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10 October 2014

From Broadband to Smurfs

Like a lot of people, understanding why we do not get a decent mobile phone signal in Milford on Sea, or why our broadband is so slow, or knowing what colour Smurfs go if they are strangled, is simply beyond me.

Thankfully there are people more knowledgeable that me in the village, and thanks to Roy Culligan we can be enlightened on the broadband situation. (Sadly he can't answer the Smurf question.)

click here to enlarge
For a number of months there have been a good number of Openreach vans whizzing around the village, with men jumping out and sticking their heads in cabinets along the roadside. 

Initially I thought they may have been hunting the 'village Molemen', but it appears not.

Roy has informed us that his property in Milford on Sea (and probably many more in the village) is now capable of receiving a faster broadband service (about 40Mbps) (Ed: Nope, I don't know what that means either) via Openreach's 'Fibre To The Cabinet' service.  He explains; "Whilst this is still not fibre to each individual dwelling, it is still a great step forward for the village in gaining much faster broadband speeds and brings us into the 21st century technology age."

If you click here to visit the Openreach Superfast Broadband website, you can enter your postcode and it will tell you of the broadband options for your home or business.

When I did a search on our postcode I was greeted with this joyous message:

Exchange Name: MILFORD ON SEA
Status: AO
Great news. Superfast Fibre is in your area and your cabinet is enabled and accepting orders. Contact your preferred communications provider for your home or business to order.

So, it looks like things are speeding up on the worlwide interwebby thing, and you can click here to find your own provider to ask how you get the faster service.

If you have any other questions, please ask BT, as I don't have a clue.

However, if you do call BT, don't ask them about the Smurf's - I just did that and they hung up!

08 October 2014

Boys & Girls on Bikes

The Cave Team
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The Cave Team were relieved to survive the Oakhaven Bike and Hike Challenge on Sunday. After a wet Saturday, the weather turned out dry and sunny, although seeing Jon & James wearing shorts and riding a tandem traumatised a number of onlookers.

The Cave Team of 13 either cycled 5, 15 or 30 miles whilst the hikers walked 6 or 10 miles. 

Cyclists, like speedbumps and tractors, are of course things that should be kept off roads, and we were happy to see the event was kept to the forest tracks, avoiding stress for unreasonable motorists like me.

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There were no major incidents for the team, apart from two punctures. 

Luckily, Jon and James' tandem was provided with a repair kit. The kit was fine, but their ability to use it was not so good, and the process took longer than fitting a new rocket booster on the space shuttle.

Poor Andy Parr had no help after getting his puncture 3 miles from the end, which resulted in him having to walk to the finish line! 

As the race was under-way, two old ladies were sitting in deck chairs watching the cyclists go by. As Jon & James passed, one of them had a stroke and the other one was really annoyed, as she could not reach.

Jon and James demonstrating
their cycling skills
click image to enlarge
Two blokes on a tandem is asking for trouble really, but the lads survived the ride through the forest even though there were quite a few hair raising situations. James recalls; "At one stage we were barrelling down a hill with no brakes shouting to other bike riders "Don't stop, we are coming through!"  Witnesses have however told us that they were not shouting, but clearly screaming like big girls.

The whole team agreed that they had a great time, apart from the sore parts left in a few tender places.

After the ride, the team returned to The Cave to be greeted by Stacey with some well deserved drinks and nibbles whilst they recalled stories of their days adventure.

Organiser, Sharon Parr would like to thank everyone that sponsored them and she will announce the grand total raised in the next couple of weeks. After that she will start planning for The Cave Team to take to the saddle again next year!

PS: I am considering joining the team next year using a motorcycle with sidecar. My wife is however not looking too enthusiastic at the prospect of taking the passenger seat, but I still have a year to work on her!

The Cave
Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH

Ranger to Rainbow

A new book 'Ranger to Rainbow', that will excite many a yachtsmen, has just been published by a village author.

David Pitman, local businessman and author, has just published his new book which is a detailed account of the development of the J Class yachts, primarily from 1996 when David first became involved with the rebuild of Velsheda. He was Secretary of the class for more than 12 years and primarily responsible for the rebirth of the Class, from the launch of a new Ranger in 2002, then Hanuman, Lionheart and finally Rainbow in 2012. It is packed with many technical and sailing images of these iconic yachts.

Other J Yachts, including SVEA are now under construction or in design stage. The book details an account of the build process, the technical development of the yachts, the crewing and the Class Association.

This book continues the detailed story of the J Yachts covered by the book Enterprise to Endeavour, written by Ian Dear (also available on request £42).

As well running a successful local business, David Pitman is a proficient yachtsman having sailed competitively at the highest level in a range of dinghies, catamarans, race and superyachts. He also finds time the fly his own light plane and has taken may spectacular shots of the Milford on Sea area from the air. An example of which you can see on the front of Hollands of Milford's window.

Ranger to Rainbow
132 pages A4 packed with many colour and historic images.
ISBN 978-0-9576156-2-5

Strawberry Marketing
01590 645082

Strawberry Publishing
01590 645082

Good News on Library Future

A recent article in the Lymington Times ran with the headline 'Museum display could help save village library from cut' 

The future of our village library, and the concept for a Milford on Sea Museum in the village are actually separate topics, and not mutually dependent on each other.

The excellent news is that the Village Hall Trustees have secured the immediate future of the Milford on Sea Library if it is run on a voluntary basis. 

To date they have already attracted more than 60 volunteers, and they are also offering to review the hall rent on a concessionary basis for one year with an option to review it for the next year.

The Milford Village Association would like to reassure library users that the future of the Library is not dependant upon a museum in the village hall.

On the occasion of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the Milford Village Association were pleased to donate half the cost of the fire-proof cabinets to store Milford Historical Record Society documents in the village rather than Winchester, Southampton and Lymington as mentioned in the article.

The trustees of the Milford Village Association (who run the Village Hall), are now awaiting a statement as to the feasibility of a proposed museum from the Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society. Keith Metcalf is also working on the concept of museum, whether created in the library or somewhere else in the village.

02 October 2014

Jump in the Party Tub

Village resident, Jane Ball moved to Milford on Sea with her husband and two children just over 10 years ago.

They had discovered the village on a day out, and then became regular visitors for several years. Then, in 2004 they decided to take the plunge to leave Sutton Coldfield where they had lived all their lives to move to Milford on Sea. Jane's son then spent a happy year at Milford Primary School before joining his sister at Priestlands School.

Jane said: "We love living in Milford on Sea and would never be tempted to move away."

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to enlarge
In 2007 they took the plunge again, and opened a showroom in Lymington selling hot tubs (Plunge/hot tubs, get it...?!)  Jane then developed the company into hiring hot tubs, which enabled Jane to work from an office at home in Sharvells Road and to spend more time with her young family.

Personally, I have spent many a happy hour having fun in a hot tub. My wife also likes an occasional bubbly dip, which she says she enjoys a lot more if I am not in it with her. For some reason she also takes the same view when I offer to join her bath time.

This may be because that, over the years my pre-hot tub preparations have caused various traumatic events for my wife, including the time I wore a more revealing that expected Mankini, to the occasion I thought a naked dip with a full body wax may have been a good idea. It wasn't, as it meant I lost all grip in the tub and just kept sinking to the bottom!

The hot tubs Jane hires are the rigid type not inflatables. To operate they only require a 13 amp electricity supply and come in sizes of  4/6 person or 7/8 people. This is only guide, as should the people involved be anywhere near my size it might just be an extra, extra large with a few skinny ones squeezed in!

Fortunately, Jane delivers the tub with a 4 x 4 and trailer, and then fills the hot tub, pat tests the electrical equipment, talks you through hot tub operation and water maintenance before leaving the relevant chemicals to keep everything going.

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The hot tubs can be hired for any occasion at home and are naturally great fun for parties, or as a surprise present for someone you may like to share the hot tub with!

Jane's busiest time of year is Christmas and New Year and this year she would like to offer all those residing in the village £50 Off a 2 or 4 week booking over the festive period.

It looks like I may have just discovered what to buy my wife this Christmas. I live in hope that she will love it, but I am a bit concerned that the neighbours may see some sights this Christmas they were not expecting!

Party Tub Hire Ltd
17 Sharvells Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PE
01590 688288 / 07973 345913

Art Awards for George

Village artist, George Woodford has recently won two of the three major awards for his paintings at the American Art Awards.

Eric by George Woodford
First he won 'The Masterpiece Prize' for most overall wins of one image entered in various categories for his 18×14″ oil painting; 'Eric', which ranked very high in six categories from Portrait to Fashion to Political Commentary.

He also won 'The 2014 Stoney Award' for most overall wins by one artist as nine of his paintings were rated high in an assortment of categories.

George graduated from Camberwell School of Art in London with a BA Honours Degree. After graduating, his earlier works portrayed much of his native New Forest. The increasing demand for his paintings allowed him to give up the post as a senior lecturer to paint full time. 

Over the years, George has produced an extensive portfolios of subjects ranging from figure, wildlife and still life to land and seascapes. 

Teamwork by George Woodford
George has exhibited with the ‘Society of Wildlife Artists, The Society of Marine Artists, The Wildlife Art Society, The Marwell Art Society, and Nature in Art. 

His work is sold through the premier auction houses in London, private galleries and is collected by an international clientele. His paintings have also been released as limited edition prints with Worldwide Prints. 

Winning awards is not new to George, and the sale of his paintings has raised thousands of pounds for conservation and other deserving causes.

George Woodford
of Milford on Sea
Woodford Art

American Art Awards

Milford Poppy Appeal 2014

Following the sad death of Freda Cheyney last November, Jan England has taken on the role of Poppy Appeal Organiser for Milford on Sea, a job she was asked by Freda to do. 

Jan is now gradually finding out what the job entails, (which is actually quite a lot!), and asking for your help to try and continue Freda’s lifetime work. 

A couple of hours of your time during late October / early November would be very much appreciated. 

After this reflective commemorative year, and with the media news sadly brimming with stories of world conflict, we are reminded that this is sadly still a much needed appeal. 

Although there are a few weeks to go until Remembrance time is in full swing, please contact Jan now if you would like to help.

Most welcome would be volunteers to the House to House Collection team. Many of our collectors are not so young in years and it would be great to reduce the rounds. 

Please ask yourself, ‘can I spare a little time and collect from my road, or block of flats?’ 

(Jan fully understands the reluctance for this particular task! She doesn't really enjoy it herself although it is nice to meet people. However it does still raise a substantial amount of money when everyone’s efforts are added together.) 

There are also many other things you can do to help. Getting Poppy boxes ready and out to collectors, or into businesses for instance. 

Jan has booked the Community Centre for November’s ‘First Friday’ lunch and would also welcome any assistance with that, as she would welcome ideas for other fundraising events which could be organised, maybe not for this year, but for the future.

Lastly, if no one calls at your door, please don’t forget to donate for a poppy at one of the many village businesses, or street collectors please.

Jan looks forward to hearing from you soon,

Jan England
01590 642291 

27 September 2014

Take a look around Wynford

Local residents, Chris & Sue Sanders of Wynford, Barnes Lane are opening the doors of their eco-friendly and ultra modern house as part of the New Forest Green Open Doors on 4th and 5th October 2014.

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Wynford is a four bedroom, three storey detached house built in 2011, constructed of ICF (insulating concrete formwork), with further insulation that makes this property very thermally efficient. EPC rating is A 93. A 4000L tank captures rainwater which is used to flush toilets and supply the washing machine. Solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, a woodburning stove and air source heat pump provide space heating, hot water and electricity. To maintain the high thermal efficiency and air tightness of the building a whole environmentally friendly house ventilation system is used to provide fresh air.  

The “Green Open Doors” Event, which is being run by the New Forest National Park Authority and the New Forest Transition, aims to reduce carbon emissions in the area. People can visit eleven customised properties throughout the weekend of October 4th and 5th.

There will be a chance to find out about a range of energy saving measures, including solar panels, efficient lighting, wood burning stoves and rainwater harvesting.

Entry to all the eco houses are free and no booking is required, with home-owners on hand to answer any questions on the pros and cons of their property’s environmentally friendly features.

Milford participants, Chris and Sue at Wynford, Barnes Lane said: “Wynford was designed so that all our heating and hot water needs are met by the energy the house generates. We also collect the rainwater from our roofs which means we use less than 50 litres / person / day from the mains supply.”

If you are interested in finding out more, visit Wynford between 10am and 4 pm on Saturday 4th October or Sunday 5th October. 

To see a map of all the properties and find out opening times and the details of each one, visit www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/greenopendoors

Wynford, Barnes Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RL
Opening hours: Sat 10am to 4pm and Sunday 10am to 4pm

Contact Chris Sanders on 01590 645442 | greenopendoors@wynford.so

21 September 2014

Top Award for Pre-School Garden

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Milford on Sea Pre-School were delighted to be recently awarded the RHS five star award from the school gardening campaign.

This is a top award from the RHS, and held by very few other pre-schools, so all of the pupils and teachers are very proud.

To be considered for the award, Sarah Rix had to send in various photos and evidence of good gardening practice that included being part of the open gardens, - and making strawberry jam for parents .

The pre-school also won a trophy from the village produce show for their fruit and vegetables!

Sarah said: "I would like to thank all the staff for their wonderful horticultural teaching, and the fantastic parents who give up their time to help out garden flourish. (And do the boring but necessary weeding!) The children learn so much about growing and using their produce, it's an enjoyable garden for us all."

Milford on Sea Pre-School

Ellen Keeps Winning!

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A couple of months ago, we reported on Ellen Mans success in the Hampshire County Tennis & how during RYLC Youth Sailing Week she was the Fastest Girl in the Bronze Optimist Fleet.

She has now won a further trophy last Sunday, but this time in a different sport! 

Ellen played in the 8th and final EZGO Golf Tour at Sturminster Marshall Golf Club, where she was awarded trophies for her best golfing endeavours: two 1st’s, a 2nd and a 3rd on the 2014 Tour, where she was competing against girls up to two years older than herself.

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Ellen, has just turned 9 and is a Durlston Court school girl, and member at Barton on Sea Golf Club. Se also participates in the Hampshire Girls Golf run by Elke Jackson, County Junior Organiser of Hampshire Ladies Golf.

Any young girls interested in starting golf can contact Elke Jackson at jacksonelke@aol.com.

About the EZGO Junior Tour

The EZGO Junior Tour was set up by golf professional Mike Dodd in 2008. the concept is to create a fun tour for children in Dorset & Hampshire to play golf, experience different courses and meet other golfers.

In 2014 this Tour is spreading into other counties and there will be a grand final with all age group winners playing against each other in one event. The tour offers girls and boys divisions and trophies are awarded to the top 2 golfers in each age group. Winners are decided on an order of merit system where the best 4 results count over 8 tournaments. A separate handicap congu section is set up to allow those children who wish to play on tour that have a handicap.

17 September 2014

A Museum for Milford?

Keith Metcalf has floated the idea of creating a Milford on Sea Museum. 

Keith is retiring as Parish Clerk in October, and in addition to his sterling work for Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV) he is also willing to coordinate the setting up of a group to found a Milford on Sea Museum.

Below is a report from Keith, it is pretty lengthy, but interesting, and worth reading to understand the whole picture. Keith's report not only details the current position with the library, but also raises a proposal for a Milford on Sea Museum to run alongside the library.

We are interested in your view as to whether a Museum would be of benefit to the village.

Please complete our Milford on Sea Museum Survey: click here


Milford Library Report and a Milford on Sea Museum?

There was an excellent turnout of about 80 residents who crammed into the Village Hall to listen to Hampshire County Council’s explanation as to why the Library is likely to close in 2015 and possibly be replaced with a Volunteer Library or a one-day a week Mobile service.

Chairman of the Milford Village Association Mrs Gloria Grantham-Hill said that she was delighted to see such a good response from potential volunteers and welcomed and introduced Executive Leader of the County Council – Cllr Roy Perry (to our knowledge, the first Leader of HCC ever to have attended a meeting in Milford-on-Sea). Cllr Perry was joined by a number of Senior Officers, including Nicola Horsey - Assistant Director of Libraries and Information; Alec Kennedy – Head of Library Operations and Jane Selby – Group Manager of Libraries.

County Cllr Alan Rice was in attendance and had personally invited the Leader of the County Council to attend what was likely to be a ‘tricky’ meeting. Mrs Grantham-Hill gave a brief summary of the history of the Village Hall and invited Mr Kennedy to explain why there was a need to change things from the way they were. Following some light-hearted heckling of Mr Kennedy from a member of the audience; Mr Kennedy explained that he had been asked to report on the two options for Milford residents to consider. This immediately raised resident hackles and an accusation that the County had already discounted a third option, which would be to leave things exactly as they are.

Cllr Perry stepped in to explain the background to why it was necessary to make some very difficult decisions and in particular why it was necessary to cut library services. He said that Government had reduced the HCC funding grant by £100,000,000 and that to be able to continue to support old and young people’s services, cuts had to be found from somewhere. In earlier reports published on the web, Cllr Perry had said that; ‘In a bid to save 12% of budget, senior management jobs would be reduced and community safety officers known as ACSOs would be taken off the streets’. Cllr Perry said that he was committed to avoiding the soft option, which would have been to put up council tax, which had been held for a fifth consecutive year.

Residents pressed to be given accurate figures as to what savings would actually be made by removing the two part-time library assistants. Mr Kennedy said that the savings would amount to somewhere between £8,000 and £10,000 pa, including £2,000 rent to the MVA. 

Residents appeared astounded by such a low potential saving and suggested that cuts should be made elsewhere for such a paltry amount. Cllr Perry said that in order to maintain essential services like those being protected for old and young people, it was right that small cuts should come from across all services and provisions. Cllr Perry added that there are over 300 villages across Hampshire and that the vast majority of them do not have a County run library service like we do in Milford-on-Sea. 

Mr Kennedy said that here was an opportunity to retain a library service in Milford-on-Sea and that the County would continue to supply replacement books, provide training for volunteers, provide weekly support from trained professional library staff and that the County Council insurance scheme would indemnify volunteers against accidental misuse or damage of their expensive self-service IT equipment. 

Further statistics for Milford Library were provided: 
  • Opening hours per week = 10 
  • Book issues in 2012/13 = 12,484 (This is one of the four lowest in Hampshire) 
  • Active borrowers 2012/13 = 571 (These are the lowest in Hampshire) 
  • Average number of customers borrowing items at least once a month = 197 (This is one of the four lowest in Hampshire) 
  • % of people living in the parish using the library = 12% (These are amongst the lowest in Hampshire) 
  • On average only 18 people visit the library per opening hour 
  • On average only 25 items are issued per opening hour 
  • Issues of books and other items decreased by 5% between 2011/12 and 2012/13 
  • A three-month survey had been undertaken by handing survey forms to users visiting the library over a three month period from 2nd February 2014 
  • Since February there had been a further decline in user numbers 
  • There had been 107 responses to the survey 
(There are approximately 4,800 residents who live in the Parish of Milford-on-Sea)

Councillor Kennedy said that the recommendation going forward from the Culture and Communities Select Committee to the Executive Member for Culture, Recreation and Countryside on the 2nd September 2014 is that:

‘Discussions will continue with the Trustees of the Village Hall at Milford-on-Sea until the end of October, with a further report to the Executive Member, Culture, Recreation and Countryside at his Decision Day on 4th December 2014’

Residents asked whether it would be possible to retain the excellent services of Jocelyn and Chris (the two p/t library assistants) if local funding/sponsorship could be secured. It was also suggested that the Parish Council could commit to providing financial support by increasing the annual precept. Cllr Perry said that, that would be a matter for the Parish Council to decide, but was unable to say whether such an arrangement could be made between a third party and HCC library staff.

County Cllr Alan Rice said that as County Councillor for the Milford Ward, he might be able to provide some financial support towards staffing costs, but said that he also has to consider providing funds to other parts of his ward such in New Milton.

Mrs Grantham-Hill thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed.


Cllr Perry and his Library Service team gave assurances that no decision had yet been taken on the closure of Milford-on-Sea Library. They said that they would provide further factual figures, which could help the community and Trustees make some decisions for the future. They said that they would continue discussions with the Hall Trustees. However, the likelihood of them coming back to say that Milford’s Library will be given a second stay of execution is probably unlikely in its present form!

Milford Village Association has provided the venue for the library service since the 1980s. 

Out of the 4,800 residents we have in our parish, it seems that 4,229 do not use the facility. The old saying of ‘Use it or Lose it’ seems to be coming home to roost and the emphasis might now fall on the shoulders of the whole community to make the best of what HCC offer.

So what should we do now? As far as the Library is concerned, we need to wait for answers to the questions raised by residents at the meeting. The next critical event is when HCC reach their verdict on Decision Day on the 4th December 2014.

Whatever happens, we need to find a way of increasing footfall. The current users of the Library are exclusively residents, and we now know just how few of us are actually using the facility.

So why are we not using the Library? We know that books are diminishing because of the growing electronic book reader market, but basically it seems that, most of us are just not visiting our library, probably for a variety of reasons including the fact that half the time we don’t know which days or times it is open! Put simply, books just don’t interest us enough to pull us in for this alone!

Equally, visitors or holidaymakers do not use the Hall. Why? Because there is nothing of interest to attract them either?! 

So the question might be, can we and do we want to address the loss of the facility and make it more interesting for holidaymakers and residents to visit? Personally, I think absolutely YES and I cannot think of anyone who would disagree.

So what else do we know about future potential users? We know that between Shorefield County Park and Carrington Park there is in the region of 3,000 new holidaymakers visiting these sites every week of the summer. Thanks to David Long’s fantastic Milford website, Food Week, the community run Arts & Music Festival and all the other village green events that are held each year, many of these visitors come into the village to eat, drink and to be entertained. We don’t have an arcade (thank goodness) but visitors I am sure enjoy exactly the same things we do as residents. We try our best to retain the Victoriana feel to the village centre, which is very much part of its charm. We get the numbers of visitors here, it is just a case of giving them something else to do once they have fed and watered themselves!


Melleford 1086 + Melneford & Mulneford 1100-1135 + Milneford 1152 + Mylforde 1575 - Milforde 1690-1720s + Milford 1780 + Milford-on-Sea 2014. 

First recorded in the 1086 Domesday Book, Milford has 1,000 years of history. Where can you see this history? Nowhere, unless the Historical Record Society are putting on one of their all too infrequent and delightful exhibitions.

My late wife and I regularly travelled to villages across the country, but primarily down to the west-country. We inevitably found that many had rural museums that we would visit. Most were very small. Many were unmanned and some used voluntary helpers to impart local historic knowledge and information. All the museums had ingenious ways of encouraging visitors to part with a donation of a few pounds to help with the Museum running costs. 

In talking to residents and visitors around the village over the past few months to see whether they would like to see a Milford Museum where interesting documents and artefacts could be permanently displayed, everyone is either being very polite when I ask, or they are genuinely interested in seeing and reading about our history. It’s also a fact that the Historical Record Society has been crying out for many years for somewhere to store and display their historic materials. What better location for them to do this than in the centre of the village in the Village Hall alongside what will almost certainly turn out sometime in 2015 to be a Voluntary Library? Why should the County Council Records Office and Lymington’s St Barbe Museum have all Milford’s historic papers and artefacts tucked away where nobody ever sees them?

Many may argue that our community-owned Trustee-led hall facilities have become too insular. There appears to have been little or no cooperation between what they see as their individual domains which they continue to protect come hell or high water. Trustees across all of our halls and facilities need to be seen by the community to work closer together to provide the very best that Milford-on-Sea can offer to benefit the whole community and the many thousands of holidaymakers that visit each year.

Practicalities: Nobody will underestimate the enormous amount of hard work that we would need to do to be successful. Nothing worth doing ever is!
  • First there would need to be a change in mind-set about working closer together. 
If Trustees are willing to work together for the benefit of the wider community, so much the better. If not, maybe they need to ask themselves the question; ‘Should I be a Trustee’? There will undoubtedly be other willing volunteers prepared to step up to the plate.
  • A parish-wide survey could help us see if a voluntary led Milford Library/Museum idea would be a welcome addition to our village centre facilities?
  • This would of course mean there would be a need to relocate some floor space users of the Village Hall to alternative community facilities, of which there are several other venues. 
Outline Proposal:

If there was ever a time that the community, its community halls and their trustees need to work together, surely now is that time.

Will the community support a combined Village Library and Museum? There is not much doubt that this would be a welcome addition to local facilities; somewhere we could all pop into once in a while, where many of our groups and associations would love the opportunity to put on a display for a month and help guide visitors and tell them a little more about their group, the village and point library readers in the right direction.

Maybe now is the time to make some personal sacrifices and some positive decisions that will benefit our Village for the next generation and beyond.

Keith Metcalf – Milford-on-Sea Resident

Please complete our Milford on Sea Museum Survey: click here

Eco Classroom at School

Children at Milford on Sea C.E Primary School Academy Trust will be getting closer to nature after it opened its new eco outdoor classroom last Friday (12 September).

The new classroom, known as the Eco-Pod, is a recycled shipping container, which is situated within the existing school garden and nature reserve. It will enable pupils to experience hands-on learning, whilst being in the outdoors.

click image to enlarge
Bi-fold doors have been fitted to the front of the shipping container, which allow the classroom to be opened up to the existing school ground, while giving it its open feel.

Pupils at the school have been involved in the build of habitat panels that have been attached to the sides of the classroom, which will encourage nesting birds and other local wildlife. A viewing window has also been installed inside, from which children can quietly observe the local wildlife in the nature reserve area, which includes a small pond.

Mr Hill, Headteacher at Milford on Sea C.E Primary School Academy Trust said: “Outdoor learning helps make core subjects rich and relevant to pupils and also gets them excited about learning. So to have this wonderful eco-friendly classroom, which is totally different to what we already have at school has not only got the children excited but the teachers too!”

IKEA Southampton, who has kindly donated all its products to provide the children a fun place to learn in, has internally designed the Eco-Pod. It has also contributed outside furniture so that the school can maximise the decking space surrounding it.

Katie Cadman from IKEA said: “As soon as we heard about this project, we knew immediately it was something we wanted to be involved with. To have our products utilised in such a sustainable environment, with an educational element really excited us.”

Other companies, including Southern Water, Christchurch Timber, Antler Homes, New Forest Lofts, Arum Design and Adcroft have contributed to the classroom build. As well as a number of parents who have kindly given up their time to ensure its success, including Andy Sadler, Rachel and Clive Foster, Rob Lister and Claire Lambert.

We would add our congratulations to the school's Parents Friends Association (PFA) who worked hard to raise funds towards the project, and also thank all the local companies and individuals that contributed to make this excellent new facility for our local children happen.

For further information please contact Rachel Lewis: Tel: 07780 703063

Milford on Sea C.E Primary School 

12 September 2014

It's Disco Night!

The friendly bunch down at Milford on Sea Club are launching a Friday Night Disco at 8pm tonight, and then the Disco will take every Friday night from now on.

Everyone is welcome, whether a member or not. Non-members simply pay £2 on the door. The club also has some attractive bar prices to enjoy.

The music will span the era's, but many of us will remember the heady days of Disco when white suits, John Travolta and embarrassing clothes were the order of the day. 

In those days my own wardrobe consisted of shirts with tulip collars, bell-bottom trousers, tank tops, a fine selection of platform shoes in an array of colours and designs, and glossy hair flowing well over my shoulders. Oh, yes I was a real catch for any girl that was daft enough to come in my direction!

So, get your dancing shoes on, pop into the club and dance the night away!

Milford on Sea Club
67 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG
01590 643209

06 September 2014

Loving Cheese in Milford

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An interview with Mandy Black, of Milford on Sea cake maker Elmsleigh Cakes, featured in an article in the latest September edition of the Solent Life magazine.

As Mandy is a talented cake maker in the village it may be natural to assume that the two page spread would be full of yummy sweet treats, chocolate delights and moist sponge pictures, but not this time..., as I was preparing to lick the pictures on the pages, I discovered the story was about Cheese Towers!

These savoury towers are created by Mandy as a fantastic focal point for any celebration you may have. (Wedding, Birthday, Random Celebration or perhaps even a divorce!)

Mandy works in conjunction with Paul at Holland's of Milford to provide a choice from hundreds of artisan cheeses. As you many imagine, not only does the tower feed your guests, but it also becomes quite a talking point at your event. A Cheese Tower, also supplied with pickles and crackers can easily cater for up to 80 hungry cheese lovers.
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Mandy's decorating skills come into their element when she adds fresh fruit, edible or non edible decorations, flowers and more, she can also provide all the trimmings to go with your tower with baskets of crackers and breads.
Keeping the trade in Milford on Sea village, Mandy has also teamed with our local and award winning pickle supplier Spice 'n' Easy for that additional special touch.
Personally, I could do great damage to one of these towers. I would happily sit on my own munching through the stack accompanied by a bottle or two of Port. Sadly, my 'you have had enough' radar is broken, so I would only know when to stop when I slide off the chair and can no longer reach the cheese.
However... much as I enjoy savoury, cake is of course my first love. Correction second. (My Wife says unless I put her a first I will get a kick in the groin and no dinner tonight.)
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Having tasted Mandy's bespoke hand-crafted cakes, I can happily say she is great at both sweet and savoury.

You can find home-baked cakes and lardy breads from Elmsleigh in Holland's of Milford, and they can be purchased by the slice or ordered as a full cake, or if you pop into The Raft, you can treat yourself to a slice along with a coffee.

Whilst writing this I have been dreaming about cakes, but My Wife refused to go out and get me one, so I had to make do with some biscuits as I hit the keyboard.

It also worth mentioning Nicola of Yum, who also creates excellent cakes from her kitchen in Milford on Sea. (The amazing chocolate fudge cake is my favourite!) You can never have too many cake makers I say! 

If you are looking for cakes, or would like to try a Cheese Tower, you can get in touch with Mandy or Nicola below - go on, indulge yourself!

Elmsleigh Cakes
Mandy Black
07914 586441

Yum Cakes
Nicola Goode

Hollands of Milford
49 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG

Claire Lee
01590 645646

05 September 2014

Calling Library Volunteers

Following the recent public meeting when the future of the village library was well and truly debated, the likelihood of the library remaining as it is looks bleak.

It is however felt that the Milford on Sea Library may be able to continue if run on a volunteers basis.

A Volunteers Meeting is now to be held on Wednesday 17th September at 7pm in the Village Hall/Library

At this important meeting information will be obtained on how a Community Run Library operates with Sharon Rhymes, who is in charge of training, and a member of North Baddesley Library. Alec Kennedy, Head of library operations at Hampshire County Counci will also present. 

If you would like to find out more, join the band of volunteers, or if you volunteered at the meeting, please come along.

Any queries, please contact: Liz Everard on 01590 645429.

03 September 2014

Gallic Flair on Milford Seafront

Being a fluent French speaker (my own version) and on occasions a temporary honorary resident of Deauville in Normandy, I was delighted to see the local council has bought some Gallic flair to Milford on Sea.

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If you have been fortunate enough to visit Beaune, the capital of Burgundy wine, you may also have seen the magnificent multicoloured roofs of the Hospices de Beaune. Built in 1443, this medieval building has impressive deep roofs covered in glazed multicoloured tiles arranged in decorative geometric patterns. 

Having been constructed so long ago, my French brothers did the best they could with the materials, tools and technology they had to hand at the time.

Sadly, after the Valentine's Night Storm in February this year, the seafront at Milford on Sea remains looking like a warzone. For anyone old enough, it must bring back memories of the barbed wire beach defences during WW2.

Whilst the future of Milford on Sea Zoo remains in doubt (click here to read), and the replacement of the beach huts continues with endless debates and discussions, some progress has at least been made.

Having been severely damaged in the storm, the Seafront Shelter has now been restored for people to take in the magnificent views through the mass of fencing and out across to The Needles.

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The Seafront Shelter now boasts its own decorative geometric patterns to rival the roofs of the Hospices de Beaune. The tiles are not glazed or multicoloured, but they stand resplendent in their own way.

When asked what the roof patterns represent, the head of design at the council said; "There were holes in the roof, and we had some tiles laying around so we filled the gaps with them. We are thrilled that this approach has created a abstract design to delight art lovers."

As we walked the dogs I gazed at the seafront shelter and asked My Wife what she thought the tile design represented. She looked at me, gave a big sigh as she said to herself; "Why did I have to be the one to marry the village idiot", she then swiftly kicked my dodgy knee and as I fell to the ground caught me with a perfect uppercut. I can only assume that she is not one that appreciates the wonders of modern art.

We understand that this new art installation on Milford on Sea seafront is strongly rumoured to make the short-list for the Turner Prize 2014.

News Bulletin 250 & Still Going

The weekly 'Enjoy Milford on Sea News Bulletin' has now hit edition number 250.

Everything started with the launch of the 'Enjoy Milford on Sea' website in May 2008. Since then, the site has had over a million visitors. (To be exact 1,119,601 to date) 

The News Bulletin is now sent to 2355 e-mail addresses across the village, and keeps people informed of the occasional worthwhile news story, but more often useless information and stupid observations of what is happening locally.

The village news website alone now receives over 15,000 page views every month.

If you would like to read some of the ridiculous stories published over the years, please click here.

Should you have any friends, family or neighbours who would like to receive the News Bulletin, please just ask them to send their Name & E-Mail Address to: david@milfordonsea.org 

Over the years more community websites and events have been added as you can see from the list below. 

Unashamedly, it has been a pleasure to promote the village, our restaurants, shops, events and many of the excellent activities that that place in this wonderful community by the sea.  


If you would like to find out more about what happens in Milford on Sea, please visit our village websites below:

Milford on Sea Website: www.milfordonsea.org
Milford on Sea News: www.milfordonseanews.org
Milford on sea Calendar: www.milfordonseacalendar.org
Milford on Sea Food Week: www.milfordonseafoodweek.org
Love Milford Week: www.lovemilfordweek.org
Great Dining Bus: www.greatdiningbus.co.uk

The Bodyguards are coming

Hurst Castle are excitedly awaiting the arrival of The Company of Pikemen & Musketeers at 2.30pm on Saturday 13th September, who will be doing a 45 minute display.

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to enlarge
The Company of Pikemen & Musketeers are a ceremonial unit of the Honourable Artillery Company and one of only six royally warranted bodies in the UK.

The members of the Company are dressed and equipped as they would have been in the 1640s and are tasked with providing a ceremonial bodyguard for the Lord Mayor of the City of London and escorting him when he is on official business. These duties are primarily at Guildhall and Mansion house but also at livery halls and other City events. The Company also provides guards of honour and carpet guards at Armoury House, headquarters of the Honourable Artillery Company when guests are being entertained. 

Ferries will be running from Keyhaven Quay to the castle and normal castle admission charges will apply.

The café will also be open for snacks, cake and drinks.

Find out more at: Hurst Castle Shop
47 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG | 01590 642500


Poem read on by Radio 5 Live at The Lord Mayors show.Queens Silver Jubilee 1997.

Supplied to us by: Mike Halliwell (Major. TD. Late RA. HAC)

He said that they looked an elderly lot.
"No good in a war"was his passing shot!
The radio man spoke of my friends.
He hadn't a clue,so I'll make amends.
Forget for a moment the passing of time, These men have all put their lives on the line.

Regular service, Reserve and TA
Is honoured,respected and only the way
To earn them the right to carry a Pike.
To March with and guard The Lord Mayor and his like.
A sharp eye can see from deep in the crowd The bearing and purpose,head still held proud.
Pageantry is but part of the script.
It raises the pulse.Encourages conscripts.
Behind all this show there's a serious chore Done by these folk who are "too old for war"!
The TA is part of one army alone
And they cannot fight lest some "hold the phone"
Mark up the maps and brief all the "stars"
As to who has moved where while they've been "at the war"
So just you remember when you commentate That they also serve who "just stand and wait"
Lets hear then no more of "too old to fight "
A soldiers a soldier till he "puts out the light"
If there's a role where he can be part
He'll give it his best with all of his heart.
Back in HQ,the Map room or 'phone
He doesn't mind and he won't be alone.
And if he's to March with pride with his Queen There's nowhere on earth he would rather have been!

29 August 2014

New Collection for Moss on the Green

New Collection
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Moss on the Green Boutique & Gallery are having a promotional weekend to launch their new Autumn / Winter fashion collections.

Trish Ray
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Since opening the shop on 28th June, owner Trish Ray is delighted things have gone so well, even having to make a mad dash to London to top up her summer stock, as the hot weather continued to grow demand.

Now the weather is starting to change and the evenings becoming more autumnal, Trish has the warmer fashions arriving at the shop, from brands such as Adini, Marble, Bianca and Peruzzi. 

The new ranges with be unveiled at the New Collection Launch from 10am to 5pm on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th September, everyone is welcome to come along.

The boutique & gallery also carries a lovely range of accessories, scarves and fashion jewellery, together with artwork pieces painted by Trish herself.

 Moss on the Green
1 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
01590 643867

Open: Tuesday to Saturday - 10am to 5pm

Cleaning Job Available

The Beach House at Westover is looking for somebody who might want to help them out during the week by doing a few cleaning / housekeeping hours.

If you, or anyone you know may be interested please contact Marina on 01590 643044. 

The Beach House at Westover
Park Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PT
01590 643044

Charity Coffee Morning at The Beach House

The team at The Beach House at Westover are taking part in the World's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on the 26th September 10:30am to 12 noon. 

If people want to bake cakes and bring them with them that would be great so we have more to sell for charity! 

There will also be a raffle for a 2 night bed and breakfast break at this rather special hotel. Raffle tickets will be £1 each, and all money raised from the cakes and raffle will be going to the charity.

The Beach House at Westover
Park Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PT
01590 643044