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15 November 2020

Helping Hands Storage Appeal

Local Milford on Sea charitable group 'Helping Hands, Open Arms' are delighted to be getting lots of donations in Milford and the surrounding areas, but they are struggling to store the goods.

If you, or any one you know, has any storage in the form of a garage, outhouse, shed or indoor facility that the charity could use to store the donations they would be very grateful. The items are often small household items, toys and baby equipment. 

Any help would make a huge difference to families in need. 

If you can help at all, please contact: helpinghandsnewforest@gmail.com


About 'Helping Hands, Open Arms'

'Helping Hands, Open Arms' is a charitable group operating in Milford on Sea providing support to anyone that needs it.

The support includes; food parcels and meals, clothes, including baby and children clothes. Also toys and equipment for babies and children. they also have bedding, toiletries and cleaning products and pet foods. These items if needed, can be delivered to you, just contact in complete confidence by clicking here, they simply want to help. 

The group are also looking for donations in the Milford area, they are expecting huge demand in the present crisis, as people go on short time or lose their jobs. If you are able to offer donations at anytime, any items above, including in date packet and tinned foods, especially baby and children’s food please get in touch. Toys and gift packs will be gratefully received for Christmas. The volunteers can arrange for any of these items to be collected on a daily basis. 

'Helping Hands, Open Arms' are also looking for volunteers in the Milford and surrounding areas. This can involve collecting and delivering donations. Also promoting the charity in your local streets.

If you would like to get involved or help out at any level please contact: helpinghandsnewforest@gmail.com

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