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10 December 2019

Village Christmas gifts with a local touch

Milford on Sea village business, New Forest Hamper Company has won the New Forest Marque Award for Food and Drink in the New Forest Brilliance Business Awards.

The company provide luxury hampers filled with 100% New Forest, Hampshire and Dorset local goodies.

They are able to supply whatever you require within whatever budget, and make it as easy as possible! You can choose from a variety of products including award-winning jams, delicious fudge, mouth-watering chocolate, tasty ales and quaffable wines, luxury pampering goodies, to beautiful gift cards by local artists and lots more!

If you would like to find out more their details are below:

New Forest Hamper Company
Unit 10, Laundry Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0WJ
01590 644513


Whilst writing it is also worth mentioning Vinegar Hill Pottery based in Milford on Sea and offering a unique range of tableware, handmade on the potter’s wheel by Master Potter Dave Rogers. 

All pots are oven proof, dishwasherproof and microwavable, and since the items are highfired stoneware they are very hard wearing.

Dave is happy to take commissions for 2020, and has some stock remaining for Christmas gifts. You can take a look at the range available online by clicking here.

Vinegar Hill Pottery 
Vinegar Hill, Milford On Sea, SO41 0RZ
01590 642979

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Little Egret celebrates 6 years of holidaymakers

Little Egret holiday apartment in the high street has just celebrated 6 years of welcoming guests to Milford on Sea.

Owned and personally managed by local residents, Pam and Pete Hutchings, it has been a very successful and enjoyable venture, each year gaining the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence based on our consistent 5* guest reviews.

Situated in the village centre, with the benefit of guest private parking, it’s a perfect base to visit all the wonderful amenities that Milford offers - independent shops & services, cafes, restaurants, pubs, and not forgetting all that goes on at our village community centre. 

Little Egret is fully equipped to a high standard for an easy self catering holiday, but most of our guests make use of the great local places on offer. 

Pete said: "Our guests say its great to be able to walk to the sea, discover local walks, and enjoy being able to park the car for its own holiday! "
"When we started this venture, we thought we would be pretty busy during the summer months, but in fact its turned out that we are busy welcoming guests all year round – they come for all sorts of reasons – Milford is always a great destination for a holiday of course, or to visit friends and family, or even to have some ‘just me’ time by the sea."

If you have family and friends visiting this area, you can find pictures, information and more on their website: www.littleegretmilfordonsea.co.uk

If you’d like to know more about Little Egret, please just give Pam or Pete a call on 01590 644050 or email: peter_hutchings@hotmail.com

09 December 2019

A local guide for Healthcare needs

The Wistaria and Milford Patient Participation Group (PPG) have asked that we publish the chart below, which has been produced by the Southern Health to inform of the best options for particular health care needs.
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Ellie wins prestigious golf trophy

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Village schoolgirl Ellie Mans (14) has had a great ending to her golfing year by being crowned 'U18 Dorset Player of the Year 2019'. The trophy was presented by British Open Champion - Georgia Hall, MBE

Ellie is the South West U18 Girls Nett Champion, Dorset Girls U18 Nett Champion, Winner of Dorset Summer League Knockout Trophy & Dorset County Ashley Wood Trophy.

She is the Girls Nett & Gross Champion at Ferndown & Brokenhurst Manor Opens and winner of the McCleod Cup and Clive Cargill Trophy.

Ellie at 14, is Dorset’s lowest handicapped girl at 3.7 & she was also the youngest member of the winning Dorset Intercounty Championship Team.

08 December 2019

500th Edition of MoS News Bulletin

Today we publish our 500th Edition of the Milford on Sea News Bulletin.

Having started on 20th May 2008 with our first edition it now means we are entering our twelfth year - and I can honestly say it feels a lot longer!

Our most popular article ever was 'Hurst Bridge Meeting Erupts' ... click here to read. This has been read 12,600 times so far, and bearing in mind our village only has around 5,000 residents it seems to have attracted readers far and wide who obviously have nothing better than do than to read our local nonsense!

The Milford on Sea News Bulletin has contained all sorts of village news over the years, and this article proved popular and also embarrassing for some from New Years Eve in January 2014 on the village green! Click here to read.

Recent years have been so busy which has meant that there has been little time to write ridiculous articles, however if you would like to read some past nonsense: please just click here and scroll through the more ridiculous articles that have been published.

From day one we have always loved our independence, and as we take no revenue from anyone, which means we can say & do exactly what we like!

Milford on Sea News: We are now on No.500 of our weekly News Blog which keeps people informed of village stories. Some are factual, other embellished, and it is known for some others to simply be made up!

To date there have been 1,434,599 page views, and an average of around 19,000 page views per month - and it seems most people choose to come back! www.milfordonseanews.org

Milford on Sea Website: When we decided to create our first village website back in 2008, it was purely as a hobby and to provide some more local information about the village. The site is pretty dated in style nowadays, but it still serves a purpose. To date: www.milfordonsea.org has had over 2 million visitors. We average around 250 visits to the website every day.

Milford on Sea Calendar: This website details anything we hear about that is happening in the village, plus things that may be of interest nearby. The calendar also contains sections of 'Clubs & Classes', and 'Church Services'. www.milfordonseacalendar.org

Connecting the Village: We have around 2,000 local people who regularly receive our e-mail News Bulletins, and we know of some people who don't want it at all! (Milford on Sea's total village population is circa 5,000)

We never really considered that people would enjoy what we built, however it is satisfying to provide a service to the local community which a number of people seem to enjoy.

We are always looking for more village people to join us (That's people who live in the village, not the YMCA pop band!), so if you can spread the word to any friends, family or neighbours who you think would like to get our newsletter, please ask them to complete the form here: www.milfordonsea.org/join-us. We can then ensure all of our community are kept informed of local news, which on some occasions contain actual facts!

Thanks for your support and for as long as you keep reading, I’ll keep writing!

Milford lights up for a Magical Christmas

Tracy Haupt and Diana Brushwood would like to thank everybody who enabled their vision for a Magical Christmas for Milford on Sea to come to fruition. After months of planning and fundraising, they have not only decorated the village green, but also the centre of the village itself. 

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A special mention must go to The South Lawn Hotel, who sponsored all the children’s trees on the green. These are all root ball trees and will be planted in the hotel’s grounds in January. Also to The Milford Floral Art Club who sourced a number of old bicycle wheels and then turned then into the most beautiful Christmas wreaths for both sides of the bridge. The W.I and U3A Craft Groups helped enormously with huge quantities of cones, Vera Burch made all the laminated signs for the trees and The Guides dismantled pallets to create wooden Christmas trees. Milford Pre-School made the hessian bunting, IWYK provided a P.A system and of course recognition has to go to ATECH Electrical who provided all the cabling and installation. 

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There are too many residents to individually name, who stepped forward to help Tracy and Di with an array of tasks, but a mention must go to Sue Crabb; Chairman of Milford Gardening Club who designed the decorations for the bollards alongside the green, a number of W.I ladies who produced Christmas wreaths for the lampposts and Tracy’s husband; Colin, who created all garlands for the canopy poles and benches. Finally, thanks to Simeon and his team from Keyhaven Farm, who erected the main Christmas tree. 

And finally a huge thank you to all the businesses and local residents throughout of the community who gave so generously to the JustGiving Fundraising page and other collection points. The project could never have been delivered, without their support.

Enjoy a Magical Christmas everyone!

Click here to read original articles.

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A Milford Bloke Trapped in Guildford

Skimming through the archive I came across this ridiculous story from December 2010. As this is our 500 edition I thought I would share it again:

As some of you may know I have to return to Guildford every now and then to do some occasional ‘real work’ in my business.

Our house in Surrey is on a hill with nice views of Guildford Cathedral and the South Downs. Normally this is a pleasure, but Wednesday turned out to be slightly different.

The more observant amongst you will have noticed that there has been snow across the country recently, and we had already been genuinely snowed in for two days. No worries though, provisions were high and my wife was unusually calm and friendly. Wednesday morning greeted us with the delightful scene of the crisp white undulating landscape, and with the glistening snowy rooftops of the town a joy to be seen. In an idyllic family scene the dogs were soon frolicking in the eight inch snow, and the laughter of children rang excitedly across the sparkling snow covered streets. That was of course, until my wife ran screaming into my study, shouting something about a pigeon that was stranded in our garden. I think she is under the misguided impression that I am some kind of ‘Bill Oddy’ style wildlife expert or a professor of ornithology at the local bird school. I helpfully said I would ‘see to it in a minute’ (& as you guys know, this is never the right answer from a husband). Apparently the dogs couldn’t return to the garden due the risk that they would eat our uninvited visitor. However conversely, they needed to go into the garden absolutely immediately, or their bladders would increase to the size of a hot air balloon and they may then disappear into the sky on their way to the industrial North. (Little does she know, that when she is out, I leave them for hours on end without a visit to the garden, and neither of them has exploded yet!) As I did not immediately jump to this mammoth crisis, ‘Eskimo Nell’ kitted herself out with arctic clothing & headgear, and made her way out into the drifts of eight inch snow, all without the aid of snow shoes or the back up of an air ambulance. Once her one lady rescue mission reached her patient - it was stone cold dead. I ignored her sobbing, and helped out by passing my little Inuit a black plastic bag. A hot drink or two later, life had returned to as normal as our life can be.

Well, that was before we saw my wife’s car drive past our house. This was only slightly strange. To explain, my wife’s car had gone in for a service a couple of days earlier & the ice and snow on our hill had made it impossible for it to return the day before. It was also impossible for it to return today, but for some reason the garage hadn’t seen the latest weather report in Guildford. As we were discussing how the car had managed to get up the hill at all, we spotted Pat (the man from the garage) taking the (unused) temporary hire car he had left with us off of our drive. We watched slightly bemused as he reversed out, and then just slid almost gracefully from view. For some reason we did not spot him passing our house again to get into my wife’s car just a little way up the hill. The first we saw, was when my wife’s car was being driven towards the drive of our house, - and then past it uncontrollably, straight into the back of the temporary hire car. By the time we had donned our outdoor gear to investigate, our friendly ‘garage man’ has left his hire car, which was now at a right angle across the road. He was determined to complete his mission to deliver my wife’s car to her. Although I think he was soon to wish he hadn’t bothered, especially when he tried to enter the drive again, but this time just slid and wedged the car against the gate post. My wife was not too happy, but I reminded her that quite a few of her car panels hadn’t been damaged at all. Obviously things could not get worse. That was until I decided to help the guy rescue both cars. First we released my wife’s car from the vice like grip of our gate post, discovering in the process that buying a four wheel drive Audi for snowy conditions was actually a waste of money. The best we could do was dump it somewhere near the kerb in the hope no one else fancied taking a chunk out of it. Next, we were off to save the hire car blocking the road. Spade in hand, we dug & pushed to get this little mechanical monster facing the right way. It would be hard to believe that as I went inside to get some gloves, that Pat 'the garage man’ had now managed to lock the keys in the car! A full one & a half hours later the car was released and somehow we had got it to the bottom of the road to let Pat on his way back to wherever he came from.

Thinking the drama was over for the afternoon we settled back down to do some work. So far no cars has made it successfully to the top of our mountainous road. That was until we saw a flash BMW 4x4 stride effortlessly past our house and park further up the hill. The driver then trudged knee deep in the snow past our house, and we gave him a spontaneous round of applause. No sooner had we started clapping, he disappeared without taking a bow. About ten minutes later we saw his BMW 4x4 again. This time he was not in it. The car had simply slid down the hill from its previous parking slot, only stopping when it crunched into the neighbours car opposite. To spectacularly finish the ‘Strictly Come Dancingesque’ manoeuvre, the car then spun gracefully to directly face our house, and conveniently provided a new road block for our cul de sac. My wife had the great idea that ‘I should do something?!’. When I asked what I was supposed to do about the two ton driverless locked car spread across the road? She just said ‘typical, you are useless in a crisis’. Great, all of the sudden the skiing BMW had become my problem, and It wasn’t even our car involved this time!

As we watched various unconnected observers visit the scene of destruction there was still no sign of the car’s driver. About an hour later the bewildered man reappeared, and it will come as no surprise that he was shocked to find his car not quite where he had left. Once again I was sent outside under my wife’s instructions ‘to do something’. As I approached the shocked driver he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry, so I just asked him ‘have you been driving long?’. I have to admit an undisguised snigger when he told me it was actually his wife’s new car. Our neighbours crushed bumper was still caressing the BMW’s back corner as my new mate from Reading tried to examine the damage. Not being able to see clearly he decided he should try and move his car to see the carnage his lovely wife’s car had caused. All was going to plan, that was until his front wheels were facing down the hill. Before he knew it, the car was on an uncontrolled slalom down the steep incline. I could hear his expletive ridden screams & curses as he missed my wife’s car (just), avoided a stranded BMW 7 Series and finally swerved again to miss the Toyota 4x4 towards the bottom of the hill. If it were not for the enormous crash he made as his new 20 inch alloys hit the kerb with an almighty smash, he may well have ended up in a nice couples garden across the other side of the road at the bottom of ours. Shaken and shocked yet again, he struggled back up the hill, falling over only once, saying ‘I didn’t mean to do that!’. As he left to inform the owner of the innocent and distressed vehicle with a smashed front, I wished him well on explaining to his wife what he had done to her new car.

Later that evening my mate Colin e-mailed me to say Milford on Sea had received a 'dusting' of snow, but they were coping! He didn’t mentioned if his car had survived the day undamaged, but I guessed it had. As the evening drew to a close it was a pleasure to retire to bed, even if it did mean sleeping with ‘Scott of the Antarctic’ dressed in two nighties, woollen socks and a bobble hat.

07 December 2019

First Year success for Ray's Italian

Ray’s Italian Kitchen is celebrating its 1st birthday this Friday (6th December) with a children eat free offer and a free glass of fizz for every diner.

Owner, Stacey Crouch, who opened the restaurant in memory of her late father, Ray said: “I couldn’t be happier with how things have gone in our first year. 

“The response from local people has been amazing and I would like to thank everyone for their continuing support.” 

To book call 01590 645300 or email: info@raysitaliankitchen.co.uk

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QF

Hay needed for Christmas Eve Crib Service

All Saints' Church normally get two hay bales for their Christmas Eve Crib Service and their usual source has dried up. 

Can anyone can donate or lend them two hay or straw bales for Christmas Eve? 

The Christmas Eve Crib Service is for families and anyone going is asked to bring children dressed as part of the Crib/Nativity scene. It is a traditional and celebratory service for all to enjoy and it wouldn’t be the same without the hay bales! 

If you can help, please contact:

All Saint's Church Office 
Church Administrators: Mrs Lesley Prince; Mrs Caralyn Kydd-Coutts 
Church Hall, Greenbanks Close, Milford on Sea, SO41 0SQ 
Tel: 01590 644992

Have you any spare wigs?

The Community Centre are preparing for this years pantomime and are looking for some wigs.

It is not clear whether female or male wigs are needed, but hey, a wigs a wig!

If you can help please drop them into Brenda at the Community Centre.

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Milford Art Group enjoy demonstration

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This week Milford Art Group were treated to an inspiring and most entertaining demonstration by Jamel Akib. 

Jamel painted a number of pictures in oils and you can find more photographs from the day on the group’s Facebook page: click here to read

Milford Art Group 2020 Programme and looking ahead to 2021. The art group has a most interesting collection of demonstrations for members to enjoy in 2020 and they are already looking ahead to 2021.

06 December 2019

Milford Hospital League of Friends’ Advent Fair

Well over 160 people came to the Milford Hospital League of Friends’ Advent Fair  held on 30th November in Milford Community Centre, organised by the League of Friends in support of the War Memorial Hospital, the needs of the Medical Centre and of the Community Nurses.

Nearly £1,000 was raised during the morning by the various stalls, all under the giant photo of the Frailty Service Vehicle which the League had supported to the tune of £16,000 by providing the medical equipment in the vehicle.

The raffle and cakes accounted for large takings, while gifts and tombola did very well, supported by the book sales.

Local traders had been very generous – Double H Nursery of New Milton had given beautiful plants, so all those takings were pure profit; and the delicious mince pies as part of the refreshments had been donated discounted by village store Hollands.

The refreshments allowed people to rest and restore themselves after their generous spending sessions, and League chairman Mrs Julie Badham thanked all the community for their attendance and support. It was so important to continue supporting the War Memorial Hospital for the valuable activities that took place in there, serving local needs through the various classes and clinics.

Also, funds raised by the Advent Fair and other League events during the year were ploughed back into the community, when providing items requested by the Medical Centre and Community Nurses.

The League of Friends’ volunteers work energetically to maintain and support local services for local people, and always welcome new members. The membership contact is Jill on 01590 644641.

21 November 2019

Milford Cards & Occasions celebrate first year

Milford Cards & Occasions in Milford on Sea high street are celebrating their 1st year anniversary on the 24th November 2019.

The shop specialises in greeting cards, small gifts, beach items, games and toys with something suitable for every occasion.

Owners, Sinan and Kayleigh Hisim has dropped us a line and said: "We would love the opportunity to thank everyone for welcoming us into the village and we are very grateful to all our customers for their support in the past year."

Milford Cards & Occasions
35 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF

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Nordic Walking in Milford

Nordic Walking Brockenhurst have been operating in the Milford on Sea and surrounding areas for nearly six years now and have established a club which offers members a full body workout combined with a safe, green and extremely sociable environment.

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Members very quickly notice a change in their shape, increased stamina and love the fact that they see parts of the Forest and coastline that they didn't even realise existed! 

The walks cover an area from Brockenhurst, Sway and Lymington along the coast to Milford on Sea, Barton and Christchurch. 

What is Nordic Walking? 

It's an enhancement of ordinary walking - it makes something we learn to do as babies twice as effective! 

Nordic Walking uses poles in order to add two major benefits to walking: 

- The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs 

- The poles help to propel the walker along - this means he/she works harder than usual yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier! 

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique and is not to be confused with trekking or hill walking as the poles are not planted in front of the walker but in a specific way that increases the use of the upper body. It can be done by anybody, anywhere and should be learned correctly if the participant is to get the most out of the activity. 

Benefits include: 
- more calories burned than ordinary walking 
- works the whole body and strengthens the core 
- is easy to learn 
- lessens the impact on joints 
- great for posture (neck, shoulders and backs) 
- embraces the great outdoors! 

Nordic Walking Brockenhurst do regular free taster sessions for anyone who'd like to find out for themselves what it's like - why not go along to Barton on Sea on 4 January at 12.00 to kick start a healthy New Year?!! 

For further information, please contact Suzanne on 07903 772181 or visit the website:

Nordic Walking Brockenhurst 
Suzanne Madden 
07903 772181 - 01590 622787 

20 November 2019

Paid vacancies at Dementia Action Group

The Miford on Sea Dementia Action Group have decided to appoint a Coordinator to support the activities for people affected by Dementia in the local area. They would also like to find someone to offer Admin Support. The two roles could be combined. 

Good organisational and IT skills are required for both roles and local knowledge is desirable. We would like to appoint during December. 

The Coordinator Role requires a background in the social care sector and knowledge of dementia. 

The role has two parts.
  • 1. To co-ordinate, organise and facilitate, in partnership with volunteers, the successful and safe provision of activities provided for people affected by dementia.
  • 2. To signpost people affected by dementia and/or their families/carers to the activities provided and to other opportunities for support and assistance. 
The Admin Role is to support the work of the committee. 

Both posts are hourly paid on a contracted service basis. 

Coordinator: 12 – 15 hours per month. £10.50 per hour 

Admin Support: 10 hours per month, on a flexible basis. £8.50 per hour 

If you are interested, please email Jenny for a job description:

19 November 2019

Armistice Day at Milford on Sea War Memorial Hospital

On the morning of 11 November a group of about 20 gathered around the War Memorial in the foyer of Milford on Sea War Memorial Hospital for a brief ceremony of remembrance, conducted by Canon Ray Hubble, and wreath-laying.

The ceremony takes place every year, however, in view of the current uncertainty about the future of Milford on Sea War Memorial Hospital, it remains unclear how this may continue in years to come.

Milford on Sea War Memorial Hospital was built thanks to generous donations from the local population and was opened on 7th May 1930 by Lady Powell. The hospital still serves as a war memorial to the 267 local men who served in the First World War, including 37 who lost their lives.

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Pictured are: Peter Gibbs, acting Chair, Milford on Sea Royal British Legion,
Gloria Grantham Hill, President, Milford on Sea Royal British Legion Womens’ Section
Col. John De Candole, President, Milford on Sea British Legion
Julia Badham, Chair, Milford on Sea Hospital League of Friends
Chris Hobby, representing Walter Hobby and Peter Wood, who died in World War 1
David Graham, Milford on Sea Branch Standard Bearer
Karen Graham, Milford on Sea Branch Womens’ Section Standard Bearer

Photo: Bob Braid

Violet inspires poppy fundraising

Knitting two Remembrance Poppies, one each for herself and Violet her daughter led to a lot more knitting for Milford on Sea mum Kirsty Long.

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On being told of the significance of the Remembrance Poppy from her mum, Violet had the idea that maybe more Poppies could be made and donations requested for 'The War Men' as she touchingly described them. 

After much knitting, about sixty Poppies were produced, and in addition to advertising them on Facebook and taking orders, the Poppies were also available in Village News in Milford on Sea, where proprietor Mark and his customers are always very supportive of the Poppy Appeal. 

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Purple versions of the poppies, which commemorate the horses and other animals which died in war service were also available. 

Violet's idea has resulted in an extra £176 in donations for this years Poppy Appeal in Milford on Sea, so a big 'well done' and thank you is due to Violet and mum Kirsty. 

Violet is currently learning to knit, in time for next years Poppy Appeal!

12 November 2019

Magical Christmas decorations coming

The 'Making Milford More Magical at Christmas' project is about to see the results of the efforts of Tracy Haupt and Diana Brushwood (plus other volunteers and generous donators).

The new Christmas decorations will be going up in the village on 2.30pm on Sunday 1st December with Xmas wreaths, garlands and arrangements. 

This will be a truly community event with children from Sea Horses Play Group, Milford Explorers, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Pre-School and Primary School, Youth Football Club, Youth Club and Beavers and Cubs who will arrive, to decorate their allocated tree. At dusk all Xmas lights will be switched on!

Do pop along to Milford on Sea village green and see your village being decorated (and if you can, perhaps lend a hand). 

Making Milford More Magical at Christmas - Fundraising

To date 80% (£1,202) of the £1,500 target has been raised on the Just Giving Page by 44 supporters.

Click here to read original article.

The Just Giving fundraising page closes on Sunday 17th November 2019, so if you want to contribute please do it now: Please click here to donate to Village Christmas Decorations.

Tracy and Diana would like to thank everyone for their support.

For more information, or to volunteer to help put up the decorations please contact:
Tracy Haupt - tracyhaupt01@aol.com
Diana Brushwood - dianabrushwood@gmail.com

11 November 2019

Jabulani Gallery to close

Sally Hamilton of Jabulani Gallery in Milford on Sea high street has taken the decision to close her charming village shop to retire and focus on painting.

Sally writes...

Painting by Sally Hamilton
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It is with great sadness that I will be closing the doors on Jabulani gallery and gift shop at Christmas, as the time has come for me to retire and to put my focus on my painting. 

It has been a wonderful seventeen years for me where I have forged great friendships and enjoyed continued support from the villagers and visitors alike. I am particularly grateful to all who have supported my art during this time. I shall open on the odd occasion for private views when I have a body of work for exhibition, and I will always be available to anyone wishing to purchase prints and cards, so do please just knock and I'll be happy to oblige. 

Seventeen years is a long time in business during theses challenging times, but for me, whilst I have faced the usual trials and tribulations that come with running a business, the success of Jabulani has been down to all of you in the village, and I remain incredibly grateful.

Editors Note: Without doubt the closing of Jabulani Gallery will be a loss to the charm of the village. We are pleased to hear that Sally will still be painting as she is a talented artist. Along with many who have the pleasure to know her we wish her all the best in her retirement.

10 November 2019

Men meet at MenMeet

MenMeet is a place when men can meet in Milford on Sea.

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The group is open to all men in the village and the organisation is done by some friendly guys who happen to be from the local churches. The gatherings are of general interest, and you do not have to be a church goer to come and meet more local men.

MenMeet get together on the third 3rd Thursday in the month at 7:30pm (usually in The Beach House) where they can enjoy informal talks in a varied programme.

The next talk is on Thursday 21st November. All men in the village are welcome, so just pop along.

08 November 2019

Christmas Shopping Event at Ray’s

Christmas is starting early at Ray’s Italian Kitchen as it hosts a Christmas shopping event with Stary Eyed, a boutique home and giftware company on Friday 15th November from 11am. 

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Shoppers will be treated to a complimentary glass of fizz whilst they browse a range of goodies, handpicked by the super stylish, Stary Eyed gals, Gemma and Claire. 

Why not stop for a bite of lunch after and try Ray’s Italian Kitchen’s new lighter lunch menu, starting at £5. It is advisable to book a table for what looks like a popular event. 

To book call 01590 645300.

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QF

05 November 2019

Thanks from Glenn at No64 Biscuit House

We have been sent the following piece by Glenn Harrison at No64 Biscuit House:

I’d like to say a few words many suggest are the hardest to say, ‘Thank you’ and ‘sorry’!

Thank you
Glenn - No64
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Thank you for coming to our Christmas Launch last night, it was an absolutely fabulous evening and we really hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Clare & I got up this morning to loads of email messages of thanks, what a lovely way to start our day, we truly didn’t expect such a lovely response, so personal too.

But it isn’t just 2 hours of us taking money from you (which wasn’t the idea at all)…..

So that 2 hours last night actually started almost 3 years ago when we first opened our doors when you, our lovely customers, friends & family started to come in, and I started to build our customer database.

Then there’s the advance planning for the event, seeing if suppliers will contribute to our goody-bags, getting the drinks and food organised, hiring the glasses, organising staff, ordering the Christmas stock and ensuring it arrives mid-October, Clare’s incredible styling, etc.

Clare has to, literally, strip the whole shop and completely re-style it over 3 days, she does this for 14+ hours a day for those 3 days and do you know what, we actually had a couple of ‘visitors’ to the shop complain that room 2 was closed while she styled it! Bizarre.

In the shop, to help Clare & I ensure your evening went as enjoyably as possible, we had the wonderful Jo and her daughter, our close village friend Monica, and the Wash House’s manager, Becca (yep, she loves our shop so much she came to work for us for the evening!!).

Behind the scenes we had Clare’s Mum, Jo, and Clare’s best friend Sharon making the Glögg, pouring the drinks, serving & topping up drinks and serving mince pies, keeping some form of order in our kitchen, and looking after Bailey, Ralph, Ester & Erik!!

Within your goody-bags, which we hope you all took away with you, you will have found a beautifully handmade chocolate from the amazing Miss Witt, our amazing New Forest chocolate maker.

We MUST support our local businesses / entrepreneurs and Kerry works tirelessly building her business and we were delighted to support her – if you don’t know her, or are having an event that could benefit from chocolate, have a look – www.chocolatebymisswitt.com

And did you have a mince pie? Again local catering business entrepreneur, Fiona Hill, of Real Food New Forest (@realfoodnewforest on Instagram) made them for you and I hope you’ll agree they were delicious. Fiona does all sorts of amazing catering and so if you’re having an event…

Now I’m going to swear as then there’s Brexit! 

80% of our stock, as most of you know, comes from EU countries, Denmark, Sweden & Belgium for example. And so Brexit is more than just an awful bore to us, it’s affected our business, and our lives frankly. We’ve had to plan for it, we’ve even got one supplier levying extra shipping costs on us already, and so it’s been no fun for us and will continue to be of concern until these buffoons we call MPs grow up, stop squabbling amongst themselves, and stop this uncertainly they’ve caused. Nuff said. 

To make a joke of it: of the 3 things happening last night, October 31st, namely Halloween, Brexit, and the No64 Christmas Launch, one was organised & delivered as promised, one was really scary and involved a bunch of children making fools of themselves, and the other was Halloween!! 


We’re sorry if it got a little busy last night, at times! The idea was absolutely not that you came and spent money, we merely wanted you to see our Christmas stock and we wanted to say ‘thank you’ (oops, there I go again!) for supporting us by way of inviting you along, providing Prosecco and Glögg (did you all try some?), providing you with a goody bag to take away with you (have you checked yours by the way as we’ve already had the Gold candle / £75 voucher winner in today, that means the Silver (£50) and Bronze (£25) candles are still out there somewhere), and to hopefully bringing you all together for a social event.

What I’m trying to say is yes, there were queues at the tills at times but you should still have been socialising, your glasses should have been topped up, and you were supposed to be feeling (just a little) festive, despite it only being October!

I’m sorry also if this is a little boring too but, as well as thanking them personally, we wanted tell you about, and thank our team publicly as, without them, we couldn’t have done it.

I’ll finish by saying that we love doing this and we love the village. I think you know now that, even after 3 years, when you come to No64 Biscuit House either Clare or I, or both of us, will always be there to serve and entertain you.

But we can’t do it forever and as quick as our first 3 years has gone, the next 3 will go just as quickly and we’re not getting any younger!!

So, we wish you all to have a great Christmas and we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your support. 

Glenn (& Clare) 

No64 Biscuit House
High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643765

Help the final efforts to raise funds for the Bus!

The Milford on Sea Charitable Trust hope to be able to buy the Community Minibus for all residents of Milford, Everton, Keyhaven, Downton and Lymore very soon. 

Many local groups and organisations are enthusiastic about using the bus. The charity are delighted to announce their sponsors. Everton Hyundai are going to help us choose a vehicle and look after it. South Lawn Hotel are offering both the venue and food for free at their fundraising event, and then offering ongoing support. 

They just need your more help to raise the final bit of funding! 

Could you make a small donation? Contact charity treasurer, John Whitley for details: john@whitleyonsea.net 

Or why not buy a ticket for their fundraising event on Saturday 16th November? 

The Minibus Fun & Fundraising Event

An exciting & entertaining evening featuring The Rambling Men, Strumpets, Belly Dancers, Romeo Valente, Fourfold, and surprise guests! - Plus a Pie and Mash Supper.

Saturday 16th November 2019 at 7.30 p.m. 

South Lawn Hotel, Milford on Sea SO41 0RF
01590 643911 

Tickets £20 available at: The Community Centre Box Office, South Lawn Hotel or from Ivan Chandler 07915 662030.

Milford on Sea Charitable Trust is a registered charity 1172750

01 November 2019

Tapas Dinner at Ray's Italian Kitchen

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Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QF

31 October 2019

Milford Student's Charity Launched

People from across the New Forest, educational, sporting and musical communities turned out to support the launch of a new charity ‘Olivia Inspires’ to enable the spirit of Olivia Burt to live on. 

Olivia, from Milford on Sea, was a gifted and beautiful young woman who inspired others. Only 20 years old, she was killed in February 2018 in a horrendous incident at Durham, where she was a first-year university student studying natural sciences.

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She was just embarking on a journey that would have doubtless seen her leaving a lasting mark on our world. But more than this, everyone who knew Olivia remembers her smile and her kindness, and how she inspired others.

Olivia Inspires aims to allow her spirit to live on by helping young people aged 11 to 18 years, whose families live in the New Forest District Council area and who are facing financial hardship. Grants will be provided to help them develop their potential in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), the arts and sport. 

The charity, set up by Olivia’s parents Nigel and Paula, was launched on Thursday (3 October 2019) at Lymington Town Sailing Club, where Olivia, who sailed for Great Britain, was a member. 

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The evening included speeches from Nigel in which he said: “I will finish with a thought from Charles Dickens that Olivia would have agreed with: The most important thing in life is to stop saying 'I wish' and start saying 'I will.' Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.” Nigel was followed by Olivia’s friend and British Sailing Team member, Sam Whaley. Sam recounted how Olivia had encouraged him to take the step from being a club sailor to competing nationally which has now led to him challenging for a place in the Olympics. The formal part of the launch concluded with Sarah Le May, the High Sheriff of Hampshire explaining just how important to the New Forest, Olivia Inspires will be. 

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The evening concluded with an auction of lots on the theme “Things Money Can’t Buy”. Lively bidding saw lots snapped up including: 
  • A tour of a nuclear submarine hosted by a serving Rear Admiral 
  • 3 paddock passes for the 2020 British Grand Prix
  • Dinner for 10 at Palace House Beaulieu 
  • A cricket bat signed by the England and Pakistan sides in 2019 
In total the evening raised in excess of £7000 for young people in the New Forest. 

Further fundraising events are planned, but the priority now is to get the message out to young people, that Olivia Inspires might be able to help them achieve their dreams. 

To find out more, apply for assistance or donate to the charity please visit:

You can follow them on Facebook @oliviainspires or Twitter @olivia_inspires. 

Olivia Inspires 
Nigel Burt 
07715 124946