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Clubs, Classes & Sports




19 February 2021

Milford on Sea Unsung Lockdown Heroes in Person

Throughout this pandemic Milford on Sea has had many 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes', these are people who have helped others with acts of kindness however large or small.

Below are the individuals and local businesses who have been nominated so far for a thank you by friends and customers who appreciate all these people do for others:

Stacey at Ray's Italian
I would like to nominate Stacey at Ray's Italian. She has been delivering hot meals to the vulnerable in the village throughout all 3 lockdowns, and outside of the lockdown too (to keep the vulnerable safe) on Wednesday and Fridays. She has also kept her restaurant takeaway service and new delicatessen business going through hard work, determination and growing to provide what the village needs throughout such difficult times. Stacey has worked nights and days to ensure that she can provide all of her loyal customers with something to look forward to! She has been a part of this village for many years and is, in part responsible for why this village has such a fantastic vibe and sense of community. She is kind, considerate and so caring. She has done all of this whilst looking after her family and friends.

Stuart O'brien
Stuart is consistently litter picking on the spit and keeping Milford on Sea tidy. He is very passionate about keeping the sea clean for us all. 

Sarah Rix
Sarah is the manager of Milford Pre-School Plus and throughout the lockdowns she has worked throughout. Even when the school was closed she worked producing daily videos with exciting things for parents and kids to do to maintain learning and to help parents keep the kids occupied and engaged. She even borrowed our dog to go on colour hunting walks around the Danestream. She spent many hours planning, sourcing items, researching activities. In addition to this each parent and child received personalised emails to see how they were and to give them ideas of things to see and do.
Now that pre-schools are staying open she is diligently at work, keeping the kids out in the open as much as possible and making learning outdoors so much fun for them. I know she adores her job and I also know that the kids love her. 

Her son Benjamin is now part of the metropolitan police force so he’s out there on the front line, her dedication and kindness has obviously passed on down the generations.

She will kill me for sending you this, but I guess you can see I’m very proud of my mate.

Michael Stockting who works for the NHS in AMU (Acute medical unit) at Poole Hospital.

Mark at The Village News
Mark has kept his business as normal as possible for the community and keep everything cheery for customers. He also volunteered to take an elderly resident, who has no local family, to get his jab otherwise they would have had no way of getting there.

Personally he has kept me sane, and supported me during the days I struggled, due my shop being closed. He really is my hero.

Amanda Maidment
Amanda is a great friend and always so busy looking after other people. She supports and looks after her friends, her elderly neighbour, and all her other neighbours. She also volunteers to shop for vulnerable people, - all whilst running The Coastal Bakery in the village, which she opened during the pandemic! 

During previous lockdowns she held a pop up bakery on her drive which was a highlight to some during such hard times, and she and her husband delivered afternoon teas all over the New Forest all whilst looking after a young family of their own.

Amanda is Chair of the PFA so is also spending many hours on top of her already busy schedule raising much needed money for Milford on Sea Primary School & this takes up more time than anyone knows! 

She also (out of her own pocket) supplied and held cake sales to help Sean Wilson raise £10,000 for his Channel Swim! In addition to all of this, she has been supporting the Olivia inspires charity.

She is a true hero and deserves this! 

Milford on Sea Girlguiding & Scout leaders and helpers (
Lindsay Ratcliffe, Pippa Tate, Jane Etheridge, Sean Reeves, Gill Maclean-Arnold) have all done so much to try and create a 'normal' for our children. Most hold down full-time key worker jobs as well as giving so so much of their time. Their efforts are over and well above. Thank you!

Milford on Sea Women's Institute

Di Cobbett and her Team at The Milford on Sea Women's' Institute (WI) have given unstinting support to Becton Rotary Club in their support of the New Forest Sewing for the NHS & the Local Community project to provide PPE for the NHS, and lately the Rotary Hearts project where they have been a major contributor to an activity that has brought so much comfort to patients and families suffering separation due to Covid 19 infection. Heroes all, thank you from Becton Rotary.

Ross Walgar who is working on the frontline as an Ambulance Paramedic.

Christians Together in Milford on Sea and Everton
The Christians Together group in Milford on Sea and Everton wish to express its thanks to all the people who have helped us all cope during the pandemic.

To see their extensive list, please click here.

Other People in our Community Nominated with comments sent in:

I would like to nominate all the staff at Holland’s especially Clair and Amy who have kept the shop up and running with smiles on their faces throughout the pandemic.

Jenny Whitley is a worthy unsung hero. She is the present chairman of the U3A here in Milford on Sea, a job she does most efficiently, but she is always thinking of the next idea for virtual get-togethers, and is always so positive and full of chat, and thinking of people who might be lonely in this interminable lockdown. She always seems to have time for anyone. I admire her energy and her consideration, and feel she falls well into your category of unsung hero.

Rebecca Webb at All Saints Church for supporting parents and their young children.

Throughout lockdown Rebecca has been organising trails around the churchyard, delivering craft packs and sending positive emails each week. She always asks how we are and offers her time to go for walks if we need support and someone to talk to. She continues to do it and has more planned to keep us entertained in the near future. She’s great at planning them so that they’re Covid safe and suitable for most age groups - which is a task in itself!

They’ve all been so helpful to keep my daughter entertained. She’s almost 2 now and has a very small attention span as you can imagine! These things have really helped us through the wet, cold days and it’s been comforting to know she’s there.

Ruth Bufton for all the years that she has run the Newcomers Supper and created Welcome Packs for everyone joining our community which contains information of all the village local clubs, societies and organisations.

All of the staff at St George's Nursing Home.  Everyone knows how difficult it has been for care homes during the pandemic and I believe our fantastic staff deserve a mention for the dedication they have shown in keeping our residents and each other safe throughout.

Village Postman in George Road area of the village, who works tirelessly delivering joy (and some bills...!). He has even been known to assist with home security when someone may have inadvertently left a door open upon leaving the house  - we don’t know his name but we love him!

Our postman, Jordan Ainsworth who has delivered post with a smile a throughout these difficult times and in all weather!

David our postman in Keyhaven. - Don't know if same one - but Postman Dave! Although let's be honest - they're all doing a stellar job!

Stacey from Rays Italian Restaurant, she has been so kind and caring to me during this lockdown I would like to thank her.

All the teachers at Milford on Sea School who have turned their front rooms into classrooms for online teaching or are still within the school working with the children that are still attending.

Kate Crawford, Headteacher and the amazing teachers and teaching assistants at the village school who are keeping our little people going with their structure and routine. They have also been there to offer support to the many parents who are completely stumped at ks2 maths! They are all worthy of a huge thanks.

My lockdown hero is my son Harry Smith. Harry was diagnosed with colitis just before Christmas and has been so poorly with it, but he still managed to go to work at Tesco and also do shopping for shielding neighbours. Added to this, he still manages to make us laugh.... he’s my hero.

Jenny Whitley who founded Milford on Sea Covid 19 Mutual Aid and established a group of village volunteers to help the vulnerable.

Every brilliant Mum and Grandmothers who are home schooling around work and personal time and Dads and Grandads too, of course.

The South Lawn Team who have gone way beyond their obligations to serve the community. In addition to delivering meals & groceries, the team have delivered a few of their regular customers for their vaccination jab at the medical centre and are providing a parking base for the Community First New Forest Mini Bus.

All the people who work in the village shops and delivering to their shielding customers.

All the refuse collectors.

All the carers, and anyone that works within the GP surgeries.

Needles Eye Café, exceptional quality service, even in the current 'Beast from the East', which they have to face head on. Staff always charming and helpful. 10/10

My fiancée Steve Ray he works for Pennington pharmacy, has worked all the way through all 3 lockdowns, he delivers much needed medicines all over the New Forest, to the vulnerable, to hospitals, care homes and shielding people. He brings a lot of cheer into a lot of people's lives in these hard times. 

Everyone at St. George’s Nursing Home who have been working through the pandemic keeping everyone safe.

Care workers in Milford on Sea and NHS Staff too.

All the staff at Wistaria & Milford Surgeries.

The volunteers across the village that have helped the vulnerable in the community with shopping, prescriptions etc. I know lots are still doing this a year on.

All the wonderful Mutual Aid volunteers in Milford, Everton and Keyhaven. 200 people volunteered in the first wave and many have continued offering support ever since. Also our pharmacists at Milford pharmacy and Boots, and Our Parish Clerks, who have worked continuously, in cooperation with the volunteer teams. It has been an amazing team effort.

I would like to thank all the staff at Holland’s who have been taking my weekly order for nearly a year, and particularly Holly who has cheerfully delivered it to my doorstep without fail.

Milford on Sea CO-OP, thank you to all of the team for supporting and feeding us during lockdown.

Do you have someone you know to add? - If so, please see below...



Throughout this pandemic Milford on Sea must have had many 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes' who deserve a thank you. People who have helped others with acts of kindness however large or small. 

This could be local people who do anything from supporting a neighbour by getting their shopping or prescriptions, it could be friends who have kept your spirits up, a kind stranger who has lent a helping hand, or people volunteering to help other people in the community in any way. It could also be a village business or organisation who are going that extra mile to get the community through this crisis.

There must be a lot of people out there who deserve a thank youso please don't be shy or hesitant in sending us the information. Nothing would give us more pleasure than to give some small recognition to those that are helping others and keeping our community together.

To let us know about your 'Unsung Lockdown Hero' please send us:
  1. The Name of the Unsung Lockdown Hero.
  2. A brief sentence of what they have done or are doing.
  3. A photo of the hero. (Please ensure you have their permission to publish.)
  4. Send all to: david@milfordonsea.org

We will then let you know the 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes' we hear of each week. It will be a pleasure to say thank you to them.

Boaty McBoatface at Hurst Castle

Two local photographers, Paul Christopher White and Graham Wiffen have captured images of the polar scientific research vessel RRS Sir David Attenborough as it passed through Milford on Sea. 

The pictures were published on the 'We Love Milford on Sea' Facebook Page. Click here to visit.

RS Sir David Attenborough at Hurst Castle
Photo by Paul Christopher White

RS Sir David Attenborough at The Needles
Photo by Graham Wiffen

In March 2016 a 'Name Our Ship' online poll was carried out to name a new polar research ship and 'Boaty McBoatface' was the most popular suggestion much to the amusement of many. The 'Boaty McBoatface' name had been suggested by former BBC Radio Jersey presenter James Hand and the name caught the imagination of the British public making the naming a national story.

It is possible that the funny name may have been a homage to Hooty McOwlface, an owl named through an 'Adopt-a-Bird' programme in 2012.

In 2017 a Swedish train company ran a similar 'naming poll', this time they accepted the most popular name, which was 'Trainy McTrainface'!

The powers that be ultimately decided to name the new research ship the 'Sir David Attenborough'.

However, the story doesn't end there, as the name 'Boaty McBoatface' does exist onboard the ship, ...it is the name of the lead boat in a fleet of three robotic submersibles.

Don't you just love the British humour, long live 'Boaty McBoatface'!

18 February 2021

Beach Warning for Dog Owners

New Forest District Council have announced that they are inspecting coastal areas in the district after reports of palm oil being washed up on neighbouring beaches. This would include Milford on Sea Beach and dog owners are advised to keep their dogs on leads.

Palm oil is toxic to dogs and if ingested can cause a fatal reaction. (The images below show what it looks like.)

The NFDC coastal manager advises, “Dog owners walking on or near the beaches should keep an eye out for any palm oil deposits and if they see any keep their pets off the beach.”

“If we find any palm oil, we will remove it but it is possible that more could come ashore.”

Members of the public can report sightings of palm oil to:

Posh Brunch from La Perle

Sam at La Perle is doing a Posh Brunch, delivered with simple instructions for assembly in your kitchen - the sort of meal that you probably wouldn't be bothered to prepare at home. 

For example, you could enjoy Eggs Benedict with a Bloody Mary, made with homemade black pepper and horseradish vodka. 

You can even add a bottle of Champagne or Prosecco to your order to make it a special occasion.

Not a bad start to the weekend!

The restaurant will deliver in the village, or you can collect from the front door from 11am on Saturday and Sunday. 

All the details and the booking form can be found by clicking here.

Click here to see all La Perle delivery menus

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643557


17 February 2021

Step Up, Safe Space Easter Appeal

Step Up, Safe Space is a volunteer run community interest company with volunteers operating in Milford on Sea and with 400+ members around the New Milton area.

They have set up an Easter Appeal which is explained in the image of the leaflet below.

The organisation accepts food: tinned and dried, baby and child related items, men’s clothes and trainers, sleeping bags, small pop up tents. Baby boy clothes are particularly always in need as are toiletries, especially Men’s.

They also need soft and feel children’s books, tactile books, fiddle toys, knitted and sewn tactile blankets and learning resources for sensory and self-sooth boxes and home learning for children and adults.

To find out more, or to offer a donation please contact Suzanne Moore by clicking click here.

About Step Up, Safe Space (Taken from website)

The Overall aim of our community group Step-up, Safe Space is to address unmet health needs, both physical and emotional, in a holistic way, that are not been address by other agencies in New Milton and all surrounding areas. In addition to provide individualised self-sooth and sensory boxes for adult and children with sensory disorders. And to also address practical needs with food, clothes and small household goods. We are a none profit making organisation run by volunteers.

Background and history:
We are a community support group, primarily in New Milton, but covering all surrounding areas, called Step up, Safe Space, we formed in November 2020 and became a community interest company on the 19/01/21 our number is: 13143815.

The Directors background is as a family crisis support officer and two main volunteers who support in the running and development of the group have vast experience of public health nursing and in early years care and education.

To offer advice re obtaining support on unmet health issues, including mental health issues, ensuring food needs are met adequately, ensuring all safeguarding issues including domestic abuse concerns, are referred to the appropriate agencies within national guidelines. The group has a designated safeguarding lead.

To also offer practical support with referrals to other community groups, like the New Forest basic food bank. To ensure all donated food is effectively delivered to those in need and donated food is not wasted. This includes delivering to those currently in isolation and those currently suffering from the virus. And other support services including dropping off shopping and collecting and delivering prescriptions.

To also promote community cohesion with a sense of community pride, by enabling easy donation of quality goods from the local community. These are distributed to those that would benefit from the donations, across the area by members of the team. These donations are food, clothes, all baby and children’s items and small household items ( electrical items are PAT tested.)

To visit the Step Up, Safe Space websiteplease click here.

To visit or join the Step Up, Safe Space Facebook page, please click here.

Exciting Expansion Plans at South Lawn

South Lawn Hotel, with its team led by Tim Wedgwood & Nikki Rowe have more than proven their worth to the village since becoming the independent owners of the hotel in November 2015.

During the past five years the hotel has seen many refurbishments and The Cedar Tree Restaurant had become established as a quality venue to eat before Covid19 hit. 

Since the start of the pandemic, the team have a fought hard to make the business survive by providing a variety of services to the village including home delivered hot meal and a range of quality dairy and bakery items. Over the summer, they even raised significant amount of donations for the Oakhaven Hospice.

Tim wishes to continue to support the village and is prepared to make significant investment to entice more visitors to Milford on Sea. If he can achieve this it would have clear benefits for our village businesses and local economy.

A recent article in the Advertiser & Times provides more background information and details of the planning application for the side extension currently being considered. Please click here to read the article.

New Planning Proposed

Note: A previous planning application for a roof extension has been dropped as it has been found to not be economically viable.

Original Planning Proposal - Now Dropped

The South Lawn Hotel 
& Cedar Tree Restaurant
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

Children's Books from Read with Rosie

Rosie Miller is a hairdresser who lives in Milford on Sea and like many her livelihood has been curtailed by Lockdown.

It is always admirable when someone tries something new, so I'm pleased to share the post below that Rosie made on Facebook. I hope people can support her and wish her good luck with her new venture.

"Hello Milford On Sea community! 

I have lived here all my life and have always supported our beautiful village. I've been a hairdresser since I left school but as you all know these difficult times have led to a lot of us not being able to work, including myself. So I just wanted to post in here to let you all know I have started a new journey selling Children's books for Usborne Publishers. Reading is something I am so very passionate about and I believe is so important for our children. I have made a Facebook page called Readwithrosie. (Click here to visit page.)

So please feel free to take a look. I can get free delivery on all books so happy to deliver Covid securely to your doorstep! Rosie x"

Read with Rosie

Lockdown Shops & Services in Milford on Sea

In March last year we published a list of 'Lockdown Shops & Services in Milford on Sea', who would have thought that 11 months later we would still be in Lockdown?!

But, here we are, and with luck we are much closer to the end of Lockdown than the beginning.

As a reminder I thought it might be useful to remind everyone of what our village shops can offer by re-running the article. 

It might be worth using the contact details to check that the details are still correct if you are interested in any business listed.

To view the article please click here.

PS: Since publishing the list we also now have these establishments also offering goodies:

The Coastal Bakery: click here for more information.

Ray's Larder Kitchen: click here for more information.

The Pickled Weasel: click here for more information.

Fish Pies from Verveine

David at Verveine has been busy in the kitchen cooking his delicious fish pies.

Each pie is topped with a mustard mash and Cornish Gouda cheese to make them the perfect comfort food for a cold or rainy February day. 

The individual fish pies are £4.50 or £6.00 for the larger size. Both are available to buy from the Verveine Fish Mongers from Thursday morning.

Go on... everyone needs some Omega 3 in their life!

98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE 
01590 642176

Takeaway Burger Evenings from Saltwater

Saltwater are holding Takeaway Burger Evenings on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th February.

You can see the menu below:
click image to enlarge

To order, please phone 01590 634518 (and leave a message) or click here to send a message to book or ask any questions.

Saltwater Café
106 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
01590 643518

14 February 2021

Hospital Troops based at South Lawn Hotel

You may have seen in the local press/Facebook that the army have been helping out in hospitals to relieve some of the pressure the NHS is under and they joined New Forest Hospital in Lymington last week. 

That is good news in its own right of course, but even better to know that South Lawn has been given the privilege of looking after them. The hotel currently have 8 rooms occupied by the troops and they are providing them with dinner bed and breakfast until the end of February with the likelihood of the assistance continuing.

The Royal Engineer troops are wearing their uniforms for their role at the hospital so if anyone sees them please don't be concerned and I'm sure they would appreciate a smile, friendly wave or a thank you. 

Despite South Lawn Hotel being closed to the general public, they remain very busy with meals and grocery deliveries. 

The team have also delivered a few of their regular customers for their vaccination jab at the medical centre and are providing a parking base for the Community First New Forest Mini Bus which is also providing a valuable service in helping the vaccination programme.

There is no doubt that South Lawn have done all they can to support the community throughout this difficult time.

To see South Lawn Hotel's latest Delivery/Take Away Menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

New Delivery Menu at South Lawn

Tim, Nicola and the South Lawn Team have been supporting the Milford on Sea community from the very begining of the Coronavirus crisis. 

During this time they have provided a delivery & takeaway service from The Cedar Tree restaurant's menu of tasty hot meals, Sunday lunches and a range of home diary essentials and treats. Also, they created innovative pop-up food options for the village which included a Drive Through Burger Bar last summer.

South Lawn have now launched its latest menu with some old favourites such as the much loved Liver and Bacon. This menu is the 14th Edition during Lockdown!  To view the menu, please click here.

New Menu at South Lawn
click image to enlarge


Tim and his team also continue to support the village with:

Dairy, Bakery and Meal Deliveries 
Fresh bakery deliveries and dairy products each morning along with an extensive menu for deliveries of lunch and dinner within 5 miles of South Lawn. Please click here to see menu

Deliveries & Takeaways 
Lunch & Dinner delivered Monday to Saturday, with Sunday Lunch also available, as are celebration cakes if you need one! 

To see South Lawn Hotel's latest Delivery/Take Away Menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel 
& Cedar Tree Restaurant
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

12 February 2021

Milford on Sea Unsung Lockdown Heroes

Throughout this pandemic Milford on Sea must have had many 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes' who deserve a thank you. People who have helped others with acts of kindness however large or small. 

This could be local people who do anything from supporting a neighbour by getting their shopping or prescriptions, it could be friends who have kept your spirits up, a kind stranger who has lent a helping hand, or people volunteering to help other people in the community in any way. It could also be a village business or organisation who are going that extra mile to get the community through this crisis.

There must be a lot of people out there who deserve a thank you, so please don't be shy or hesitant in sending us the information. Nothing would give us more pleasure than to give some small recognition to those that are helping others and keeping our community together.

To let us know about your 'Unsung Lockdown Hero' please send us:
  1. The Name of the Unsung Lockdown Hero.
  2. A brief sentence of what they have done or are doing.
  3. A photo of the hero. (Please ensure you have their permission to publish.)
  4. Send all to: david@milfordonsea.org

We will then let you know the 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes' we hear of each week. It will be a pleasure to say thank you to them.


TO SEE OUR LOCKDOWN HEROES, Please click here.

11 February 2021

Handmade Chocolate Boxes by Verveine

Verveine have created boxes of handmade 64% Valrhona chocolate caramels. 

These delicious bespoke chocolates are available to purchase at the restaurant at £5 for a box of 6. An ideal gift for Valentine's Day, a present or just an indulgence for yourself!

Verveine have also announced that delicious handmade chocolate bars to follow later in the week.

All great news for chocoholics!

98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE 
01590 642176

10 February 2021

New Seasons Valentine's Flowers

New Seasons Florists in Milford on Sea high street are taking Valentine's orders by phone or email, for either for delivery or collection on Saturday or Sunday.

Brighten someone's day from a a wide selection of Valentine flowers; romantic lily or red rose bouquets and spring flowers available. Just call Nichola on 01590 641001 for advice and prices.

No set minimum price for a bouquet, £50 for a red rose bouquet, £3.50 for a single rose.

If you would like b
ouquets or arrangements all year round, they will all be individually prepared for you and delivered free locally. (Deliveries can be made throughout the New Forest for an extra charge.)

New Seasons also stock Helium balloons and a full range of vases, pots and florist sundries.

Regular stock of fresh flowers and plants continue to be delivered to the shop, so if there is anything in particular you would like, please let them know.

To find out what can brighten your home or to arrange a delivery please call Nichola on: 01590 641001 or contact:

New Seasons Florist
High Street, Milford on Sea
01590 641001

Your Valentine's Treat

Valentine's Day is traditionally a time for dining out, which of course is something none of us can do right now.

But, no-one can stop us eating at home!

There are many options for enjoying a meal at home across the village including; Valentine's specials, British classics, Thai, pizza, kebabs, Cook at Home meals and more...

To see what you can choose from please click here. The list contains contact details and using the links on the list to a visit to the restaurants Facebook Page will show you any latest offerings. 

Charcuterie and Cheese at Pickled Weasel

Alex at The Pickle Weasel has just let us know that they have a 50% sale on Charcuterie and Cheese at the moment.

Pickled Weasel
54 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 641155

09 February 2021

Additional houses at The White Horse rejected

A latest application for housing behind the closed village pub, The White Horse in Keyhaven Road has been rejected.

Bayview Homes was given consent to construct three properties on land adjoining The White Horse but an application for a larger development has been refused by the district council.

Chris Yandell has reported more details in the Daily Echo. Please click here to read.

Downton Holiday Park for sale

A recent article in the Daily Echo has reported that Downton Holiday Park is for sale at guide price of £2.9million.

The caravan park has been in the same family for 72 years and covers 3.6 acres near the beach at Milford on Sea.

To read the full article please click here.

Downton Holiday Park
Picture by Daily Echo

08 February 2021

New Forest Basics Bank Wish List

The New Forest Basics Bank has a Wish List on Amazon which identifies the thing they most need and which people can order to donate. (Click here to view)

Recently they published a touching message from a food parcel recipient:
"I've ordered some stationery for you. It's coming in three separate deliveries. You were very kind and delivered my family a food parcel a few weeks ago and we wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all the help you give everyone. I almost cried at the generous delivery and it really helped, I wasn't expecting to be able to get so much. You are angels"

The New Forest Basics Bank Team also sent their thanks to their volunteers, and the generosity of their supporters we can help so many families who are struggling at the moment. This includes:
  • Boots in Milford on Sea for donating 53 Kg of toiletries
  • The Rotary Club, including members from Milford who empty the crates three times a week and deliver all the food to the Basics Bank.
  • The local churches who are still collecting donations even though they are not meeting.
  • Local schools who are fundraising for them to buy food.
  • The customers at Hollands in Milford on Sea
  • and of course everyone that has bought so many goodies from the Amazon Wish List.
If you would like to contribute, you can do so on the New Forest Basics Bank Wish List on Amazon (Click here to view)

For further information on the work of New Forest Basics Bank and how you can donate or volunteer your help please click here.

Cook at Home Meals from Ray's

If you would like to savour a wonderful array of individual meals or a pre-prepared 3 course meal in your own home which have been created by professional chefs, Ray's Kitchen Larder can provide just that.

All meals come with cooking instructions and all you have to do is warm them up & enjoy. You can even pop them in your deep freeze for later.

Cook at Home Meals -
Chicken Breast stuffed with Mozzarella & Sun-Dried Tomato: £2.95 each
Confit Duck Legs: £3.50 each
Chicken Kiev’s: £3.50 each
Fish Pie: £4.85
Braised Venison: £3.95 each
Chicken, Ham & leek pie: £4.85
Steak & Ale pie: £4.85
Chicken & wild mushroom pie: £4.85
Steak & kidney pudding: £5.90
Pork Fillet stuffed with Gorgonzola, wrapped in Prosciutto: £3.95 each
Coq au Vin: £4.75 each
Beef Bourguignon: £5.25 each
Lasagne: £4.85 each
Lamb Rogan Josh: £4.85 each
Chicken Balti: £4.85 each
Braised Feather Blade of Beef: £4.95 each
Cheese Soufflé: £4.95 each
Thai King Prawn Curry: £5.95 each
Braised Lamb Shank: £5.95 each
Braised Venison Shank: £5.95 each
Braised Venison Suet Pudding: £5.95 each
Baked Cod with a tomato, chickpea & chorizo cassoulet: £6.50 each
Beef Fillet stuffed with blue cheese, wrapped in pancetta: £6.95 each
Salmon en Croute: £9.95 each
Beef Wellington: £11.95 each

Sides -
Cauliflower Cheese: £2.50
Honey Roast Vegetables: £2.50
Crushed Swede: £2.50
Dauphinoise Potatoes: £2.75
Mac & Cheese: £4.25

Sauces -
Traditional Gravy: £1.95 each
Dianne Sauce: £1.95 each
Red Wine Sauce: £1.95 each
Peppercorn Sauce: £1.95 each
Blue Cheese Sauce: £1.95 each
‘Chip Shop’ Curry Sauce: £1.95 each

Dessert -
Sticky toffee pudding: £4.50 - (Enough for 2)
Apple & Blackberry crumble: £4.25 - (Enough for 2)

Takeaway Pizza's available on Friday's.

Valentine's Day Menu just £22.50 per person. Please e-mail for the menu if you are interested.

Ray's Kitchen Larder is Open:
Tuesday to Friday: 9am till 3pm
Saturday mornings: 9am until 1.30pm.
Free Local deliveries available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Minimum order of £30

Cook At Home 3 Course Menu:
Order by email or phone by Thursday noon, to collect on Friday /Saturday

Please contact Stacey to place your order at info@raysitaliankitchen.co.uk

Ray’s Italian Kitchen & Kitchen Larder
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300

07 February 2021

Afternoon Cream Tea from Saltwater

There is little that screams 'English Tradition' more than an afternoon cream tea, and Saltwater Café can now offer you an opportunity to partake in this glorious and delicious activity.

Saltwater Cream Tea for One

If you fancy a treat, or wish to give someone a gift for a celebration, as a thank you, or just to put a smile on their face, this could be the answer. - They even do gift cards.

Saltwater Afternoon Tea

All cakes and scones are freshly baked at Saltwater. Tea includes
  • 2 x scones (1 plain and 1 blueberry)
  • clotted cream and raspberry jam
  • 2 x mini cakes
  • 4 x cheesecake bites or brownie pieces
  • 1 x mini loaf sandwich
  • 1 x mini bap sandwich
  • 2 x mini bagel sandwich
  • 1 x sandwich
  • 2 x teabags (see choice below)
Afternoon Cream Tea: £15 per person

Additional extras
  • Individual bottle of Prosecco or Prosecco Rosè - £5.00
  • A gift tag card free
  • Additional cakes, sandwiches or scones just ask!
  • Cake selection and sandwich filings may differ from photos. GF and Vegan available.
  • Choice of teas: English breakfast, decaf english breakfast, lemon and ginger, earl grey, masala chai, berry hibiscus, chamomile, peppermint, organic rooibos, blueberry rooibos, green tea, tropical green
Free delivery (locally) or collection (must be booked in advance) 

To order, please phone 01590 634518 or click here to message us to book or ask any questions.

Saltwater Café
106 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
01590 643518

06 February 2021

Transport to vaccinations

Community First New Forest is using its minibuses to transport passengers to the Milford on Sea War Memorial Hospital for their vaccinations. 

You would be collected from your home, and the driver will wait while you have the jab and take you back home afterwards. 

Only one person is taken at a time and the size of the vehicle is such that social distancing can be maintained. All drivers are DBS checked. 

The fare is £3.00 and donations to the charity are welcome. There is now a bus located in Milford on Sea for these trips and after every trip the bus is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

The contact number to book a trip is the Community First New Forest Office on 01425 482773. 

Please note: There was an article in the Lymington Times last week about the service but the paper inadvertently published the incorrect fare.

Something to make your day...

Fancy seeing something really uplifting?

What would you do if you had four kids and stuck at home during Lockdown? 

Well, The very talented Marsh family have added some brilliant lyrics to well known songs. They are not only joyful and amusing, they are also almost guaranteed to brighten your day.

I'm not sure; it might be their creativity, it might be their enjoyment, or it might simply be seeing a family together during Lockdown that might just bring a tear to your eye.

'Totally fixed where we are'
click image to view

'Have the new jab'
click image to view

'One day more'
click image to view

To see The Marsh Family full catalogue of parody's please click here

05 February 2021

A cool new offering at Verveine

Something cool is happening at Verveine.

To add to the excellent food and fish they already offer, chef/patron David Wykes is now creating ice cream, and anyone that knows David will know that will not be anything ordinary!

The current ice cream flavours include: 'Coffee and donut', 'Cream tea', 'Wild Strawberry and hay', 'Tonka bean and blackcurrant', 'burnt chocolate and pistachio' and 'Sherbet Fountain'! 

The ice creams are now available to buy from the Verveine shop, and if your are ordering a kebab from them tonight you could pick up a pot for a delicious dessert.

I guess there is only one way to find out which is your favourite, and that's to pop in the discover the delights of the new Verveine Ice Cream Parlour when you can.

98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE 
01590 642176

Valentine's Meal at Home from Ray's

Ray's Italian are offering a special Valentine’s 3 course ‘at home’ meal for next week.

The menu consists of: 
  • Twice Baked Cheese Soufflé - Twice Baked with Parmesan and Old Winchester Crust.
  • Beef Wellington - Fillet of Beef Wellington.
  • Chocolate Fondant - Rich, dark chocolate “cake” oozing chocolate centre.
To add to this superb meal you can complement with Sides & Sauces:

  • Red Wine Sauce £1.95 each.
  • Peppercorn Sauce £1.95 each.
  • Dauphinoise £2.75 each.
  • Cauliflower Cheese £2.50 each.
  • and fresh Vegetables (uncooked): Purple sprouting, kale, tender stem and mixed chantennay carrots.

Valentine's Meal: £22.50 per person. 
(Minimum delivery £30, delivery can be arranged when ordering)

Please order by noon Thursday (11th) February, for collection 12th & 13th February.

To order please email info@raysitaliankitchen.co.uk

Ray’s Italian Kitchen & Larder Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300