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02 May 2020

Stunning Photos by local professional photographer

A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a professional photographer and a well known face around Milford on Sea has been busy cataloguing his pictures whilst on lockdown.

click image to enlarge
After hours of work, Adam has now created a collection of limited edition prints from his personal work over the last few years. When you take a look, you will see that he has done a wide variety of shoots; including food, stunning scenes, hotels, celebrities and so much more.

You can buy them today direct from Adam's website by clicking here and simply clicking on the many images to navigate around.

click image to enlarge
On some images, 20% of the sale of the print will go towards helping the NHS fight Covid-19 via Adam making donations to: NHS Charities Covid-19 Urgent Appeal.

The artworks are printed to order and will be shipped direct to you (adhering to all government guidance).

As Adam puts it; "This is the culmination of many miles, endless hours, laughs, tears and a lot of calories consumed. Go on, you know you deserve it."

More about Adam

Adam is quickly becoming one of the industry's most sought after commercial photographers after successful campaigns for Chateau du Grande-Lucé in The Loire, The Calcot Group, The Wellesley, The Langley Hotel and Spa, Dom Perignon, Veuve Cliquot, Chewton Glen, Cliveden House, The Trafalgar at St James, Hans' Bar and Grill and The Carnegie Club at Skibo Castle in Scotland among many others. 

Known for his clean crisp imagery, Adam has built lasting relationships with major luxury brands across the UK and internationally. 

click image to enlarge
Adam's relaxed approach and ability to deliver on brief for his clients has made him an essential addition to many leading businesses. 

Adam has been published in numerous media including Vogue, Condé Nast Traveller, House and Garden, Architectural Digest, The New York Times, The Telegraph and The Daily Mail.

"Photography is my life, my passion and the thing that will undoubtedly drive me insane. I wrestle with every image I shoot. I work on the theory that perfection is possible, you just have to keep trying. "

Adam Lynk Photography

The Good News Newsletter No.6

To view of the latest edition of the The Good News Newsletter:

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

About The Good News Newsletter

An enterprising group of local people have put together a 'Good News Newsletter' with the aim of keeping everyone informed and amused during this difficult time.

The Good News Newsletter has been created by Milford Library, Milford Mutual Aid Group, The Village Voice and MoS News Bulletin.

We will be publishing a copy of each edition here online and for those in the village who do not use digital communication, the Parish Council are printing some paper copies which will be available in some village shops and some distributed by volunteers.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

PPE Offer to Care Homes and Other Providers

The Rotary Club of Becton & District in conjunction with New Forest Sewing for the NHS are offering PPE to local care homes and other providers.

Thanks to the magnificent efforts of all the volunteers who have been making and distributing PPE to our local hospitals they are now able to extend the help we offer to Care Homes and Providers in the general New Forest area. If you have a need for Scrubs, Scrub Bags, Hats, Disposable Gowns and Headstraps then they can help you.

If you are a care provider in need of PPE then just get in touch. Let them know your requirements by email to ppe@bectonrotary.org.uk. Each email must contain a Contact Name, Telephone Number, Organisation name and postal address.

If anyone is able to consider a donation towards the cost of materials no matter how small then please click below:
To donate; please click here.

To find out more:

To read Volunteers Sewing for the NHS; please click here.

Sewing for the NHS: Update 2

1st May 2020: Weekly Update from Larry Anthony, Secretary of The Rotary Club of Becton & District.

It has been an eventful week with the priority switching to the supply of plastic gowns which are now being made with a new heat bonding process that removes the need for sewing which was causing problems with some of the machines. We are pleased to advise that we have despatched 400 much needed gowns this week.

Scrubs are being despatched to local hospitals and care homes with consignments of scrub hats also being made to Lymington & Southampton General Hospital. Evidence of the need and what it means to those who receive them was a nurse who travelled from Southampton to pick up a set of scrubs and made a very poignant comment “this means more than you could know”. Scrubs bags are currently in good supply but we remain alert to the needs of the community.

We continue to be grateful to Sanders Sails for the enormous help they provide by cutting out patterns for use by the sewing volunteers. 

Fundraising by Becton & District Rotary Club is doing well with £710 showing in our Just Giving page, other direct donations have boosted the fund to approximately £1,600. Money remains an ongoing need for the purchase of replacement materials as production continues to meet demand. Recent donors include the Rotary Club of Bransgore and New Milton Lions. Many other donors wish to remain anonymous but their generosity is very welcome. Thank you to everybody who has contributed to the fund.

To donate; please click here.

To find out more:

To read Volunteers Sewing for the NHS; please click here.

01 May 2020

Anyone lost their Sun Hat & Specs?

An observant resident has let us know that there is a male sun hat and a pair of spectacles on a bench in the wooded are of the Pleasure Gardens, on the seat near the bridge to the board walk. They have been there several days and it is likely that the owner would like to retrieve them. 

Whoever he is, he might need someone to give him a hand to get them, as he won't be able to see his hat and glasses without his glasses! 

Clapping in the street for the NHS and more

Over the past weeks, residents across Milford on Sea have enthusiastically clapped on a Thursday night to show their appreciation for the all NHS Workers and Carers. Last week special consideration was also given to all the other services supporting us, in particular people still working in the village.

1st May 2020
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Last night there was another additional recipient of recognition, Captain Tom. Having done his sponsored garden walk he has not only raised in excess of £32m so far for the NHS, but yesterday also marked his 100th birthday. True British spirit in action!

We were also very pleased to receive two video's showing some villagers doing their tribute. Apparently, the bugler has promised to practice for next weeks clapping! :-)

Clapping in Sea Road
click image to see video

Clapping in Gillingham and Lucerne Roads
click image to see video

You can also see the videos as part of the Milford on Sea Villages on the Doorstep Album. Please click here to view.

Harfield Motor Services reopens

Harfield Motor Services in Milford on Sea high street shall be opening the doors again on Monday 4th May to once again provide car repairs, maintenance services and MOTs to previous and new customers.

The team are aware that it is important for you to keep your cars on the road to enable you to get your essentials, so they have returned as soon as they could.

Social distancing is being taken very seriously, and all mechanics will be working at the recommended distance apart. 

Customers will be asked to leave your cars at the entrance with the keys in, and one of the lads will take over from there.

To make an appointment please call: 01590 642261

Harfield Motor Services
7 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 642261

Friday Night is Takeaway Night!

Who doesn't love a takeaway on a Friday!

Take look at your choices below, then sit back, open a bottle of wine, and enjoy!



If you are in a position to volunteer to support local vulnerable people, 
or someone who needs some help, please click below

Pay it forward with Ray's Italian Kitchen

Ray’s Italian Kitchen has launched its “pay it forward’ crowdfunding project as a way of continuing to trade in these uncertain times.

This project will allow you to buy gift vouchers in advance, enabling Ray’s to mitigate immediate cashflow issues caused by these unprecedented times.

Stacey said: "I am just being realistic, it is becoming clear to me and I’m sure most of you, that the world is going to be a very different place in the future. None of us could have ever imagined we would be locked down in our homes etc due to a dangerous/potentially fatal virus ever in our lifetimes. I appreciate that everyone has their own journey in this, however for just 2 minutes of your time I’m reaching out to each and everyone of you to seek a pledge, not for free but for a redeemable voucher to cash in some time next year when the restaurant is back to its full operation. The reality of any restaurant opening its doors in this situation are not only slim but some would say irresponsible/reckless due to the nature of what we are dealing with.

"Every single one of you could make a difference, most of you dine at Ray’s Italian on a regular basis and I hope that you would like to continue to do so on the other side of this also. I am not asking for anyone to pledge hundreds, just £10 would be amazing and would just help to keep the wolf away so to speak if enough of you pledge. 

Please spread the word to anyone whom you think would be interested in helping Ray’s Italian Kitchen survive this crisis." 

"I would also like to thank all of you whom have supported the takeaway service I have been offering throughout this difficult time and I hope that you will continue to do so for as long as it takes. I feel blessed to live where I live and grateful that we have such a supportive community. Stay safe and thank you from the bottom of my heart."

If you would like to support Ray’s Italian Kitchen in this way please click here.


To see Ray's Take Away/Delivery Menu: please click here.

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300

Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album: Update 3

The Village Doorstep Album has some good news and some bad news:

The Good News: We are getting some nice photos, as well as excellent feedback from people enjoying seeing them in the doorstep album.

The Bad News: Not enough people are sending in pictures!

I would love this project to work, but can't do it without your help, so please send in your photos by clicking here.

Doorstep Album, so farclick image to enlarge
Please get involved, your photos bring the community together and will bring a smile to many battling through this difficult time.

To read how to get involved; please click here.

To view the Villagers on the Doorstep album; please click here.

PS: As well as taking 'doorstep photos' on your walks and sending now, why not also take pictures of your neighbours at 'Clap for Carers' on Thursday? That would make some nice memories for us all share.

30 April 2020

Village Phone Box Swap Shop

The old red phone box on Milford on Sea village green has been repurposed by the local Women's Institute ladies to provide entertainment for people stuck at home.

Many people enjoy reading, listening to music, or doing puzzles whilst self-isolating. Now, thanks to the WI, people can donate books, CD’s, DVD’s, puzzles & games in the telephone box, and anyone is welcome to take something away for their enjoyment.

To be safe, it might be advisable to wear gloves and hygienically clean all items when donating or removing.

Village Phone Box over the years
click image to enlarge

Funnies from the Past: No.15

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Hurst Bridge Meeting Erupts click here to read.

Your editor is emigrating! - click here to read.

More coming next time.

To read all previous publications of 'Funnies from the Past'
  • Go to the search box above on this website
  • Then, enter 'Funnies' into the search box
  • Then, hit 'Search' as below
  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
click image to enlarge

No.64 Biscuit House battling the storm

No.64 Biscuit House interior design shop in Milford on Sea high street have featured in a magazine, the online Love Business East Midlands. (Nope, I have no idea why this found its way into an East Midlands magazine either.)

In the article, Glenn Harrison Co-owner at No64 Biscuit House says; "Clare and I have put every minute of every day into this business for the last 3 and a bit years, and were facing potentially losing it all due to this horrible virus and lockdown scenario."

"However, a slight shift in focus and a little effort raising our online activity has delivered more than a tenfold increase in online orders. It’s given us a lifeline and the hope we can survive this crisis. We wouldn't have had this success if our web developer team at Quiet Storm, had not responded so quickly. They’ve all always been brilliant in helping and advising us, and now there’s light at the end of the tunnel.”

The full article is worth a read.  click here to view.

Clare & Glenn at No.64 Biscuit House
click image to enlarge
Glenn also commented to us; "As it says our business stopped at lockdown, along with most others, and we could see no light at the end of the tunnel. As fast as I could I tweaked our social media, reached out to our customer base, and engaged some very low level, but very focused Google Shopping and Business Facebook Ads, the results have been staggering.....beyond our wildest dreams. 

Goodness me these have been the most testing few weeks of our lives, the thought of losing everything we'd worked for every day of the last 3 and a bit years has taken its toll but we've just not stopped. We have to thank our customers, friends, family, villagers, and our lucky stars and we just hope we can be one of those lucky success stories at the end of this. 

I know it's a cliche but.....never give up!"

No64 Biscuit House
64 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643765

29 April 2020

MOSHRS Podcast: All Saints' Church

Milford on Sea Historical Record Society have launched their latest podcast, this time the subject is All Saints' Church.
  • Would you like to know about the Milford vicar who was nearly excommunicated?
  • And, about the Milford curate who nearly split the Church of England?  
To view the podcasts, please click here.


The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society has an excellent website with a lot of information and old pictures of Milford on Sea in the past. To visit the website; please click here.

The MOSHRS normally meet every quarter where you can hear an interesting talk and meet people from across the village. There are also annual visits to places of interest. Membership is just £10. To find out more; please click here.

MoS Historical Record Society

COVID Symptom Tracker Update

You may recall that at the end of March  published an article about the COVID Symptom Tracker.

Another recent article published by Sky News said; "More than 370,000 people in the UK have symptomatic COVID-19, according to an app tracking the virus "in real time". Professor Tim Spector, head of genetic epidemiology at King's College London, said the COVID symptom tracker, which has been downloaded by nearly 2.7 million people, is generating an "unprecedented" amount of data about the disease in the community." To read the full article please click here.

We have also heard from people in the village who have been regularly reporting their health through the App that the numbers of contributors have recently dropped as people feel more relaxed about COVID 19. To make the study have real meaning they are asking for more contributors. To find out how to join in please read below:

About the COVID Symptom Tracker

Researchers at Guys, St Thomas’ and Kings College Hospitals and the NHS have launched an App to help slow the spread of Covid 19 and identify at risk cases sooner.

This is being done by asking anyone to self report your health/symptoms daily, even if you feel well

This idea is to get this Mobile Phone App to a lot of people fast to collect enough data to see the hidden cases, the iceberg if you like we are sailing into. 

The app is fully functional and will be refined over the coming days. Simply go to you App Store on your mobile phone and search for 'COVID Symptom Tracker'.

By sharing the App it will help to gather data for policy makers to work with. 

Initial feedback of the site’s inability to register children’s symptoms have been forwarded to the investigators. Anything further you can add / any feedback will all help to capture what’s going on in the community in addition to what is being captured in tertiary care. It all helps. 

No information you share will be used for commercial purposes.

You can download the COVID Symptom Tracker App onto your mobile phone from your App Store.

You can find out more information by clicking here.

La Perle launches Chef's NHS Special

Sam at La Perle has added a 'Chef's NHS Special' to their Takeaway Menu as their way of supporting the NHS at this difficult time: 

The Chef's NHS Special, will be a regularly changing two course menu and 19% of every dish sold will be donated to Lymington Hospital Friends towards the fight against COVID 19.

In the current menu the Chef's NHS Special is: Moroccan Lamb Tagine with Apricot Relish and Herb Couscous, plus a choice of dessert.

Please see below how to order and the full La Perle menu.


To see their extended menu and order your dishes please click here.

Sam Hughes, La Perle
Pic: Advertiser & Times
click image to enlarge
Please Note:
  • Please order via the La Perle website
  • Delivery only service, no collections.
  • Please order in advance if possible and they will do their best to deliver at your preferred time.
  • Deliveries to the SO41 and BH25 areas. 
  • Minimum order for delivery £15, delivery charge £2.

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea
01590 643557

28 April 2020

Something worthwhile for the children to do during lockdown

We have heard from Jackie Wells, who is a Milford on Sea resident and a trustee of Age UK Southampton.

The project look a great idea, not just to entertain the children, but also to bring some happiness to elderly people who may be finding these time tough.

Jackie writes:

"Like most charities we are working hard to adapt to the current environment; one in which many of our older people in Southampton have found themselves isolated and lonely (and with many not living in an environment as lovely as Milford). 

Just one of the new initiatives is bringing some cheer to our older people by including a picture or letter from the younger generation. The article below describes a bit about what we are doing and asks for the children of Milford to send in letters and pictures. If you want to know more, please do get in touch." 

From Me to You – bringing the generations together. 

click image to enlarge
Age UK Southampton is an independent charity (one of the Age UK family) that provides support to the older people of Southampton. Some of our older people have been the hardest hit by the lockdown. With day-care centres and clubs closed, many are feeling lonely and isolated and can’t be with people like they used to. 

Like many charities and local voluntary groups, we are supporting as many older and vulnerable people as possible by delivering food and other support and checking up on the well-being of our people with regular phone calls. 

One of the ways in which we are trying to bring a bit of cheer to our people is to include a letter or drawing from the younger generation in any deliveries that we make to their doorstep. The ‘From Me to You’ project started with patients at the Southampton Children’s Hospital sending pictures and letters but has now grown to include schools and other groups. The project is a way that we can reach out to make a difference to someone’s life and bring some sunshine in to their day even if they are in isolation. 

We would love the children of Milford to get involved by sending their drawings and letters to Age UK Southampton so that we can distribute them. 

Some guidelines for the letters or drawings: 

• Please do not share your full name/address, personal information or photos 
• Please be positive 
• Please do not use inappropriate language 
• Please avoid asking questions – the receiver will not be able to reply to your letter 
• Help bring a smile to someone who is lonely and isolated 

Letters and drawings can be sent in two ways. Either scan or take a picture and send it by email to Claire Roberts at Age UK Southampton by clicking here - or post your letters and drawings to the address below. 

‘From Me to You’ 
Age UK Southampton 
Freemantle & Shirley Community Centre
Randolph Street, Southampton, SO15 3HE 

If you want to know more about the project or Age UK Southampton; please click here

To contact Jackie; please click here.

Pilates for Beginners on Zoom

Jutta Walmsley, who is a Qualified Pilates Institute Teacher with 14 years experience and normally runs Pilates classes at Milford on Sea Community Centre, is now running her sessions via Zoom.

The Zoom App is free to download and use, so it is easy to join in.

Jutta would like to use this “lockdown” time to introduce people to Pilates and teach a new skill. Then, when live classes restart you can decide if this is something you would like to continue or not.

Beginners Pilates Classes: Every Thursday at 11am - Where you can learn how to engage your core, improve your posture and strengthen your muscles, especially in your back and neck. 

To be sent your Zoom inviation please contact: Jutta on:
07973 307598 or 01590 436375 

Milford Explorers Day Nursery is open

Sarah Renyard, owner and director of Little Wrens and Milford Explorers Day Nurseries in Milford on Sea has let us know that the nursery is open for the children of keyworkers.

Small numbers only available in order to protect staff and children attending. 

If you would like more information please contact Sarah by clicking here.

Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album: Update 2

The Village Doorstep Album now has nineteen photos (thank you to those that have sent), and we would like a lot more! When are you sending yours please?

click image to enlarge
Please get involved, your photos bring the community together and will bring a smile to many battling through this difficult time. See how to do it below.

PS: As well as taking 'doorstep photos' on your walks and sending now, why not also take pictures of your neighbours at 'Clap for Carers' on Thursday? That would make some nice memories for us all share.

To view the Villagers on the Doorstep album; please click here.


About The Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album

The Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album was started on Saturday 25th April 2020. We thought it might be a nice idea to create a light-hearted village record of Milford on Sea villagers on their doorsteps during this Coronavirus crisis.

The album is collection of photos taken by villagers whilst on their daily walks. This is something everyone can get involved with and enjoy seeing grow in the coming days and weeks.

How it works:

Maggie & Tony
click image to enlarge
When you are out for your normal walk; invite your family, neighbours and friends whose front door you might pass, to come to the doorstep and take a photo. (with their permission of course!If you want to send your own photo, Selfies are accepted as long as your front door is in it.

Then, send the photos to:
david@milfordonsea.org and they will be added to the album for all to see.  

*Please also add the names of the people/family to the photo you send.

Please note:

  • You must have permission for photos sent to be added to the album.
  • Pictures must have a front door behind the people.
  • All people in photos must be happy. 
  • Funny doorstep photos or dressed up people welcomed! 
  • We do not want to people to walk further than they normally would to get a picture, we are all still on lockdown after all.
  • Please be careful that there is nothing that gives away the precise location of what may be vulnerable people. So perhaps be wary of including the house number in the photo.

To view the Villagers on the Doorstep album; please click here.

NB: We have only just started, so start sending your photos.

We need your photos, so please get snapping today!

Getting through isolation with ABBA

A little bit of lockdown music by The Starlets to brighten your day.

Isolation ABBA Medley sent in by Peter Rawson.

Keep Moving - Back Care

Local Keep Fit & Pilates teacher, Denise Couston has created another workout for you to give a go. 

This video is aimed to strengthen the core muscles to help support the spine and keep your back supple. You can use the exercises before or after you have been gardening/walking or if you are starting to feel your back is beginning to stiffen up if you have been sitting for long periods of times.

To try out the session please click here.

Funnies from the Past: No.14

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Sturt Pond Monster click here to read.

Calamity at Milford Zoo - click here to read.

More coming next time.

To read all previous publications of 'Funnies from the Past'
  • Go to the search box above on this website
  • Then, enter 'Funnies' into the search box
  • Then, hit 'Search' as below
  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
click image to enlarge

Village Church Services go online

During this time of social distancing, you may be aware that the churches in the village are not gathering for worship as usual. This doesn’t mean that people have not been worshipping!

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Until now, Christians in Milford have had to be content with the remote services offered by other churches, whether on TV or online. However, as of Sunday 26th April, Milford Baptist Church will be posting weekly video sermons by their pastor David Hellsten (of Carols on the Green fame!) on YouTube. 

The relevant links can be found on the church’s website by clicking here and anyone is obviously welcome to tune in - it’s not only for Baptists!

click image to enlarge
All Saints Church are also offering services on their website. To view please click here.

Clapping for village heroes

Last Thursday the residents of Milford Court and Milford House joined together (at the appropriate distance) to cheer for the NHS and the carers. 

At the same time, they all raised a glass to the local shops, newsagents, restaurants, and Boots the chemist and the pharmacy for keeping everyone in Milford on Sea afloat with food, meals and prescriptions.

There is little doubt that their appreciation is shared by many across the village.

Our warmest thanks go to all out there that are keeping the village functioning and supporting so many people at this difficult time.

27 April 2020

Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album: Update 1

Come on guys, I need your help please...

The Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album was started on Saturday 25th April 2020 to create a light-hearted album of Milford on Sea villagers on their doorstep during this Coronavirus crisis.

We are pleased to have received our first nine photos, but we need a lot more!

Please get involved, your photos bring the community together and will bring a smile to many battling through this difficult time. See how to do it below.

PS: As well as taking 'doorstep photos' on your walks and sending now, why not also take pictures of your neighbours at 'Clap for Carers' on Thursday? That would make some nice memories for us all share.

click image to enlarge
To view the Villagers on the Doorstep album; please click here.


About The Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album

We thought it might be a nice idea to create a village record of people on their doorsteps by creating an album of photos taken by villagers whilst on their daily walks. This is something everyone can get involved with and enjoy seeing grow in the coming days and weeks.

The album is on Flickr for all to see and called:
Milford on Sea: Villagers on the Doorstep (Coronavirus time!) - please click here.

Please get involved, it will only take a few minutes of your time and the photos will give a lot of people in the village who may be lonely or struggling a bit of pleasure.

How it works:

Maggie & Tony
click image to enlarge
When you are out for your normal walk; invite your family, neighbours and friends whose front door you might pass, to come to the doorstep and take a photo. (with their permission of course!) If you want to send your own photo, Selfies are accepted as long as your front door is in it.

Then, send the photos to:
david@milfordonsea.org and they will be added to the album for all to see.  

*Please also add the names of the people/family to the photo you send.

Please note:

  • You must have permission for photos sent to be added to the album.
  • Pictures must have a front door behind the people.
  • All people in photos must be happy. 
  • Funny doorstep photos or dressed up people welcomed! 
  • We do not want to people to walk further than they normally would to get a picture, we are all still on lockdown after all.
  • Please be careful that there is nothing that gives away the precise location of what may be vulnerable people. So perhaps be wary of including the house number in the photo.

To view the Villagers on the Doorstep album; please click here.

NB: We have only just started, so start sending your photos.

We need your photos, so please get snapping today!

26 April 2020

This Week's Ray's Lunch Menu for the Vulnerable

Wednesday 27th April Lunch Menu for the Over 70's & Vulnerable Only: 

Stacey at Ray's Italian Restaurant will be providing a warm meal on a Wednesday lunchtime, which will be delivered to your door at an arranged time between 11.45 and 2.30pm.

The 2 course lunch includes a main meal and a dessert for £10. 

Orders must be placed on Monday

To see this week's; menu; please click here.


E-mail to info@raysitaliankitchen.co.uk - By the end of the day on a Monday
Call 07807 287753 to discuss between 10am to 12 midday on Monday

* Please inform Stacey of any allergens or ask my advice.

After this time leave a message and she promises to call you back.


To see Take Away/Delivery Menu for all customers: please click here.

Brighten you day with a New Seasons delivery

New Seasons Florists in Milford on Sea high street are now having 3 deliveries per week and so have lots of cut flowers and plants available to sell and deliver.

click image to enlarge
Owner, Nichola said; "Although our shop isn’t open to customers I would just like to say we can still deliver plants and have an assortment of potted lilies, hydrangeas, geraniums, flowers and more!" "It is lovely to wave to customers through the window and I hope to see you all again in the shop when we all can!"

There is no minimum charge and free delivery in Milford on Sea, prepayment to the shop and all deliveries will be left on your doorstep.

To find out what can brighten your home or to arrange a delivery please call Nichola on: 01590 641001 or contact:

New Seasons Florist
High Street, Milford on Sea
01590 641001

To see other Local Shop Services in Milford on Sea; please click here.

Shortbread for Oakhaven raises over £1000

The South Lawn team have been preparing, baking and selling Shortbread for Oakhaven at £2.50 a pack for just over a week. they invited anyone who wanted to help them with this cause to buy a pack of butter from them to donate back to the Cedar Tree kitchen at South Lawn Hotel. 

Gavin, South Lawn Head Chef
Owner, Tim is delighted to be able to report that they have had over 50 people who have bought butter for them which included several people who bought more than one block and a couple of people who bought larger quantities.

In addition, Lymington Town Sailing Club donated all the butter they had in stock in their freezer. All of which has helped to fund the necessary ingredients to produce the Shortbread. 

As of this morning the team have been very lucky to have been able to sell 382 packs of Shortbread (just over a week) and have also received a number of cash donations to pass on to Oakhaven which total £62.50 so are pleased to report that we have so far raised £1,017.50 for this extremely good cause.

One anonymous lady bought 40 packs of shortbread for us to donate as we saw fit, we distributed these to the staff at St Georges and Hillyfield. 

Tim want to thank everyone for supporting this project, and in turn helping Oakhaven Hospice.


To see South Lawn Hotel's latest takeaway/delivery menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911