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25 April 2018

Successful Spring Fair for Hospital Friends

Milford’s community helped put a spring in the step of the League of Friends on Saturday last, when over 100 people came to the Community Centre in Sea Road to support the spring fair.

The fair was in aid of the War Memorial Hospital which is facing exciting times with the upcoming annual general meeting (15th May) where special guest speakers will be talking about the new future for the hospital. 

The spring fair raised over £700, which will go towards items needed in the hospital, medical centre, and by the community nurses; for example, a home blood pressure kit, and bariatric Doppler. 

As usual, the brilliant cake stall drew the most support, closely followed by the raffle. The beautiful plants, so generously donated by Double H Nursery, attracted many buyers, and really helped boost the overall money raised. The league is so fortunate to have such strong support in the community, and is especially grateful to local traders who kindly display the publicity posters, and also donate items for the raffle. 

Tombola, gifts, and books also contributed to the overall success; even Name The Bear played its own small part! 

The league is indebted to support from volunteers and from the wider community, and looks forward to welcoming everyone to the community centre at 3pm on Tuesday 15th May for the exciting annual meeting, including presentations by officials from West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group, bringing us up to date on the future of our cherished hospital.

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