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14 March 2022

Join the Milford Bluetits for a sea swim

If you have ever strolled down the seafront and seen a group of swimmers braving the water in all weathers, it may have been the Milford On Sea Bluetits.

To explain how the group works, here are some words from their Facebook page:

No club fees, registration, rules, requirements, expectations. We are an informal group of mixed gender people who just like to swim together. Some carry on throughout the winter months, some don’t. Some enter swimming events, some swim across the Channel, some meet every morning same time, same place and swim chat their way through the water. Others swim ice miles, some meet for coffee and cake, and maybe a swim or even a paddle. Our link to each other initially is the joy of challenging ourselves to potter in and around open water together throughout the year.

Please visit their Facebook page on the link below to find out more, or if you are ready to join up and enter the waves!

Milford On Sea Bluetits


Other Sea Swimming opportunities in Milford on Sea:

Last year we published an article on courses/groups for sea swimming for adults & children in the village. (Click here to read or contact below.)

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