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15 August 2018

Friends' have successful Summer Garden Party

Over £1,200 was raised by the Milford Hospital League of Friends’ Summer Garden Party in the grounds of Milford War Memorial Hospital on 4th August. 

The money will help to buy items needed in clinics at the hospital, the medical centre, and by the community nurses, which are not available through the NHS. 

More than 200 people came to the Garden Party on a scorching hot day – the ice cream sales did very well this year ! Thanks to the generosity of New Forest Fruit Company donating many punnets of strawberries, and to free pots of jam from “Tiptree”, the cream tea sales totalled £300, making the hard work of the volunteers in the (very) hot kitchen well worth-while ! 

Generous village traders and other local supporters donated raffle prizes, so the £280 raised on that stall channelled yet more money into the funds, for the support of local community needs. 

The beautiful plants, donated by Double H Nursery, also added to overall profits, as did the generous donations from people coming to the event. 

The afternoon was made even more enjoyable by the singing of Joanne and Emily, and by the lively music of the duo “Mike & I”, which helped to entertain guests and stall-workers alike. 

The War Memorial Hospital is entering an exciting phase in its long history, as West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group consults on its future, so the League’s Membership Secretary on 01590 641910 would be very happy to hear from many keen new volunteers! 

Further information about the Hospital, and the League’s work, can be found at www.friendsofmilfordhospital.org.uk

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