What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




06 March 2017

Anyone for Croquet?

Lymington Croquet Club is keenly anticipating its 2017 season as it will finally be using the levelled and improved lawn at Woodside provided by the Town Council as well as enjoying the facilities of the newly-enlarged Lymington Sports Association pavilion. 

The club are now recruiting new members who would like to learn the game as well as experienced players who want to return to it. Croquet is suitable for all ages and levels of skill, and the Club offers introductory coaching and equipment loan. 

Play will start by 1st May, so get in touch now to make the most of the season. Three free sessions will give you the chance to discover the fun of croquet. 

Contact: 01425 628213 or lymingtoncroquet@gmail.com 

26 February 2017

New Style Menu coming at Zaika

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Changes are afoot at our popular village Indian Restaurant, Zaika.

Signs currently on the window say 'Opening soon, New style of Indian food with highly skilled Indian chef.'

You editor has no idea what the new menu might be, nor when it opens, so a pretty pointless article, other than to say that is sounds worth visiting when Zaika re-opens.

Zaika Indian Restaurant
69-71 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG

Vacancy at Village Charity Shop

The Community Centre Charity Shop in Church Hill is looking for a Part time Deputy Manager.

The role is for 14 hours per week with a salary £6420pa and bonus scheme.

If you would like to apply, please send your CV to:
Bob Bishop, C/O Community Centre, Sea Raod, SO41 0PH

*Closing date for applications 13th March 2017.

24 February 2017

Would You Like to Meet Your Neighbours?

Annie Corder Mills and her husband, Tony Mills, moved to Milford on Sea three months ago and they are keen to meet others living in the area. They held their first social in January at The Smugglers Inn which was very successful. 

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They are now organising another Milford on Sea Social Get-Together at 2pm on Sunday 5th March at The Beach House, Park Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PT.

This will be an informal gathering, meeting for drinks and open to anyone living in or near to Milford on Sea. If people enjoy it, Annie & Tony hope they can make it a regular monthly event. 

You can find Annie on Nextdoor, or contact her by email (tony@energetic-wisdom.co.uk) if you have any questions.

Otherwise, just go along to The Beach House and find them there.  If you are a bit shy, don't worry, Annie will help you feel relaxed and part of the group.  

You will find the group in the lounge area.  

Annie & Tony also like to support local businesses, so please feel free to bring your business cards / leaflets.

19 February 2017

20th Anniversary for Gardeners' Club

Milford on Sea Gardeners' Club are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and have a really exciting programme of events planned.

One of the clubs big time speakers, Derrie Watkins is visiting to talk to the members on Saturday the 18th March in All Saints' Church Hall. 

Derrie has a Specialist Nursery near Bristol, is a well respected gardener and nurserywomen and she will enlighten all on her move from America to this country to start her famous garden - her talk will be entitled a 'Derelict Hill Farm to Garden in a year or two or - twelve'.

Tickets will be available on the door, (Club members £1 - visitors £4 refreshments included.) Doors open at 2pm and talk starts 2.30pm for anyone who would like to go along.

13 February 2017

Can you make a Video Film?

Are you a dab hand with a video camera?

If so, would you be prepared to help The Community Centre, who would like to have a rolling video on the television screen in the foyer.

The idea is to have a video film which shows what the Centre volunteers do. The video could then also be used at village events such as the Newcomers' Supper.

Is this something you, or anyone you know would be happy to help with? 

If so. please contact Ann Houlihan at annhoulihan360@gmail.com

10 February 2017

No. 64 Biscuit House Opening Soon

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Anyone wandering down Milford on sea high street in recent months cannot fail to have noticed the impressive renovations taking place at what was formally Gwen's Ladies Fashions.

The refurbishment is now complete, and preparations are now underway to open No. 64 Biscuit House on Saturday 25th February.

Interior styling expert Clare Southcombe-Holmes and Glenn Harrison are excited for you to see some of the beautiful items Clare has selected from across Europe for her store.

The new website for No64 is now online for you to take a look: www.no64.co.uk.

No. 64 Biscuit House
64 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

07 February 2017

Creeks and Saltmarsh – Guided Bird Watching Trip

Wildlife enthusiasts have been able to enjoy a unique glimpse of over 40 bird species currently residing in Keyhaven’s creeks and saltmarshes during a special trip organised by Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV).

Travelling on a Dory (ideal for shallow water operations), passengers were taken on a spectacular journey around areas not usually navigable by normal boats.
The range of species included Brent Goose, Curlew, Black tailed Godwit, Teal, Dunlin, Turnstone, Grey Plover, Knot, Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Shelduck, Cormorant, Eider, Little Egret, Greenshank, Redshank, Red- breasted Merganser, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Lapwing, Great Black-backed Gull, Grey Heron, Wigeon, Mute Swan, Mediterranean Gull, Peregrine and Raven.

The overriding sense on board was the sheer number of birds being seen – over 1,500 Brent Geese, 100 Black-tailed Godwits, 2,000+ Dunlin and the associated winter bird calls. The moody atmosphere was enhanced by the rising sun and low level mist.

This type of trip is a perfect way to see our local wildlife at close quarters and observe some of the bird behaviours. With skipper Jason Crane from Hurst Castle Ferries visiting the more inaccessible creeks, the bird watchers were treated to a memorable journey, along with the opportunity to learn more about bird identification.

The idea now is to schedule additional trips with MCV and Hurst Castle Ferries. Anyone with an interest in local wildlife is most welcome to enjoy the ‘Creeks and Saltmarsh’ experience. The trips are scheduled to last for about 1.5 hours and the cost will be £12.50 per person. 

Full details are available from Keith Metcalf – just email him on keithmetcalf@btinternet.com or call 01590 645825. 

Information about the Milford Conservation Volunteers, and how to join, can be found on the website at www.milfordcv.org

Public Exhibition of School Lane Housing Development

Pennyfarthing Homes are holding a public exhibition to discuss residential and public open space proposals for land north of School Lane, Milford on Sea. 

This will be your opportunity to meet with the Pennyfarthing team and hear about the proposed scheme, provide your feedback and have any questions you may have answered. 

The event is being held: 
Between 3pm to 7pm on Thursday 9 February 2017
at Milford on Sea Baptist Church Hall, The Manse, Wayside Close, Milford on Sea SO41 0RN 

You can go at anytime between 3pm and 7pm. 

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What is proposed? 

As you may be aware, the land north of School Lane has been allocated by New Forest District Council for housing and public open space provision. Working to produce a scheme that aims to delivers the aspirations of the Council, Pennyfarthing Homes proposes: 

• 46 high quality new homes, of which 14 would be starter homes and 9 affordable rent 
• 2 hectares of formal open space 
• 5 new allotments 
• A safe new drop off/parking area for Milford Primary School 
• Significant landscape planting 

Please see the suggested site layout on image to right, which indicates the areas proposed for the new housing, public open space, allotments and school drop off zone. 

The scheme would also deliver new homes catering for affordable homes and first time buyers through to larger family homes, with many benefiting from filtered views to the Isle of Wight.
Should you have any questions ahead of the public exhibition please don’t hesitate to call the Freephone Community Information Line on 0800 294 1304 and the Pennyfarthing team will be happy to help.

31 January 2017

Feeling Isolated or Lonely

Milford Befrienders are a group of local people who provide a regular friendly visit to anyone in the village who feels isolated or lonely. 

• Do you sometimes feel isolated or lonely? 

• Or maybe you are new to the village? 

If you would appreciate a regular visit for a natter or someone to share a cuppa with, then please get in touch. ~The Befrienders have a team of trained local people ready to help. 

Simply give them a call and we will match you up with a new friend – a weekly visit can work wonders. 

If you know of someone else who might benefit then please encourage them to get in touch. 

Please contact Steve Anderton on 01590 637088 or befrienders@steveanderton.com

New Housing Development Meeting | Now Cancelled

Please Note: This meeting has now been cancelled.

Pennyfarthing Homes are holding a consultation meeting on the MOS1 site this Thursday 2nd February which will be open from 3pm to 7pm in the Milford on Sea Baptist Church in Barnes Lane. 

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The MOS1 Housing Consultation Event relates to the proposed new housing site next to Milford on Sea Primary School.

The school has received an invitation for parents, school staff and governors to attend to view the proposals and ask questions.

We would also presume that the meeting is open to the public should you wish to attend.

29 January 2017

Bev Loves Truffles

Former owner of The Village Coffee Pot, Bev Laimbeer is once again having her own business having sold her cafe in the High Street in January 2016.

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Bev has purchased the wonderful 'old school' chocolate shop; Truffles of Lymington in Lymington High Street. The shop specialises in chocolates, sweets in jars, coffee and teas, specialty foods and greetings cards.

Truffle’s has been a confectionery shop for over 60 years and was previously owned by Elizabeth Radcliffe for 30 years. 

The local lymington.org website says that this historic shop has a well at the back of the shop inside a cupboard, which is said to be well-preserved. Under a concrete floor is thought to be a domed cellar, but no entrance has ever been found. Rumour has it that all the cellars on this side of the High Street were linked forming a smuggler’s tunnel from the quay to the church.

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Bev recalls: "I remember going in to Truffles when I first moved to the area 24 years ago and loving it then. As soon as I went to view the shop I knew it was the one for me. I love the shop's quirky uniqueness and don't want that to change." 

The Village News at the bottom on Milford on Sea village green will happily take orders for any of the items on sale in Truffles, and they will be delivered to Mark at The Village News for collection. 

In the coming weeks Bev will have a website and Facebook page showing some of the wonderful items in stock, and we will let you know when it is available.

In the meantime, fulfil your chocolate craving by giving her a visit. I'll be the big bloke at the back of the shop pretending to look for the hidden cellar, whilst eating shrimps and bananas, and with chocolate smeared all around my lips!

Truffles of Lymington
97 High Street, Lymington SO41 9AP
Tel: 01590 673428

24 January 2017

From Slaughter House to Biscuit House

If you visit Milford on Sea High Street it has been hard to miss the transformation that has been taking place to what had previously been a village landmark for many years, Gwen's Fashions at the foot of the village green.

The transformation is nearly complete and soon Clare Southcombe-Holmes & Glenn Harrison will soon fulfil a long held dream when they open their new business, No.64 Biscuit House providing designer homewares & professional interior styling.

When the business opens we will of course let you know, but in the meantime Glenn has shared some fascinating history on the building, which we hope you will find of interest.

History of 64 High Street, Milford on Sea

Info from Gwen & Eddie Peden and the old deeds on 62-64 High Street.

On the 23rd July 1677 a plot of land, Paddock & Pasture, was leased for 1,000 years to John Scott & Henry Hiscock for a peppercorn rent.

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The land had numerous owners throughout the 1700's and 1800's until Saturday 8th November 1884 when, at an auction at the Angel Hotel in Lymington, at 3pm, it was sold as a long leasehold business premises. 

The plot/building was developed into a 'dwelling house with front shop' comprising: Sitting Room, 4 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Scullary, Outbuildings, 4-walled stable, coach house for 4 vehicles, shed, walled-in productive garden and a Slaughter House!

“Held for the remainder of a term of 1,000 years lease from 28th July in the 28th year of the reign of his majesty King Charles II, at a yearly rent of a peppercorn”.

Ownership History:

• 29th October 1855: Assignment. Mr George King sold to Mr Edward Lonnen
• 26th October 1870: Assignment. Mr Edward Lonnen sold to Mr George Lonnen, Butcher.
• 8th December 1884: Assignment. Mr George Lonnen sold to Arthur William St.John.
• 24th August 1891: Conveyance. Arthur William St.John sold to W G Stratton.
• 31st July 1899: Assignment. W G Stratton sold to George Miles. 
• 30th June 1945: Annie Miles & Mrs Elizabeth Emily McCullen (maiden name: Miles), sold to Farmer, Phillip C Thorne.
• 28th July 1947: Phillip Thorne sold to Frederick Arthur Cooke (Gwen Peden's father)

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It is known that since at least 1855, 64 High Street had been a butchers shop.

In 1889 George Miles bought 64 High Street with the butcher shop and slaughter house and named the business 'G. Miles'. The property stayed in the family until 1945.

During the 1930/40's a great village character, Mr Ackers, better known as 'Rodeo', lived in an one room stone cottage at the rear of G.Miles butchers shop. It was said that he had once worked in a circus and he was always seen in the company of animals, mainly dogs. He also kept goats and some other animals on some spare ground near the White Bridge and his animals were often decorated with coloured ribbons. 'Rodeo' became an accepted part of Village life and well thought of by locals and visitors alike. One day 'Rodeo' was out, and when he returned home the owner of the day had demolished his home. It is understood that he then taken in by a care home.

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The 'village slaughter-man' was one Dick Dunford. Not only was he responsible for the disposal of a lot of the animals in the two slaughter-houses in the High Street. As many of the working families kept pigs in a sty in their gardens he would always be on hand to put them to the knife at the required time.

Fred Cooke bought the 'G. Miles' Butchers Shop at No. 64 High Street in 1947 after being demobbed from Navy, At that time the butchers occupied half of the shop with the other half being the cart shed and entrance to the slaughter house.

Shortly after Fred converted the cart shed and slaughter house entrance into a Wet Fish Shop and both adjacent shops traded until the early sixties.

Fred and Lily Cooke also owned another Butchers Shop at 92 High Street, called A F Hillier.

Fred had started at Hillier's as a delivery boy, and then manager. Eventually he and Lily bought and run the business until 1977 when they sold A F Hillier butchers and retired. (92 High Street was most recently David Gregory Butchers until 2014.)

In 1977 the slaughter house itself, together with the stable at the rear, were converted into a 'Granny flat' within which Fred & Lily lived until they passed on 1988 & 1978 respectively. 

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Fred's daughter, Gwen Peden and her husband Eddie had lived in the property since returning from Canada in 1962. In 1964 they took over the premises from her father and opened Gwen's Ladies Fashions which traded until December 2012 when Gwen and Eddie retired. They continue to live in the village today.

Gwen and Eddie sold to Clare Southcombe on the 25th February 2016 and soon after the latest refurbishment project began....and now the business 'No64' has been created.

Glenn said; "As far as a history of the building/plot/village goes Gwen & Eddie Peden have been wonderful in providing me with an amazing history."

The new website for No64 is now online for you to take a look: www.no64.co.uk, the shop and services will be opening soon.

No. 64
64 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

Join the Total Voice Chamber Choir

The Total Voice Chamber Choir has spaces for two sopranos and two altos. 

Milford’s very own chamber choir sings an eclectic repertoire. It focuses on performing to a high standard and having lots of fun at the same time. 

It’s very unusual for the choir to have spaces for women, so if you’re a keen singer with basic music-reading skills, grab the chance to get involved with this happy, challenging choir, please contact victoria@totalvoice.co.uk

Glass Recycling Text Reminders

Residents of the New Forest can now sign up to a new text messaging service being introduced by the district council which will send a reminder the evening before monthly glass recycling collections are due. 

Cllr Sophie Beeton, portfolio holder for the environment at New Forest District Council, said: “The free Remind Me service is being introduced as we know that people want to recycle their glass, but life gets busy and a timely reminder the night before could make all the difference between remembering to put your glass bottles and jars out for collection and forgetting.” 

Almost 5,000 tonnes of glass bottles and jars are recycled by New Forest residents each year. 

As well as the text message prompt, Remind Me will reward residents for recycling their glass by entering them into a reward draw. 20 households will be randomly selected each month and, if they are recycling the right things, they can choose from a range of rewards, such as one month’s free membership at one of five New Forest Health and Leisure Centres, a family ticket to Beaulieu or a hamper full of local goodies from The New Forest Hamper Company. 

The first 15,000 households to sign up will also receive a free Brand New Forest discount card, usually £5. 

The new scheme is being funded by a grant from central government that aims to encourage recycling.

To register for the reminders, residents should text GLASS followed by first name, last name, first line of address and postcode to 81025 (e.g. GLASS Joan Smith 1 Long Lane SO12 A34)

Find out more about Remind Me at: www.newforest.gov.uk/remindme

15 January 2017

MilfordonSea.com Goes Offline

Seventeen years ago local resident, Sarah Bell, launched Milford-on-Sea’s first website. www.milfordonsea.com. Indeed, it was one of the first community websites in the world! 

By internet standards the software used to make it is now out-of-date as newer systems have come, gone and superseded earlier ones which are no longer supported by the original makers.

Sarah has now taken the decision that milfordonsea.com has to come to an end and she didn’t want to just disappear online without letting people know how much she has enjoyed running the sites for the people of Milford. Working on the old adage of ‘there is a time to plant and a time to uproot’ Sarah has decided the time has come to abandon the work of so many years and will ’review the situation – and think it out again!’ (With thanks to Lionel Bart!)

Sarah has asked us to help let those who have supported her sites so well since she ventured into this world of websites (which this site joined shortly afterwards). The two sites worked well together as we covered different fields and styles.

Another of Sarah's sites, Sarah’s Pips (www.sarahspips.uk) followed up the original Milford-on-Sea site when the latter started wobbling about 5 years ago but Sarah’s Pips decided it was too young to die just yet. 
Consequently that site has a temporary reprieve but at the moment needs to survive Intensive Care by its servers.

Should any website arise from the ashes we will of course let you know. Sarah will continue to retain the original names just in case . . . 

09 January 2017

Chuckles Mobile Chippy on Thursdays

Good news for fish & chip lovers...

Last year Chuckles Chippy came to Milford on Sea village with their mobile fish & chip van to fill the void left after Mr Pink's unfortunate fire.

At the time of writing it is not known when Mr Pink's will re-open, however fish & chips are available again!

Chuckles Mobile Chippy will be returning to serve the village on Thursday Evenings from 4.30pm in the vicinity of the Village Green. Whilst demand exists, the van will be coming on a weekly basis commencing from this Thursday 12th January 2017. 

Please form an orderly queue!

Chuckles Chippy
Mandie Stannard
418 Poole Road, Poole, BH12 1DF
01202 929050

Community Panel Launched

Milford on Sea Community Panel launch a new charity for Milford, Keyhaven and Everton 

MoS Community Panel is a networking group of local voluntary organisations. They have decided to set up a charity to support existing groups and new projects with charitable aims and which benefit people living in the parish of Milford. It will act as an “umbrella” charity, providing a bank account, insurance, DBS checks for volunteers and general advice. 

In time it will support groups to make bids for external funding. But each project, for example Milford Befrienders, or the new minibus project, will retain their own management and independence. 

Individual donations, which are channelled through the charity will be eligible for gift aid, so will be 25% more valuable to the projects. When an individual makes a donation, they can make it directly to the cause they wish to support, or can donate to the charity itself. Any general funds which are donated will be allocated to new or existing projects. 

Any Milford on Sea voluntary organisation who think they could benefit from coming under the umbrella can join the Community Panel, and become members of the charity. 

All existing members of the Panel (which is open to anyone with an interest in the community) are eligible to be members of the charity, which will be administered by a small group of trustees. The panel meetings will continue to be the main forum for discussing new and existing projects and how they might be introduced and managed.

If you would like more information, or would like to get involved, please email the Panel Chair, Jenny Whitley below:

Milford on Sea Community Advisory Panel
Jenny Witley

08 January 2017

Does Milford Need Its Own Minibus?

The Milford on Sea Community Advisory Panel (Also known as the 'Community Panel') and a number of local organisations believe the village needs a minibus to serve groups and individuals in the Milford Parish. 

This would be over and above the Community Care transport currently taking people to medical appointments and the Community First New Forest bus taking people shopping to New Milton and Lymington once each week. A further minibus could potentially provide transport within and outside this locality. 

To support the case for setting up this proposed service, The Community Panel need to determine who the customers might be and what their needs are.

A questionnaire will soon be going out to selected clubs and organisations, but the group need to make sure they don’t miss any potential individual or organisation users, and they also wish to understand the needs of individuals who are not affiliated to any groups.

If you, or your organisation would like to register your interest in this initiative, would you please contact Terry Bufton on 01590 641875 or e-mail him on terry.minibus@btinternet.com.

The White Horse Closes Again

After a lot of effort, and significant investment (particularly in the childrens' play area), the doors of The White Horse again closed on Monday 9th January 2016.

After its previous closure on 7th September 2015, The White Horse had reopened with Julia, Liz and Steve (JLS Publicans) as the new landlords on the 2nd December 2015. Everyone hoped that with their track record in running pubs that they could make The White Horse successful once again.

The future of this historic village pub is again unclear at present, but The White Horse Inn, (and The Red Lion and The Gun) are pubs in the village that are Grade II listed buildings.

On the 25th January 2016 South Hants CAMRA (the local branch of the Campaign for Real Ale), successfully achieved an application to have The White Horse listed as an AVC (Asset of Community Value) for five year. This gives the building some protection from development and a breathing space for someone to make a go of running it as a going concern.

Behind the pub is copious land which if developed would be a prime location for housing.

The actual Building and business is owned by Enterprise Inns.

To read previous article relating to The White Horse, please click here.

The White Horse
16 Keyhaven Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QY
01590 642360
www.whitehorsemilfordonsea.co.uk - which no longer works.

07 January 2017

Santa’s House wins Millie a Mountain Bike

Following on from the success of last year’s Santa’s House competition at Milford on Sea Primary School, local estate agent Collins & Butler once again sponsored this great event.

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This time the children had to use all their wonderful imagination to make a model of what they thought Santa’s House looked like, using materials from clay, twigs, cardboard, gingerbread or anything else they could think of.

14 fantastic models were produced and judged by Collins & Butler staff, who were staggered by the efforts of the children.

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All children received a voucher for their hard work and Collins & Butler presented the winner, 9 year old Millie Coetzee, with a brand new mountain bike.

05 January 2017

Village Exhibition & Newcomers Supper

At the beginning of each year two excellent events take place where you can discover more about the village in which you live.

Firstly is the free Milford on Sea Village Exhibition which is Open to All, and takes place from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 25th March 2017 in All Saints Church in Milford on Sea. .

This is a great opportunity to come and meet representatives from Clubs, Societies and Services across the village. 

Exhibitors Information
  • Set up in the morning or before 2pm.
  • Application for space before 1st March 2017. 
  • Stand position is on a first come first choice basis. 
  • Exhibitors to provide a card table sized table for their stand. 
  • Supper it is £3.50 a head.
Milford Businesses

Although the exhibition does not have the space for businesses to have a stall, Ruth is keen for everyone to have an opportunity to promote themselves. After all, we love our shops and local traders!

To get involved, simply provide Ruth with an A5 handout, A6 slips of information and supply about 70 business cards - before 1st March. These will then be to put in the goody bags that will be given to each Newcomer on the evening.

To exhibit or advertise your business please contact Ruth on: 01590 641875 or ruth.bufton@btinternet.com - 15 Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY


The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is held to welcome all newcomers to the village in All Saints Church Hall in Milford on Sea.

Anyone that was new to the village in 2016 is able to apply for an invitation, - and the event is entirely free.

This informal evening is great to meet other new people to the village & a selection of village people. (That's residents, not the old pop group!)

The Milford on Sea Newcomers Supper evening consists of two parts: 

Newcomers arrive at 6pm to visit the exhibition and wander around informally meeting representatives from the many clubs, associations & organisations in the village. They can tell you anything you want to know, and if you fancy getting involved you can.

At 7.15pm the exhibition is followed by a free sit down supper with the chance to meet new people & have a bit of fun.

Come & enjoy a free drink & supper meal, together with entertainment, lots of fun and laughter, and which ends with the Milford song!

Most years the event has over a hundred people attending, and it is a great way to meet new people, and to get a warm welcome to your new home. The village is full of friendly people and the ‘Newcomers Supper’ is a fast-track way of getting to know all about our village life.

The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is funded & hosted by all of the churches in the village & tirelessly organised by Ruth Bufton.

The event is by invitation only, so if you are new to the village this year and would like to come along (Adults only), all you need to do is to contact: Ruth Bufton on: ruth.bufton@btinternet.com or 01590 641875.

First Single for The Manatees

The Manatees are a four piece indie pop band featuring guys from Milford & Lymington. 

Since getting together in August 2016, the band members; Jay Harris, James Brearley, Tyler Bloor and James Miller have gigged regularly across the south coast including noticeable headline and main support slots at venues such as The Joiners in Southampton.

As well as spanning the south coast from Brighton to Bournemouth the band have performed in London including a headline slot at the O2 Academy2 in Islington.

The Manatees have big ambitions having released their debut single and music video 'Avoiding Glances' on January 1st 2017 and their first EP being released on January 13th 2017.

To find out more on Facebook please click here

12 December 2016

Village School Seeks Sponsorship

The austerity agenda means it is increasingly difficult for the school governors to balance the Milford on Sea Primary School budget and they are increasingly reliant on goodwill and the PFA (Parent Friends Association) to provide the ‘extras’ so enjoyed by pupils at the school.

Milford on Sea is not alone in struggling to balance the books, with most schools reporting financial challenges for the foreseeable future. The financial challenges also mean that is becoming difficult to keep the school grounds and buildings in top-notch condition. 

The National Association of Head Teachers report that two thirds of schools will not be able to balance their books in four years’ time. The NAHT questioned more than 1,000 headteachers and found that 64 per cent are making “significant” cuts or dipping into reserves to stave off deficits. 

With this in mind, Milford on Sea Primary School are seeking sponsorship, charitable funding or practical support for two projects in 2017 that they simply don’t have the funding for. 

1) The School Hall has to work very hard! It’s used for Collective Worship, PE, lunchtimes, shows and an array of after-school clubs. As the focal point of the school, it should reflect the values and aspirations we have for our pupils and school community. However, it is presently rather ‘down at heel’ and needs decorating, new curtains and display boards. It is estimated that the total cost of the work to be about £5,000.

2) Forest School – Forest School is an inspirational process that offers our youngest pupils regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in our very own Forest School setting, ‘Little Wood’. To sponsor Forest School at MOSPS would cost a company about £4,500 PA.

(This year the School Governors have asked parents for a voluntary contribution for Forest School but would rather not do this moving forward.) 

The school can offer various forms of acknowledgment in return such as plaques, signs and copy to the school parents and community, not to mention coverage in www.milfordonseanews.org

Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested in supporting these projects. 

To find out more, or to get involved, please contact Mrs Deborah Cummings, the School Business Manager or Mr Hill on 01590 642945 if you have any suggestions, questions or offers.

08 December 2016

Crib Festival at St Mary's, Everton

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For the first time St Mary’s Church at Everton are holding a Crib Festival. 

There will be many different cribs on display, some from other countries and some made locally.

The displays will delight young and old, so why not pop along, there will be a warm welcome.

The Crib Festival is on from:
Friday 9th December and Saturday 10th December from 10am to 3pm
and then on Sunday 11th December from 1.30pm to 3pm.

Free entry with donations to Scripture Union and refreshments in the Church hall.

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01 December 2016

Christmas Tree Lights Go On

Val Plummer and
Bob Bishop, Parish Council Chairman
The Milford on Sea Christmas Tree was turned on this week, resplendent in the new lights donated by village based interior designer, Val Plummer.

Tonight, Friday 2nd December is late night opening for the village shops, and then from 6.30pm one of the most charming evenings of the year takes place on the village green.

Our local choir will be leading the carol singing, with the evening compered by Reverend David Hellsten on behalf of the united village churches.

A little later, after working hard in his Grotto in the village, Father Christmas arrives with treats for the kids.

Bring the family, bring yourself, and have a good time kicking off the Christmas season.


Carols on the Green Offer for 1 day only!

Sean & Claire at The New Forest Paddle Sport Company are offering 10% on all stock items excluding Shaun Stevens Cards, Hutch SUP Wear and Monika Interior Art.

46 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD - 01590 645270


Local Artists at Carols on the Green: Shaun Stevens and Tessa van Hasselt are open in the Hurst Castle Shop (next to the co-op from 5pm to 8pm) Greetings cards, paintings, fridge magnets, mats, mugs, tea towels, Hurst bags, miniatures, all sorts of Christmas presents for sale.


To find out more about At No 19 - please click here.

01590 641804

Lisa's Larder launches New Product

After months of planning, testing, tasting and designing, Lisa's Larder is pleased to announce the launch of its very own branded Black Sheep Kitchen range of condiments for meat, preserves and gift items at its shop opening this Friday (2nd Dec) from 9.30am to 3pm and Saturday (3 Dec) from 9.30am to 1pm. 

click image to enlarge
Made for Lisa's Larder in Somerset, the label features an image taken by local photographer Adam Lynk and Lisa is hoping this new range will help to put Keyhaven and her lovely Black Sheep even more on the map.

As well as the launch of the new range of condiments, this weekend we will also see the marquee going back up and Lisa will be tempting customers with tasters from all her range, with several of her favourite suppliers in attendance. This should be a great opportunity to try some new things, while also making some Christmas food purchases.

Lisa's Larder is located at Aubrey Farm in Keyhaven.

28 November 2016

A fitting tribute to Chris Monk

All Saints Parish Church was packed to standing room only to bid farewell to Chris Monk at the Celebration of and Thanksgiving for his life. 

His widow Pauline led the mourners of all ages from small children with family and friends, joined by so many from all sections of Milford village life – those in trade, clubs, former customers and neighbours and friends. It was such a tribute to someone everyone described as “A lovely man”.

Christine Andress, his colleague for 38 years spoke this eulogy (abbreviated).

Chris lead a full and varied life, born in Southampton in 1942, moved to Sherfield English near Romsey then in 1956 while on a visit to Milford, his father, (a butcher by trade) spotted a “For Sale” sign outside Jupes Fishmongers shop. He bought it and so Monk and Son began. Chris wanted to be a farmer but Tom had other ideas and so Chris entered the business. In the beginning he was responsible for deliveries on a Lambretta with the fish in a storage box secured over the back wheel. 

One day he stopped to talk to some friends on the Green, but as he left let the clutch out too quickly and kangarooed down the road shedding fish in all directions. During his teenage years he developed a love of motor bikes and spent most week-ends trialling: he became very successful at this. He was Secretary and a very popular member of the Lymington Cycle Club for many years.

Chris met Pauline when she was working in the hairdressers, now Polyanna - they were married in 1967 and lived in Hordle until his father died suddenly in 1969 when they moved over the shop and ran the business with his Mum. Christine joined the business in 1971 just before Ian was born and they worked together. Their first son Ian was born but sadly died of leukaemia at 19 months, then three years later Tony was born to the great joy of everyone.

Chris kept the business going through thick and thin helped by his Mum, Christine, her daughter Jill who did the deliveries, Chris Hatton and our little Saturday girl Mary-Kate Hobby. As well as selling fish, Christmas was the time for pheasants, some of which came from local shoots for us to pluck and prepare for the shop. 

The business continued to thrive resulting in long queues on Fridays and Saturdays. No-one ever complained as there was the latest edition of the long-running weekly poems to keep everyone amused.

We did many sponsored walks and bike rides, the proceeds going to local charities. We also had successes on the Milford Carnival float competitions, dressing the window for Carnival Night and at Christmas. Chris served on many Milford Committees. He was also a member of Barton Golf Club and Monday afternoons were sacrosanct, when he played with the Milford Mafia, many of whom are here today.

Chris sold the business in 2007 and worked part-time for Tony at Westover Group delivering car parts, a job he loved. The greatest joy during his retirement was being with his beloved grandchildren, Josh and Zac and a proud moment in September when Tony married Linda, a joyful day for us all.

I feel I must mention at this juncture that holidays were an unnecessary evil for Chris. The skid marks through the village were from his heels as we dragged him to Bournemouth Airport. Chris preferred to be busy and every Christmas he could be seen helping to erect the enormous tree on the Green – and latterly he joined the team at All Saints keeping the church yard neat and tidy.

Chris was a large part of this village of Milford that he loved and we will miss him in very many ways.

Eds Note: Monk and Son were at 98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE which is now the location of Verveine, a restaurant and still the village fishmongers.