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12 February 2021

Milford on Sea Unsung Lockdown Heroes

Throughout this pandemic Milford on Sea must have had many 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes' who deserve a thank you. People who have helped others with acts of kindness however large or small. 

This could be local people who do anything from supporting a neighbour by getting their shopping or prescriptions, it could be friends who have kept your spirits up, a kind stranger who has lent a helping hand, or people volunteering to help other people in the community in any way. It could also be a village business or organisation who are going that extra mile to get the community through this crisis.

There must be a lot of people out there who deserve a thank you, so please don't be shy or hesitant in sending us the information. Nothing would give us more pleasure than to give some small recognition to those that are helping others and keeping our community together.

To let us know about your 'Unsung Lockdown Hero' please send us:
  1. The Name of the Unsung Lockdown Hero.
  2. A brief sentence of what they have done or are doing.
  3. A photo of the hero. (Please ensure you have their permission to publish.)
  4. Send all to: david@milfordonsea.org

We will then let you know the 'Unsung Lockdown Heroes' we hear of each week. It will be a pleasure to say thank you to them.


TO SEE OUR LOCKDOWN HEROES, Please click here.

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