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24 April 2020

Wildlife Garden Challenge: Update 4

Keith's latest update:

At last, some decent weather to enable us to see all the wonderful wildlife that surrounds us ......... wherever we live.

As you will already have read in social meadia reports and probably seen, there have been some outstanding photographs of the Grey Seal resting on Milford beach and along Hurst Spit. I thought I would just add a few words or caution about how best to watch them without disturbing them for too long from their rest. So excuse me also for adding just a few more photos at the end of this update.

Some summer birds have already been seen and there are a few more still to arrive, including House Martin, Sand Martin and Swift that will soon be with us. Some of these species have already been recorded elsewhere around British coasts, so do please keep your eyes out for them arriving along our coastline. If you have already seen any of these three birds, why haven't you let me know?

Enjoy the weather and do whatever you can to help those around us, including our feathered and furry garden friends.

Keith Metcalf 
MCV - Conservation Officer

To see the latest newsletter and  list of sightings so far; please click here.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and stay safe and good wildlife watching.

Keith Metcalf
MCV - Conservation Officer
Milford Conservation Volunteers

To read third updateplease click here.

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