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11 October 2018

SLAM School Lane & Manor Road

We have been contacted by a local group, SLAM who are proposing an alternative plan for how affordable housing could be built in Milford on Sea without concreting over the Green Belt as is currently planned in MOS1 and MOS2. 

They have infomred us that their is a deadline for people to make comments to the Government Inspector on Pennyfarthing's appeal against NFDC's refusal of their planning application for MOS1. 

The deadline is next Fri 19th October

The SLAM group has sent below message to more than 100 local residents who object to MOS1 to try and maximise the number of comments sent to the Government Inspector. 

From: SLAM School Lane & Manor Road
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 15:48
Subject: MOS1. Time for Action!! Deadline Fri 19th October

"Hi, there is only just over a week left to let the Government Inspector know what you think about Pennyfarthing's appeal against NFDC's decision to refuse their planning application, 17/10606, to build 42 homes on the land north of School Lane. 

If you have not yet sent your comments to the Government Inspector and wish to do so, please see in attached message detail of how to do this and some suggestions on the issues you might want to raise. 

Time is running out!! Act now to help Milford on Sea's future. 

Can We Help? If you need any support or advice, please send an email to slam.milford@gmail.com and we will do our best to help." 

Best regards 

Andrew, Monica, Maggie, John, Anna, Luca 

SLAM group

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