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12 December 2016

Village School Seeks Sponsorship

The austerity agenda means it is increasingly difficult for the school governors to balance the Milford on Sea Primary School budget and they are increasingly reliant on goodwill and the PFA (Parent Friends Association) to provide the ‘extras’ so enjoyed by pupils at the school.

Milford on Sea is not alone in struggling to balance the books, with most schools reporting financial challenges for the foreseeable future. The financial challenges also mean that is becoming difficult to keep the school grounds and buildings in top-notch condition. 

The National Association of Head Teachers report that two thirds of schools will not be able to balance their books in four years’ time. The NAHT questioned more than 1,000 headteachers and found that 64 per cent are making “significant” cuts or dipping into reserves to stave off deficits. 

With this in mind, Milford on Sea Primary School are seeking sponsorship, charitable funding or practical support for two projects in 2017 that they simply don’t have the funding for. 

1) The School Hall has to work very hard! It’s used for Collective Worship, PE, lunchtimes, shows and an array of after-school clubs. As the focal point of the school, it should reflect the values and aspirations we have for our pupils and school community. However, it is presently rather ‘down at heel’ and needs decorating, new curtains and display boards. It is estimated that the total cost of the work to be about £5,000.

2) Forest School – Forest School is an inspirational process that offers our youngest pupils regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in our very own Forest School setting, ‘Little Wood’. To sponsor Forest School at MOSPS would cost a company about £4,500 PA.

(This year the School Governors have asked parents for a voluntary contribution for Forest School but would rather not do this moving forward.) 

The school can offer various forms of acknowledgment in return such as plaques, signs and copy to the school parents and community, not to mention coverage in www.milfordonseanews.org

Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested in supporting these projects. 

To find out more, or to get involved, please contact Mrs Deborah Cummings, the School Business Manager or Mr Hill on 01590 642945 if you have any suggestions, questions or offers.

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