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26 November 2020

Wheelie Bins coming to Milford?

A recent article in the Advertiser & Times has revealed that New Forest District Council has a Wheelie Bin Plan for more than 90% of New Forest homes.

A consultation, which has been labelled “the worst survey ever”, is currently underway proposing to bring in wheelie bins and fortnightly collections. 

To read the article please click here.

The consultation deadline is the 10th December.

To find out more, please visit: 

1 comment:

  1. 9 years ago, I came from a Suffolk District where Rubbish & recycling was fully ‘wheelied’. Simple, tidy and efficient. I’m also familiar with the Colchester system with Blue & Green weeks, Black bags, Green crates, Brown wheeled or bags for garden waste and weekly Food Caddy collection. The NFDC proposals seem eminently sensible in this day and age and address changed priorities on waste and recycling. For those pushing alternatives, there is a Chinese proverb “be careful what you wish for… it may just come true…”, it also happens to be one of the Three Curses. Keep safe and distanced.


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