What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




19 February 2017

20th Anniversary for Gardeners' Club

Milford on Sea Gardeners' Club are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year and have a really exciting programme of events planned.

One of the clubs big time speakers, Derrie Watkins is visiting to talk to the members on Saturday the 18th March in All Saints' Church Hall. 

Derrie has a Specialist Nursery near Bristol, is a well respected gardener and nurserywomen and she will enlighten all on her move from America to this country to start her famous garden - her talk will be entitled a 'Derelict Hill Farm to Garden in a year or two or - twelve'.

Tickets will be available on the door, (Club members £1 - visitors £4 refreshments included.) Doors open at 2pm and talk starts 2.30pm for anyone who would like to go along.

1 comment:

  1. Are there Gardeners out there who have driven along the B3058 recently, ie the road from New Milton to Milford ?. The hedges have just been trimmed by the NFDC or Hampshire CC & you can see why we are not an "Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty". We, the public are not allowed to pick wild flowers or disturb the beauty of nature, but these Council maintenance crews can rip & tear their way along leafy lanes, leaving a visual trail of destruction.


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