What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




08 August 2020

Simon sets sights on 2022 Para Commonwealth Games

Milford on Sea resident, Simon Heaps has a dream to represent England in Wheelchair Table Tennis at the 2022 Para Commonwealth Games in Birmingham and more.

As Simon explains; "I am 64 yrs old and lost my right leg last year. I have a dream to get to the 2022 Commonwealth Para Games and play for England in wheelchair Table Tennis. I believe I can do it. But, I desperately need funds to get me there and I need a Corporate Sponsor that will back me on my journey. If you or anybody you know is willing to put their faith and cash in me then please contact me. With a sponsor I can achieve it."
To find out more about Simon, or to see how you can support him, please click here.

Ever-growing snake spotted in Milford on Sea

We do not know who has done this, but an enterprising family or group of children have come up with a novel idea to give passers by a smile.

The 'Milford Rock SSSnake' is growing daily, and can be found in Carrington Lane, Milford on Sea heading towards the park.

To join in, simply decorate a rock and add them to the snake!

Milford on Sea Album: Famous Residents

If you enjoy seeing old pictures of Milford on Sea you may enjoy having a trip back in time here:

Milford on Sea Album: Famous Residents - Click here to view the album 


Milford on Sea Villagers on their Doorstep Album
Coronavirus Lockdown Time! - A village record of people 
on their doorsteps taken by villagers whilst on daily walks.

click here to view album

If you would like to add your doorstep pictures, please send to: click here.

The Good News Newsletter: No. 20

To view of the latest edition of the The Good News Newsletter:

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

About The Good News Newsletter

An enterprising group of local people have put together a 'Good News Newsletter' with the aim of keeping everyone informed and amused during this difficult time.

The Good News Newsletter has been created by Milford Library, Milford Mutual Aid Group, The Village Voice and MoS News Bulletin.

We will be publishing a copy of each edition here online and for those in the village who do not use digital communication, the Parish Council are printing some paper copies which will be available in some village shops and some distributed by volunteers.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

07 August 2020

Become a Parish Councillor

Become a Parish Councillor and help your community.

Milford-on-Sea Parish Council has two vacancies for Parish Councillors. If you would like to help make a difference to where you live, why not apply? Deadline is noon on Friday 28th August 2020.

For more details, please click here.
More information:

If by 26 August, 2020 14 days after the date of this notice excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays, a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA by TEN electors for the Parish, an election will be held to fill the vacancy. 

If no request for an election is received the vacancy will be filled by co-option. 

Where ten valid requests for a by-election are received by the Returning Officer then under the provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and The Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus)(Postponement of Elections and Referendums)(England and Wales) Regulations 2020 the by-election will not currently take place, and the vacancy will be held open until the by election takes place. 

The 2020 regulations provide for the by election to take place on the date for the Ordinary Election of Councillors due to be held on Thursday 6 May 2021. However, this date may be brought forward or deferred by the Government depending upon the circumstances. 

Any election that is in due course called will be duly publicised as required by law.

04 August 2020

Olivia Inspires Supports Disadvantaged Pupils in Lockdown

Milford on Sea based charity, 'Olivia Inspires' has stepped in to help disadvantaged students in the district’s schools during the coronavirus lockdown. The lockdown and the resulting school closures have had a disproportionate impact on the learning of disadvantaged pupils and have resulted in an increase in the already wide attainment gap between the richest and poorest pupils. Olivia Inspires is working with the schools to help redress the balance. 

The charity has made a total of £15,750 available, £1,500 to each of the nine secondary schools in the New Forest district and £750 to each of the three non-mainstream schools (education centres and special schools). 

Nigel Burt, Olivia’s father and a founder of the charity explained: “We know that lockdown has been very hard on all students, but particularly those who are most disadvantaged. We have offered the schools this funding to use in the way that they think will best help individual students.” 

Many of the schools have used Olivia Inspires’ funds to provide laptops for pupils as so much learning has moved online during lockdown. The government has only provided laptops for disadvantaged students in Year 10, together with care leavers and those with social workers, so this means the majority of disadvantaged students have received no government help. 

New Forest Academy in Holbury has opted to use the funds to provide one-to-one specialist maths tuition for Year 10 students. Whilst four students from Greenwood School in Hythe will be benefiting from Equine Assisted Learning thanks to the Olivia Inspires funding. 

Priestlands headteacher Peter Main said: “We are delighted that Olivia Inspires has agreed to support our students with laptops. This will not only make a huge difference to them in enabling them to access the work and tutorials being set online through lockdown but longer term it will also provide them with a resource to really enhance their home learning and independence.” 

Priestlands headteacher Peter Main with
one of the Olivia Inspires funded laptops

Ringwood School’s assistant headteacher, Heather Jolly echoed these thoughts saying: “Thanks to Olivia Inspires’ generous donation, we have been able to buy seven laptops. These have gone to students who have worked exceptionally hard throughout these difficult last few months, despite having limited or no access to technology at home. This donation will mean they are able to access work from home, catch up on anything they have missed over the last few months, and continue to work hard towards their GCSEs and bright futures beyond. Thank you Olivia Inspires, you really are making such a difference in our local community.” 

Nigel concluded: “We are delighted that through Olivia Inspires we have been able to help these young people at such a difficult time and wish them success in the future. 

“It’s great to be able to help young people in this way because the applications for support from young people have dried up during lockdown. Like many charities the last few months have been difficult for us. There were a number of fundraising events planned and these have either been postponed or cancelled, so if anyone would like to do any fundraising for us that would be amazing. Now that things are starting to return to normal we would like to get the message out that we are here to support any young person who needs a helping hand in achieving their dreams and I would encourage them to apply.” 

To find out more, make an application for support or donate to the charity please visit: www.oliviainspires.org.uk

You can follow Olivia Inspires on Facebook @oliviainspires or Twitter @olivia_inspires. 

About Olivia

Olivia Burt from Milford on Sea, was a gifted and beautiful young woman who inspired others. Olivia was only 20 years old when she died in February 2018 in a horrendous incident at Durham, where she was a first-year university student studying natural sciences. 

She was just embarking on a journey that would have doubtless seen her leaving a lasting mark on our world. But more than this, everyone who knew Olivia remembers her smile and her kindness, and how she inspired others. 

Olivia Inspires aims to allow her spirit to live on by helping young people aged 11 to 18 years, whose families live in the New Forest District Council area and who are facing financial hardship. Grants will be provided to help them develop their potential in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), the arts and sport. 

The charity, set up by Olivia’s parents Nigel and Paula, was launched on Thursday 3rd October 2019 at Lymington Town Sailing Club, where Olivia, who sailed for Great Britain, was a member. 

South Lawn looking for Full and Part Time Staff

South Lawn Hotel and Cedar Tree restaurant are looking for Full & Part Time Staff to join their busy Food & Beverage operations team. Experience preferred. 

If you are interested, please send your details to Nicola via a Facebook private message by clicking here.


To see South Lawn Hotel's new Mon to Saturday Menu: please click here.

To see South Lawn Hotel's Sunday Menu: please click here.

To see South Lawn Hotel's At Home delivery menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

03 August 2020

Charity Shop looking for a Part-Time Shop Assistant

The Community Centre Charity Shop in Church Hill, Milford on Sea are seeking a Shop Assistant to work c.50 days a year, principally to provide holiday and sickness cover for the current staff and to provide additional opening days. 

Hours are 9.40am to 5pm and the role will involve opening and closing the shop, and operating the shop either alone or with a volunteer (when Covid restrictions relax). 

Would suit someone who can be very flexible in terms of days worked and who is available to work on any day Monday to Saturday, plus Sundays during the summer. 

Ability to work alone and good, friendly customer interface skills are key. Pay will be at £8.85/hour, plus holiday allowance 

Applications in writing to: John Nicholas, Milford on Sea Community Centre, 9 Sea Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PH 

31 July 2020

Sean conquers the English Channel

Milford on Sea resident, Sean Willson completed his epic swim across the English Channel yesterday and arrived in France from Dover in a fantastic time of 13 hours 22 minutes.

So far he has raised £6511 for charity which is in the memory of his nan and uncle, - and he has also lost half a stone in weight!

Sean's family & friends, and no doubt the whole village, are very proud of his significant achievement.

Well done Sean, you have justifiably earned your place in the record books.

To read more about Sean's challenge; please click here.

PS: Even though I could do with losing that amount of weight, this method seems a bit too extreme to me!

Our Village Crest Explained... (Sort of!)

Do you know what the images represent on the Milford on Sea Village Crest?

Well, the article below was published in July 2014 and we thought you might like to see it again:

No doubt someone from the Milford on Sea Historical Society can enlighten us, and perhaps even throw light on the crest's origin.

When faced with a question like this is, my approach is to make up the most inappropriate answer, and then wait for a grown up to provide the real facts.

So, here goes:

The Milford on Sea Crest contains two men standing on a set of scales representing how people in the village are quite good at balancing. The first man holds a sythe representing a rice worker from the paddy fields around Sturt Pont, the second man is a tall boy scout, his wellington boots and fishing net in hand illustrate how they used to wade into the sea to catch shrimps. Both men following the village tradition of wearing trousers a size too large, hence the need for both a belt and braces.

The crest itself is headed by a Keyhaven longboat, reminding us of our shipbuilding heritage and of the time when our forefathers set sail to conqueror the Isle of Wight. The Crown provides a memory of the former name of the village pub now known as The Smugglers Inn, and finally the red rose of Lancashire represents all that have settled in the village from the North of England.

It is possible that all of these facts may be not be completely accurate, so if you can throw any light on any inaccuracies, please get in touch.

Following publishing the article above, regarding the Milford on Sea Village Crest, we had an interesting reply from Bob Braid of the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society:

Bob, who is blighted with a similar sense of humour to my own, speculated with wry smile; "The bloke on the left actually has a pickaxe & represents the men who dug the network of smugglers tunnels around the village. The ship is a poor representation of a Viking long ship and refers to the great battle between the Saxons and Danes when the stream ran red with blood and from which Danestream gets its name. The crown refers to Charles 1 imprisonment at Hurst Castle on passage to his trial and execution in London. The flower is not a rose, but the elusive Milford Pimpernel, also known as Paddy's Pride, which used to grow on the cliffs, hence Paddy's Gap." Mixing a few facts with some myths is a great way to create history!

Fortunately, he also has a more factual story. Bob explained that the Milford on Sea Village Crest first appeared on souvenir china in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During those times, souvenir china was all the rage and it is extremely collectable today.

Bob said; "The first pieces were sold in Mrs Christie's shop and then soon taken up by other village shops. (Christie's was firstly located opposite where Verveine now is, and later where New Seasons Florists are and next to the old Post Office) 

click image to see more souvenirs

click image to enlarge

Bob continued; "As far as we know, and we are willing to be convinced otherwise, you could select your design from elements in a pattern book and we think it was dreamt up by Telford Stone, the printer and stationer in the village." 

Interestingly, the Truro coat of arms has a remarkable resemblance to our own, which makes this final explanation all the more likely.

2020 Update from Bob: "I now have considerable doubt that the design originated with Telford Stone. He married Mrs Christie's daughter in 1918 when he was 28 & she 21. Mrs Christie & her daughter came to Milford somewhere between the 1901 & 1911 censuses (or censi to be pedantic). Mrs Christie's husband died in January 1906 in Milford on Sea.

If the china was first available in her shop, it's probably more likely it was she that chose the original design; it depends on the date of the earliest available pieces (and if it was sold anywhere else before her shop) and I'm no expert. Always more questions than answers!"

So there you go... the Milford Crest is as much a mystery as when we first started this article!

Milford on Sea Historical Record Society 

Shorefield Holidays Awarded Gold David Bellamy Conservation Award

Shorefield Country Park has once again been awarded the gold accolade for its dedication to the environment and Britain’s’ wildlife. 

The picturesque, family-run holiday park located in Milford on Sea is one of Shorefield Holidays' eight holiday parks in the South Coast, set in a beautiful spot within the New Forest with easy access to the scenic coastline and just a short walk from the beach. 

The David Bellamy Conservation Award Scheme is one of the longest running green tourism awards in the UK. They have been described by David Bellamy himself as the 'Green Olympics' for holiday parks and campsites. The awards are decided using several criteria, including managing land as a haven for wildlife, reducing water usage and other resources, supporting local communities and reducing the use of energy. 

Simon Pollock, Chairman and Managing Director of Shorefield Holidays says “We are immensely proud to have once again been awarded the gold accolade for the 23rd consecutive year, proving that we’re doing all we can for conservation and supporting Britain’s wildlife. 

“Lots of efforts have been put in place by Ian Colverson, Head Gardener at Shorefield Country Park, to ensure that the impact the on the environment is minimal. We continue to house bees in hives on site, with extra efforts to plant and grow more wildflowers to provide nectar, which as a result has seen the park earn the David Bellamy Honey Bee Friendly Status.” 

Sustainability has also been a huge focus throughout, and Shorefield Country Park continues to hold a strong, positive relationship with the surrounding community. The Country Store on site sells locally sourced produce as well as swimwear made from recyclable waste and plastic-free crabbing line. 

Each year, the awards focus on a specific area or topic and previous years' achievements have included the Hedgerows Challenge and the Wildflower Initiative, all of which Shorefield Country Park has successfully secured. 

As a result of the challenges faced due to Coronavirus, the conservation focus for 2020 has been to Protect Tourism Jobs, something Shorefield Holidays are passionate about and hugely supportive of. 

Simon added: “The current situation has highlighted how important family time is and with some of the most stunning natural landscapes, beautiful coasts and unspoilt countryside right here in the UK, a staycation provides the ideal escape. Now more than ever we understand how important it is to ‘postpone, don’t cancel’ and ‘enjoy summer safely’ in order to help get UK tourism back on track.” 

Shorefield Holidays is one of the leading holiday park businesses in the UK, with eight holiday parks across Hampshire and Dorset. New social distancing measures, contactless check-in and a range of new cleaning procedures mean the company is set to provide safe, socially distanced getaways in some of the south’s best locations. 

For more information about Shorefield Holidays’ eight locations, please visit www.shorefield.co.uk


Milford on Sea Album: Village at War

If you enjoy seeing old pictures of Milford on Sea you may enjoy having a trip back in time here:

Milford on Sea Album: Village at War Click here to view the album 


Milford on Sea Villagers on their Doorstep Album
Coronavirus Lockdown Time! - A village record of people 
on their doorsteps taken by villagers whilst on daily walks.

click here to view album

If you would like to add your doorstep pictures, please send to: click here.

30 July 2020

Sean commences English Channel Swim

Sean Willson, Milford on Sea resident and manager at Everton Hyundai has commenced his epic swim across the English Channel at 6.30am this morning on his support boat, Sea Leopard. (Thursday 30th July 2020)

He is taking on this challenge for The Brain Tumour Charity and The Alzheimer's Society, two charities close to his heart. 

We will let you know how he does when we hear, in the meantime enjoy the pictures below and wish him luck.

To read Sean's story or to support him; please click here.

click images to enlarge

27 July 2020

Ray's reopen restaurant for inside dining

We are very pleased to pass on this message from Stacey at Ray's Italian Restaurant in Milford on Sea high street:

We are pleased to announce that we are going to open Ray's Restaurant for inside dining (in addition to our garden dining) from Wednesday 5th August. Our opening times will be:
  • Lunch: Thurs, Fri & Sat: 12 to 2pm (Last orders) 
  • Evenings: Weds, Thurs, Fri & Sat: 5.30pm to 9pm (Last orders)
  • Plus: Takeaways 
Pre-booking is Essential due to the current restriction and guidelines that we have to adhere to. We will require a £10 per head (adults)/ £5 per child deposit due to limited numbers available in-house following the 1 metre plus ruling. We will be running a reduced menu at this time also. 

We are constantly reviewing how we operate and considering everyone safety and we ask for your understanding and patience whilst we all get used to the new norm. 

Our popular takeaway service will still continue and there will be a new menu available from Wednesday 5th August. Due to the restaurant opening and staffing restrictions we will no longer be able to deliver outside of the Milford on Sea, Keyhaven and Downton area. However you will be able to collect direct from us. 

Thank you so much for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

To see Ray's latest Menus: please click here.

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300

Milford on Sea Library Update

As users will be aware, Milford Community Library has been closed since 20th March. 

The team running the library have not been idle and have been discussing when and how they can reopen safely. Realistically, as it is in a multi-use hall, this will not be until September at the earliest.

In the meantime, they need to retrieve all the books that have been out on loan as Hampshire County Council will be recommencing fines for overdue items from 1st August. 

Books/CDs etc. can be posted through the library letterbox at any time (if they will fit). The library has also been open the last few Fridays for the return of larger items and will again be open for returns this Friday (31st July) from 10am until 12.30. 

If you cannot return your books by then or wish to renew them, you can do this online by clicking here. If you need a PIN for your library account, this can be obtained by phoning HantsDirect on 0300 555 1387 or by visiting Lymington or New Milton libraries. If you’ve forgotten your PIN, you can reset this online. 

The library hopes to be able to offer some kind of Click and Collect service once they reopen. Details are still being worked out, and if you would like to be kept informed, please send your name, address, and email address to mosclibrary@gmail.com and they will keep you up to date with our plans. 

Sorry, the library is currently closed until further notice. 

Milford on Sea Community Library 
The Village Hall, Park Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0QU

26 July 2020

Sam at La Perle turns 40

Sam from La Perle turned 40 on Sunday 26th July. In true Sam style, he wouldn't take the day off but did finish early at 3pm to join friends & family on the green for a social distance celebration!

We hope he had a great time after all the hard work he had put in to support and feed the village over the lockdown period. We also thank Kerry for sending the pictures of Sam in his earlier years for us all to enjoy.

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

To see La Perle's menu and order your dishes please click here.

Opening Hours and La Perle Home Delivery: 
  • Mondays from 4.30pm (Fish & Chips only)
  • Tuesdays to Saturdays from 4pm to SO41 and BH25 areas

  • La Perle Deli: 11am to 8pm Monday to Saturday. 

Please Note:
  • Please order via the La Perle website
  • Delivery only service, no collections.
  • Please order in advance if possible and they will do their best to deliver at your preferred time.
  • Deliveries to the SO41 and BH25 areas. 
  • Minimum order for delivery £15, delivery charge £2.

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea
01590 643557

25 July 2020

Milford on Sea Album: Holiday Parks

If you enjoy seeing old pictures of Milford on Sea you may enjoy having a trip back in time here:

Milford on Sea Album: Holiday Parks Click here to view the album 


Milford on Sea Villagers on their Doorstep Album
Coronavirus Lockdown Time! - A village record of people 
on their doorsteps taken by villagers whilst on daily walks.

click here to view album

If you would like to add your doorstep pictures, please send to: click here.

24 July 2020

MOSHRS Podcast: All Saints' Church-Part 3

Milford on Sea Historical Record Society have launched their latest podcast, this time the subject offers more stories relating to All Saints' Church.

In 19th Century England the Anglican Church was home to two opposing forces: the Evangelical Revival and the Catholic Revival.

In the latest video podcast you can find out how these rival revivals confronted each other in Milford. 

Also hear about adjusting the time on the church clock and washing hymn books.

MOSHRS would like to share the video with the whole village.

To view the podcast, please click here.


The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society has an excellent website with a lot of information and old pictures of Milford on Sea in the past. To visit the website; please click here.

The MOSHRS meet 5 times a year where you can hear an interesting talk and meet people from across the village. There are also annual visits to places of interest. Membership is just £10. To find out more; please click here.

MoS Historical Record Society

Field of Hope Outdoor Concert

click image to enlarge

The Good News Newsletter: No.18

To view of the latest edition of the The Good News Newsletter:

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

About The Good News Newsletter

An enterprising group of local people have put together a 'Good News Newsletter' with the aim of keeping everyone informed and amused during this difficult time.

The Good News Newsletter has been created by Milford Library, Milford Mutual Aid Group, The Village Voice and MoS News Bulletin.

We will be publishing a copy of each edition here online and for those in the village who do not use digital communication, the Parish Council are printing some paper copies which will be available in some village shops and some distributed by volunteers.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

21 July 2020

Community Centre Trustee Applications Closing

Milford on Sea Community Centre is seeking a new member to join our board of trustees. The ideal candidate will have financial experience including cash handling and banking procedures. 

Trustees meet each month and are all actively engaged in making the Centre a success.

For further information please contact the Chair: Linda Bagnall on 07957 365505 or by email trustees@moscommunitycentre.org.uk

Applications should be made in writing by 27 July to: 

The Administrator, Milford on Sea Community Centre, 9 Sea Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PH or by email office@moscommunitycentre.org.uk

20 July 2020

£2000 donated to New Forest Basics Bank

Becton & District Rotary Club working with the volunteers of the New Forest Sewing for the NHS, which includes makers in Milford on sea, has resulted in a massive donation of £2,000 to New Forest Basics Bank. 

The money was raised by the masks made by the sewing volunteers being displayed at collection points around the area, including our village, for members of the public to make use of them. The masks were free but recipients were invited to make a donation in aid of a local charity. It is heartening to see that even in these difficult times the generosity of the public surpasses expectation with a sum of £2,000 being raised for NF Basics Bank. 

Keith Williams, President of the Rotary Club
presents the cheque for £2,000 to
Chairman of NF Basics Bank, Oliver Stanley. 

During a visit, Chairman Oliver Stanley identified Tinned Meats, Fairy Liquid and J Cloths as being urgently required. If you can help with these or any other long dated non perishable food items then please contact the Basics Bank to discuss how you can donate the food. 

It appears to be generally accepted that the current circumstances are going to be with us for some time so demand for the services provided by Oliver and his team can only increase. 

President Keith Williams of Becton Rotary said “Rotarians and those who share our ideals have always cared for and supported those less fortunate than ourselves, we will make every effort to provide what help we can.” 

For further information on the work of New Forest Basics Bank and how you can donate or volunteer your help please click here.

Further information on Becton Rotary can be obtained from Larry Anthony, secretary@bectonrotary.org..uk

18 July 2020

Social Groups & Clubs welcome back at South Lawn

It has been two weeks since The Cedar Tree Restaurant reopened in the Marquee and Gardens at South Lawn Hotel, and after a steady start the team are pleased to see an increasing number of familiar faces.

Owner, Tim Wedgwood has given us his thoughts; "Whilst many guests first trip out may have been a nervous experience it's reassuring to see that many keep returning. It delights us to know that our guests have the confidence to return and we appreciate the kind comments about how secure people have felt. We are blessed with so much space indoors and out and our Marquee has become very popular with small groups of up to 6 people from multiple households.

The use of our function facilities are still restricted and it is anticipated that conference and banqueting facilities will reopen for larger parties in September. So for now we have a huge function suite that seats 150 feeling very empty. 

So we have an idea which we hope will be helpful. We appreciate there are many small groups and committees of larger groups that are fed up of Zoom meetings and want to get together. Committee meetings are vital for the many social groups and organisations to get back together, so:

Cornwallis Suite - Before Covid changes
We have arranged our function room for how we anticipate our regular clubs might meet when restrictions are lifted. The Cornwallis Suite which seats 150 in normal times is laid with 8 round tables of 6 and a top table of 2 all one metre plus spaced. The rules now allow for a table of up to 6 people inside but from no more than 2 households. So assuming that no members of a committee live in the same household each table can accommodate 2 people. From now up until September we want to make this facility available to any club or committee whether they normally meet at the hotel or not. So if you have a meeting you would like to organise 18 people from 18 households can meet here and up to a maximum of 30 can meet if enough of you share households or social bubbles. 

Just call the hotel to check availability and make your booking and on the day please ensure your organiser arrives in good time ahead of the rest of the guests so we can open up and brief you. All attendees should arrive direct to the Cornwallis suite entrance as access is not available through the hotel. We will even provide tea and coffee facilities with a discretionary honesty box. We will not staff the room but are available to help if needed. 

There is no charge for this facility which we hope will help all our important groups start to get back to normal."


To see South Lawn Hotel's new Mon to Saturday Menu: please click here.

To see South Lawn Hotel's Sunday Menu: please click here.

To see South Lawn Hotel's At Home delivery menu: please click here.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

17 July 2020

Milford on Sea Album: Village Churches

If you enjoy seeing old pictures of Milford on Sea you may enjoy having a trip back in time here:

Milford on Sea Album: Village Churches Click here to view the album


Milford on Sea Villagers on their Doorstep Album
Coronavirus Lockdown Time! - A village record of people 
on their doorsteps taken by villagers whilst on daily walks.

click here to view album

If you would like to add your doorstep pictures, please send to: click here.