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26 April 2020

The Lighthouse opening delayed

It will come as no surprise that the opening of the new restaurant, The Lighthouse, which will be coming at The Marine on Milford on Sea seafront is being delayed.

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The venue has seen a number of restaurants over the past few years, with varying degrees of success, this new venture has a good concept which is expected to work well.

The Lighthouse is to be a Seaside Bar and Casual Dining venue and will be the sister restaurant to The Cliff House in Barton on Sea which is run by husband and wife team Hayley Darbishire and Steve Pillinger.

The food planned for The Lighthouse is described to be fresh, seasonal and fun. The business will be casual dining, laid back but with the customer at the heart of everything.

Once launched, The Lighthouse will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week and feature a small bar area, a 60-seat restaurant and spacious outdoor seating. There will also be a separate 30 seat dining area that will be utilised for private dining, functions and special events.

The Lighthouse will be looking for staff throughout, so if you are interested in joining their team, or finding out more, please contact;

The Lighthouse Seaside Bar & Dining
Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY

Mark's daily walk photos

Mark Jardine, a local resident and Managing Editor at Yachts and Yachting magazine and other titles, has been taking some really nice photos as he has been taking his daily exercise around Milford on Sea.

Grab a cup of coffee, sit down and remember what it looks like out there!

Recent photos of Milford on Sea; please click here.

Photos of Milford on Sea Seafront; please click here.

click image to enlarge

PS: For you sailing enthusiasts out there, take a look at Mark's magazines on the links below:

www.YachtsandYachting.com - The first word in sailing 
www.Sail-World.com - The global leader in sailing news
www.Powerboat-World.com – The latest and best in the world of leisure powerboating
www.MarineBusinessWorld.com - Industry news from around the world

25 April 2020

Join in tribute to Amanda on Wednesday

Local people and friends have an opportunity to pay their respects to Amanda as she departs Milford on Sea.

At 1.45pm, this Wednesday 29th April, Amanda will have her final journey in the village via the Village Green, past the school and then out towards Lymington - before the funeral. (Obviously, due to the coronavirus the service is strictly limited to 5 family members only.
Pic by Peter Lee on
'We love Milford on Sea'
Tributes to Amanda
in The Pleasure Grounds
click image to enlarge

Everyone who would like to pay their respects can stand around the green and along the Lymington Road towards Milford on Sea Primary School (Staying 2 metre's apart of course.)

If people can, they are asked to wear bright colours and perhaps hold a colourful heart.

Donations in Amanda's memory to benefit Oakhaven Hospice can be made by clicking here. The same link will also lead you to her Book of Remembrance if you would like to leave a thought.

Previous article - Farewell Amanda; please click here.

Funnies from the Past: No.13

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Gallic Flair on Milford Seafront click here to read.

Watch Out for Dangerous Rocks - click here to read.

More coming next time.

To read all previous publications of 'Funnies from the Past'
  • Go to the search box above on this website
  • Then, enter 'Funnies' into the search box
  • Then, hit 'Search' as below
  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
click image to enlarge

Milford on Sea History in Pictures: No.8

We have 4000 photos charting some of the history of Milford on Sea in our archives, and we are pleased to now share them with you in photo albums within Flickr.

If you would like to see them, please just click the album title below:

Milford on Sea Scenes

That's it!

To see all of the Historical Milford on Sea Photo Albums: Please click here.

click image to view albums

Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album Launched

The Milford on Sea Doorstep Photo Album was started on Saturday 25th April 2020. We thought it might be a nice idea to create a light-hearted village record of Milford on Sea villagers on their doorsteps during this Coronavirus crisis.

The album is collection of photos of 'villagers on their doorsteps' taken by villagers whilst on their daily walks. This is something everyone can get involved with and enjoy seeing grow in the coming days and weeks.

Please get involved, it will only take a few minutes of your time and your photos will give a lot of people in the village who may be lonely or struggling, a bit of pleasure.

The album is on Flickr and called: Milford on Sea: Villagers on the Doorstep. click here to view

How it works:

When you are out for your normal walk; invite your family, neighbours and friends whose front door you might pass, to come to the doorstep and take a photo. (with their permission of course!If you want to send your own photo, Selfies accepted as long as your front door is in it.

Phil & Sue in
Milford on Sea
Doorstep Album
click image to enlarge
Then, send the photos to:
david@milfordonsea.org and they will be added to the album for all to see.

*Please also add the names of the people/family to the photo you send.

Please note:
  • You must have permission for photos sent to be added to the album.
  • Pictures must have a front door behind the people.
  • All people in photos must be happy. 
  • Funny doorstep photos or dressed up people welcomed! 
  • We do not want to people to walk further than they normally would to get a picture, we are all still on lockdown after all.
  • Please be careful that there is nothing that gives away the precise location of what may be vulnerable people. So perhaps be wary of including the house number in the photo.

To view the Villagers on the Doorstep album; please click here.

NB: We have only just started, so start sending your photos.

We need your photos, so please get snapping today!

24 April 2020

The Good News Newsletter No.5

To view of the latest edition of the The Good News Newsletter:

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

About The Good News Newsletter

An enterprising group of local people have put together a 'Good News Newsletter' with the aim of keeping everyone informed and amused during this difficult time.

The Good News Newsletter has been created by Milford Library, Milford Mutual Aid Group, The Village Voice and MoS News Bulletin.

We will be publishing a copy of each edition here online and for those in the village who do not use digital communication, the Parish Council are printing some paper copies which will be available in some village shops and some distributed by volunteers.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

Sewing for the NHS: Update No.1

24th April 2020: Weekly Update from Larry Anthony, Secretary of The Rotary Club of Becton & District.

Keith doing deliveries
click image to enlarge
It has been another productive week for those amazing volunteers at New Forest Sewing for the NHS. Supported by the Rotary Club of Becton & District this week has seen the project move forward at an increasing pace and in the face of a frenetic demand have managed to achieve the following-

Scrubs - 30 sets have been delivered to Oakhaven and a further 60 to other various locations. Our photo below shows two of the doctors at Oakhaven proudly wearing their new scrubs.

Gowns - 230 have been shipped to Southampton General Hospital. The photo show Rtn Keith of Becton Rotary loading part of the consignment for delivery to SGH. Keith is also one of the “Mission Control” team who are doing so much to keep everything on track. Well done to Gavin and his team.

Scrubs for Oaakhaven
click image to enlarge
Bags - 900 were delivered on Tuesday to various locations and a further consignment is due out today. This brings our production total to date to approximately 4000 bags.

Fundraising - Becton Rotary’s Just Giving page has raised £630 so far and this is supplemented by a £250 donation from the Rotary Club of New Forest and a further £250 in personal donations from members of Becton Rotary. Many of the donors have chosen to remain anonymous so a huge thank you to you all. To donate; please click here.

To find out more:

To read Volunteers Sewing for the NHS; please click here.

Wildlife Garden Challenge: Update 4

Keith's latest update:

At last, some decent weather to enable us to see all the wonderful wildlife that surrounds us ......... wherever we live.

As you will already have read in social meadia reports and probably seen, there have been some outstanding photographs of the Grey Seal resting on Milford beach and along Hurst Spit. I thought I would just add a few words or caution about how best to watch them without disturbing them for too long from their rest. So excuse me also for adding just a few more photos at the end of this update.

Some summer birds have already been seen and there are a few more still to arrive, including House Martin, Sand Martin and Swift that will soon be with us. Some of these species have already been recorded elsewhere around British coasts, so do please keep your eyes out for them arriving along our coastline. If you have already seen any of these three birds, why haven't you let me know?

Enjoy the weather and do whatever you can to help those around us, including our feathered and furry garden friends.

Keith Metcalf 
MCV - Conservation Officer

To see the latest newsletter and  list of sightings so far; please click here.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and stay safe and good wildlife watching.

Keith Metcalf
MCV - Conservation Officer
Milford Conservation Volunteers

To read third updateplease click here.

Say hello to Hello Cheesecake

We have spotted a new local home baker Shannen on Facebook, and she has a new business called 'Hello Cheesecake'. In fact this venture only started on the 19th April 2020, so we thought we would give her a surprise plug.

Hello Cheesecake's range includes Boxes of Cupcakes and 9 inch cheesecakes (Feeds up to 12 - but perhaps not in my house!). The flavours include:

• Strawberry
• Lemon
• Biscoff
• Oreo
• Bueno
• Mint Aero
• Milkybar
• Terry's Chocolate Orange
• Ferraro Rocher
• Raspberry & White Chocolate

click image to enlarge
At present there is not a price list or a menu as prices vary depending on the ingredients for your order. Prices can be obtained by contacting Hello Cheesecake.

It seems that orders are fully booked until 5th May, but future orders are now being taken.

To visit Hello Cheesecake's Facebook pageplease click here.

To send a message on Facebook; please click here.

To contact Shannen by email; please click here.

To call: 07713 570551

Click on the images below to see more cakes. No licking the screen!

Funnies from the Past: No.12

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Donkeys to replace cars in Milford click here to read.

Oldies in Milford - click here to read.

More coming next time.

To read all previous publications of 'Funnies from the Past'
  • Go to the search box above on this website
  • Then, enter 'Funnies' into the search box
  • Then, hit 'Search' as below
  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
click image to enlarge

Milford on Sea History in Pictures - The Village Photo Albums

To see all of the Historical Milford on Sea Photo Albums: Please click here.

We have 4000 photos charting some of the history of Milford on Sea in our archives, and we are pleased to now share them with you in photo albums within Flickr.

Local Random Acts of Kindness

The current coronavirus has very little upsides, but one is the kindness and generosity some people are showing to others.

The heart-warming letter below was sent by Clare Dark to the individual team members at Hollands and is well worth a read...

click image to enlarge

To read about other Small gifts with big gratitude, please click here.

23 April 2020

Milford on Sea History in Pictures: No.7

We have 4000 photos charting some of the history of Milford on Sea in our archives, and we are pleased to now share them with you in photo albums within Flickr.

If you would like to see them, please just click any of the album titles below:

Harvey inspired by Captain Tom

We have heard of a ten year old Milford on Sea schoolboy, Harvey Nelson who has decided to do what he can to raise money for the NHS.

Harvey, who in normal times attends Milford on Sea Primary School, had an idea to raise money for the NHS by setting himself a challenge to raise £1,100. As we write he has raised £590 and you can click here to see how he is doing now.

To see Harvey's explanation of what he is doing, and why, please read below:

Hello Everyone!

My name is Harvey and I am 10 years old. I’ve been inspired by Captain Tom Moore who has been raising money for the NHS. I really admire what he has been doing and I wanted to do my part! 

I’m going to be walking, running or cycling a minimum of 11km a day for 11 days (which is Capital Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday) and before my 11th Birthday. I am hoping to raise £1,100 for the NHS by then.

I would really appreciate it if you could sponsor me so that we can find a vaccine for the Coronavirus and we can get out of this horrible situation sooner than expected.

I have started my challenge today (19th April) and have just walked 11.2km (6.96 miles)! Please sponsor me if you can! Thank you!!

To donate to Harvey's fundraising, please click here.

All Saints' bells to ring for NHS

Tonight (Thursday) the village will once again come to their doorstep at 8pm to Clap for the NHS, Carers & Key Workers.

click image to enlarge
Each week people have found ingenious ways to make more noise, and this evening a rousing and emotional sound is expected across the village.

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To add to the atmosphere tonight, the All Saints' Church a bellringer will join in and it will be a pleasure to hear the church bells pealing across the village.

Get your saucepans ready!

NB:  It will be just one bellringer, as sadly under the Govt’s guidance the Bellringers Guild has banned bellringers from gathering for the time being, so it will be just one ringer with long arms ringing 2 bells!

New premises for New Forest Basic Bank

New Forest Basic Bank have seen a dramatic increase in need for their services as a result of current coronavirus crisis, family hardship and local redundancies.

As you may expect the team are extremely busy, yet have managed to find the time to move into their new purpose-built warehouse premises, as the images below show.

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Holland's of Milford have installed a crate to collect donations of food for New Forest Basics Bank.

All food donations collected will be distributed to the needy of the area. Of course, right now there are more in need due to the hardship arising from Covid-19. 

A notice on the crate tells you what they need most. Please be as generous as you can, thank you.

PS: You can also donate money by clicking here.

New Forest Basics Bank

New Forest Basics Bank is a locally based charity that provides food parcels for the desperately poor in the area.

Funnies from the Past: No.11

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Mystery wall in the village click here to read.

Recipe for Disaster - click here to read.

More coming next time.

To read all previous publications of 'Funnies from the Past'
  • Go to the search box above on this website
  • Then, enter 'Funnies' into the search box
  • Then, hit 'Search' as below
  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
click image to enlarge

Pictures on Milford Beach to make you smile

We spotted these two charming photos published on Facebook recently, and with acknowledgements given to each photographer below we would like to share them both with you.

A smile brightens everyone's day.

Pic: Chris Mabey
Seal on Milford on Sea Beach
click image to enlarge
Pic: Sally Whitelaw
NHS Stones on Milford on Sea Beach
click image to enlarge

Milford Car Wash now offering Home Valet Service

Milford Car Wash are now able to offer a Home Car Valeting Service.

click image to enlarge

To book or find out more, please click here to visit their Facebook page and send them a message.

click image to enlarge

Milford Car Wash

20 Keyhaven Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QY

Strawberries from South Lawn

There is little doubt that these are difficult current times, but it is a pleasure that wonderful local strawberries are now available - and South Lawn can deliver them to your door.

Strawberries from Lymington are now available for one Punnet at £3 or two Punnets for £5, just call South Lawn on 01590 643911 for details.

Roast Dinner delivered to your door

South Lawn also do impressive Sunday Lunches, delivered to your home.

This week the Roasts are Beef or Pork, and the Hot Pudding is Peach and Apple Crumble with Custard. 

They are now taking orders 01590 643911.

To see South Lawn Hotel's latest menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

Milford on Sea History in Pictures: No.6

We have 4000 photos charting some of the history of Milford on Sea in our archives, and we are pleased to now share them with you in photo albums within Flickr.

If you would like to see them, please just click any of the album titles below:

Milford on Sea Valentine's Storm 2014

Milford on Sea Food Week: 2014

Milford on Sea Food Market: 2014

22 April 2020

Sweet Treats made in Milford on Sea

Amanda Maidment is providing freshly made homemade cakes from her kitchen in Whitby Road, Milford on Sea.

Amanda's, The Little Cake Company can offer a wide variety of delights: 
    click image to enlarge
  • 6 homemade cakes for £10 - Any additional cakes are £1.50 each 
A typical mixed box Contains:
  • Victoria sponge with Jam and fresh cream
  • Lemon drizzle with lemon curd and fresh cream
  • Double chocolate brownie
  • Carrot cake with fresh cream cheese frosting and pecan nuts
  • Rocky road with double chocolate and marshmallows
  • Scones with butter, jam and fresh cream
Payment by bank transfer or cash on delivery.

Collection from 36 Whitby Road S041 0ND (Adhering to 2 metres social distancing.) - or Free delivery in Milford on Sea.

Kids Cake Kits

Amanda can also supply cupcakes with decorating kits to keep the kids amused.

If you would like to order, or to request anything special, please contact Amanda by clicking here.
or Call: 01590 719869  or 07809 280178

Keep Moving - But not as you may expect!

This video is certainly not what you may expect. Keep fit may or may not be your thing, but this video is worth watching until the end!

Local Keep Fit & Pilates teacher, Denise Couston has created another short workout - this time 'Three unusual & essential exercises for lockdown' - with a twist!

To see the 'session' (in more than one sense of the word); please click here.

Happy to Help

Denise has also said; "If anyone needs anything shopping or a phone call to chat etc my daughter and I are happy to help."

Please contact Denise by clicking here.

Farewell to Amanda

Mark Tanner has let us know that Amanda’s Funeral is to be held on Wednesday 29th April at 2:30pm. Obviously, due to the coronavirus the service strictly limited to 5 family members only. 

Several people in the village have asked to be informed of the date and time so they can share the moment in their own way.
Pictures of Amanda
at Food Week
click image to enlarge

Donations in Amanda's memory to benefit Oakhaven Hospice can be made by clicking here. The same link will also lead you to her Book of Remembrance if you would like to leave a thought.

To read Amanda Remembered; please click here.

Milford on Sea School

Amanda was a stalwart of the village, a fundraiser for Oakhaven Hospice, a community volunteer, and a school governor among many other things.

Kate Crawford head of Milford on Sea School has sent a letter to all the parents so that they and their children can share to the moment. 

Kate also published the article below on the school website:

It is with deep sadness that I write to inform you about Amanda Tanner, a much loved and highly respected member of the MOSPS community, who passed away on Friday 10th April, after losing her hard fought battle with cancer. 

Amanda had been a Governor at the school since 2015, having been the Clerk to the Governing Body for a number of years before that. Not only did she have invaluable procedural and operational knowledge which greatly assisted the Governing Body, she had an unrelenting passion for, and commitment to, the school. This was always evident in her constant pursuit to ensure the very best educational provision for each and every child at the school, whilst also caring greatly about the staff team.

Amanda was a highly professional and very capable person, but was also warm and open, caring and kind. She will be sorely missed by everybody who knew her.

Amanda was a champion of our We CARE values. She embodied the spirit of exploration through her many sailing adventures around the world, she always aspired to do her best for the school, was unwaveringly respectful of others' opinions and showed immeasurable courage, not least in the final challenge which she faced head on.

In view of this, and in lasting tribute to Amanda's contribution to the whole school community, the Governors and staff at MOSPS have considered it appropriate to create an "End of Year Award" in her memory. The award is known as "The Amanda Tanner We CARE Award" and takes the form of a brass sailing boat (as a nod to her favourite pastime), engraved with those words. The intention is that it will be awarded at the end of each academic year, to one pupil at MOSPS who has, in the opinion of the staff, best demonstrated our We CARE values, which Amanda held so dear.

Whilst times are hard for everyone right now and there is much sadness at Amanda's passing for those who knew her personally, I hope that the enduring gift that she gave the school can continue to be remembered and celebrated each year through the giving of the award.

Please continue to stay safe at home and thank you for all your continued support of the school and its staff at this very difficult time.

Our thoughts and prayers remain with Amanda’s husband Mark and her family.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Crawford and the MOSPS community.

21 April 2020

Do you need a Care Taxi?

Care Taxi is a friendly driving service dedicated especially for the older people & disabled (and even pets!) in Milford on Sea. The service is run by Serendip Home Care, a family owned and run care provider who also run Hillyfield Rest Home.

As their website explains:

Unlike standard taxis, Care Taxi employ vetted and trained carers to provide friendly driving services to anyone who needs assisted transport throughout their journeys.

You no longer need to depend on someone else to get to places, with one phone call your trusted companion will be at your doorstep to assist you with everything from start to finish. Just book and enjoy a pleasant journey.

Care Taxi does not drop you off in the car park, we walk with you to your destination, they will not leave until you are happy and settled. The best thing about care taxi is that can wait for you or stay and assist you.

Care Taxi handpick carers to make sure our drivers are all meet our definition of “pleasant surprise”.
  • Extensive vetting and Compliance
  • Background and Experience check
  • Wheelchair accessible vehicles
  • Fully trained
  • Qualification checks
  • Flat fee of £15 per hour plus mileage
  • Supporting you taking your pets to the vets
  • Driving you to weddings, receptions, and funerals
  • Booking short breaks with a companion to support you
  • Safe and reliable journeys taking your children to and from their after-school activities
  • and for many more reasons
For more information please click here or call: 01590 637228


click image to enlarge
Care Taxi is part of Milford on Sea's Serendip Home Care at Hillyfield Rest Home, a family owned and run care provider.

Serendip Home Care offers a range of home care services in the village.

Formed in April 2018 Serendip Home Care if there to help in the local community. Their aim is to provide high standards of person-centred care across the south of England and specialises in hourly home care visits and 24 hour live-in-care.

Serendip Home Care


Hillyfield Rest Home needs care staff: click here to find out more

20 April 2020

Funnies from the Past: No.10

Whilst we are all stuck indoors, I thought I would republish some old stories, that with a bit of luck will give you a smile.

Here we go again...

Whoops - click here to read.

Watch Out for Cliff Road Speed Camera - click here to read.

The Mole Men - Read the whole sorry saga by:
  • Going to the search box above on this website
  • Then, enter 'Mole' in the search box
  • Then, hit 'Search' as below
  • Then, read the biggest nonsense published on here!
click image to enlarge