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Sunday 16 June 2024

Celebrate a Summer of Sports with Otter Garden Centres

As England are about to kick off in the Euro's, and many other major summer sporting events are on the way, Otter Garden Centre have let us know about a special range they have launched to make the most of these events in your garden.

The range includes garden furniture sets to refresh your outdoor space, gas or charcoal barbecues to cook up a classic summer BBQ, and even a range of toys and games for fun family competitions. 

Take a look at the range on the link below, or pop in to take a look. Then, sit back and enjoy Euro 2024, Wimbledon, the Olympics, Tour de France, and more.

To see Otter Garden Centre's Summer of Sports Range, please click here.

Otter Garden Centre
Milford Road, Efford, Near MoS, SO41 0JD
01590 678679

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