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19 November 2019

Violet inspires poppy fundraising

Knitting two Remembrance Poppies, one each for herself and Violet her daughter led to a lot more knitting for Milford on Sea mum Kirsty Long.

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On being told of the significance of the Remembrance Poppy from her mum, Violet had the idea that maybe more Poppies could be made and donations requested for 'The War Men' as she touchingly described them. 

After much knitting, about sixty Poppies were produced, and in addition to advertising them on Facebook and taking orders, the Poppies were also available in Village News in Milford on Sea, where proprietor Mark and his customers are always very supportive of the Poppy Appeal. 

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Purple versions of the poppies, which commemorate the horses and other animals which died in war service were also available. 

Violet's idea has resulted in an extra £176 in donations for this years Poppy Appeal in Milford on Sea, so a big 'well done' and thank you is due to Violet and mum Kirsty. 

Violet is currently learning to knit, in time for next years Poppy Appeal!

12 November 2019

Magical Christmas decorations coming

The 'Making Milford More Magical at Christmas' project is about to see the results of the efforts of Tracy Haupt and Diana Brushwood (plus other volunteers and generous donators).

The new Christmas decorations will be going up in the village on 2.30pm on Sunday 1st December with Xmas wreaths, garlands and arrangements. 

This will be a truly community event with children from Sea Horses Play Group, Milford Explorers, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Pre-School and Primary School, Youth Football Club, Youth Club and Beavers and Cubs who will arrive, to decorate their allocated tree. At dusk all Xmas lights will be switched on!

Do pop along to Milford on Sea village green and see your village being decorated (and if you can, perhaps lend a hand). 

Making Milford More Magical at Christmas - Fundraising

To date 80% (£1,202) of the £1,500 target has been raised on the Just Giving Page by 44 supporters.

Click here to read original article.

The Just Giving fundraising page closes on Sunday 17th November 2019, so if you want to contribute please do it now: Please click here to donate to Village Christmas Decorations.

Tracy and Diana would like to thank everyone for their support.

For more information, or to volunteer to help put up the decorations please contact:
Tracy Haupt - tracyhaupt01@aol.com
Diana Brushwood - dianabrushwood@gmail.com

11 November 2019

Jabulani Gallery to close

Sally Hamilton of Jabulani Gallery in Milford on Sea high street has taken the decision to close her charming village shop to retire and focus on painting.

Sally writes...

Painting by Sally Hamilton
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It is with great sadness that I will be closing the doors on Jabulani gallery and gift shop at Christmas, as the time has come for me to retire and to put my focus on my painting. 

It has been a wonderful seventeen years for me where I have forged great friendships and enjoyed continued support from the villagers and visitors alike. I am particularly grateful to all who have supported my art during this time. I shall open on the odd occasion for private views when I have a body of work for exhibition, and I will always be available to anyone wishing to purchase prints and cards, so do please just knock and I'll be happy to oblige. 

Seventeen years is a long time in business during theses challenging times, but for me, whilst I have faced the usual trials and tribulations that come with running a business, the success of Jabulani has been down to all of you in the village, and I remain incredibly grateful.

Editors Note: Without doubt the closing of Jabulani Gallery will be a loss to the charm of the village. We are pleased to hear that Sally will still be painting as she is a talented artist. Along with many who have the pleasure to know her we wish her all the best in her retirement.

10 November 2019

Men meet at MenMeet

MenMeet is a place when men can meet in Milford on Sea.

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The group is open to all men in the village and the organisation is done by some friendly guys who happen to be from the local churches. The gatherings are of general interest, and you do not have to be a church goer to come and meet more local men.

MenMeet get together on the third 3rd Thursday in the month at 7:30pm (usually in The Beach House) where they can enjoy informal talks in a varied programme.

The next talk is on Thursday 21st November. All men in the village are welcome, so just pop along.

08 November 2019

Christmas Shopping Event at Ray’s

Christmas is starting early at Ray’s Italian Kitchen as it hosts a Christmas shopping event with Stary Eyed, a boutique home and giftware company on Friday 15th November from 11am. 

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Shoppers will be treated to a complimentary glass of fizz whilst they browse a range of goodies, handpicked by the super stylish, Stary Eyed gals, Gemma and Claire. 

Why not stop for a bite of lunch after and try Ray’s Italian Kitchen’s new lighter lunch menu, starting at £5. It is advisable to book a table for what looks like a popular event. 

To book call 01590 645300.

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QF

05 November 2019

Thanks from Glenn at No64 Biscuit House

We have been sent the following piece by Glenn Harrison at No64 Biscuit House:

I’d like to say a few words many suggest are the hardest to say, ‘Thank you’ and ‘sorry’!

Thank you
Glenn - No64
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Thank you for coming to our Christmas Launch last night, it was an absolutely fabulous evening and we really hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Clare & I got up this morning to loads of email messages of thanks, what a lovely way to start our day, we truly didn’t expect such a lovely response, so personal too.

But it isn’t just 2 hours of us taking money from you (which wasn’t the idea at all)…..

So that 2 hours last night actually started almost 3 years ago when we first opened our doors when you, our lovely customers, friends & family started to come in, and I started to build our customer database.

Then there’s the advance planning for the event, seeing if suppliers will contribute to our goody-bags, getting the drinks and food organised, hiring the glasses, organising staff, ordering the Christmas stock and ensuring it arrives mid-October, Clare’s incredible styling, etc.

Clare has to, literally, strip the whole shop and completely re-style it over 3 days, she does this for 14+ hours a day for those 3 days and do you know what, we actually had a couple of ‘visitors’ to the shop complain that room 2 was closed while she styled it! Bizarre.

In the shop, to help Clare & I ensure your evening went as enjoyably as possible, we had the wonderful Jo and her daughter, our close village friend Monica, and the Wash House’s manager, Becca (yep, she loves our shop so much she came to work for us for the evening!!).

Behind the scenes we had Clare’s Mum, Jo, and Clare’s best friend Sharon making the Glögg, pouring the drinks, serving & topping up drinks and serving mince pies, keeping some form of order in our kitchen, and looking after Bailey, Ralph, Ester & Erik!!

Within your goody-bags, which we hope you all took away with you, you will have found a beautifully handmade chocolate from the amazing Miss Witt, our amazing New Forest chocolate maker.

We MUST support our local businesses / entrepreneurs and Kerry works tirelessly building her business and we were delighted to support her – if you don’t know her, or are having an event that could benefit from chocolate, have a look – www.chocolatebymisswitt.com

And did you have a mince pie? Again local catering business entrepreneur, Fiona Hill, of Real Food New Forest (@realfoodnewforest on Instagram) made them for you and I hope you’ll agree they were delicious. Fiona does all sorts of amazing catering and so if you’re having an event…

Now I’m going to swear as then there’s Brexit! 

80% of our stock, as most of you know, comes from EU countries, Denmark, Sweden & Belgium for example. And so Brexit is more than just an awful bore to us, it’s affected our business, and our lives frankly. We’ve had to plan for it, we’ve even got one supplier levying extra shipping costs on us already, and so it’s been no fun for us and will continue to be of concern until these buffoons we call MPs grow up, stop squabbling amongst themselves, and stop this uncertainly they’ve caused. Nuff said. 

To make a joke of it: of the 3 things happening last night, October 31st, namely Halloween, Brexit, and the No64 Christmas Launch, one was organised & delivered as promised, one was really scary and involved a bunch of children making fools of themselves, and the other was Halloween!! 


We’re sorry if it got a little busy last night, at times! The idea was absolutely not that you came and spent money, we merely wanted you to see our Christmas stock and we wanted to say ‘thank you’ (oops, there I go again!) for supporting us by way of inviting you along, providing Prosecco and Glögg (did you all try some?), providing you with a goody bag to take away with you (have you checked yours by the way as we’ve already had the Gold candle / £75 voucher winner in today, that means the Silver (£50) and Bronze (£25) candles are still out there somewhere), and to hopefully bringing you all together for a social event.

What I’m trying to say is yes, there were queues at the tills at times but you should still have been socialising, your glasses should have been topped up, and you were supposed to be feeling (just a little) festive, despite it only being October!

I’m sorry also if this is a little boring too but, as well as thanking them personally, we wanted tell you about, and thank our team publicly as, without them, we couldn’t have done it.

I’ll finish by saying that we love doing this and we love the village. I think you know now that, even after 3 years, when you come to No64 Biscuit House either Clare or I, or both of us, will always be there to serve and entertain you.

But we can’t do it forever and as quick as our first 3 years has gone, the next 3 will go just as quickly and we’re not getting any younger!!

So, we wish you all to have a great Christmas and we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your support. 

Glenn (& Clare) 

No64 Biscuit House
High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643765

Help the final efforts to raise funds for the Bus!

The Milford on Sea Charitable Trust hope to be able to buy the Community Minibus for all residents of Milford, Everton, Keyhaven, Downton and Lymore very soon. 

Many local groups and organisations are enthusiastic about using the bus. The charity are delighted to announce their sponsors. Everton Hyundai are going to help us choose a vehicle and look after it. South Lawn Hotel are offering both the venue and food for free at their fundraising event, and then offering ongoing support. 

They just need your more help to raise the final bit of funding! 

Could you make a small donation? Contact charity treasurer, John Whitley for details: john@whitleyonsea.net 

Or why not buy a ticket for their fundraising event on Saturday 16th November? 

The Minibus Fun & Fundraising Event

An exciting & entertaining evening featuring The Rambling Men, Strumpets, Belly Dancers, Romeo Valente, Fourfold, and surprise guests! - Plus a Pie and Mash Supper.

Saturday 16th November 2019 at 7.30 p.m. 

South Lawn Hotel, Milford on Sea SO41 0RF
01590 643911 

Tickets £20 available at: The Community Centre Box Office, South Lawn Hotel or from Ivan Chandler 07915 662030.

Milford on Sea Charitable Trust is a registered charity 1172750

01 November 2019

31 October 2019

Milford Student's Charity Launched

People from across the New Forest, educational, sporting and musical communities turned out to support the launch of a new charity ‘Olivia Inspires’ to enable the spirit of Olivia Burt to live on. 

Olivia, from Milford on Sea, was a gifted and beautiful young woman who inspired others. Only 20 years old, she was killed in February 2018 in a horrendous incident at Durham, where she was a first-year university student studying natural sciences.

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She was just embarking on a journey that would have doubtless seen her leaving a lasting mark on our world. But more than this, everyone who knew Olivia remembers her smile and her kindness, and how she inspired others.

Olivia Inspires aims to allow her spirit to live on by helping young people aged 11 to 18 years, whose families live in the New Forest District Council area and who are facing financial hardship. Grants will be provided to help them develop their potential in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), the arts and sport. 

The charity, set up by Olivia’s parents Nigel and Paula, was launched on Thursday (3 October 2019) at Lymington Town Sailing Club, where Olivia, who sailed for Great Britain, was a member. 

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The evening included speeches from Nigel in which he said: “I will finish with a thought from Charles Dickens that Olivia would have agreed with: The most important thing in life is to stop saying 'I wish' and start saying 'I will.' Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.” Nigel was followed by Olivia’s friend and British Sailing Team member, Sam Whaley. Sam recounted how Olivia had encouraged him to take the step from being a club sailor to competing nationally which has now led to him challenging for a place in the Olympics. The formal part of the launch concluded with Sarah Le May, the High Sheriff of Hampshire explaining just how important to the New Forest, Olivia Inspires will be. 

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The evening concluded with an auction of lots on the theme “Things Money Can’t Buy”. Lively bidding saw lots snapped up including: 
  • A tour of a nuclear submarine hosted by a serving Rear Admiral 
  • 3 paddock passes for the 2020 British Grand Prix
  • Dinner for 10 at Palace House Beaulieu 
  • A cricket bat signed by the England and Pakistan sides in 2019 
In total the evening raised in excess of £7000 for young people in the New Forest. 

Further fundraising events are planned, but the priority now is to get the message out to young people, that Olivia Inspires might be able to help them achieve their dreams. 

To find out more, apply for assistance or donate to the charity please visit:

You can follow them on Facebook @oliviainspires or Twitter @olivia_inspires. 

Olivia Inspires 
Nigel Burt 
07715 124946 

28 October 2019

Fundraiser for The Big Learner Relay

Since 2014, local driving instructor Louise Walsh, and founder and organiser of The Big Learner Relay has raised an astonishing £400,000 for Children in Need - and the team are looking to make that half a million at least by the end of this year’s relay.

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Louise lives locally and is the daughter of Sue Whitlock who many at the Community Centre will know.

Fundraising is nationwide with many people involved. Milford on Sea will be involved when local musicians, GO GO 5 are having a Band Night Event on November 9th at the Community Centre in aid of Children in Need and The Big Learner Relay.

This is the sixth national relay that Louise and her sister Amy have organised. This year they start at Lands End on November 1st and will finish at the Leicester Space Centre on November 15th having covered the entire country right up to the north of Scotland transferring the Pudsey top box from one learner car to another. Look out for spotty cars!

A spotty car will be at Milford School at 3:15pm on Friday 8th November. The children will be able to sign and sponsor a spot for £1. 

Go Go 5 Band Night tickets are available from the Community Centre Box Office at £12.50 each. There will also be hot dogs available in the interval and Pudsey Bear will make an appearance. 

Well done Louise and everyone who got involved, the results all all the hard work are massively impressive.

Big Learner Relay 

Follow all that is happening on Facebook:

Hone your cooking skills in Milford

Did you know that Milford on Sea has its own Cookery School?

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The Granary Kitchen is the brainchild of Christian Rivron who has spent many years working and training in a variety of different establishments including country parks, hotels, and restaurants in Lymington and the surrounding areas along the south coast. 

He has gained knowledge and experience of using the fresh, local and seasonal produce available in the New Forest, Hampshire and Dorset. Christian is now excited to share his passion, enthusiasm and creativity, to help people increase their confidence in entertaining guests in the comfort of their own homes.

The Granary Kitchen have launched their new 2019 Cookery Course dates which can be viewed or booked on:
www.thegranarykitchen.co.uk - or call 07886 241317 or 07977 786755.

The Granary Kitchen also offer Private Dining & Event Catering, Private Dining events, Private Cookery School, Corporate Team Building and Gift Vouchers, so take a look at the website to see how any of these might suit you.

The Granary Kitchen
Newlands Manor Farm
SO41 0JH
07886 241317 or 07977 786755

24 October 2019

The Poppy Appeal in Milford on Sea

The Royal British Legion 2019 Poppy Appeal begins in Milford on Sea on Saturday 26th October 2019. 

Although door to door collections no longer take place in all but a few roads in the village, there will once again be trays of poppies in most of the village shops, and volunteers doing street collections, at  hope, many times over the two week collection period. 

Please try and get your poppy in the village rather than in neighbouring places, it helps the village total and custom for the shops who make space for the boxes! 

Most boxes have some 2019 dated metal poppy pins in, and Mark at Village News will also have a supply of these available. 

If you would like to help with the Appeal in any way it's not to late to offer, or if you would like a poppy wreath, please contact:
janengland99@gmail.com - 01590 642291

The various Remembrance Services in the village are listed below:

Sunday 10th November
  • 10.50am: St Mary's Everton 
  • 2pm: Remembrance Day Wreath laying at Keyhaven War Memorial followed by a Royal British Legion & local Scout Group Parade to:
  • 3pm: Remembrance Service at All Saints Parish Church
Monday 11th November
  • 10.50am: Remembrance Day Gathering & Service on the Milford Village Green, after which a wreath will be laid at Milford War Memorial Hospital.
  • 11am: Two minutes silence will be observed at  St Mary's Church Memorial Stone, Everton

23 October 2019

Imperial War Museum is looking for Eve

In November 2015 we published an article about a former Milford on Sea resident and author, Eve Warton who had published a new book entitles Brave Faces (under the pseudonym Mary Arden). Click here to read article

Picture from:
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We have recently been approached by Vikki Hawkins, a curator working on the redevelopment of Imperial War Museums’ new Second World War Galleries. Vikki has been doing some research on WRNS, looking for a personal story from the time, and came across our original article on Eve’s book. Vikki would like to get in touch with Eve to speak to her about including an image of her in IWM’s new galleries. 

If you know where Eve may be, or can help in any way please contact Vikki as below:

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Vikki Hawkins 
Curator, Second World War Galleries 

Imperial War Museum London
Lambeth Road, London SE1 6HZ
0207 416 5283 

22 October 2019

Making Milford more Magical this Xmas! - Update

In recent news articles we have written about a small group of enthusiastic people led by Tracy Haupt and Diana Brushwood who are determined to make Milford on Sea village centre magical this Christmas. Click here to read previous article

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The project has been progressing well, although the funds required are still £250 short of the £1000 target, and the online crowd funding ends next week on the 3rd November.

There is also a collection box in the Parish Council office in the High Street.

The organisers have asked us to pass on their thanks to all who have so generously donated so far.

To date, Tim and Nikki at South Lawn Hotel have generously agreed to fund the forest of trees on the green and at the moment there are 9 trees confirmed, but could have 10 in total. 

The U3A Craft Group, WI Craft Group, Flower Club, Gardening Club and various local residents, are all helping to create the decorations for the village, plus the organisers have met with an electrician who is lending them his lighting equipment to make the village green look more ‘magical’. So all is getting very exciting now. 

It is still not too late to donate on the Just Giving page (click here) a donation of any size is gratefully received.

It is also not too late for others to help the ladies out, so please contact Tracy (click here) if you can assist in any way.

Please click here to donate to Village Christmas Decorations  
Please note: The account will close for donations on the 3rd November 2019. 

Tracy and Diana would like to thank everyone for their support.

For more information, more ideas or to volunteer to help please contact:
Tracy Haupt - tracyhaupt01@aol.com
Diana Brushwood - dianabrushwood@gmail.com

Click here to read original article.

Editors Note: We have just heard that the Just Giving page deadline has been extended to until 17th November 2019.

11 October 2019

Fuel Hair Mechanics going strong

Fuel Hair Mechanics celebrated its first full year of trading on the 3rd October this year. Situated in the heart of Milford, on the High Street, the village's full service traditional barbershop has embraced the changing face of male grooming offering a range of services from precision cutting and styling to beard shaping and traditional hot towel shaves.

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Owner and master barber Simon moved to Lymington in 2014 where he set up and owned a successful barbershop franchise adding his own unique touches. After progressing the business to new heights, it was time to strike out on his own, allowing him to bring his exclusive brand Fuel Hair Mechanics to life and more importantly to the village.

Simon is Joined in the chop shop by long term friend Ian, an educator and master of barbering in his own right and the shop has now quickly established itself within the community. Their Love of cars (make sure you check out their ‘Chop Gear’ feature on Facebook and Instagram), music and traditional styling spurned the interior design of the shop that features American number plates, a Mark Knopfler signed guitar and a signed CD by Joe Strummer are amongst the many oddities that can be found adorning the walls.

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Fuel is the perfect place for gentleman to relax, enjoy complimentary beverages including freshly ground coffee, soft drink or even a beer, listen to eclectic music, whilst being expertly looked after by master barbers that are setting the standard for male grooming in the New Forest. There is even their own bespoke grooming product range to maintain your look when you get home. Available from the shop and now on Amazon, each product has been tried, tested and refined on the shop floor, each one customised until perfected. All made and produced here in the U.K.

Did someone mention that Christmas was coming? Fuel’s unique and bespoke product Christmas gift sets and vouchers are available and are perfect for the man that has everything or for those that could do with a style tune up.

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The shop has been well received locally, with an ever-growing fan base both in the village and from further afield, bringing new trade into an already bustling village. 

If you ever frequent some of the local hostelries, you may have seen the shops very own beer mat, with one side depicting a map of Milford’s local bars and cafes (so you don’t get lost), distributed all around the surrounding area. A gesture of thanks to a very welcoming community.

Booking is recommended but not always essential, that said appointments do avoid disappointments. Simply visit www.fuelhairmechanics.co.uk to reserve a seat, choose a service or MOT and let the experts take care of the rest.

Fuel Hair Mechanics
61 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG
01590 718992

Opening hours:
Tuesday 13.00 - 20.00
Wednesday 12.00 - 20.00
Thursday and Friday 10.00 - 20.00
Saturday 09.00 - 16.00
Sunday 09.00 - 14.00

10 October 2019

New lunchtime menu at Ray’s Italian Kitchen

Ray’s Italian Kitchen is hitting the lunch market with a new lighter menu from Tuesday (15th October), featuring the Italian Combo Lunch set to be very popular among diners. 
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Priced at £9, the Italian Lunch Combo will consist of a sandwich, soup of the day and fries, neatly presented on a wooden platter for diners to tuck into and enjoy. 

Smaller lunchtime offerings of Margherita flatbread (£5), soup of the day with artisan bread (£5) and three small plates at £12 will also be available. 

Stacey Crouch, proprietor of Ray’s Italian Kitchen said: “People definitely want something lighter to eat at lunchtime but they don’t want to compromise on taste." 

Our new lunchtime menu is providing people with a quicker and lighter lunchtime option that is all about taste and quality.” 

Ray’s Italian Kitchen is open for coffee and cake from 11am and lunch is served from 11.30am to 2.15pm (last orders) from Tuesday to Saturday.

09 October 2019

New dance class in Milford on Sea

I am not sure if you are aware of the  that the Royal Academy of Dance have set up an initiative called 'Silver Swans' for adult learners so they too, can take part in ballet classes. Whether you’re an experienced dancer, have briefly dabbled or are a complete novice, all older learners of any ability are welcome to try out Silver Swans classes. 

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The classes have been specifically designed for the over-55s. Anyone is welcome to join, whatever their age. 

Stephanie Constantine-Smith is the local licensee of Silver Swans and she has a class starting at Milford Community Centre on Monday 14th October. Classes will run in the dance studio on Mondays from 11.15am to 12.15pm. 

For more information about Silver Swans via the Royal Academy of Dance, please click here.

Silver Swans
Facebook page: @swanswithstephanie

03 October 2019

Goodbye Bay Trees

After eight successful and enjoyable years as owners of Milford’s top quality award winning B&B, Sarah and Mark have decided it’s time to move on and Dorset was the favourite next destination.

The last guest has now checked out and packing has begun. The house has been sold to a large family who are moving in next week and, importantly, Bay Trees will no longer be offering B&B accommodation. 

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The Bay Trees has been providing hospitality to Milford on Sea’s residents and visitors since 1935 when two ladies, Mabel Windeler and Florence Beech from London set up a Tea Shop in the building that was originally the Village Poor House. In the intervening years Bridge House, as it was then known, has been a Tea Shop, a Restaurant with rooms and since the turn of the century a Guest House. It was first referred to as ‘The Bay Trees’ in 1959 and had many operators as a Restaurant until the late 1990s when it was refurbished and converted to a B&B. 

Sarah and Mark have enjoyed being part of the village and running a thriving business, being involved in Food Week with ‘Teas on the Terrace’ and the Open Gardens Days. They have entertained guests from all corners of the UK and around the world. They have gained many awards and thank those businesses and individuals that have helped create this successful enterprise. The Bay Trees has been an important asset for the village, which they are sure will be sorely missed, 

Sarah and Mark say “We are sad to be leaving Milford, it is a vibrant village and we have made many friends, remembering that ’Milford on Sea – Is The Place To Be.”

01 October 2019

Beer Tasting and Live Music at The Cave

The village's favourite wine bar has a fun programme of entertainment running up to Christmas, so why not get some of these dates in your diary!

The Cave have a Krombacher Tasting on Thursday 24th October at 7pm. On the evening Declan Walsh from Krombacher will go through the history of this iconic brewer whilst you enjoy tastings, traditional bratwurst and fries. 

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Krombacher is the authentically German beer. Beer lovers around the world recognize in Krombacher the authentic flavor of Germany. Brewing beer for their enjoyment is our passion. 

Ever since 1803, the beer has been exclusively brewed in the picturesque village of Krombach, strictly according to the German Beer Purity Law of 1516.

Ticket price is £12.50 including traditional bratwurst and fries. Not one to be missed, only 24 tickets available, 1st come 1st served - Call The Cave on 01590 642195 to book. 

Sunday Afternoon Live Entertainment:
From this Sunday and on a number of dates in the run up to Christmas The Cave will be hosting a variety of live musical entertainment from 4pm to 7pm.

Entry is free, so just check out the dates below and pop along to relax and enjoy the music with a wine, gin or beer!

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You can also find all of the dates in: www.milfordonseacalendar.org 

The Cave
2 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
01590 642195

New application for houses at White Horse

The Bournemouth Echo have reported that developers have have launched a new attempt to build homes behind a Grade II-listed pub in a Milford on Sea village.

Bayview Developments has submitted a revised scheme for derelict land next door to the White Horse Inn in Keyhaven Road.

29 September 2019

'Walk for Wellness' and 'Jog for Joy' Update

The meeting point for 'Walk for Wellness' and 'Jog for Joy' has now changed from The Needles Eye to the Community Centre Cafe.

The free community walk or jog exercise groups started in mid-August and now has 8 regulars on Mondays and 4 on Wednesdays. Anyone is welcome to join in, simply come along.

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The purpose of the regular free sessions is to help people of any age keep fit, as well as to have some fun social interaction doing what is generally acknowledged as a very effective health improver. While the group is exercising there will be the opportunity to pick Melissa’s brains and to discuss health generally, nutrition and exercise – and of course just have a good old natter and some socialising. 

The actual walks/jogs run for about an hour (covering approx. 3 miles for the walkers). All abilities and beginners welcome and those that want to try to jog will be given some targets to reach. 

The groups meet at:
  • 10am Mondays: Walk for Wellness and
  • 10am Wednesdays: Jog for Joy
Meet at The Community Centre Cafe in sea Road, MoS.

About Melissa

Melissa Page moved to Milford on Sea village in May last year and she has been regularly volunteering in the Community Centre Café. She would now like to use her particular skills in doing more for people in the village.

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Melissa was a lawyer for 20 years before deciding to follow her passion for fitness and retrain as an accredited personal trainer. As a fairly inactive child and young adult Melissa, in an attempt to lose weight for her wedding, took up running and quickly became a dedicated gym bunny. She has run 4 marathons, the last of which she finished in 3 hours 37 minutes (coming 10th in her age group). Before moving to Milford she used to train people privately although she hasn’t done this since moving here. 

On arrival in Milford she completed her charitable fund raising commitment to run 50 kilometres every week for 50 weeks despite a prolonged knee injury. Over the last year Melissa realised how important running was, not only to her physical, but also her mental, health. At 51 she remains relatively fit and loves exercise, running & walking regularly with her husband. She is not intending to carry on with her personal training business for income but would love to help others in the community benefit both physically and mentally from regular outdoor activity and to enjoy some good company and chats with a group of like-minded people. 

More Information

Please do remember that Melissa is doing this entirely on a voluntary basis to facilitate people coming together and any participation is at people’s own risk. 

For more information on the sessions please contact: Melissa Page on pagetwo@hotmail.co.uk or call 07712 164310.

Favourites back at La Perle!

La Perle brings back two favourites for the Autumn - Sunday Lunches and French Tuesdays! 

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La Perle is now offering Sunday Lunches every weekend, including Jazz Sundays on the last Sunday of the month featuring the ever popular Rachel More Duo. Plus French Tuesdays return in October - a special three, four or five course French Tasting Menu. 

Example menus can be found on their website:
www.laperle.co.uk/menu and booking is recommended. 

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643557 - info@laperle.co.uk

Local support sought for The Boltons Green Space

The Boltons Green Space Preservation Group is looking for signups to save the footpaths and green space surrounding The Boltons development, off Westover Road, Milford on Sea.

click image to enlarge
The landscaping, originally designed by the world renowned landscape architect Professor Derek Lovejoy, is at risk from being annexed into private gardens and we are looking for people to sign up to our website to protect it as public amenity green space with public footpaths running through it. 

By signing up local people will show their support in Keeping The Boltons Open for All. 

click image to enlarge
The footpaths are shown in the yellow dotted line in the image to the right and have been adopted by Hampshire Highways, and the group want to keep them. 

Shorefield Country Park have contributed with a newly refurbished bench, now the group need to mobilise all the local authorities who are obligated to keep open The Boltons green space. 

If you would like to get involved, the form is located on www.boltonsland.co.uk

27 September 2019

Discover the Clubs & Societies in the Village

Everyone in the village is invited to the The Village Exhibition which takes place on the 12th October 2019 in All Saints' Church, people can come along anytime from 2.30pm to 4pm. This is a great opportunity to discover Milford on Sea Village Clubs, Societies and Associations. You may even find something that interests you, but you don't realise what it is yet!

Please come, you will be amazed what goes on in the little oasis by the sea.

For more information please contact: Ruth Bufton on:
ruth.bufton@btinternet.com or 01590 641875.


NB: Following The Village Exhibition is the Newcomers Supper which is an invitation only event.

About the 'Newcomers Supper'

The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is held annually to welcome all newcomers to the village in All Saints Church Hall in Milford on Sea.

Anyone that was new to the village during the year are able to apply for an invitation, - and the event is entirely free.

This informal evening is great to meet other new people to the village & a selection of village people. (That's residents, not the old pop group!)

The Milford on Sea Newcomers Supper evening consists of two parts: 

Village clubs & Associations Exhibition where you can wander around informally meeting representatives from the many clubs, associations & organisations in the village. They can tell you anything you want to know, and if you fancy getting involved you can.

Free Sit Down Supper with the chance to meet new people and have a bit of fun.

If you are a newcomer to the village, come and enjoy a free drink and supper meal, together with entertainment, lots of fun and laughter, and which ends with the Milford song!

Most years the event has over a hundred people attending, and it is a great way to meet new people, and to get a warm welcome to your new home. The village is full of friendly people and the ‘Newcomers Supper’ is a fast-track way of getting to know all about our village life.

The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is funded and hosted by all of the churches in the village & tirelessly organised by Ruth Bufton.

The event is by invitation only, so if you are new to the village this year and would like to come along (Adults only), all you need to do is to contact: Ruth Bufton on: ruth.bufton@btinternet.com or 01590 641875.