What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




23 May 2019

Happy Birthday to us!

We launched our first Milford on Sea village website www.milfordonsea.org on 20th May 2008, so it is now eleven year old & and I don't look a day older!

From day one we have always loved our independence, and as we take no revenue from anyone this means we can say & do exactly what we like!

Milford on Sea Website: When we decided to create our first village website, it was purely as a hobby and to provide some more local information about the village. The site is pretty dated in style nowadays, but it still serves a purpose. 

To date: www.milfordonsea.org has had 1,915,000 visitors. We are also averaging around 250 visits to the website every day.

Milford on Sea News: We are now on No.473 of our weekly News Blog which keeps people informed of village stories. Some are factual, other embellished, and others simply made up!

To date there have been 1,317,780 page views, and an average of around 19,000 page views per month - and it seems most people choose to come back! www.milfordonseanews.org

Milford on Sea Calendar: This website details anything we hear about that is happening in the village, plus things that may be of interest nearby. The calendar also contains sections of 'Clubs & Classes', and 'Church Services'. www.milfordonseacalendar.org

Connecting the Village: We have 1,847 local people who regularly receive our e-mail News Bulletins, and know of some people who don't want it at all! (Milford on Sea's total village population is circa 5000)

We never really considered that people would enjoy what we built, however it is satisfying to provide a service to the local community which a number of people seem to enjoy.

We are always looking for more village people to join us (That's people who live in the village, not the YMCA pop band!), so if you can spread the word to any friends, family or neighbours who you think would like to get our newsletter, please ask them to complete the form here: www.milfordonsea.org/join-us. We can then ensure all of our community are kept informed of local news, which on some occasions contain actual facts!

Thanks for your support and for as long as you keep reading, I’ll keep writing!

Bungalow planned for junction of Sea Road & Hurst Road

It appears that plans have been submitted for a bungalow opposite The Needles Eye and on the junction of Sea Road & Hurst Road on the seafront. This seems to be the same site 3 houses are already being built on.

You can read more by clicking image below or click here to view planning application:

Do you have eyesight problems?

If you or anyone you know has eyesight problems, this Sight Loss and Information Event may be of interest to you.

Open Sight Hampshire principle organisation supporting people with sight loss, are holding a Sight Loss Equipment and Information Day on 31st May at Milford On Sea Community Centre. 

The day runs from 10am to 3pm and is free to drop in for anyone in the Milford area who is or may know someone who is concerned about their sight. 

Open Sight Independent Living Advisors and Equipment Demonstrators will have their latest low vision aids and daily living equipment for demonstration. It will be a great opportunity for you or someone you know to come along and find out information and advice about the services in the Milford on Sea area.

Suppliers attending: Pamtrad, Synaptic, Dolphin, Enhance Vision, Sight and Sound, PVS, Optelec, Humanware, MHA, Macular Society, British Wireless for the Blind

For further details contact Pam on 023 80646 380 or Pam.Bateman@opensight.org.uk

21 May 2019

Job Vacancies at Verveine

Verveine Restaurant are currently looking for front and back of house staff full and part time and a part time gardener to join their small friendly team. 

If you are interested please call 01590 642176 or pop into the restaurant for an informal chat with chef/proprietor, Dave Wykes. 

Verveine Restaurant
98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
01590 642176

Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations: The Third Admiral

As part Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations to take place in July, the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society have provided this article on 'The Third Admiral'.

Admiral Robert Man (1745-1813)

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Robert Man first went to sea in 1768, transferring very soon to a series of four ships all commanded by his father, Captain Robert Man. The fourth of these, the frigate Milford, engaged a French privateer in March 1762 with a modest casualty list. Chief of these was the captain, who was hit in the thigh by a six pound cannon ball. He died four hours later, just minutes after hearing that La Gloire had struck. Young Robert, still only 14 years old, received a musket ball in the neck. He was luckier than the First Lieutenant, who was hit in the forehead by another musket ball, dying in agony two days later.

A solid if unspectacular career led to promotion to Rear Admiral and command of a squadron off neutral Cadiz. Misfortune led to misfortune: his quarry – a French squadron under Richery – came out but accompanied by a large, and no longer neutral, Spanish fleet. 

Starved of supplies, unable to re-join Jervis and the Mediterranean Fleet, and with promises of support from home unfulfilled, he returned to England. His actions were misunderstood by Nelson (who otherwise regarded him highly), and seized upon by Jervis, forced to leave the Mediterranean because of a lack of a suitable base, who was eager for a scapegoat. Calmer minds prevailed at the Admiralty where he was appointed as a Lord Commissioner, one of the seven wise men who directed the operations of the navy as a whole. 

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His career, along with many others, ended when Jervis was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty on the fall of Pitt in 1801. He died at Pennington House an Admiral of the Red, and was buried in modest fashion – as per his will – at Milford in 1813.
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To find our more about all of the Cornwallis Story and the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations, please click here.

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society: www.milfordhistory.org.uk


Cornwallis Remembered Weekend: 

Friday 5th July 2019: includes a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green and much more. Keep the date free!

Play bridge at Milford on Sea Tennis Club

Milford on Sea Tennis Club Bridge section have vacancies for new members. 

They play duplicate bridge on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 1.30 for 1.45pm. Tuesday is for more experienced players and you will need a partner but Thursday is hosted so no partner needed. 

They are a very friendly club and new members and visitors are made most welcome. 

Please contact Arthur Hunter on 01425 618211 or Choo Donnelly 0787030069. If you would like to learn to play bridge then classes start in September, booking is essential.

Milford on Sea Tennis Club

19 May 2019

Can you help find a missing cat

UPDATE: Good news! The cat has been found safe and well. The owner found her close to Greenways earlier today. (Monday)

We received the note below, can you help to find this missing cat?

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"My friends' cat has been missing from the Greenways area of Milford since last Sunday (12th May). She's a very shy, indoors cat and is likely to be scared and in hiding somewhere. Her name is Akira and she's 11 months old. She doesn't have a collar, but has been chipped. If you could ask your readership to keep an eye out, and maybe check in their gardens / sheds / garages etc, especially in the houses around Greenways, I'd be very grateful. Contact numbers for any information are:
07732 885856 and 07599 747625 or email: jpwakefield@sky.com. Her owners are beside themselves with worry, as you can imagine." 

16 May 2019

Learn to make jewellery with Jo

Jo Vane is a local silversmith living in Milford on sea and she runs Jo Vane's Jewellery Studio at Setters Farm in Lymington, Hampshire, in the beautiful New Forest. 

Jo is currently offering an opportunity to turn your hand to jewellery making at a one day silversmithing workshop.

Under Jo's guidance and tuition, the beginners workshop is tailored to designing and making a unique sterling silver pendant or bangle, learning and utilising essential silversmithing techniques such as soldering silver, texturing, sanding, filing and finishing. 

Ring making, chain making and stone setting workshops are also available to book, incorporating the skills above and additional advanced silversmithing techniques. 

​Weekday courses: Mon to Thurs 9.30am to 2.30pm at £125 per person
Weekends are available for £150 per person 
One on One Tuition is available for £195 per day

Prices include the materials, refreshments and a delicious two course lunch. 

​Various dates available, please contact Jo to enquire and book. If you’d like to book as a group of 3 to 4 people, a date can be tailored specifically for your group. 

Gift cards for a jewellery workshop day are also available to purchase. 

Contact Jo on: 
07947 648279
or via email at:

Jo also makes beautiful silver and gold bespoke jewellery on request – if you’re interested in commissioning a bespoke piece of jewellery, please contact Jo. 

A selection of Jo’s bespoke work is available to view at www.jovane.co.uk. Alternatively, pop into Jabulani Gift Shop in the village to view her current collection. 

Jo Vane Designs

Cornwallis Remembered: Total Voice Chamber Choir to perform

The Total Voice Chamber Choir will be performing as part of the entertainment at the Cornwallis Remembered Weekend, which is a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green on Friday 5th July 2019. Keep the date free!

For the occasion a new adaptation on the maritime song; Billy Blue has been written. The four part music was specifically composed by Peter Holgate for Victoria’s chamber choir who will have spent many hours practising for the performance.

Lyrics to Billy Blue (Recomposed)

It was just at break of day.
We were cruising in the Bay.
With Cornwallis in the Sov’reign in the van;
When a French Fleet bound for Brest,
From Belle Isle came heading west.
And so, my lads, the saucy game began.

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

To the lads Cornwallis told,
Like some hero chief of old,
When he bade them from the quarterdeck, good luck.
‘To no foe upon the sea,
You may take it, men, from me,
Is the ensign of the Sov’reign to be struck!’

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

‘Let the odds be what they will,
We just go on fighting still,
For the honour of the Sov’reign’s old renown.
And when, men, all is done,
As we fire our final gun,
With our colours flying still, we will go down.’

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

Then they came on, looking slaughter,
Like to blow us from the water,
As they near’d to port and starboard and astern.
But we put in double shot,
And we paid them back so hot,
That they looked at one another with concern.

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

Next the Triumph they attacked,
And the Mars got badly whacked,
‘Twas the Sov’reign with her broadsides beat them back.
Her three tiers all aflame,
Sweeping round the flagship came,
Leaving death and Frenchman’s wreckage in her track.

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

So we close this gallant story,
Of a day to England’s glory,
Two hundred years ago, and twenty-four
‘Twere a pity to forget it,
And to slide forever let it,
Because the men that fought are here no more.

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

Ay, Blue Billy, here’s to him, with three times three,
To the honour of his name upon the sea: 
‘He upheld Old England’s credit’ said the country in its pride.
‘Cornwallis’s Retreat’,
Greek Xenophon’s great feat.
In its spirit we may claim to set beside.

Billy Blue, here’s to you. Billy Blue, here’s to you.

About Total Voice Chamber Choir 

The Total Voice Chamber Choir was formed in 2012 and is made up of about thirty-six local singers. The choir’s aim is perform an eclectic range of choral music to an excellent standard. 

The choir has enjoyed many successful performances in venues ranging from Bournemouth Pavilion to Milford’s own village green and has taken part in several concerts with the New Forest and Westbourne Orchestras. 

With its focus firmly on singing for pleasure as well as striving for excellence, Total Voice Chamber Choir provides a place for keen singers to develop their vocal skills in a friendly and encouraging environment. 

Victoria Hopkins 

Victoria comes from a musical family and has been singing all her life. A hugely enjoyable career in the Bournemouth Symphony Chorus followed university, along with regular engagements as a mezzo-soprano soloist and a ‘day job’ as a lawyer. These days, Victoria divides her time between running Total Voice Chamber Choir and online business Community Choir Professionals, which trains and supports choir leaders world-wide. 

Peter Holgate 

Peter studied at The London College of Music under the watchful eye of William Lloyd Webber. 

He then spent 36 years as Director of Music in a large school in West Sussex, where he built up several choirs, instrumental and orchestral groups. 

He is a prolific composer and arranger and has many years of experience as a conductor and musical director. 

He has given performances at The Royal Albert Hall, Central Hall Westminster, The Fairfield Halls as well as countless regional theatres. He has performed alongside the Russian Army Band, United States Airforce Band and the Royal Marines . 

Since retiring to Milford on Sea he has done many arrangements and compositions for local vocal and instrumental groups.


To find our more about all of the Cornwallis Story and the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations, please click here.

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society: www.milfordhistory.org.uk


Cornwallis Remembered Weekend: 

Friday 5th July 2019: includes a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green and much more. Keep the date free!

Milford Hospital League of Friends’ AGM & Guest Speakers Review

Nearly 40 people attended the 69th AGM of Milford Hospital League of Friends. Chairman Mrs Julie Badham welcomed everyone and reported on a year of successful events raising funds for the medical needs of those in Milford and surrounding area. The leg ulcer clinic (centre of excellence) and medical centre benefited from the generous fund-raising of the league. The light exercise classes, and bathing, continued to offer much appreciated service to the community and the chairman thanked all volunteers for their hard work. 

Regular meetings had been held with representatives of West Hants Clinical Commissioning Group and there would be public consultation on any proposals for the future of the hospital. 

Main project of the year had been the purchase of equipment for the new Frailty Service Vehicle. The league had provided the necessary £16,000 and the chairman then introduced guest speaker Ms Bernie White, and Southern Health Frailty Practitioner Alison Linsley. Bernie is clinical commissioning manger in West Hants Clinical Commissioning Group and Alison is a registered nurse in acute medicine. 

The Frailty Service was started in 2016 as a pilot scheme to offer supportive primary care for older people focused on home triage and treatment, with local hospital admission if needed. The aim was to put patients on the road to recovery without the disruption of admission to far distant acute hospitals. 

Specialist community support vehicles were provided, and are now based in 3 locations: Fordingbridge for the Avon Valley area; Hythe, and Lymington for the New Forest. Six members of South Central Ambulance Service were seconded to the scheme, and in the case of Milford and the surrounding area, Milford Hospital League of Friends provided £16,000 to equip the vehicle with oxygen, ECG kit, observation kit, blood testing equipment and other items. 

Quick treatment and swift social re-enablement are key: 2 weeks of clinical input, and 6 weeks of support can produce good results for the patient and avoid “pyjama paralysis”. 

Referrals, 12-14 daily, come from GPs; the Frailty Team responds quickly and carries out clinical assessment at the patient’s home. The Team also visits Care Homes and can give guidance to their staff. Team members have a range of training, some in mental health care, occupational and physiotherapy, alongside “ambulance” skills. 

At present there is no national training programme for this service, and IT incompatibilities cause problems that have yet to be resolved. Where there is a rise in the level of serious conditions, those would be beyond the remit of this service. However, studies of the scheme show that “999” calls have dropped, “conveyance to hospital” has been reduced, and patients have been able to stay at, or near, home. 

Southern Health has won the team gold award for their work and is shortlisted for the national award.  

The afternoon ended with the chairman thanking Bernie and Alison for their presentation, and announcing that there will soon be the formal public handover of the league’s donation of £16,000 for the equipment in the Frailty Service Vehicle.

15 May 2019

Milford Music and Arts Festival at serious & urgent risk

The hardworking committee at the Milford Music and Arts Festival have spent hundreds of hours getting the festival ready for this year, with a fantastic musical line up, including a REM cover, New Forest Big Swing Band, NFO, Hendrix, Clapton Cover, Morris Dancers, Choirs, Celtic Folk, Ska, Storytellers and much more. 

However, we have heard this week that they still need funds and 70 volunteers to commit to help with the Festival from 10th to 15th July

They also need a Site Manager with Event Management/Health & Safety experience who will be available to run the festival site for the duration of the festival. 

The further funding needed is at least £5000.

The committee has had to set a deadline of this Friday 17th May to achieve these requirements or they will unfortunately have to cancel this year. 

If you would like to donate, please click here - or
visit: www.milfordfestival.com.

If you can help as a volunteer, or are a business that would like to be a sponsor, please contact: hello@milfordfestival.com - or write to Milford Festival, Lowood House, Barnes Lane, SO41 0RL.

Please do support the Festival if you can, so that they can continue to put on this fantastic event for the village.

Milford Music and Arts Festival

Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations: John Whitby and the Death of Nelson

As part Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations to take place in July, the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society have provided this article on 'The Third Admiral'.

John Whitby and the Death of Nelson

Barry Jolly, Editor of the Occasional Magazine published by Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society, writes:
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Captain John Whitby, who died at Newlands the home of Admiral William Cornwallis on 7th April 1806, is mentioned only rarely in naval histories. His one apparent claim to fame was a letter sent to Cornwallis in 1804 criticising Nelson’s operation of the blockade of Toulon, which he said was no blockade at all. Schooled by Cornwallis in the close blockade of Brest, Whitby did not understand Nelson’s willingness to allow the French fleet to put to sea where he hoped to deliver a decisive battle.

Whitby did, though, provide two services to Nelson after his death. The news of Trafalgar arrived at the Admiralty at 1.00 am on the morning of 6th November 1805, and was in print in the London Gazette by 8 o’clock. Letters had already been sent to George III, William Pitt the Prime Minister and Lady Nelson. In official circles, Lady Hamilton, Nelson’s mistress, was ignored completely.

Only one person thought of her, and that was Cornwallis, who sent Whitby to Merton with the devastating news. Lady Hamilton herself described the scene, recalling Whitby’s rather nervous entrance before she fainted as he delivered the fateful message.

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Nelson’s body was still in the barrel of brandy in which it had been preserved after Trafalgar. It now needed to be transported to Greenwich before the final road journey into London for the funeral at St Paul’s Cathedral. Whitby was again chosen for the task, which again can only have been at the behest of Cornwallis. Landing at Greenwich on Christmas Eve, the barrel was about to be rolled ashore unceremoniously when John Tyson, a former purser and friend of Nelson’s and now Clerk of Survey at Woolwich dockyard, intervened. The effect was that the body was transferred to a coffin, and then carried ashore attended by three people: Tyson himself, Nelson’s chaplain the Reverend Doctor Scott (who had maintained a solitary vigil with the corpse all the way from the scene of the battle), and John Whitby.

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The actions of Cornwallis, Nelson’s friend and a man whom Nelson revered, and of John Whitby stand out in stark and proud contrast to the official miasma.

Whitby was only 31 when he died. Although a Captain since the age of 18, he did not live long enough to achieve the distinction his early advancement promised. He is remembered in Milford largely on account of his widow and daughter whose subsequent ownership of Newlands lasted for over sixty years. Nonetheless, the humanity he displayed in these two private, final, and very personal, services to Nelson secure his place – alongside Cornwallis, Man and Peyton - as one of the four significant senior naval officers of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars buried at All Saints, Milford.

To find our more about all of the Cornwallis Story and the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations, please click here.

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society: www.milfordhistory.org.uk


Cornwallis Remembered Weekend: 

Friday 5th July 2019: includes a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green and much more. Keep the date free!

Lonely Bouquets from Milford Floral Art Club

On Friday 3rd May, Milford Floral Art Club (on National Flower Arranging Day) joined in the project for using “Lonely Bouquets” to bring a little pleasure to others and in so doing spread the “fun and friendship” through flowers that the members of NAFAS enjoy. 

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Around fourteen of the clubs' members met up at All Saints’ Church Hall in Milford and, armed with flowers, foliage and empty food cans, most of which had been decorated with ribbon, wool, raffia, wrapping paper etc, and set about making small posies to be distributed around the village. In all they made around 90!!

Once finished, and whilst some of the ladies set about distributing their posies around the village, the rest took a large proportion of them down to the beach in order to get some good photographs, using the beach as a backdrop. It was a lot of fun – people were astonished to see them, and were delighted to be given a posy to take away with them. 

The club has received quite a bit of feedback from those who found the posies, by phone, email and on the Club Facebook page – these are some of those messages: 

“I received your lovely flowers from a neighbor. It was a lovely thought from you and her.” 

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“Yesterday morning we were walking along towards the village and as we approached a bench on our way we thought someone must have left something behind. Then we saw the card saying ‘please take me home’. We thought at first it must be a trap. Would it explode if we lifted it, or would it trigger a hidden gun or CCTV? Couldn’t believe it was actually a free gift, so very grateful we took it home as requested, and now it is residing on a fine silver tray. The flowers have now opened and look terrific.” 

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“I just want to say thank you so much and what a lovely idea leaving delightful posies of flowers around the village. It's quite brightened my day.” 

“We arrived back from shopping to be greeted by a beautiful little “lonely bouquet” on our boundary wall. What a rare treat to receive this pink bouquet on your special National Flower Arranging Day, thank you and thank you again, you have made my day!” 

“Hello, I have just found this delightful flower arrangement at the entrance to the play park” 

“Brilliant idea, brilliant flowers – a joy.”

Milford Floral Art Club 

The Cornwallis Remembered Story in video

The Milford on Sea Historical Society have created a video to tell the Cornwallis Remembered story please click here to take a look.

click here to view video

No64 Biscuit House reach finals of Muddy Stilettos Awards

Clare and Glen at No64 Biscuit House in Milford on Sea High Street have made the finals for Best Interiors in the Muddy Stilettos Awards.

Clare has written a note below looking for support and if you can give them a vote a village shop may get an award!

"OK, so I’m now feeling officially flattered & humbled, and very excited to tell everyone that your votes have got us into the FINAL of the Muddy Awards (Hampshire & IoW) for ‘Best Interior Store’!

But we have to ask you to vote again, would you do that for us please, to see if we can win an award for little old Milford on Sea?

Voting starts from zero, so nominations from the first round are NOT carried forward, as it’s now a competition between the 5 finalists.

Voting for the finals starts today, Wednesday 15th May at 9am, and ends next Wednesday 22nd at midday, so just 7 days of voting and then we’ll know where your votes have placed us…….I actually can’t believe we’ve made the finals, I’m in shock!

Voting is the same as last time, simply visit the site here to vote or paste this link into your browser - https://hants.muddystilettos.co.uk/vote/interiors-store - as you’ll know the whole process takes seconds.

We’re determined to bring this award to the village and so please forgive us for asking if you’ve voted if/when you visit us over the next week J

Thank you so much to all of you who voted for us in the first round, I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your support.

Big hugs,

Clare xx (& Glenn!)

No64 Biscuit House
62-64 High Steet, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

14 May 2019

Parish Council’s Annual Public Meeting

Everyone is invited to the Parish Council’s Annual Public Meeting
Next Monday, 20th May at 7.30pm 
in All Saints’ Church Hall, Greenbanks Close, Milford on sea.

Items on the agenda include:
Housing Developments within Milford / Questions for the Local Police Constable
Traffic Issues / Community Meadow / Security at Barnes Lane Pavilion
Question and Answer Session

Come along and find out more about your Parish Council and the work they do!

05 May 2019

Apple Court Gardens opens for season

The nationally acclaimed Apple Court Gardens has now reopened for the season for locals and holidaymakers to enjoy.

It is great that we have a lovely place to visit right on our doorstep.

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The gardens have featured in various international magazines, and Alan Titmarsh’s “Love Your Garden” on ITV.

The gardens are packed with unusual flowers, shrubs and trees from around the world. Visitors can enjoy an authentic Japanese Garden, a circular White Garden, sub tropical planting and famous collections of hostas and daylilies. 

Originally designed by renowned horticulturists, Emma and Gavin are gradually improving each area and planting new species. 

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Tea, coffee and cakes are available to take to the lovely summer house or terrace.

Open 5 days a week, Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm until the end September, visitors can also buy plants, many of which feature in the garden.

Entry is free to the nursery, and £5 to the garden itself until end of September. Annual passes are £12.

Tea/coffee and cake £4. Lots of plants, compost and mulch for sale.

If you have never visited I can vouch that it is a tranquil place and joy to see. Why not take a trip along to see for yourself.

Apple Court Garden
Hordle Lane, Lymington SO41 0HU
Instagram: @applecourtgarden

Contact Emma Taylor 07971 882317

01 May 2019

Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations: The News of Trafalgar

As part Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations to take place in July, the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society have provided this article on 'Trafalgar, Pickle and Post Chaise'.

Five days after the Battle of Trafalgar in October 1805, Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood ordered Lt John Richards Lapenotiere to sail his fast schooner HMS Pickle to deliver his Dispatch, to William Marsden, Secretary of the Navy, at the Admiralty in Whitehall, London. This was the first news to be sent home about victory at the battle and the death of Lord Nelson. 

Picture by Royal Navy
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During a gruelling voyage across the Bay of Biscay, Pickle started leaking and guns had to be jettisoned to lighten her. Lapenotiere finally reached the Western Approaches of the English Channel on 2nd November. Instead of heading for Plymouth, Lapenotiere decided to land at Falmouth, which had good coaching connections with London. 

Dropping anchor two miles south of Pendennis Head, Lapenotiere was taken by boat and landed at Fish Strand Quay in Falmouth. Seeking transport, he left Falmouth by post-chaise and made at least 21 stops, changing horses every 10 to 15 miles along the 271-mile route. He stopped at coaching inns at Truro, Fraddon, Bodmin, Launceston, Okehampton, Crockernwell, Exeter, Honiton, Axminster, Bridport, Dorchester, Blandford Forum, Woodyates, Salisbury, Andover, Overton, Basingstoke, Hartfordbridge, Bagshot, Staines and Hounslow. 

At some stops, he had to transfer to other post-chaises because even in those days, different coach operators covered certain sections of the route. 

Lapenotiere finally arrived at the Admiralty at 1.00am in the early hours of 6th November after his non-stop journey - under 38 hours since leaving Falmouth, and more than two weeks after the battle was fought. William Marsden, who was about to retire for the night, showed Lapenotiere to the boardroom. There, Lapenotiere announced: “Sir, we have gained a great victory, but we have lost Lord Nelson.”

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To find our more about all of the Cornwallis Story and the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations, please click here.

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society: www.milfordhistory.org.uk


Cornwallis Remembered Weekend: 

Friday 5th July 2019: includes a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green and much more. Keep the date free!

29 April 2019

No64 Biscuit House nominated for Best Interiors Store

We have received the note below from Clare and Glen at No64 Biscuit House in Milford on Sea High Street. If you can give them a vote the village may get an award!

"We're super-proud to have been nominated in the 'Best Interiors Store' category of the Muddy Stilettos Awards 2019 for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and so, if you think us worthy, we'd love it if you'd vote for us?

Muddy Stilettos is the biggest lifestyle site for urbane, fun loving women outside London, and they do more than any other lifestyle site to support, promote and celebrate the best independent businesses, and the high streets, than any other!

Their Muddy Awards are now in their seventh year and they cover 21 counties across the UK. Voting is now open for this year's awards for the Hants & IoW region and we'd be delighted if you would take a few minutes and vote for us in the 'Best Interiors Store' category.

All you need to do is click hereIt's quick, easy, and secure.

Please support us, and Milford on Sea, and vote No64 for best Interiors Store!

Thank you so much.........so exciting!


28 April 2019

Opportunity to become a chef at Hurst on Hill

Hurst on Hill in Church Hill, Milford on Sea are looking for a full time cook/chef. 

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The role will involve cooking the normal menu plus specials, and also holds the opportunity to progress on to doing the fine dining pop ups with chef/patron Jesse. Jesse is classically trained having learnt his skills at excellent restaurants which include Verveine and the two Michelin star L'Enclume in Cumbria.

The hours of work are daytime in the summer with some occasional evenings in the winter for the pop-up diner nights. There are two weekends off a month. 

This is an ideal position for a young chef and Jesse would love someone who wants to learn and take on the wealth of knowledge and experience that he has gained. In winter the restaurant uses a lot of local game, foraged products and preserved items, which is very exciting for a new chef to learn.

The Hurst on Hill team is like one big family and this a chance to become a valued team member with input into what happens whilst learning exciting skills.

To find out more, or to make an application please contact Jesse at Hurst on the Hill below: 

Hurst on the Hill
4 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
01590 643837

Hurst on the Hill makeover & new menu

Hurst on the Hill in Church Hill, Milford on Sea has had a makeover & launched a new menu.

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The cafe has added an additional bench seating area and the bar also has new seating where you can watch all of the cooking. If you fancy watching the world go by, there is also a new outside seating. 

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You can see the new menu and an example of the weekly specials by clicking the image below.

The ingredients have also been revised to include produce from some great local suppliers. The tea is also being changed over to tea from 'Dorset Tea' to support another small local business. 

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On top of all of that, Hurst on the Hill have switched to 100% compostable take away cups and lids, wooden spoons & forks and recycled napkins in an effort to reduce their single plastic use as much as they possibly can.

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Bring your own cup!
To encourage the customers to bring their own cup a 25p discount is offered off of all hot drinks.

It is astonishing to hear that 16 billion take away cups are used every year, and there are only 7 billion people in the world!

Hurst on the Hill
4 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
01590 643837

27 April 2019

Deny reopens at The Raft in Christchurch

We wouldn't normally promote any business outside of the village, however Deny did a lot for the community when he had The Raft and Raft Rocks in Milford on Sea and we have now heard that he has started a new venture in Christchurch called The Raft CX.

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Anyone who has dined with Deny before knows that his menus were always tasty & interesting, there was always a warm welcome, and the place carried a cool vibe. His new venture offers the same, whether you simply want to pop in for a coffee or a full meal.

So, we hope anyone venturing Christchurch way will pop in the see him.

To visit The Raft CX Facebook Page please click here. (Please note: The Facebook page has his old address, his new one is below.) 

The Raft CX
9 Castle Street, Christchurch BH23 1DP (Next to Christchurch Castle and near The Kings Arms)

Opening Hours:
Sunday to Thursday 9am to 6pm
Friday & Saturday 9am to 10pm
Closed Tuesday