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18 October 2018

Prestigious Award for The Bay Trees

Mark and Sarah Clayson, owners of The Bay Trees situated in the pretty village of Milford on Sea, are delighted to have been awarded the coveted 2018 VisitEngland Rose Award in Recognition Of Service Excellence. 

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This VisitEngland award is given annually to just 100 VisitEngland quality assessed accommodation businesses that go the extra mile in order to provide excellent customer service. This award that can only be won once. 

Nominations for this award are made following the annual VisitEngland quality assessment and the observations of the assessor. Other evidence, including online customer reviews, is taken into account. The final judging panel also look for innovation that sets the business apart. This includes facilities or services offered to make the guest’s stay really special. 

The awards were announced today at the Independent Hotel Show taking place at Olympia. 

The Bay Trees, an elegant house, which dates back to the 17th century, is steeped in history; over the years the former village “Poor House” has been home to a number of owners and trades including a drapers shop, lodgings, guest house, bank, restaurant and latterly a successful B&B. 

Mark and Sarah moved to the iconic Bay Trees in August 2011 and have worked hard to achieve the top commendation from Visit England – Five Stars, Gold Award and Breakfast Award – The only B&B in the New Forest to attain these awards. They are also listed in the esteemed Alistair Sawday guide, 'Special Places to Stay'. 

Sarah, who was born in Lymington, said "We are really passionate about our business and want our guests to have a great stay. This award is really exciting for us, great for the Village and for all our visitors.” 

To find out more about The Bay Trees and see pictures of the rooms and gardens please visit their website www.baytreebedandbreakfast.co.uk

The Bay Trees 
Mark and Sarah Clayson 
8 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QD 

Tel: 01590 642186 

13 October 2018

Michael Turner's latest sculpture

Local Milford on Sea resident and extraordinary sculptor, Michael Turner has revealed his latest work entitled; Gorilla 'Just Cruising'.

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The silverback Gorilla has all the attitude needed to stop you in your tracks. The motorbike, based on a vintage Harley Davidson, has been painstakingly hand crafted by Michael, who is always keen to get every detail and aspect right.

All of Michael's sculptures are hand crafted and each individual piece is totally unique. Michael uses high grade 316 marine stainless steel for all of his sculptures, these are able to withstand the most harshest of weather elements, making the sculptures perfect for your garden.

To see more of Michael's fabulous creations please click here.

If you would like any more information on the Gorilla or to commission a piece similar to this, then please do get in touch with Michael.

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Michael Turner Stainless Steel Sculpture
07773 220186 / 07976 7138126

12 October 2018

Nights Out with the Milford Festival

Due to a love of a night out, the Milford Festival is putting on a few special events in the next couple of months to help to make this already fabulous village a tiny bit more brilliant.

Starting with another comedy night on the 21st of Nov 2018 which will feature all new stand up acts. 

Then, on the 1st Dec 2018 they will have a wonderful Tenor Andrew Morris and guitarist Will Scott who will light up the All Saints Church with a wonderful set of classics and some truly moving less known gems. 

You can book tickets today via the Milford on Sea Community Centre Box Office.

Milford Festival
01590 642020

SLAM School Lane & Manor Road-Part 2

Following on from our recent article about SLAM School Lane & Manor Road (click here to read) we have been asked to publish below:
MOS1: Appeal by the Developer, Pennyfarthing

Pennyfarthing have made an appeal against the NFDC’s Planning Committee’s decision to refuse their planning application, 17/10606, to build 42 homes on the land north of School Lane.

Appelant’s Name: Mr Holmes - Pennyfarthing Homes
Appeal Reference: APP/B1740/W/18/3209706
Appeal Start Date: 07/09/18
Deadline for Representations: 19/10/18

If you wish to make new comments online (if, for example, you did not post an objection to planning application 17/10606), or amend or withdraw comments you have already made, you can do so at:

You can access the appeal by entering the last 7 digits of the Appeal Reference; 3209706, which then eventually leads you to a form where you can enter and send your comments online.

11 October 2018

Help out with Poppy Appeal

Jan England is again organising the Milford on Sea village Poppy Appeal and she needs a hand from existing and new volunteers.

If you might like to help with the Poppy Appeal by offering to do an hour or so doing a street collection in the village centre (not house to house unless you would prefer that) she would love to hear from you.

Jan has also had a computer problem and lost all of her usual volunteer email addresses, so if you have helped before, can you please get in touch with Jan.

If you can help out, please contact Jan on:

One for the diary:
Remembrance Concert by the Bournemouth Male Voice Choir on Friday 9th November at 7pm at All Saints' Church. 

Free Entry with Retiring Collection for Poppy Appeal at door.

Around the Green Photo wins competition

'Around The Green’ by John Wilson
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The Intermediate Class of a photographic competition by Ludshott Photo Club saw the top image being awarded to ‘Around The Green’ by John Wilson. 

Mr Wilson’s image was of the village green at Milford-on-Sea, taken as a 360° panorama using software that produced a perfectly circular picture. 

For more information, visit ludshottpc.org.uk.

Free to Learn and Explore at Milford-on-Sea Primary School

At Milford-on-Sea Primary School they have a ‘Classroom without Walls’ approach to their learning and embrace the great outdoors as part of the rich and exciting curriculum. 

The school provides Forest Schools for all children from Reception to Year 4. The forest school philosophy is to encourage and inspire positive outdoor experiences and we provide this through our very own ‘Little Wood’ in the grounds of the school. Children have the opportunity to learn about the natural environment, how to handle risks and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others. 

Younger students get creative
in MoS School ‘Little Wood’.
A typical afternoon in the ‘Little Wood’ might see children whittling wood, making miniature animal creatures out of clay, role playing in the ‘mud kitchen’, climbing trees, building dens and enjoying a hot chocolate by the campfire. It is no wonder that they wanted to extend this exciting curriculum and philosophy by offering Beach School to older pupils. 

Year 5 and 6 enjoy a
blindfolded sensory experience
on a blustery Milford Beach
Every week at Beach School, a group off Year 5 and Year 6 students spend their afternoon studying the coast, marine life and conservation. They are also able to link activities to curriculum areas like literacy, art, science and geography. Children enjoy paddling in the sea, creating sculptures from driftwood and foraging for interesting materials. Children have even started to make a ‘Beach School Museum’ collecting all the weird and wonderful things they find at MoS beach – which is serving to highlight the increasing problem of plastic pollution and waste in our oceans. An important part of the beach school philosophy is about sustainability and looking after our coastline. 

Children are taught to treat the beach environment with respect and to leave the beach as they find it. Each session always finishes with a litter pick to ensure that the children are giving something back to the community for their time on the beach. Beach schools is all about exploring and gives children freedom to learn in a wonderfully, stimulating environment. The fresh sea air and exercise has a positive effect on children’s well-being and self- esteem. The teachers often see a completely different child down on the beach, to how they are in the classroom. Beach school gives children the opportunity to be independent and assess risks for themselves. It is fantastic to hear children sharing advice on how to stay safe before embarking on activities, instilling them with the necessary resilience and skills to take on risk and challenge in their future lives. 

The school has been incredibly lucky with some fantastic weather so far this year but autumn is well on the way and the wind and rain is around the corner. You can be sure to still see the enthusiastic students in waterproofs and wellies, ready to embrace the ever changing beauty of our great outdoors! 

Beach School is looking for volunteers

If you have a free afternoon and would like to offer your time please contact: t.hussey@mosps.hants.sch.uk or call the school on 01590 642945.

SLAM School Lane & Manor Road

We have been contacted by a local group, SLAM who are proposing an alternative plan for how affordable housing could be built in Milford on Sea without concreting over the Green Belt as is currently planned in MOS1 and MOS2. 

They have infomred us that their is a deadline for people to make comments to the Government Inspector on Pennyfarthing's appeal against NFDC's refusal of their planning application for MOS1. 

The deadline is next Fri 19th October

The SLAM group has sent below message to more than 100 local residents who object to MOS1 to try and maximise the number of comments sent to the Government Inspector. 

From: SLAM School Lane & Manor Road
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 15:48
Subject: MOS1. Time for Action!! Deadline Fri 19th October

"Hi, there is only just over a week left to let the Government Inspector know what you think about Pennyfarthing's appeal against NFDC's decision to refuse their planning application, 17/10606, to build 42 homes on the land north of School Lane. 

If you have not yet sent your comments to the Government Inspector and wish to do so, please see in attached message detail of how to do this and some suggestions on the issues you might want to raise. 

Time is running out!! Act now to help Milford on Sea's future. 

Can We Help? If you need any support or advice, please send an email to slam.milford@gmail.com and we will do our best to help." 

Best regards 

Andrew, Monica, Maggie, John, Anna, Luca 

SLAM group

04 October 2018

Freedom to Learn seeks new Treasurer

You may know of Freedom to Learn, an education charity based in Milford on Sea that is working to improve access to and quality of education for some of the most marginalised and vulnerable children in rural Nepal. 

The board of trustees is looking for a new Treasurer as their long standing Treasurer is standing down this month. The role will require someone who has great organisation skills, and experience in dealing with financial management as they will be overseeing the financial administration of our organisation. They would also need to attend 3 Trustee meetings year. All in all it will take an average of around 3 hours of volunteering per month.

The role of Treasurer is vital to Freedom to Learn's success as a charity in supporting some fantastic teachers and students in Nepal. Please do get in touch if you are interested. 

You can find out more about the work at www.freedomtolearn.org.uk, email at:
info@freedomtolearn.org.uk or call Joey Owen 01590 644961

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Freedom to Learn
Joey Owen, UK Project Manager


01 October 2018

Spectacular Verveine Cook Book launched

David Wykes, patron/chef of the excellent Verveine Restaurant in Milford on Sea High Street has launched his own cook book entitled 'Verveine'.

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The book is packed full of amazing recipes, flavour guides and incredible photography. 

It is unlikely that we can all have the pleasure of eating at Verveine daily, so it is great that everyone can now enjoy Dave's passion and talents in pictures. The food at Verveine is art without a doubt.

It has long been Dave's dream to create a cook book, and it is a pleasure to see his dream realised, particularly as he has created this whilst being full-time in his restaurant kitchen delighting diners on a daily basis.

If you are looking to cook something wonderful at home, or to create a dish to impress friends at a dinner party, then look no further.

It would also make a great Christmas Present!

Dave can deliver the book anywhere in the UK for a total price of £40. Just give them a call to order your copy today on 01590 642176. 

The book is a must for any keen cook, food or photography lover. 

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98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
01590 642176

La Perle opens a new Cocktail Bar

The Team at La Perle is excited to have opened a new Cocktail Bar in their Restaurant. You are now welcome to enjoy an aperitif prior to eating, or to round off your meal with a coffee or digestif in the bar area. 

La Perle has also launched a new Grill Menu with a selection of starters, steaks, burgers, fish, sharing platters and tasty nibbles. There's is something for everyone as a snack or meal.

You can take a look at the new menus on the La Perle website. Please click here to see new menus.

You can also take advantage of La Perle's Happy Hour between 5pm and 7pm Tuesdays to Thursdays when you can 'Buy 1 Get 1 Free' on Cocktails, Beers and Wine by the Glass! 

La Perle 
60 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
01590 643557 

Hattie is off on her bike

Last Saturday Hattie's Soup Lunch event went really well even though it was a very wet Saturday - but then again, perfect for a warm bowl of soup.

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Hattie and her mum Rachel, were hugely grateful to the Village Veg (greengrocer in village) for super quality vegetables and to everyone who attended and was so helpful and supportive. They are now thinking of holding another Soup Saturday in January 2019.

In the meantime Hattie carries on at a pace with her fundraising to secure her place on the African Adventures trip to help a Kenyan childrens' charity.

She is next undertaking the round the Isle of Wight cycle route (70 miles) on Saturday 13th October 2018.  Training has been going well in the Forest but she knows after riding on the flat, how challenging the hills will be on the Island.

If you would like to sponsor Hattie you can do so by clicking here.

Peter publishes new Railway Cranes Book

Peter Tatlow, an author and resident of Milford on Sea has published another book entitled: Railway Cranes, Volume 3, hand, steam and diesel rail-mounted travelling cranes of Great Britain.

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As a sequel to his two previously published volumes on Railway Breakdown Cranes, Peter Tatlow’s new book looks at the smaller cranes used by the engineers’ and other departments mostly on trackwork, though sometimes they operated at stations on other duties. Peter’s background as a professional engineer lent considerable weight to these works, both of the earlier ones having received unqualified praise from reviewers. 

The book is in A4, with 224 pages and priced at £35 £22.75 on Amazon. click here for more information

In series with his two earlier volumes, the book’s detailed text is accompanied by numerous colour and monochrome illustrations and the author’s meticulous drawings mostly reproduced to 4mm to 1-foot scale making them ideal for the modeller. The narrative transcends BR region and railway company boundaries and records the history of these smaller cranes from the earliest days up to the huge self-propelled machine of the present. 

Like the two previous Railway Breakdown Cranes volumes, this new book covers a subject never before tackled and so will be welcome by railway enthusiasts, historians and modellers across the board.

28 September 2018

Bringing More History Home

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society (MOSHRS) website (click here) has more new material and here's how to find it. 

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On the home page you see an new section called Memory Lane have a look at the photos and memories of Milford-on-Sea many years ago. Click here.

These have been sent in by visitors to the site. If you have any photos and memories which you wish to share follow this link

More house histories have been added including a fascinating account of the Everton Grange Estate. Click here.

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Several former residents of Everton Grange have been added to our People and Families section. 

More records have been added to the online catalogue which now has nearly 2,000 for you to search. Click here.

You can also check out our events section at the bottom of the Home page and make a note of the date of MOSHRS AGM. Click here.

If you have any photos or digital records that you would like to add the village archive you can do so by clicking here

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society is all about our village history so please help them in Bringing History Home if you can, or simply enjoy the website and discover more about this historical seaside village.

Milford on Sea Historical Record Society (MOSHRS)

Cat hit by car on Tuesday

We have been informed that a car hit a young black cat on Tuesday evening (25th September) around 6.10pm on Park Lane just before the Kivernell Road and Westover Road junction. 

Sadly, the cat was killed instantly and two kind ladies wrapped the cat up and took it to Forest Lodge vets. 

We do not like being the bearers of bad news, but if the owners don't know it may just put their minds at rest.

23 September 2018

Quality Shines through at The Bay Trees

The Bay Trees were delighted to discover that after their annual assessment visit from the Visit England Assessor last week and the inspector confirmed that they had maintained their 5 star rating and Breakfast Award – the only Visit England 5 Star B&B in the new Forest Area. 

Then today they received unexpected extra news – the rating had been upgraded to a ‘Gold Award’ - this is given for “exceptional quality of accommodation and customer service”. 

The Gold Award is positive recognition of our endeavours running The Bay Trees and how their guests value staying with them.

Congratulations to Mark & Sarah. 

The Bay Trees 
8 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QD

10 September 2018

Wildfire; The latest in The Hurst Chronicles

Local author, Robin Crumby has publish the third book in his series 'The Hurst Chronicles', a post-apocalyptic series set at Hurst Castle in the aftermath of a flu pandemic. 

Since reading John Wyndham's Day of the Triffids as a child, Robin became fascinated fascinated by end of the world dystopian literature.

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His latest volume tells the tale of an unstoppable virus. Humanity’s last stand has failed.

The book is described as; "Mad Max meets The Day of the Triffids" "Terrifyingly realistic." "A perfect blend of science fiction, history and social commentary."
'Wildfire' is now on sale on Amazon please click here to discover more.

Robin Crumby (Author)

09 September 2018

Hattie's Soup Saturday

Local schoolgirl, Harriet (Hattie) Foster is planning a volunteering trip to Nakuru, Kenya next year, along with a group of her school-friends. 

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While there, they will be building and teaching at a school which provides an education for children in deprived areas, working alongside a community project organised through the charity African Adventures.

Hattie is now in the process of fundraising for the trip, and one event she has organised is a 'Soup Saturday' on Saturday 22nd September 2018. There will also be a vegetable-themed raffle.

She has already has support from our local greengrocers, Village Veg to kick her fundraising off, and if you can pop down to All Saints' Church Hall on the 22nd September between 12noon and 2pm you can enjoy a tasty bowl of soup with crusty bread all for any donation you wish to give, anything given will help Hattie towards hitting her target.

08 September 2018

Why ‘Men’s Shed’ is great for men

At the County Council, Cllr Fran Carpenter (Chair, Men’s Shed Steering Group & Hampshire County Councillor for New Milton North, Milford & Hordle) is a member of the select committee that looks at Public Health and she recently received a presentation about ‘Men’s Sheds'. 

Fran said: “I have to say that at first I was rather puzzled about the general idea, but the more I learned about it the more it occurred to me that a Men’s Shed would be incredibly valuable in the area. Hence the beginning of a local project which I hope will be a success. So, what does a messy old shed full of workshop tools have to do with men’s health? 

The health of men, particularly that of single men, or those who may have lost loved ones and find themselves alone in later life, has been identified as a huge concern in communities all over the country. Not only the physical health of men but also their mental health. Isolation and lack of contact with the outside world is one of the biggest causes of depression, and particularly so in men of all ages. That is not to say that women do not suffer from loneliness. But women often find it easier to initiate going out for a coffee with friends or to join clubs such as the WI, Zumba or even Weight Watchers, where they can chat and have fun together. It has been found that many men find socialising much harder.” 

A Men’s Shed is one way that men can find friendship and camaraderie amongst other like-minded people. Men working together on projects, learning new skills, sharing ideas and successes, helps general well-being and encourages a more active and fulfilling lifestyle. Sheds also offer a place to put the world to rights, to laugh and relax with other people. 

There is a national Men’s Shed Association (www.menssheds.org.uk) and there are now close to 40 Men’s Sheds in Hampshire alone, all run by the Shedders who use them. If you would like to become part of the ‘Men’s Shed brigade’ in this area, and help to get a new Shed started, please get in touch with Fran (contact details below). 

On Thursday 20th September, there is a public meeting about the project at New Milton Memorial Centre, Whitefield Road, in that evening at 7pm where they will have speakers from existing Men’s Sheds. Do come along and find out more. (NB: Women also welcome - if you enjoy a bit of DIY!) 

Cllr Fran Carpenter 
Chair, Men’s Shed Steering Group & Hampshire County Councillor for New Milton North, Milford & Hordle

31 August 2018

Water levels being electronically monitored at Keyhaven

Vision Link have installed some electronic monitoring to measure the water levels at Salt Grass Lane inner marsh in Keyhaven. 

The Environment Agency, Local Flood Group, Natural England and Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust are carrying out an experiment on how much fresh water (rain) is affecting the Salt Marsh versus the sea water, and the Vision Link team have lent them some of their award wining technology and produced some web pages so that the levels can be easily monitored. 

You can see what is happening in real time by visiting the two web site links below:

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Keyhaven 1 - click here

28 August 2018

Calling All Village Clubs & Associations

The Village Exhibition and Newcomers Supper takes place on the 13th October 2018 and there is still room for a few more Village Clubs and Associations - If you would like to take part in the special annual village event, please contact:
Ruth Bufton on: ruth.bufton@btinternet.com or 01590 641875.


The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is held to welcome all newcomers to the village in All Saints Church Hall in Milford on Sea.

Anyone that was new to the village during the year are able to apply for an invitation, - and the event is entirely free.

This informal evening is great to meet other new people to the village & a selection of village people. (That's residents, not the old pop group!)

The Milford on Sea Newcomers Supper evening consists of two parts: 

Village clubs & Associations Exhibition where you can wander around informally meeting representatives from the many clubs, associations & organisations in the village. They can tell you anything you want to know, and if you fancy getting involved you can.

Free Sit Down Supper with the chance to meet new people and have a bit of fun.

If you are a newcomer to the village, come and enjoy a free drink and supper meal, together with entertainment, lots of fun and laughter, and which ends with the Milford song!

Most years the event has over a hundred people attending, and it is a great way to meet new people, and to get a warm welcome to your new home. The village is full of friendly people and the ‘Newcomers Supper’ is a fast-track way of getting to know all about our village life.

The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is funded and hosted by all of the churches in the village & tirelessly organised by Ruth Bufton.

The event is by invitation only, so if you are new to the village this year and would like to come along (Adults only), all you need to do is to contact: Ruth Bufton on: ruth.bufton@btinternet.com or 01590 641875.

Time for Flu Vaccination

Remember to book a Flu Vaccination at Milford Medical Centre.

This year there are different vaccines for those 65 and over and those under 65. Because of this the Saturday clinic will be for the over 65 only. 

Flu Vaccination Saturday Clinic - Over 65’s Only
  • Saturday 15th September 2018 (appointment required) 
Those under 65 in at risk groups e.g. asthma, COPD and diabetes can be seen on other dates including: 
  • Tuesday 18th September at Milford Medical Centre - 5pm to 7pm 
  • Thursday 4th October at Milford Medical Centre - 4pm to 7pm 
Help protect yourself, your family and the local community by getting your vaccination as early as possible by getting your vaccination at the surgery (rather than at a pharmacy) you are helping to support the future of your local practice. 

Various other dates are available. 

Milford Medical Centre 
01590 643022

23 August 2018

Learn to Lip Read

The village is having a Lip Reading Course to help the 1 in 6 who suffer from hearing loss.

The first course earlier in the year was appreciated so much, that there will be a second course in the Autumn. 

With the guidance of a lively tutor whose motto is "No-one can fail a Lip Reading Course". People who attended last time were by the end more confident in asking people to speak more slowly or look at them and help them to hear in other ways (in this way reducing their sense of isolation). They also learned not to apologise for their hearing loss and most importantly, to develop skills in interpreting/understanding what people might be saying. 

This course is highly recommended for those living with hearing loss, and it is also helpful for couples to learn together. 

The 8 week course will be held from 10 am to 12 noon on Friday mornings in All Saints Church Hall starting on 12th October 2018. 

There will also be a “Taster Session” there on Friday 14th September, for those who would like to meet the tutor. The charge for that day will be £5.

Further information from Christine Luxon at 01590 719286.

19 August 2018

Be in next year's Village Pantomime

Ever fancied putting on the grease paint and treading the boards?

Well, now is your chance.

Open auditions for the Village Pantomime take place on Sunday the 16th September, and if you fancy being in the limelight or behind the scenes, simply register to go along.

Everyone is welcome. Oh no they're not, oh yes they are!

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16 August 2018

Discover more of Milford's History

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society (MOSHRS) website at www.milfordhistory.org.uk now has more new content and here's how to find it. 

Stan Hobby
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On the home page scroll down to the bottom and you will see that several new pages have been added.

There is also a new audio clip featuring Stan Hobby in 1993 sharing his memories of Milford. You can listen by clicking here.

How can you help? If anyone has an old audio recording about the village and would like to add it to our records please contact us by clicking here.

MV Lamorna
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In July, the society received their first historical record through our website.

Thanks go to Roger Quilter who has kindly uploaded a photograph and account of the wreck of MV Lamorna in November 1951. You can find some details here

If you have any photos or digital records that you would like to add the village archive you can do so by clicking here

In July MOSHRS added more records to their catalogue, which you can see by clicking here.  

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society is all about our village history so please help them in Bringing History Home if you can, or simply enjoy the website and discover more about this historical seaside village. 

Milford on Sea Historical Record Society (MOSHRS) 

15 August 2018

Missing Burmese Cat named Noah

Has anyone seen missing Noah?

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He is a lilac Burmese cat and should be living in Solent Way, which is where he was last seen 10 days ago. He is chipped. 

Please could you check your garage, outhouse and anywhere you think he could be, possibly shut in.

Any news would be wonderful please call: 01590 643376.

Men's Shed - Help to get group going!

Do you like spending time pottering about in a shed. If you area bloke it is likely you do!

As you can see from the poster below a new 'Men's Shed group is being formed, initially New Milton are getting involved, but all from Milford on Sea are invited, and a local group may also be set up.

Why not pop along to the meeting below next month.

click image to enlarge


Friends' have successful Summer Garden Party

Over £1,200 was raised by the Milford Hospital League of Friends’ Summer Garden Party in the grounds of Milford War Memorial Hospital on 4th August. 

The money will help to buy items needed in clinics at the hospital, the medical centre, and by the community nurses, which are not available through the NHS. 

More than 200 people came to the Garden Party on a scorching hot day – the ice cream sales did very well this year ! Thanks to the generosity of New Forest Fruit Company donating many punnets of strawberries, and to free pots of jam from “Tiptree”, the cream tea sales totalled £300, making the hard work of the volunteers in the (very) hot kitchen well worth-while ! 

Generous village traders and other local supporters donated raffle prizes, so the £280 raised on that stall channelled yet more money into the funds, for the support of local community needs. 

The beautiful plants, donated by Double H Nursery, also added to overall profits, as did the generous donations from people coming to the event. 

The afternoon was made even more enjoyable by the singing of Joanne and Emily, and by the lively music of the duo “Mike & I”, which helped to entertain guests and stall-workers alike. 

The War Memorial Hospital is entering an exciting phase in its long history, as West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group consults on its future, so the League’s Membership Secretary on 01590 641910 would be very happy to hear from many keen new volunteers! 

Further information about the Hospital, and the League’s work, can be found at www.friendsofmilfordhospital.org.uk

01 August 2018

Hurst Castle Summer Fun

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Milford Artists in open studios

The Hampshire Open Studios is now underway and being, or to be held at various studio locations across Milford on Sea & the New Forest.

You can follow the road signs to find all of the local artists exhibiting in our village & nearby. The artist studios include art in many forms including: paintings, sculpture, wood work, jewellery and pottery.

You can also find the Milford on Sea artists by clicking here or visiting: www.milfordonseacalendar.org 

Old Walls Studio Exhibition 

Milford artist Kate Danby is being joined by her daughter Laura and are again participating in Hampshire Open Studios from 11 am to 5 pm on August 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th and 27th at Old Walls, Church Hill, Milford on sea. SO41 0QJ 

All are welcome and expect dramatic, colourful landscapes, prints, and amusing cards, both plain and special occasion, as well as animal print tote bags, glittery purses, fun acrylic jewellery, children’s craft kits and cool letters all designed with a touch of Scandi and a pop of colour. 


Milford Artists in Open Studios

Joyce Grainger, Mary Williams, Christine Calder, Janet Wheat and Barbara Jones are Milford Artists in Open Studios. (Venue 66 in the Open Studio booklet.)

Their artwork covers a range of styles and media and will be on show at All Saints Church Hall. Follow the signs to the Norman Church at the top of Church Hill. 

Open Saturday 18th to Bank Holiday Monday 27th August 10am to 5pm. 

Tea and homemade cake in aid of charity. Ample parking and wheelchair access.


Keyhaven Artists Exhibition
Featuring Shaun Stevens - well known local artist, Graham Turner - wood turning and pyrography, Martine Mercy, paintings, scarves, jewellery, Tessa van Hasselt, paintings and greetings cards.

Venue: Keyhaven Scout Hut, Keyhaven, SO41 0TP (Opposite the Gun Inn and next to sailing club.)


Milford Art Group Exhibition of Paintings
28th July to 11th August, 2018

Open Daily: 10am to 5.30pm
Sunday: 11am to 5.30pm
Last Saturday: 10am to 4pm

Admission and parking free.

Venue: All Saints Church Hall, Church Hill, Milford SO41 0SQ


Hampshire Open Studios takes place during August with some 256 participants this year. In Milford and Keyhaven there are six premises that have opened their doors involving more than 20 artists. So enjoy a day out visiting the many studios!

To view Full Programme of Open Studios (All Free Entry) in and near Milford on Sea:

Hampshire Open Studios

Milford on Sea Calendar

26 July 2018

Fantastic Music Festival!

If you missed last weeks Milford on Sea Music & Arts Festival, you missed something very special.

As one of our readers put it:

"WOW! How fantastic was that?

The Music and Arts Festival was bigger than ever. 

The range of venues across the village made the Festival more accessible to more people, so much so that choosing was very difficult!

The range of music from classical through folk to rock to avant-garde was brilliant.

The range of arts from the poetry readings to the poignant “Remembered” - very moving.

Well done and a very big "Thank You!" to Nova and her team!"

I am sure many of us with add to those congratulations.

If you would like to see some picture from this excellent event: please click here.

Ellie wins Junior County Handicap Championship

Congratulations to Milford on Sea’s Ellie Mans (12), who is now the 2018 HLCGA Junior County Handicap Champion.

Ellie putting for birdie on Needles 9th
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It might have been the final day of the 147th Open Championship at Carnoustie last Sunday but Barton on Sea links course invited the crème de la crème of Hampshire girl golfers for their annual Championship.

A slight breeze in the morning challenged some of the girls and with a lot of run on the ball it was easy to find the occasional bunker or long rough. At the half way point Ellen recorded a strong nett 70, and lay in 2nd place, by just 1 shot. 

However with another 18 to go anything could happen. As anticipated, the breeze did pick up in the afternoon making conditions quite different and arguably trickier.

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Ellen clawed back the 1 shot deficit to lift the trophy with a nett 75 & a combined 145.  

Ellen is a member of the U18 Hampshire Performance Team and is under the tutelage of BOSGC Head Pro - Pete Rodgers.