale but the CCG undertook to continue working with the community and League of Hospital Friends. 

Deputy director Catherine Bowell then reviewed current initiatives, including “Get Hampshire Walking”; “Time of Our Life” campaign, preparing for a heathy future; the new clinical pharmacist reviewing over 6,000 patients’ medication; the Frailty Support Team, and Dementia care. 

Questions from the floor were then invited. 

There was concern that the hospital building would continue to deteriorate before the 2021 start date for structural work, and there was a sense of disappointment that since 2005 nothing had really happened. It was hoped that there could be a plan of action for the near future, say the next 2-3 years. 

The director confirmed that there was no intention to withdraw present services; the building was being maintained and kept safe, although there would be no major expenditure on it. Keeping the actual fabric of the building would be dependent on the next steps. 

Strong feelings were expressed that there had been a lot of talk about processes but not much hope held out of a “date for first delivery”. The director said that there were several options to consider including working with HCC to develop a care home unit to address local needs. 

There being no other questions, chairman Mrs Julie Badham thanked the CCG for their presentation, and the meeting concluded with light refreshments.

Monday 14 May 2018

Calling All Local Voluntary Organisations

The Milford on Sea Charitable Trust and Community Panel are inviting representatives of all Voluntary Organisations serving Milford, Everton and Keyhaven to join them for a coffee morning on Saturday 16th June between 10am and 12noon in the Community Centre, Sea Road, Milford on Sea. 

MoS Community Panel is a networking group attended by representatives of many local voluntary organisations. They meet once every two months to discuss the needs of residents, particularly those who may be vulnerable, and develop projects to meet those needs. Milford Befrienders is a good example of one of our initiatives. Another is the Seahorses parent and toddler group. 

Members of the Panel recently established a charity to support existing groups, and new projects which benefit people living in the parish of Milford on Sea. 

Active members of voluntary organisations often meet up at the Newcomers’ Supper, which over the years has given an opportunity for us to network. However, we feel we need a more targeted approach for those organisations who depend on volunteers, to get together to discuss how we recruit them, perhaps at a special event. The Panel are planning to launch “Community Information Points” and we would like your input on how best to do this. We do hope you will come along to discuss areas of mutual interest and how we can work together to better fulfil the varied needs of our community.

Please RSVP to Ruth Bufton: 01590 641875 

The Milford on Sea Charitable Trust is a registered charity no 1172750

Thursday 10 May 2018

Phone Box & Family Fun from the Dementia Action Group

Have you been in the old phone box on the village green lately? - It no longer has a phone!

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During May, the Parish Council took over responsibility for the phone box to protect it for the village, and now they have allowed the Milford on Sea Dementia Action Group to fill it with information, as part of the national dementia awareness campaign.

The Milford on Sea Dementia Action Group is run by volunteers and does much valuable work across the village, and they would like to welcome the whole community to their Family Fun Afternoon on Sunday 13th May on the Village Green from 12noon to 4pm. 

Come along for afternoon tea with wonderful homemade cakes, raffle and tombola, arts, craft and plant stalls. For children there will be a toddlers’ play area, pottery, face painting, and baby chicks! 

Highlights of the afternoon will be an open air music class led by Professor Andrew Knights, a performance by the U3A Singing for Fun Group, a Zumba demonstration and a harmonica group. 

The MoS Dementia Action Group work to ensure that Milford is a Dementia Friendly Community. They offer awareness sessions for organisations, businesses, and small groups. However we recognise that people and their families also need support, so the group fundraise to help provide specialist activities, alongside other groups. 

Milford has four village groups: art, music, reminiscence and a monthly activity group, all held in the Community Centre. The Action Group provide the funding for the Reminiscence and Activity Groups, and will eventually take over the Music Group too. All four groups are highly successful. Enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers support each group. 

The Milford on Sea Dementia Action Group are supported by the Parish Council and the Community Centre, and we can all support them by visiting their Family Fun Afternoon on Sunday.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Discover Milford on a Guided Walk

Lymington Town Tours operate a number of interesting walking tours of Lymington and the surrounding area, this includes Milford on Sea and the tours below may be of interest:

Walk The Story of Milford

The old hamlet of Milford was mentioned in the Domesday Book: a few houses around a green and a watermill, having about 50 inhabitants. Nothing changed very much for centuries until the late Victorian age, when it decided to change its image.....

Stroll through the village of Milford-on-Sea and its lovely wooded Pleasure Grounds while your guide relates how the sleepy hamlet of Milford tried to live down its smuggling days and changed its name to try to rival genteel Eastbourne. Hear the story of the string of pearls seven yards long....

NOTE: This walk takes about 1¾ hours and includes some footpaths. The footpath by the Mill Pond and woods would be unsuitable for wheelchairs.

This walk starts on the Village Green and finishes on the cliff top at the Beach House.

7pm: 23rd May 2018 | Other dates available, please click here.

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Walk Milford - Voices from The Grave

So many interesting people are buried in Milford churchyard – far too many to include in our Story of Milford walk! So this walk gives us more time to tell you all about them.

Hear the stories of the Torpedo Man, the Battling Bishop, the Royal Scandal, the Murderous Pearl-Maker, and many more.

We will also look at the memorials inside the church if it is open.

Walk starts at the Lych-gate, All Saints Church, Milford-on-Sea, and explores the church and churchyard.

7pm: 30th May 2018 | Other dates available, please click here.

Please Note: All our guides are volunteers and Lymington Town Tours have no official financial backing, so they do welcome a realistic donation at the end of the walk to cover their running costs.

Lymington Town Tours

Successful Lonely Bouquet Day

The Milford Floral Art Club had a very successful day on Friday 4th May for the Lonely Bouquet Day. 

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In all the group made over 50 small posies, which were firstly arranged into the letters MFAC (Milford Floral Art Club) on the village green before distributing them around the village for people to pick up, take away and enjoy.

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Tuesday 8 May 2018

Will raises funds for Oakhaven Hospice Trust

Over this May Bank Holiday weekend Will Ayling, (Son of Joy Ayling, former owner of Milford Models & Hobbies) completed the Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge 2018

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Over 1,600 adventurers walked, jogged and ran around the Island's stunning 106km coastal path.  

Will was fundraising for Oakhaven Hospice Trust in memory of his father Miles, and he has raised over an impressive £2,500 after originally setting himself a target of £1000.

Now in it's 5th year - the Isle of Wight Challenge raised over £500,000 for the fantastic Charities.

If you would like to increase Will's total you can do so by clicking here.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Milford on Sea is bombed... by the WI

The glorious May Day Bank Holiday weekend saw the creative ladies from Milford on Sea Women's Institute 'Yarn Bomb' the village centre.

The WI are celebrating their 100th Birthday, and at 7am Saturday morning several members crept into the village to create colourful displays to put a smile on everyone's face.

The ladies busily displayed months of extraordinary colourful and often wacky knitting all around the village green. Camilla, Duchess or Cornwall sat with her own plate of cup cakes to watch proceedings from the WI's sponsored bench at the entrance to Sea Road Car Park. Even a tree full of scary spiders did not upset the royal equilibrium!

When the display is dismantled, all items will be washed and reassembled into blankets and gifts for the homeless/women's refuge/other charities - nothing will be wasted.

Nice work ladies, and thanks for bringing even more sunshine to the weekend.

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Thursday 3 May 2018

Milford Community Care Group AGM and Open Day

Chairman Valerie Newell welcomed all to the Community Centre for the 37th Milford Community Care Group AGM on 27th April and delivered her 9th and final report.

Chairman Valerie Newell
She described the Group going from strength to strength and she was happy to be handing over to Veronica Silander. Over the year 27,000 miles had been driven, amounting to over 1,200 trips. Particular mention was due to Brian Clark and Nigel Thomas for drives taking clients to their intensive medical treatments. Three drivers were retiring: Thelma Lusher, Dave Chewins and Tony Harrison. Also Pat Day, Everton representative. All were given gift tokens in appreciation. The Chairman concluded by saying she had really enjoyed her years with the Group, and handed over to the new chairman with all good wishes. 

Treasurer Alan Chapple reported that the finances were in good shape.

Mike Newell, Secretary
Mike Newell, Secretary, made his report. He thanked everyone for their good wishes on his retirement as secretary, a post he had held since 2006. The Group had started with two co-ordinators working from their homes, on call 24-hours, one week on / one week off. Now in 2018 there were 25 co-ordinators and 50 drivers, and the Group has its own office space in the Community Centre for which the Group was most grateful. 

All the committee offered themselves for re-election except chairman and secretary; their replacements being Veronica Silander and Neil Flux respectively. 

Nigel Thomas made a speech thanking Valerie and Mike. He expressed appreciation on behalf of all. In particular, Valerie’s dealing with the occasional difficult situation which she handled with consummate skill and diplomacy, drawing on her years of experience as a senior officer in social services. Mike was a hard-working secretary, whose duties were extensive. He had a fund of expertise, steering the Group through its responsibilities: MCCG was an example of good practice in the county. On behalf of everyone, Nigel offered both Valerie and Mike every good wish, and presented them with certificates of recognition, and gifts of a rose bush and garden vouchers. 

The meeting closed with applause for the retirees, and Valerie then introduced Jill Daniels, who gave an interesting presentation on “The curiosities of Hampshire”.
This started with Hanns Way Eastleigh, home of Benny Hill, and moved on to Wellington’s equestrian statue, now at Aldershot, but originally designed for Wellington Arch, London. Continuing with the military theme, we saw the intricate tapestry of D-Day, housed in Southsea, made with actual fabrics from service uniforms. Moving into the Forest, Minstead churchyard had interesting headstones, including Arthur Conan Doyle’s . 

In Portsmouth they saw shoemaker John Pounds original “Ragged School”, where he took in “waifs and strays” and is credited with founding this valuable movement, set up after he was seriously injured and disabled in a dockyard accident. Staying with things maritime, they were shown Rostron Close, West End, commemorating Captain Rostron of RMS Carpathia, who saved 706 of the Titanic’s passengers. After a detailed tour round the rest of the county, ended with trains – the famous Watercress Line of Alresford, and at Ampfield, birthplace of the Rev Awdry, author of Thomas the Tank Engine books. 

Jill was warmly thanked for her presentation, and the afternoon ended with light refreshments. 

To request transport to medical appointments, or to join Milford Community Care Group  as a volunteer, please phone 01590 641700.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

20th Anniversary for Milford Gardeners' Club

Milford Gardeners' Club celebrated its 20th anniversary last year and now in its 3rd decade is as active as it has ever been. 

Sue Crabb, a long established member and since 2006 committee member, took over from Jen Spenser as Chair at the February AGM. 

Jenny who began the Club in 1997 with Jan England and had led the Club for 17 of these years is now intending a move to Hordle and to have some free time to garden and travel. 

Sue who lives in the village, will be a new and welcome face to take the Club forward. 

There is an interesting programme for year, meeting at 7pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. In May there is a demo and talk about the perfume of plants and their essential oils, given by John Baker (of Hosta fame) & his scientist wife. In June we will be hearing about the Roses of Mottisfont Abbey Gardens. 

The first event for the Club though is the annual Plant Fair on Saturday 19 May held on the Village Green. It starts at 8.30am to 1.30pm and should mostly be over before the Royal Wedding! Refreshments will be served by the Girl Guides and the proceeds of the day will go to local charities - Oakhaven Hospice and Milford Conservation Volunteers.

Milford Gardeners' Club

Thursday 26 April 2018

Free Tea for readers at Apple Court Gardens

Apple Court Gardens in nearby Hordle are re-opening a whole month earlier on Monday 2nd May 2018, and they will be open 5 days a week instead of 4. (Wednesday to Sunday - 10am to 4pm).

They also have two open days with the NGS this year and are once again part of the Gardeners World 2 for 1 scheme. The nursery area will be larger this year, stocking more unusual varieties of plants at competitive prices.

Apple Court Gardens are offering all enjoy MoS News Bulletin readers a free tea or coffee if you mention you read these pages when visiting!  

The nationally acclaimed Hampshire garden reopened in 2017 after 4 year closure and has gained fantastic feedback from locals and holidaymakers alike. 

It is great that we now have another lovely place to visit right on our doorstep.

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Featured in various international magazines, and Alan Titmarsh’s “Love Your Garden” on ITV, the garden is packed with unusual flowers, shrubs and trees from around the world. Visitors can enjoy an authentic Japanese Garden, a circular White Garden, sub tropical planting and famous collections of hostas and daylilies. 

Originally designed by renowned horticulturists, Emma and Gavin are gradually improving each area and planting new species.
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Tea, coffee and cakes are available to take to the lovely summer house or terrace.

Open 5 days a week, Wednesday to Sunday - 10am to 4pm. 

Visitors can also buy plants, many of which feature in the garden. Free entry to the nursery, £5 to the garden itself. 

If you have never visited I can vouch that it is a tranquil place and joy to see. Why not take a trip along to see for yourself.

Apple Court Garden
Hordle Lane, Lymington SO41 0HU
Instagram: @applecourtgarden

Contact Emma Taylor 07971 882317

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Successful Spring Fair for Hospital Friends

Milford’s community helped put a spring in the step of the League of Friends on Saturday last, when over 100 people came to the Community Centre in Sea Road to support the spring fair.

The fair was in aid of the War Memorial Hospital which is facing exciting times with the upcoming annual general meeting (15th May) where special guest speakers will be talking about the new future for the hospital. 

The spring fair raised over £700, which will go towards items needed in the hospital, medical centre, and by the community nurses; for example, a home blood pressure kit, and bariatric Doppler. 

As usual, the brilliant cake stall drew the most support, closely followed by the raffle. The beautiful plants, so generously donated by Double H Nursery, attracted many buyers, and really helped boost the overall money raised. The league is so fortunate to have such strong support in the community, and is especially grateful to local traders who kindly display the publicity posters, and also donate items for the raffle. 

Tombola, gifts, and books also contributed to the overall success; even Name The Bear played its own small part! 

The league is indebted to support from volunteers and from the wider community, and looks forward to welcoming everyone to the community centre at 3pm on Tuesday 15th May for the exciting annual meeting, including presentations by officials from West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group, bringing us up to date on the future of our cherished hospital.

Trip to Lunch at The Walhampton Arms

On the 24th April 2018 a group of older residents from the Everton and Milford on Sea area went on a lunch excursion to The Walhampton Arms. 
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Everyone involved with the trip thoroughly enjoyed the outing and look forward very much to repeating the experience. 

The group wishes to thank Hillyfields Care Home for making their minibus available.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

New Paws at No64 Biscuit House

We have heard from Glenn Harrison at No64 Biscuit House in Milford on Sea High Street...

Glenn said: "We're so dedicated to our brands at No64 (or perhaps just a little crazy!) that the 2 beautiful little kittens we just picked up are called, guess what.............Ester & Erik, after our amazing Danish candle brand!

We were working recently on a joint property styling project with the wonderful New Forest Escapes and the hugely talented interior designer Robyn Hedges happened to mention she had some new born kittens requiring homes. 

We if that isn't like a red rag to a bull I don't know what is! We ended up with not one but two, they are the most beautiful little things though and we'd be very happy to show you on your next visit to No64 Biscuit House."

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Here's a sneak peak at Milford on Sea's very own answer to famous Danish candle makers, Ester & Erik! If you'd like to see the real thing (candles) they're in-store or click here.

No64 Biscuit House
64 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643765

Friday 20 April 2018

Try your hand at Bowls

The magnificently positioned Milford on Sea Bowls Club on the seafront is holding an Open Morning on Wednesday May 2nd from 10.30am to 12.30pm 

Whether ‘new to the sport’ or an established player - you are warmly welcomed to go along, meet the members and try the green. 

The club's coaches will be there to advise you – and you can use the club's bowls and shoes. 

The Club is on the sea front in Hurst Road (SO41 0PY) between the Needles Eye Café and Hurst Road West , Public Car Park. 

For further details contact 07725 715781.

Thursday 19 April 2018

New Website for Floral Art Club

The Milford on Sea Floral Art Club now has a brand new website to enable new residents and/or visitors to find out about the club. The site contains details of meetings and photographs of some of the things the members have been up to. 

You can also find the club on Facebook - click here.

One of the events the club is organising takes place on Friday 4th May which is this year's National Association of Flower Arrangers 'Lonely Bouquet' Day. The members at Milford Floral Art Club will, once again be participating. This is the day on which we make and then distribute small floral posies around the Village for anyone to pick up, take home and enjoy. 

These posies have a label attached to them giving the details of our Club, and requesting the recipient contacts the club to let them know where it ended up. 

Finally, the club have an Open Meeting on Thursday, 14th June. everyone is welcome and you can find more details here:

May Fayre Continues

We have received the good news that the May Fayre at Milford on Sea is still going ahead.

This year the organisation is slightly different as after many years of dedication the Milford on Sea Village Community Committee have handed the reigns of this fantastic event over to Milford on Sea Church of England Primary School Parent Friends Association (or PFA for short).  

The PFA will be keeping to the same format as in previous years with children from Milford on Sea Primary School dancing around the Maypole, entertainment, music and much more. 

May Fayre
Bank Holiday Monday 7th May 2018:

  • 8am: Set-up for the stallholders
  • 10am: May Fayre Open to public
  • 11:45am - 12:15am: Punch and Judy
  • 12:30am - 13:30am: Music to be confirmed
  • 2pm - 2:30pm: May Princess and Maypole Dancing
  • 2:45pm - 3:15pm: Magic Show
  • 4pm: May Fayre closes

It is hoped that all the local community can attend this wonderful event and there is still time to book a stall.

Should anyone want further details then they can contact Sean Reeves or call on 07966 449826. 

New Local Novel from Elisabeth Marrion

A new book has been written and published by local author, Elisabeth Marrion. The new novel is entitled 'The Wight Thing' which is set in Lymington, The Isle of Wight, and features Milford on Sea in several chapters. Local village stores, and restaurants, which include, Jabulani, The Old Smithy, Needles Eye Cafe, The Music Festival, Shorefield are all part of the scenes.

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The story is about eight friends who meet up after the untimely death of Isabelle’s husband. Having never lost sight of each other since their university days and now retired they seize the moment and formulate a plan to search for a place where they could all live together. As they embark on this new journey, secrets begin to emerge.

Christine harbours a longing which she has never acted upon, while Steve dreads his next doctor’s appointment. Isabelle is hiding the biggest truth of all, which, if it comes to life, could have devastating consequences.Is friendship enough to keep them together?

Comment from The Wishing Shelf, which is a readers award: “A wonderfully warm, powerfully-written story populated with memorable characters.”

Now available to purchase at 'Jabulani' and 'The Old Smithy'.

Sunday 15 April 2018

New Bird Observatory – Family Open Mornings

The Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV) who manage the new Bird Observatory at Keyhaven, will open their gates to families every first Saturday in the month from May to September between 10am and Noon. 

Knowledgeable bird enthusiasts from the group will be on hand with spare telescopes and binoculars to point out the various birds to the youngsters visiting the Observatory. The Pans is a wetland nature reserve on private land owned by J & D Edgar Ltd. 

Conservation Officer for the MCV – Keith Metcalf explained that, under the terms of their agreement, ‘We are able to use the building and decking area to watch and record the birds and wildlife using The Pans and Avon Water. The terms of our agreement stipulate that we have to control access. We do this for keen birdwatchers by operating a key-fob purchase system, which enables each key-fob owner to use the facility 365-days a year between the hours of 8am and 8pm’. 

MCV is also arranging with the local Guide and Scout Association leaders for them to bring their ‘packs’ to the Observatory to receive guidance on how the youngsters can best watch, identify and record the numerous wildfowl using the reserve. 

The adjacent farmland is managed by Simeon Morgan Farming under a European Higher-Level Stewardship agreement with Natural England. The reserve is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is designated for its large number of wintering wildfowl, including the dark-bellied Brent Geese of which the Solent holds between 10 and 13% of the world population and 30% of all Brent’s visiting the Solent during the winter. The site also holds many wild duck species, including Shoveler, Gadwall, Teal, Tufted Duck and Shelduck and several wader species such as Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank and Spotted Redshank. 

During the quieter summer months, the site has breeding Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tit, Water Rail, Kingfisher, Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting and Cetti’s Warbler. While nearby, Dartford Warbler and Little Owl also nest and the group also expect that one of these days Bittern will raise their young in the extensive reedbed. 

The Keyhaven coastal area is a mecca for birdwatchers from all over the country and Keith said, ‘Working alongside one of our sponsors, the Cameron Bespolka Trust, we will open the Observatory each month for families to walk in and enjoy the facility. Our MCV bird enthusiasts will be on hand to help parents who wish to encourage their children to become interested in nature. We will help them to identify each bird seen’. 

The MCV is also seeking unwanted second-hand binoculars or telescopes from anyone who no longer has a need for them. Members will arrange collection from anywhere in the New Forest. 

For further information, contact Keith Metcalf at: 

Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV)
Keith Metcalf - Conservation Officer
(01590) 645825 - Mobile (07771) 918449 


From Milford village, turn left at the bottom of the green towards Keyhaven. Pass the Keyhaven War Memorial green on your left and The Gun on your right. Turn left into the NFDC car park. Pay and park and walk towards the track that leads round the northern part of the quay towards the coastal footpath and Iley Lane. After about four hundred metres, you will see the Bird Observatory gate and Welcome sign on your left. 


(10 am to Noon) 

5th May 
2nd June 
7th July 
4th August and 
1st September 2018

Friday 13 April 2018

Marine House has a New Website

Marine House, the luxury B&B on Milford on Sea seafront, now has an new website.

Click here to check it out.

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Marine House | Luxury B&B:
Seafront, Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY
Tel: 01590 644369

Thursday 12 April 2018

School seeks Governor with financial expertise

Do you have a financial background? Do you have 3 or 4 hours each week to help steer Milford on Sea Primary School’s finances? 
The school are are looking for a Governor with financial expertise to expand their resources in this area. The Governing Body is a diverse group, everyone is welcome. Training is available. 

If you are interested please contact Sue Towndrow (Chair of Governors) on:

Science and Faith - Friends or Foes?

Professor Meric Srokosz is based at the University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, part of the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute. He has worked on various aspects of waves – such as wave breaking and measuring waves from space and alongside colleagues on research vessels in the mid-Atlantic, obtaining full-depth data of the ocean environment. He coordinates the Rapid Climate Change programme (RAPID;, looking at how changes in the north Atlantic circulation will affect UK and north-west European climate. He is also a leading member of Christians in Science and has recently published, with theologian Rebecca Watson, the book Blue Planet, Blue God, exploring both the biblical and scientific aspects of the oceans. 

This talk is a unique opportunity for folk, with or without faith, to explore the apparent conflict of scientific thought and Christian Faith in the modern world. Meric will give an illustrated talk on his own personal approach to his faith and his work and open the way for questions from those who seek solutions to reconciling the different approaches to life's big questions. 

The meeting is sponsored by All Saints' Church and the Hope 2018 initiative in the Village.

Monday 9 April 2018

The Go Go Five rock around Milford

An exciting and inspiring band, The Go Go Five was co-founded by local music industry guru, Ivan Chandler.

Ivan is now a resident of Milford on Sea and originates from Windlesham in Surrey. He has worked in the Entertainment Industry for over 30 years having held executive positions at Paramount Pictures, Elton John’s Rocket Music Co. and Motown International. He was also the music consultant for PACT (the UK trade association for independent television, film and content companies). He is also a music supervisor, music licensing executive, music publisher, keyboard player, composer, trainer in music copyright and a forensic musicologist..

As an accomplished keyboard player (having played for Dusty Springfield, Lulu, Cat Stevens and Kiki Dee), some years ago Ivan decided to put a new band together. He envisaged an instrumental group based on Booker T. & the MGs and featuring top guest vocalists. What Ivan knew would be a key and essential part was a guitarist with whom he musically clicked and who could “cut it” on every show.

When Ivan walked into a music shop in Camberley in the Spring of 2002, he met the owner Jonathan MacDonald. They immediately jelled, had a similar sense of humour and coincidentally both had the same musical vision.

It wasn’t long before a drummer and bass player were brought in and, after only one rehearsal, the band was launched at Ivan’s birthday party at his house on Saturday August 17th. It was such a great party that the house caught fire!! It was all so crazy that calling the band The True Mentals was perfect. 

Over a period of 15 years, the band has played at Jagz in Ascot, The Jazz Cafe at the Madejski Stadium, Reading, 4 of the 5 pubs in Windlesham and an annual feature at the famous Jazz Day, first Sunday in September at The Brickmakers. 

In 2009, the band changed its name to Chuck Chandler and the Go Go Five, simplified in 2017 to The Go Go Five, to reflect their explosive mix of ’60s Soul, Jazz, Rock & Blues.

The band prides itself on the calibre of artists who regularly perform. Currently the rhythm section comprises Ed James Jordan on drums and Chris Hampson on bass. Christina Al-Wakil is currently featured as a vocalist who also blows a mean trumpet, flugel horn and flute. The band is also immensely honoured to feature Dunx (James Duncan Byiers), bringing amazing vocals and beautiful guitar playing to the mix. 

The brilliant Saxophonist Sean Horsey often appears on stage, as do the bassists Marco Laver and Steve Mills (not at the same time!). Drummers including Tom Compton (residing in Keyhaven!), Julian Bown and Chris York are regulars and guest vocalists include Jackie Rawe (ex-Shakatak), from New Zealand we have Rietta Austin, from Australia there is Jo Elms, Sylvia Mason (who Jonathan first saw performing at Glastonbury with The Pet Shop Boys), Rose Kimberley, Dorie Jackson, Mandy Bell, Kerry Barnard (Q The Music – James Bond Tribute), David Ribi (star of West End Musicals), Hannah White, Kate Brown (of The Boxettes), Roy Gayle (Hot Gossip and Frank The Cat) and Luddy Samms (of The Drifters). 

The Go Go Five often include a Motown Revue as part of their uplifting, inspiring and truly exciting show…but frankly, anything can happen on the night. 

Next Local Gigs:

Saturday 19th May: Milford On Sea Social Club. 67 High St, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG 
Free Entry for Members / Non-Members £2.00! Arrive for 7.30pm 

Saturday 30th June: The Red Lion, 32 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
Free Entry – Music from 8pm

The Go Go Five or click to find their Facebook page.

Friday 6 April 2018

Community Mini Bus Coordinator Needed

The Milford on Sea Community Mini Bus is up and running thanks to the generosity of Hillyfields and there have been several successful group outings so far, as well as occasional shuttle services to and from Everton Post Office and Nursery. 

Volunteer drivers have been identified and the team now need a volunteer Co-ordinator to pull the whole thing together. 

 It shouldn’t take too much time but just needs an organised person to co-ordinate bookings, drivers, and promote the service. You will need to be able to work with the driver volunteers, other organisations and members of the public, some of whom may require assistance. 

If you think this could be an opportunity you would be interested in, please contact: Tony Harrison on 01590 645404 or for further information on how you can help to promote and keep this this vital community service on the road.

Sue retires from The Village Voice

Sue Hill has handed over the reins of The Village Voice and The Lymington Directory to her neighbour, Jacqui Peacock and is confident it is in safe hands. 

Sue Hill
She would like to thank the many villagers who have sent her good wishes and especially for the lovely comments about The Village Voice. Her favourite so far is, ‘It’s a village treasure.’ 

Sue started both The Village Voice and The Lymington Directory in 2005, moving from a career teaching PE, English and Special Needs. Although, these days, a lot of communities have their own magazines, the idea was fairly new then and there were certainly voices of doom and gloom, warning her that it would never work. Fortunately she had the full support of her family and is happy to report that it worked rather well! 

Jacqui Peacock
Sue was very keen to ensure that advertisers were, as far as possible, local to the area so that it was beneficial both to local businesses, as well as residents. She has particularly enjoyed compiling the community pages and is very grateful to all those who not only volunteer for various groups, but also took the time to send her details of various activities and events.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Hillyfield launch Serendip Home Care

Hillyfield Rest Home based in Milford on Sea have opened a sister company, 'Serendip Home Care'.

Serendip can now provide care for you or your loved ones in their own home.

To find out more, please call them on Please call us on 01590 642121 and ask for Sara.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Jack Mans rows into the Wessex Rowing Squad

Local Milford on Sea rower, Jack Mans has been selected to the Wessex Rowing Squad at the British Inter Regional Regatta (JIRR) at the National Water Sports Centre, Holme Pierrepont Country Park on Saturday 21st April 2018. 

The Regatta is contested between 12 JIRR teams based on the British Rowing Regions & Wales which attracts the "Best of the best” in each region of the country. Jack will row in the J14 x1 Single Scull race over a distance of 1500m. 

click image to enlarge
Jack (14), is a Rowing Sports Scholar at Bournemouth Collegiate School (Christchurch RC) recently winning the J14 Walton on Thames SBH Regatta (3000m) and last year breaking the J13 course record winning the Ball Cup at the Olympic Dorney Lake on Sunday 7th May (750m).

Do you have green fingers?

For more information please contact:

Everton Festival Coming

The Everton Festival once again has a full programme of events to entertain all this summer.

click image to enlarge

To plan the events you want to visit, and to keep an eye on all that is happening, please visit:

Sunday 25 March 2018

Cider Award for the Wash House

The Wast House are very excited to have been awarded second place in Southern Hampshire Cider Pub of the Year by CAMRA.

They always have a great selection of real ciders on tap and bottle so pop down and give them a try.

The Wash House
27 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF