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20 July 2020

£2000 donated to New Forest Basics Bank

Becton & District Rotary Club working with the volunteers of the New Forest Sewing for the NHS, which includes makers in Milford on sea, has resulted in a massive donation of £2,000 to New Forest Basics Bank. 

The money was raised by the masks made by the sewing volunteers being displayed at collection points around the area, including our village, for members of the public to make use of them. The masks were free but recipients were invited to make a donation in aid of a local charity. It is heartening to see that even in these difficult times the generosity of the public surpasses expectation with a sum of £2,000 being raised for NF Basics Bank. 

Keith Williams, President of the Rotary Club
presents the cheque for £2,000 to
Chairman of NF Basics Bank, Oliver Stanley. 

During a visit, Chairman Oliver Stanley identified Tinned Meats, Fairy Liquid and J Cloths as being urgently required. If you can help with these or any other long dated non perishable food items then please contact the Basics Bank to discuss how you can donate the food. 

It appears to be generally accepted that the current circumstances are going to be with us for some time so demand for the services provided by Oliver and his team can only increase. 

President Keith Williams of Becton Rotary said “Rotarians and those who share our ideals have always cared for and supported those less fortunate than ourselves, we will make every effort to provide what help we can.” 

For further information on the work of New Forest Basics Bank and how you can donate or volunteer your help please click here.

Further information on Becton Rotary can be obtained from Larry Anthony, secretary@bectonrotary.org..uk

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