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27 November 2020

Christmas Dinner from South Lawn

South Lawn Hotel have launched their Christmas Day Lunch Delivery details. Bookings are now being taken, and number are limited, so it is likely that they may sell out, so book now to avoid disappointment!

To see South Lawn Hotel's Christmas Dinner Menu: please click here.

Tim and his team also continue to support the village with:

Dairy, Bakery and Meal Deliveries 
We are continuing with our fresh bakery deliveries and dairy products each morning along with an extensive menu for deliveries of lunch and dinner within 5 miles of South Lawn. 

Local Community Care 
We are more than happy to help out in Milford with prescription collection and small errands for anybody who can't get out. We will also try to help or find someone to help with any small maintenance issues. 

Lunch & Dinner delivered Monday to Saturday, with Sunday Lunch also available, as are celebration cakes if you need one! 

To see South Lawn Hotel's latest Take Away Menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

Historical Record Society looking to 2021

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society are looking to the future and have just launched their programme of talks for 2021.

The full programme can be found on their website by clicking here

A full year’s membership is only £10 and allows you to enjoy MOSHRS’ entire programme of talks. 

You can download the Membership Form from the website and complete it (including the Gift Aid section if you are a UK tax payer) and return it with your with subscription to the Membership Secretary. (Address on the Form).

A great opportunity to meet new people, whilst discovering more about the history of the village.


The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society has an excellent website with a lot of information and old pictures of Milford on Sea in the past. 

The MOSHRS meet 5 times a year where you can hear an interesting talk and meet people from across the village. There are also annual visits to places of interest. Membership is just £10. To find out more; please click here.

MoS Historical Record Society

Step Up, Safe Space

Milford on Sea local resident, Suzanne Moore has told us about a Facebook Support Group that she has joined as a volunteer.

Step Up, Safe Space was founded in November and has over 100 members to date.

You can find out more about the group by clicking here.

Suzanne commented: "We are passionate about supporting each other in the community. Showing kindness matters and it can make a difference. My role is to organise and collect donations and take these donations to those in need. I also help with the development of the group and I liaise with regards to food requirements. We also work with other groups as is appropriate. 

One aspect of the group is to ask for donations, we are always looking for all items baby and child related, clothes especially Men’s, gifts for Christmas and Birthday, and in date food tins and packets."

26 November 2020

Money found in Churchyard

We have had a kind message saying that some money was found in the All Saints' Churchyard on Tuesday.

If you may have lost it, please drop me an email to david@milfordonsea.org and I can put you in touch with the finder.

Wheelie Bins coming to Milford?

A recent article in the Advertiser & Times has revealed that New Forest District Council has a Wheelie Bin Plan for more than 90% of New Forest homes.

A consultation, which has been labelled “the worst survey ever”, is currently underway proposing to bring in wheelie bins and fortnightly collections. 

To read the article please click here.

The consultation deadline is the 10th December.

To find out more, please visit: 

25 November 2020

Not too late to get in School Raffle

The 1st Ticket Draw will be on the 1st December in the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle at Milford on Sea Primary School.

Price of tickets are £5 per ticket or a book of 5 tickets for £20. Tickets can be purchased by emailing The PFA on mospspfa@outlook.com.

DAY 1 PRIZE IS EAT OUT FOR A WEEK. The amazing prizes for Day 1 are:

22 November 2020

Advent Window Trail in the village

In the run up to Christmas the village is to have a Advent Window Trail for everyone to enjoy.

The Advent Window Trail will run across Milford on Sea & Everton from Tuesday, 1st December until Thursday, 24th December 2020 and is organised by All Saints' Church.

There will be a new window lit up each evening up until Christmas Eve when the final window will be revealed in All Saints’ Church.

To discover where to see the windows please click here. (The information will be sent from Friday 27th November. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email).

Maps of the trail will be provided, along with Covid related safety guidance to those that sign up. 

Once underway, daily information on where the windows are opening will also be on the church Facebook page. Please click here.

18 November 2020

Knitted Hearts for Lymington Hospital

Becton Rotary Club and New Forest Sewing (both of which include members from Milford on Sea) are pleased to see their residual stock of knitted Hearts once more being put to good use. 

Just before the current lockdown started, Rotarian Terry responded to an urgent request from Chaplain of Lymington Hospital, Linda Lee, by delivering forty knitted hearts to the Hospital.

Through her PPE contact Hayley in Southampton, Rotarian Debbie was also able to assist the Neo Natal Unit at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton who needed a further supply. In this instance we were able to deliver sixty hearts. 

Prior to the pandemic restrictions siblings were able to visit the new-born addition to the family whilst the baby was still in the Unit and this assisted the bonding process. With the introduction of the restrictions to visiting siblings have had to remain at home suffering from a variety of emotions whilst they await the return of mother and baby. 

The Unit were looking for creative ways to ease these stresses and tensions and came up with the use of Knitted Hearts as a physical object that can be used as a comforter in times of upset. Each member of the close family is provided with a matching heart as a means of showing the siblings that they are important, their parents are thinking of them and they have an emotional connection with the new-born. 

Well done to all concerned.

17 November 2020

Save Milford from the Sea Petition

The 'Save Milford from the Sea' Facebook Group has been set up to 'To make Milford-on-Sea residents aware of the consequences for the village of failure to repair the sea wall and maintain coastal defences.'

This Facebook Page has a fascinating insight into the issues, progress and details on a petition to save the sea defences long-term.

To visit the Facebook Group please click here.

Sea Wall Repairs from the air
Graeme Blackwood, a member of the group has captured some spectacular images on film from a drone which show the progress that is being made over time to the current repair. 

To visit his page and films, please click here

Save Milford from the Sea Petition
Over 1,500 villagers have already signed a petition started by the residents behind this Facebook Group.

The petition states:

We, the residents, friends and business community of Milford-on-Sea urge the Environment Agency and other Government bodies to fund long-term coastal defence plans at Westover.

This is critical for protecting the homes of dozens of local residents, restoring the scenic coastal path and safeguarding the social and economic future of the village.

We understand that voluntary Partnership Funding will be required and support the New Forest District Council in their bids to secure funding for this programme.

To sign the petition, please click here.

16 November 2020

10% off Ray's Dining Gift Vouchers

Ray's Italian Restaurant are offering 10% off their Dining Gift Vouchers during November. 

To order a voucher please email: info@raysitaliankitchen.co.uk with a contact phone number and they will get back to you. 

(Minimum voucher value: £20)

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300

15 November 2020

WI support New Forest Basics Bank

Each year Milford on Sea Women's Institute (The WI) select a local charity to support through their fundraising, - but 2020 has been different! 

So, on Saturday 28th November they will be setting up a Receiving Table on the village green from 10am to 12 noon to collect items to help Basics Bank support the ever growing number of people in need during the pandemic. 

We hope that both members of our WI and the wider Milford community will support us in supplying non perishable items for this cause. 

Please contact Diana on milfordpres@hampshirewi.org.uk if you would like further details.

Milford School '12 Days of Christmas' Raffle

The PFA at Milford on Sea Primary School are holding a spectacular '12 Days of Christmas' Raffle to raise much needed funds for the school and our local children.

click image to enlarge
Each day there is a great prize from the 1st December to the 12th December, and there are over £5000 worth of prizes to be won!  

Tickets are £5 each or 5 for £20. The full list of prizes can be viewed below, and they are worth taking a look at! 

To buy a ticket, please email: mospspfa@outlook.com

Pre-book for Christingle Service

The All Saints' Church office have now set up a specific web page where people can book directly for this years 'online' Christingle. To visit please click here.

Christingle will be held:
  • Thursday 24 December 2020
  • 4:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Online - Zoom

About Christingle

This year we will be holding our Christingle workshops and service by Zoom. For the first 80 children that are signed up we will provide all the items you need to create your own ‘Christingle’ during the service. 

Please pre-book (click here) to receive the Zoom link and let us know how many Christingle packs you require.

We would welcome a small donation to The Children’s Society and details on how to do that will be sent as part of your Christingle Pack.

All Saints' Church office

Helping Hands Storage Appeal

Local Milford on Sea charitable group 'Helping Hands, Open Arms' are delighted to be getting lots of donations in Milford and the surrounding areas, but they are struggling to store the goods.

If you, or any one you know, has any storage in the form of a garage, outhouse, shed or indoor facility that the charity could use to store the donations they would be very grateful. The items are often small household items, toys and baby equipment. 

Any help would make a huge difference to families in need. 

If you can help at all, please contact: helpinghandsnewforest@gmail.com


About 'Helping Hands, Open Arms'

'Helping Hands, Open Arms' is a charitable group operating in Milford on Sea providing support to anyone that needs it.

The support includes; food parcels and meals, clothes, including baby and children clothes. Also toys and equipment for babies and children. they also have bedding, toiletries and cleaning products and pet foods. These items if needed, can be delivered to you, just contact in complete confidence by clicking here, they simply want to help. 

The group are also looking for donations in the Milford area, they are expecting huge demand in the present crisis, as people go on short time or lose their jobs. If you are able to offer donations at anytime, any items above, including in date packet and tinned foods, especially baby and children’s food please get in touch. Toys and gift packs will be gratefully received for Christmas. The volunteers can arrange for any of these items to be collected on a daily basis. 

'Helping Hands, Open Arms' are also looking for volunteers in the Milford and surrounding areas. This can involve collecting and delivering donations. Also promoting the charity in your local streets.

If you would like to get involved or help out at any level please contact: helpinghandsnewforest@gmail.com

12 November 2020

Key lost in village

This is a bit of a longshot, we have been contacted by a reader who lost a key yesterday.

It is a single key with a fob and a purple tag and it is likely to have been lost between the village and down Sea Road to the Needles Eye Café

If you have found it please let me know and I can reunited with the owner: david@milfordonsea.org

Saltwater goes Caribbean

Saltwater Café are offering a Caribbean Takeaway next Lockdown Weekend: Friday 20th and Saturday 21st November.

Collection only, pre order by 3pm Wednesday 18th NovemberPhone and leave a message on (01590) 643518 or send us a message on Facebook Messenger and we will get back to you to confirm your order.

Caribbean Takeaway Menu: Per person £12.50

Choose from either: 

Jerk Chicken, coconut rice and peas
Sweetcorn fritters with a mango, chilli and lime dip


Sweet potato and chickpea curry
Sweetcorn fritters with a mango, chilli and lime dip

 Additional sides available: 

  • Portion of skin on fries £2.50

Saltwater Café
106 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
01590 643518

Ray's Italian launches Online Ordering System

Ray’s Italian Kitchen have launched a new Online Ordering System.

Plus, Ray's are also offering:

Make your Own Pizza’s – 4 for £12.50 that includes:
4 doughs, cheese and sauce. Any extra toppings are £1 each.

Pizza / Pasta Deals
Italian Feast for Two – 2 Pizza or Pasta + 4 beers for £28.99
A Date for you and Ray – 1 Pizza or Pasta + 2 beers for £14.99.
Beers are a choice of Birra Messina or Birra Ichnusa. 

Delivery to Milford on Sea, Keyhaven and Downton (weekends only), and Collection from the restaurant is available and you can find all details on their website. 

To order or view the menu, please click here

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300


Village shows respect on Armistice Day

As the village paid respect on Armistice Day at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the atmosphere was captured in the image below by Kerry, a local resident.

The two minutes silence was perfectly observed, and socially distanced, at the ceremony led by representatives of the Milford on Sea branch of the Royal British Legion. 

It is a pleasure to see that Lockdown did not prevent Milford on Sea people marking the event.

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words.

Photo by Kerry Bacon
click image to enlarge

On Remembrance Day a 'virtual' Reflection & Remembrance service was held involving the Milford on Sea Churches and Scouts. 

The event was organised by Chris Hobby, a sixth-generation villager and member of the village's branch of the Royal British Legion whose grandfather died in the First World War.

Milford is getting More Magical for Christmas

As we all sit out this latest Lockdown, Christmas is fast approaching, along with the hope that we can all celebrate together in some way by then.

The 'Make Milford More Magical this Christmas' team led by Diana Brushwood & Tracy Haupt, are well into making preparations to make the heart of the village brighter than ever for us all this year.

Anyone who visited the village green on Tuesday 10th or Wednesday 11th November will have seen a group of men busy digging and placing ducting in the green, ready for the Christmas lights. This year an investment has been made from generous donations to put permanent ducting in, rather than having to continually lift the grass for cables to be inserted. In addition to the cost of the lights and sundries, this also meant getting a groundworks contractor, to do the work. Very fortunately, local resident Ben Haines did something extremely generous:  

Diana said: "A massive thank you to Ben from Gen One Ltd for carrying out this work free of charge. You and your guys are truly amazing." 

A fundraising campaign has been underway to 'Make Milford More Magical this Christmas', and a lot of village residents have already donated to date, and the volunteer organisers are very grateful. 

So far, the team have purchased more commercial LED lights for £1295 to make the Village Green extra bright this year. Plus the costs associated with the installation of all cables and lights is £1500. These costs are huge and greater than you may expect.

On top of this, they have material costs for Christmas scenes painted by local artists with a small nativity scene (the wood alone is £130). The forest of trees will be back similar to last year but with extra lights and sparkle, bicycle wreaths are to be refreshed and other decorations paid for.

The JustGiving page is still open if you would like to donate - please click here - or you can leave a donation at the Parish Council Office.

Should you wish to contact the ladies regarding possible sponsorship or simply with an offer of help, then please do so on: tracyhaupt01@aol.com and dianabrushwood@gmail.com


PS: As Ben has been so generous, the least we could do was give his company a plug. If you are looking at having groundworks or hard landscaping done, why not check out his Facebook page from the link below:

B S Haines Groundworks

@Genoneltd · Construction company

Community Centre Fundraiser Update

click image to enlarge

Donations are still possible towards the £21,000 target via: www.localgiving.com/moscc or the Community Centre letterbox.

11 November 2020

Village Veg reopens 18th November

The Village Veg in Church Hill Milford on Sea is temporarily closing for a week long refurbishment from 1pm on Wednesday 11th November and will be reopening on Wednesday 18th November.

Nick and the team look forward to seeing all of their customers in the bright new shop then.


About the Village Veg
Owner, Nick Munnik has run a successful greengrocers (Village Veg) in Brockenhurst for nine years, and  opened a fully refreshed and well-stocked shop in Milford on Sea village centre in July 2017, also named Village Veg.

You can even order fruit and veg boxes online at: www.villagevegltd.co.uk.

(Sadly, they don't sell chocolate, but banana fritters are a treat worth having!) 

Village Veg
Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH‎

10 November 2020

Italian Dishes, Pizza & Street Food

Ray’s Italian Kitchen have launched a new Takeaway Menu from Wednesday 11th November and this will be available on Wednesday 6pm-8.30pm and Friday and Saturday 6pm-9pm 

Delicious pizza, pasta and Italian dishes are available for Delivery to Milford on Sea, Keyhaven and Downton (weekends only). Collection from the restaurant is available.

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300


La Perle are offering 'Sam's Saturday Street Food' as a lunchtime treat available for collection on Saturdays 12-3pm.

Hog Roast Bap with Pickled Red Cabbage and Crackling £7.50
French Fries £2.95
Freshly Baked Mini Cinnamon Doughnuts with Chocolate Sauce £4.95 for 8

And for the Grown-Ups... La Perle Mulled Cider £4.95

To find out more please click here

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643557

Gifts from The Old Smithy

The Old Smithy in Milford on Sea high street stock an exclusive selection of brands including JellycatMaxwell & Williams modern white porcelain tableware and a range of picture frames, Thomas Kent clocks and other beautiful objects for your home.

As people start to think about Christmas and any gifts they need to buy before then, a number of new items have been added to their range. 

Sarah can deliver to you free within a five mile radius or you can call for a 'click and collect' from the shop. To arrange either, please call 07840 202472.

The Old Smithy is a family business established in 1978, The Old Smithy is located in the heart of the village of Milford on Sea retailing a wide range of quality gifts and accessories.

The Old Smithy
37 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 642386

Community Library Update

The library will be closed for browsing during the current lockdown but we can prepare a bag of “Ready Reads” for you to collect at the door. 

Please email your request to mosclibrary@gmail.com telling us what authors/genres you like and we’ll make up your bag. 

Please remember to bring your library card when you collect. 

Opening times until 2nd December 2020 (subject to review) 
  • Tuesday 2 - 4pm 
  • Friday 10am - 12 noon 

No email? Phone Ruth on 01590 641875 with your request. 

You can also sign up via email to the receive The Good Newsletter with puzzles, word games, etc. 

Library opening times: 

The library will be open for collections only until 2nd December 2020 
  • Tuesday: 2-4pm 
  • Friday: 10am-12noon 

Milford on Sea Community Library 
The Village Hall, Park Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0QU
07950 941818 

08 November 2020

New Owners at The Gun Inn

Nice to see The Gun Inn will be coming back following the statement below from the new owners:

"We are pleased to confirm that The Gun Inn in Keyhaven is now under the Management of Pelican Taverns Limited.

In the medium term we plan a general renovation, but for the time being we intend to open the public bar, after a little spruce up, and when current restrictions allow.

We’d be delighted to hear your comments and suggestions regarding food, beer, wine, architecture, opening times ...in fact every aspect of the pub, so please do email us at landlord@theguninn.co.uk or if you prefer to remain anonymous, drop a note in the suggestions box on the bar.

Pete, Jim and the rest of the new Gun team look forward to welcoming you back to your local."

Good luck to you all, I am sure a lot of people will be looking forward to visiting when they can.

The Gun Inn

Saltgrass Lane, Keyhaven, SO41 0TP
01590 642391

Mark buys Eco-flow

Mark Nineham is a Milford on Sea resident and the Managing Director of his family run contract packing business based in Bournemouth, which is now in its 33rd year.

For the past 20 years they have been packing a product called the Eco-flow Tap Adaptor. The Tap Adapter is an extremely useful piece of kit that screws onto the end of your existing tap and gives you functions and flexibility you never had before. 

Mark explains that the The Key Features of the Eco-flow Tap Adapter are:
  • Reduces your water bill and do your bit for the environment: The Eco-flow Tap Adapter saves up to 18% of water when set to Shower Spray, and 11.5% water saving using the Aerated Flow setting. 
  • Makes sink cleaning easy with 360° rotation 
  • Two functions in one tap: choose between Aerated Flow for handwashing or filling the sink, and Shower Spray for rinsing plates and gently but effectively washing vegetables. 
Fit in moments, no tools required, start enjoying your new tap straight away.

Prices start from under £12.50.

Now, after packing the product for 20 years, and knowing how useful and effective the product is, Mark has actually bought the company which makes the Eco-flow Tap Adaptor.

After many months of re-branding and freshening up the website (of which they enlisted the creative skills of fellow villager Carrie Bugg of www.carriebuggphotography.co.uk) they are now all set for the launch.

To celebrate this, Mark is offering the readers of the Milford News Bulletin a special 10% discount off the order with free delivery. Just go to www.eco-flow.co.uk and enter MOSB10 at the checkout for your discount. 

click image to see how to fit the Eco-flow Tap Adaptor

Eco-flow Solutions Ltd

07 November 2020

Verveine offer Takeaway Kebabs

Verveine Fish Market Restaurant are offering kebab takeaways on a Friday and Saturday nights from Friday 13th of November. 

Kebabs Menu
  • Lamb Adana (like a kofta)
  • Tiger prawn with pomegranate molasses and sumac 
  • Crispy fried haloumi cheese with panko breadcrumbs 
All with come with homemade Greek yogurt flatbread, Pickles, salads, hummus and Cumin and chilli fries 

A kebab and fries £13.50 
Extra portion of cumin and chilli fries £3
Homemade baklava £5 

Order by calling the restaurant direct on 01590 642176 by Thursday for a Friday pick up, and by Friday for a Saturday pick up between 5.30 to 8pm 

Payment taken over the telephone and a time arranged for a pick up. Times will be staggered to keep social distancing

Verveine say they can only cater for nut allergies please let then know when you place your order. Due to the limited menu dietary requirements can not be catered for and it’s pick up only.

98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE 
01590 642176

Register for Christingle on Xmas Eve

This year's Christingle will take place on Zoom at 4pm on Christmas Eve.

Please register for your Christingle Pack and the Zoom code before Monday 14th December by contacting: 07842 544711 or email:

Do you need Help or an Errand?

Milford on Sea Mutual Aid Volunteers are once again ready to support residents living in Milford on Sea, Keyhaven and Everton who would like someone to get shopping or prescriptions for them, or do other errands. 

Contact the team on: moscovidmutualaid@gmail.com

About Milford on Sea Mutual Aid Volunteers
This group is for people who live in the Milford on Sea Area, including Everton, Keyhaven, Lymore and Downton who would like to help their neighbours, or who need help themselves in the weeks ahead.

Milford on Sea Mutual Aid Volunteers