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Friday 25 March 2011

HSBC Protest Gathers Pace!

HSBC has certainly kicked a hornets nest by messing with our village!  Protests are appearing from many corners, and plans are now being made to create a more collective approach. Continuing its excellent approach to customer care, HSBC would not reveal the time of regional manager’s branch visit earlier this week. We also understand that the manager in question has also declined an invitation to lunch with a few concerned customers.

Last Saturday, Helen White and friends set out a ‘Protest Pitch’ outside the HSBC Bank doors in Milford on Sea and collected many signatures on a petition. It was quite exciting to see a constant crowd queuing to sign, in an attempt to get their voice heard by ‘Mr & Mrs big bonus’ in HSBC.

To date the Advertiser & Times have run a story and seem very willing to visit the village to report on our guerrilla activities against this faceless, bonus ridden, banking giant. Thanks guys. Wave Radio were outside the bank at around 7.10am on Wednesday morning, where they met Helen & friends with their banner, and conducted an interview with Hugh Whitlock, our village solicitor, who was accompanied by some other early rising protesters. We also understand that South Today are taking an interest in the story. A number of local people have contacted the national press and the story is now appearing on various websites as the news spreads. The village’s other community website http://www.milfordonsea.com/ has also covered the story.

Another local villager, Jan England, has been around nearly all of the village shops to find details of all those who bank with our HSBC branch. She is also contacting local clubs & organising to establish the same.

Judit, who manages the Village Charity Shop, has reported that her ‘in-shop’ petition is now ‘getting huge’, and is urging people to come and sign it. She also writes: "As the HSBC were only willing to meet with individual callers to discuss the closure today (Wednesday), I took the opportunity to call in and meet with Julian Collinson, Regional Service Manager, South West Region for the HSBC. He confirmed the "party line" on the closure, but was unable to comment on why the bank is keeping open the Brockenhurst branch and shutting the only bank in our unique village. Mr Collinson can be emailed on juliancollinson@hsbc.com. He has promised to pass on all of our many comments to head office, but I am sure he would love to hear from you all individually, so get typing and make his day."

We also know of a number of account holders who have personally written to HSBC expressing their displeasure. At this stage of course they have only received ‘Automated replies’, I am sure in time the ‘comedy letter department’ at HSBC will construct a formal patronising reply.

BBC News (Hampshire & Isle of Wight) have reported on our story, and interestingly also report that the HSBC branch in Findon Valley will shut on 10 September, apparently because not enough customers use it. HSBC (which recently announced profits of £7bn) have promised to help customers make alternative arrangements for managing their finances. (I bet that doesn’t included helping transfer accounts to other banks.) Maggie Winter of Findon Valley Residents' Association said: "The usage isn't actually as low as HSBC would like us to believe”. Does this sounds familiar? Maggie continues; "They were the last bank standing here and five years ago they made a promise that if they were in that position they would never ever close and now they are totally reneging on that undertaking." Hmmm, they made the same promises when Lloyds left our village. HSBC have also given the same garbage excuses to them, as they have to us. Nowhere can I find them revealing the real truth, which of course is, ‘we want to make more money and we couldn’t care a less about the problems it causes you’.

If you would like to get involved in the current protests…...

Saturday (Tomorrow): The petition will be available to sign outside of HSBC or in the Village Charity shop.

Monday: The Parish Council meeting has the bank closure on the agenda. Everyone welcome to attend. Venue: Monday evening at 6.30 in the Village Hall, Park Road. The bank representatives have been invited to attend, but there has been no response so far.

Friday (Today): Helen White and Mark Cummings have a meeting planned with Desmond Swayne to discuss position. They also plan to coordinate a meeting with HSBC at the village hall in the following weeks. (Should they be willing to attend)

Future Public Action Group Meeting: There is talk of bringing everyone together to create a collective action plan, but no news on this so far. Will let you know where & when if it happens.

You can also post comment below, or on a Facebook page started by Karen. We will let you have the address when we know it.


We have heard that some replies are now been received from complaint letters to HSBC. One reiterates the patronising statement made to customers in the letter informing them of the closure. Amusingly, it says at the end ‘that if they don’t hear back, they will presume that the person is satisfied with their response to their complaint’. I guess this process just continues until someone get bored and gives in.

The HSBC Regional Services Manager, Julian G Collinson (juliancollinson@hsbc.com) who visited this week and met with a few customer individually, has also replied to some comments, saying: “Thank you for your contact, as promised I am collating the various feedback I received yesterday from many customers, and will contact you again as matters become clearer around the provision of an ATM. The decision to close Milford on Sea branch was a very difficult one to take in such challenging times and I do not dismiss the genuine concerns expressed to me by residents and business owners in the village. I do appreciate the feelings of the local community, equally a decision has been taken by ourselves which is not reversable. The issue of reduced hours is on reflection impractical, however I will be happy to pass on the thoughts to my colleagues for due consideration, although my personal view having reflected on this is that if we were to consider reducing hours this would not have the desired affect upon the contribution to the bank's business from this particular branch. Commercially the decision to close is sound, but having said that I understand the impact, emotionally and financially, upon customers as a result.”

Dear Julian G, Your reply to a friend gave me great comfort, as for a change the spelling errors in that letter are not mine! Interestingly, I have not once seen in any HSBC correspondence suggestions that the branch is losing money, so it is fair to assume it is not. Neither do you mention the value of the deposits which are held by HSBC customers in the village. I suspect with over 5000 people and some serious wealth it may be a nice few quid. We have heard that HSBC consider our branch ‘under-used’. This is of course not quantified by HSBC. How long does the queue have to be before a branch is considered ‘well-used’? I am sure we could call in a bit more often if you wanted us to. I would love to see the statistics on ‘Customers served per head of staff’ in comparison to other branches, but guess you will not publish them to us.

As we have been told that the decision to close the HSBC Milford on Sea branch was made after ‘careful consideration’, who forgot about the ATM Cash machine then? I know it is outside, but I guess the ‘grey suits’ knew the branch had one. I am unclear what you mean by; ‘and will contact you again as matters become clearer around the provision of an ATM’. Does that mean; ‘Ooops, we forgot about that, and need to come up with an idea’, or ‘We have already decided that this is going anyway, but by giving false hope we may quieten the silly villagers down a bit’. Being pedantic, we don’t actually want a ‘provision’ of an ATM, we just want to keep the one we have.

Your Corporate Responsibility pages on your website are quite humorous, there are quite a few that tickled me, but the best one is: “For HSBC, corporate social responsibility, or 'CSR', means managing our business responsibly and sensitively for long-term success. Our goal is not, and never has been, profit at any cost because we know that tomorrow's success depends on the trust we build today”. Absolutely hilarious!!  Who wrote this then Julian? Whoever they are, they must have forgotten to tell everyone involved in deciding to shut our branch. Perhaps the ‘knife wielding grey suits’ could have a chat with the 'nice & cuddly' directors that wrote your ‘feel good policy’ and see how this fits in with your closure decision. If you would like to sell tickets for this meeting I am happy to promote these for you. (Returning all profits to HSBC of course) I suspect many of us in the village would love to see senior HSBC blokes talking to themselves, as they try to work out why they say one thing, and then do exactly the other.
I know from previous correspondence that HSBC think we are a bit stupid, and I guess you may be right, because I just can’t get my head round how HSBC still enjoys tax payer underwritten inter-bank loans, the usage of the special liquidity scheme and the benefits of quantitative easing, and then after posting £7billion in profits, decide to attack a community in Milford on Sea simply because they are not delivering you enough profit.

Our local shopkeepers & businesses know all about ‘striving for a fair profit, whilst providing a service to the community’. Should HSBC ever rethink their corporate ‘profit only’ strategy, I am sure we could arrange a bus load of small business people from the village to mentor at one of your management training programmes. We would happily cover our own costs if you felt you were running a bit short of cash. We would also bring our own flasks of coffee and sandwiches so that we did not waste any of the profits destined for bonuses. In fact, whilst we were travelling to you we might also find a bank to pay in the shop takings, so sounds like a win-win’ to me. Perhaps, when you get it on ‘your radar’ & are ‘thinking outside of the box’, you can get everyone ‘onside’ & ‘going forward’, to ‘run the idea up the flagpole.’

Some in our community feel that we should appeal to HSBC’s better nature. My opinion differs, as I have seen no sign that HSBC have any intention of considering us in any way. I see HSBC as insensitive, arrogant, hypocritical, selfish and greedy.  Have nice day. 

Food Week on Radio this Sunday

If you happening to be listening to the Nick Girdler Show on BBC Radio Solent at 11.10am this coming Sunday you will hear a 5 minute interview about the delights of Milford on Sea Food Week. If you fancy tuning in the wavelengths are: 96.1 & 103.8FM: 999 and 1039 AM: DAB: bbc.co.uk/solent

Hugh Whitlock on Wave Radio

Wave Radio were outside the ‘closing’ HSBC bank in Milford on Sea at around 7.10am on Wednesday morning. Here they met a number of early rising protesters and conducted an interview with Hugh Whitlock, our village solicitor.

To hear Hugh Whitlock’s radio interview please click here:

Saturday 19 March 2011

HSBC think we are stupid

Dear Ben,

As an existing customer of the Milford on Sea branch that you intend to desert soon, I am in receipt of your letter dated ‘March 2011’.

At first I was not sure whether to laugh or cry, but I have now decided to be insulted instead.

I assume that as a senior manager in HSBC you are reasonably intelligent, therefore I have to assume that you consider your loyal customers in Milford on Sea to be stupid.

To explain, I do understand that you are unlikely to be the decision maker in the closure of our village branch, and that some grey suit, or even worse a collective of grey suits have loaded the gun for you to fire. (Is a collective of grey suits a ‘greed gaggle’, I am not sure?) Regardless, your name is the signatory on the letter, so I have to assume you have read it and may even have been involved in the content.

Firstly, your letter title: ‘Important changes to your branch.’ I think you will find there are no changes to our branch. There is going to be no branch. That is not a change, that is a closure. So why not just say, ‘Closure of your branch’ it makes things clearer for our limited intelligence, and factually correct. (Hope this is helping for when HSBC help to wreck another local community in the near future.)

Your first sentence is a gem, and I quote; ‘At HSBC, we are constantly evolving and developing our services to help you do your banking at a time and place that suits you.’ Unbelievable! Whoever wrote this letter must really consider me and my fellow local customers to be morons. The place that suits us is Milford on Sea, and you are closing it!  Furthermore if HSBC really wanted to 'help me do my banking' they would not close the branch.

You go on to say ‘after careful consideration, we have taken the difficult decision...’. Hmm, ‘careful consideration.’ I guess this means, ‘We have looked at our profits and decided to make some more, without consideration of our customers.' ‘Difficult decision’, I don’t really believe it was that difficult. HSBC just decided and did it. If I am faced with a difficult decision, I normally consult others to get the best result for all. I guess HSBC know that any form of local consultation would have caused issues, so why waste your time and go through the hassle.

Your second paragraph. Again I quote; ‘But don’t worry...’ I say ‘don’t patronise us!'  You go on to write, in a way that we should be grateful, that you are ‘automatically transferring’ our accounts to Lymington. Well bully for HSBC, I didn’t actually expect you to say that you were closing our accounts and inviting us to find new banks.

Your third paragraph goes on to list ‘the benefits’ I will get from the moving my account somewhere I did not ask. 1. Longer opening hours. (Ours were fine thanks) 2. Additional staff to assist with my banking needs. (We had plenty thanks) 2 and 3 I can’t even be bothered to comment on because they are so ridiculous.

You do not mention anything about our village cash machine in your letter, other than to tell us that machines exist in Lymington & New Milton. (We already knew that thanks.) I do not suppose HSBC care, but a lot of people fight daily to keep our village shops alive. We are also reliant on holiday makers to keep things going. By removing our cash machine, visitors and locals will not be able to get cash easily and sales will undoubtedly suffer. People will now have no choice other than to leave the village to get cash, and may shop near where they are visiting. This could be the final straw for some of our shops and they may close, and not out of choice like yourselves. If you remove our cash machine as well this would be more than shameful.

The irony is that HSBC could push hard working, but struggling businesses over the edge, at the same time that they have been helping the struggle by providing accessible bank loans. Oh no my mistake, you don't lend money to people that need it any more. 

In your final paragraph you provide an invitation to ask questions, Thank you so very much. It would have been handy if you had included an e-mail address, especially as your letter tells us how wonderful electronic banking is, but you didn’t. However, I have no intention of wasting the cost of postage stamp writing to you in snail mail, neither do I choose to call your 0845 telephone number at my expense. You also offer the opportunity to ‘call in’, ‘where any member of the team will be happy to help’. Help with what?! I suspect any conversation would go something like this: ‘Can you help me keep our branch open please?, Err, no. Thanks for helping, I will now make the four mile journey back to Milford, once I can get back to my car that has taken over an hour to find a parking space. My pleasure sir, have a nice day.

Your letter closes by ‘apologising for any inconvenience caused’. When I was at school I was taught that an apology is an expression of remorse or regret used when you had done something wrong. Do HSBC really think they have done something wrong and are feeling remorse? I suspect not.

HSBC may not care about our village, be we certainly do. I am confident that many villagers hope that HSBC’s decision to close our branch results in sufficient account defections to make your move a net loss. Even better would be that the ‘grey suit gang’ responsible receive a reduced bonus as a consequence. Better still we would love one of them to be on holiday in Milford on Sea when they run out of cash & their car breaks down. A resulting eight mile return walk to Lymington would be great to watch.

HSBC should be ashamed of their decision and of how the process has been handled. The banks were once an institution we all trusted and respected. They now have a well earned reputation for exactly the opposite.

PS: The footer on your letterhead has an icon encouraging us to ‘visit your branch’. Funny, oh so very funny. Do HSBC have a department who design mailings with an office & adjoining sound proofed room? Why a sound proofed room? Well, I guess they would need a place to go to raucously laugh their head off at our expense. ‘Hey John, look at this one. The morons out there will never spot the patronising garbage I have just put in this letter.’ He, he, he....'

PPS: I wonder what the consequence would be if every Milford on Sea resident decided to close all of their accounts with HSBC.  My guess is that some HSBC 'grey suits' would end up with very red faces.  I have no idea if this could happen in practise, but you might find enough people who wish to protest in this way.  Should this happen you may discover that decisions made on balance sheets don't always work out, - mainly because there are real people at the other end.

Should anyone wish to sign a petition to try to keep the bank open, simply call into the Village Charity Shop.  You will also find a number of active campaigners set up in the village at various times.

If anyone has a view they would like to express, please feel free to post a comment below.

HSBC Protest on Wednesday

A village protest against the bank closure is being planned for next Wednesday on & near the village green. The time is yet to be decided, but if you would like to get involved please pop into the Village Charity Shop and Judit will be happy to give you the details.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

HSBC deserting our village

The village rumour mill is circulating with stories that HSBC Bank will be closing our Milford on Sea branch in June. It would be great if this was proved to be untrue, but my guess is that the rumour is based on fact. Over several years of using the bank the team has always been very helpful, and indeed the same goes for the Lymington branch. It now looks as though some good people may be looking for alternative careers, which is of course really easy to do in today’s world!

It seems the faceless grey suits in some grand building housing the HSBC HQ have decided our branch no longer provides a sufficient financial return for their coffers.  I doubt the resulting issues and difficulties created for loyal customers and local businesses are of any concern to any of them.  It is not all bad news though, at least they will be able to give themselves more bonuses and their shareholders a few more quid.

Hysterically, the bank prides itself on the strapline: ‘HSBC The worlds local bank’. Which of course may be more factual if it said ‘HSBC The worlds local bank, if we make enough money from it’.  Taking a look at the HSBC website I spotted that they offer ‘Bereavement support’.  It was not clear if their ‘Bereavement support team’ will be happy to counsel us in our time of loss?  Despite continued searches I did not find a ‘Branches we are closing to make more money’ page.

As a business owner myself I need no lessons in profitability, but perhaps I could teach them a thing or two about the rewards from sometimes doing 'the greater good'.   I have to admit that doing things for others benefit doesn't always line your pockets, but it has many other rewards.  Our company truely values our reputation above all else and we have constantly proven 'what goes around, comes around'.  For us this is good news, perhaps for the banks as a whole a judgement day will arrive.  How can it possible to constantly upset so many people without a consequence?

Big corporates paranoia with share prices drive just about all decisions, so all that seems to matter today is what they can take out of your piggy bank. Once your piggy is empty your value ceases. Fortunately we live a village with a real community, and we have many people who do good for others without any more return than feeling good for helping another soul.

If you fancy signing a petition there is one open & running in the Community Centre Charity Shop.  We also understand that our local MP Desmond Swayne is aware of the HSBC closure and has contacted them.

Please feel free to post a comment below if you wish. Who knows some suit from HSBC HQ may just read it and change their mind. I wouldn’t hold your breath though!

Putting Green Revival

Our Parish Council has agreed in principle to reinstate a nine pin putting green for the use of residents & visitors on Milford on Sea seafront. Discussions are proceeding with The Needles Eye Café & Bowls Club to see if they would be willing to set up and take down the pin flags during the summer. The Parish Council are now looking for local views before deciding whether to proceed.

Public Survey
Do you agree that the introduction of a simple putting green facility along the seafront would enhance the promenade facility? - Yes/No?

If you support the project, in which location would you prefer the to see the facility positioned:
A: Next to Bowls Green? - Yes/No
B: Next to Needles Eye Play Park? – Yes/No

Please send your responses to above questions, and any other thoughts you mayhave to: Keith Metcalf, Parish Clerk

Closing date for responses: 12noon 31st March 2011.

Barry Phillips’ Youth Trust

The Barry Phillips’ Youth Trust is being launched in Milford on Sea. Barry died in the summer of 2009, well known locally for his involvement in New Milton Rugby Club, the time he spent teaching ‘maths’ at Arnewood School and in Village life, especially the Youth Club, which he started in 1970. When the Club closed in 1997 Barry’s greatest wish was that the old site in Sea Road be safeguarded for a future Community Centre and Youth Club. With the Centre’s opening in September 2010, he almost lived to see this happen.

Now nearly 20 months after Barry’s death, Jenny, his wife and two new trustees, will be launching the new Youth Trust in his memory. The Trust has been started to help young people of the Village who may need assistance to further their education. If Barry could, he would have continued to help young people attain their aspirations and gain a positive attitude to life. This new Trust will welcome applications from young people (21 and below) who may need a small financial incentive to buy equipment or instruments or to fund travel and tuition in order to give them a start towards achieving a vocation and/or career. The Trust will be funded for the most part, by local fund-raising events and will, therefore, only be in a position to offer awards up to £100 (only in exceptional circumstances will more be offered - and at the discretion of the Trustees). The application forms are very straightforward and should be completed by the young person applying for the funding.

The following people are the present Trustees. Jenny Spenser, Barry’s wife, was from 1980 an active member and trustee of the original Milford Youth Club. She is also a retired secondary teacher and a trustee of the Village Community Centre, Zena Gibson, who taught at a variety of secondary schools in the London area for over 20 years, heading a department for most of that time. Since moving to Milford on Sea three years ago she has been involved as a volunteer with Milford on Sea Youth Group and is now Chair of the Youth Committee, plus Veronica Crowley who is a qualified social worker and has worked in children’s services for thirty years. She set up her own Child Care Consultancy business in January 2009 providing training, support and mentoring across a variety of child care services. She is also a Governor at Priestlands Community School.

The official launch of Barry Phillips’ Youth Trust will be 1st April and to celebrate Jenny, Zena and Veronica are hosting a Tea Party at the Village Community Centre on Saturday 16th April from 2-5pm during the Milford on Sea’s Food Week. For £3.50 you can drink as much tea as you wish and have a delicious and generous portion of homemade cake, whilst supporting the youth of Milford.

Further planned events are:

June 26th Sunday afternoon tea in Shorefield Way (profits shared with Oakhaven)

July 23rd Saturday afternoon Fun Dog Show on the Village Green (profits shared with Milford’s Village Community Centre)

October 22nd a Saturday Evening of Music with refreshments at the Village Community Centre.

All these events will have their own advertisements in due course. If any reader has ideas for future events or would be willing to help please use the contact below.

Application forms are available from:

Milford on Sea Village Community Centre, Sea Road, MoS

Milford Youth Group c/o Community Centre above

Milford News (newsagents), High Street, MoS

Milford Primary School, Lymington Road, MoS

Priestlands School , Lymington, MoS

If you have any questions or need help completing the form Jenny Spenser can be contacted at Little Brook, Lymore Lane, Keyhaven, SO41 0TS Tel: 01590 644489

Thursday 3 March 2011

Can you lend a hand at Food Week?

Volunteer Appeal for
Milford on Sea Food Week (11th to 17th April 2011)

Food Week relies upon a small dedicated group of volunteers who provide their expertise and time for free, to ensure fun for many. We are now looking for new volunteers to lend a hand during Food Week. If you can spare a few hours on any of the below please let me know. Thanks.

1. Kids Treasure Hunt Organiser (To create clues & to place in shop windows)

2. Food Week Poster Deliveries (To various Village Shops)

3. Programme Sellers Organiser (To liaise with Programme Sellers who volunteer for below)

4. Programme Sellers (Seafront and Village High Street on two Saturday & Sunday’s prior to Food Week – ‘11am to 1pm’ & ‘1pm to 3pm’)

5. Raffle Ticket Sellers (Various locations & selling times available)

6. Usherettes for Cookery Theatre Shows (Wednesday Afternoon / Thursday Early Evening / Friday Evening)

7. Chef Helpers for Cookery Theatre Shows (Wednesday Afternoon / Thursday Early Evening / Friday Evening)

8. Photographers (To record events as they happen)

9. Internet Event Calendar Input (Adding MoS Food Week to Online Event Calendars) (We have a list!)

Food Market Sunday 17th April 2011

10. Food Market First Aider (For Food Market Sunday 17th April 2011)

11. Food Market Traffic Marshalls

12. Food Market Litter Pickers (Team to pick up litter during & after event. Anyone got any youngsters they could co-ordinate to do this?)

If you would like to lend a hand with any of the above, please contact: david@milfordonsea.org

Thursday 24 February 2011

Milford on Sea Music Festival Saved

As you may have read here in recent months, the future of Milford on Sea Music & Arts Festival has been under threat. Over the past ten years a dedicated small group of volunteers have done a fantastic job building the festival to what we have all come to love & enjoy. However, changing circumstances and commitments has meant that a number of important volunteer organisers were moving on and there was insufficient new blood to maintain the annual event as we know it.

The great news is that following appeals in these pages and elsewhere locally, sufficient volunteers have come forward to make the necessary additions to the remaining committee. Our supportive community never ceases to amaze me, and once again people have pulled together, sacrificing their own time to create enjoyment for others. Well done to you all, I know it is appreciated by many.

I am delighted to say that the 10th Anniversary Milford on Sea Music Festival 2011 will run from the 7th to 10th July with events on the first two evening & full day and evening performances on the Saturday & Sunday. If you have never been before, this is a very special weekend where you can enjoy rock bands, folk groups, swing bands, classical music, opera, dance groups, local talent, youth bands and lots more. The village green becomes alive with the main stage and various off-stage entertainment such as variety entertainers, stalls and local food. Unbelievably, the event has no official funding and yet the whole event is free to all visitors. All costs are covered by local fundraising and most importantly from programme sales. So please buy a programme, as the money helps keep the festival going.

If anybody would like to support the festival, the committee have launched a ‘Friends of the festival’ campaign, and any donation is welcomed. For those in a position to make a larger financial commitment they are also seeking ‘Sponsors’ for all aspects of the event.

The committee as pleased to say that they now have a solid team, but of course there is always room for new faces & pairs of hands, so if you have ‘administrative skills’, or would simply like to just help out on the day you would be warmly welcomed.

For further details on becoming a volunteer, ‘friend of the festival’ or sponsoring the event - please contact Pamela Allen at:

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Milford Tennis Club Re-Opens on Saturday

Milford Tennis and Squash Club will officially re-open their new clubhouse in Lucerne Road next Saturday (Feb 26th). Former Great Britain Davis Cup finalist Mark Cox will formally open the new facility at 1pm before playing a number of exhibition matches against selected Milford players throughout the afternoon. Club chairman, Ken Burbidge commented: “Saturday the 26th will be a very important day in our 82 year history. We are delighted to welcome Mark Cox to open our new clubhouse. We are now fully functioning and anyone interested in joining any of our sections would be very welcome to come along and watch the tennis from 1:45pm."

The original building, parts of which were 80 years old, was destroyed in a fire on Boxing Day 2009 and after a year of rebuilding the new clubhouse is finally up and running. The club's tennis and squash members have continued to play throughout the rebuild, making use of the indoor areas saved by swift action of the fire service and a small marquee has also been used for club business. The bridge, art and mah jong sections have had to find alternative premises for over a year but will now be welcomed back.


Monday 21 February 2011

Village News turns into a banana

Having spotted that The Village News in Milford on Sea High Street had turned into a banana colour I thought I would see if Mark was now also doing greengrocery. Happy to find out he was leaving selling fruit & veg to Marjories, I discovered the outside makeover was courtesy of the Daily Mail. Mark’s shop has been recognised as a significant newspaper distributor and has been be upgraded to also distribute the regular free gifts given with newspapers. (Such as CDs etc.) So, people no longer have to leave Milford on Sea to get the free gifts.

Mark (now minus the sailors beard which appeared on his face a few weeks ago) also has a great display of the ‘Food Week Goodies’ range and programmes, and I was pleased to hear they are already selling well It seems lots of people are, quite rightly, getting ready to make the most of Food Week!

Newcomers welcomed to Milford

On Saturday night anyone new to the village in the past year was invited to a free supper at the All Saints Church Hall in Milford on Sea.  Prior to eating, the guests were able to attend a ‘mini exhibition’ of the clubs, associations & services in the village.  Over 40 representatives met & greeted the newcomers, explaining the offerings they had for them. 

Not being new to the village I had wangled an invitation on the basis of being an organiser of Food Week.  It wasn’t long before I was back into the patter I had once used at Petticoat Lane & the Ideal Home Exhibition many years ago.  No one was going to get past without hearing about the special event the village will be enjoying in April.  It was fun jumping out & scaring people, before explaining about this website, & our new village 'foodie' event just before Easter. 

It was enjoyable to hear how everyone I met was so delighted to be now living in the village & they were astounded at all that was available to participate in.  Most places I know are wary of newcomers, but our special little place goes out of its way to welcome them with a warm heart. 

The ‘mini exhibition’ was followed with a sit down meal for the newcomers.  Now at this stage I should have gone home, but I decided to put on an apron to pretend I was working with the girls in the kitchen.  This enabled me to see what happened next.  All of the 120+ guests were the welcomed by various notaries from the village, each giving a little speech.  My favourite was Rev Barbara Jefferies, she had a warm smile & excellent sense of humour.   As the meals were about to leave the kitchen, I disrobed from my apron (just in case I had to do any work) & suddenly felt hungry, so I made for an empty space on the packed tables. 

We were informed that the main meal & salads were done by the teams from the Methodists & CofE and the puddings done by the catholics.  Seconds were even available if you wanted, guess who accepted the offer! It was close, but the cathollics just won it for me!  The evening then ended with some entertainment from our local music masters. Full to the brim, I then left for home to check if my wife had noticed I had gone out.  This evening will leave a special memory for many who attended & it was predominately the work of one lady, supported by an enthusastic team of volunteers.  Ruth Bufton & your helpers please stand up & take a bow, you deserve it!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Cook with The Chef

Next Tuesday provides an opportunity for local cooking enthusiasts to enjoy a 'Cooking Day' at Verveine Fishmarket restaurant in Milford on Sea.  As you can see below it sounds pretty exciting.

Since opening fourteen month's ago, the restaurant has built a spectacular reputations with contast glowing reviews from diners, and they really do create 'Theatre on a plate!'

Full details of the event are below, and if you fancy this, Ii suggest booking quick as I know it is nearly sold out.

Tel: 01590 642176 | www.verveine.co.uk


We have had an e-mail last week informing us that a competition is currently underway to name the Wind Park proposed south of Milford on Sea. Last year Eneco held exhibitions in the area to present their proposals on the project.

The naming competition is now gathering pace, and one of our own has made the shortlist. David Godfroy’s suggestion was ‘Vectis-Zephyrus’. He idea is based on the Roman name for the area which was ‘Vectis’ and ‘Zephyrus’ was the Roman name for west wind. (Clever eh!) There are other names on the shortlist such as: Knollsea, Jurassic Coast, Wessex Array, Wight Wind, Jurassic Array, Solent Breeze, Navitus Bay, Jurassic Future, Wind Needles.

My own suggestion of ‘Eyesore’ or ‘One Good Turn Deserves Another’ for some reason did not make the shortlist.

If you would like to support David’s suggested name you can vote by advising your preference by email at namethewindpark@mistral-pr.co.uk or using Freephone 0800 848 8464

Sunday 13 February 2011

New Pet Shop in village

Jaws, Paws & Claws opens it doors this Saturday and welcomes all our furry friends & their owners!  The new shop in Church Hill, Milford on Sea is next to HSBC Bank and where 'Allure' once traded.

Our new village Pet Shop will provide Pet Supplies, Food, Toys and Accessories. The pet food range includes many major brands and now provides a local supply in the village. So if you are looking for anything relating to your dog, cat, fish, rabbit or horse why not pop down & take a look.

This new venture is owned by Nici & Lionel Illgner, who also own 'Hardware@Milford' in Keyhaven Road.

If you would like to know more you can pop in, or contact Nici or Lionel below:

Tel: 01590 641684 | E-Mail: info@hardwareatmilford.co.uk

Jack Boothroyd Memorial Competition starts soon

The world record attempt football tournament being organised in memory of Jack Boothroyd is fast approaching. There is still time to get involved and just by entering you'll be helping to raise money for Wave 105 Cash for Kids.

The competition is being run for schools up to adults, each within their own category. So whether you're a 5-a-side team or just want to get your friends or work colleagues together for a football tournament then register now... Ladies teams are welcome too!!

They also still need volunteers for refereeing and marshalling for the 26th, 27th February and 5th March at Priestlands School.

To get involved please visit: www.wave105.com/jack

There are also sponsorship opportiniunities at the event. 2m x 1m banners around the event with company logo's combined with event logo are from £60 (£30 goes to Cash for Kids). Please contact: Mark Ketchen: markdketchen@gmail.com - 07967 547639

Milford on Sea Club is also holding a fundraising 'Auction & Prize Giving Night' starting at 7.30pm on Saturday 5th March.

The evening will  feature entertainment from 'Frank Sinatra' and members and guests can bid in the auction for an England Ashes 2010 cricket bat signed by the whole team, a Southampton FC signed shirts, Chewton Glen Spa Day, Holiday in France, Exercise bikes and lots more.


Jack Boothroyd

Jack was a popular Milford on Sea teenager who tragically passed away in October. He attended Priestlands School and was a regular member of Milford Youth Club.

Mark Ketchen and Richard Millbery are organising the Jack Boothroyd Memorial Competition on behalf of Milford on Sea Club. The competition will be a Guinness World Record Attempt to achieve the Largest 5-a-Side Football Tournament. Pre-final matches will start soon and can take place anywhere. A comprehensive guide pack will be issued to all teams that enter. Mark & Richard also hope to raise money for a children’s charity, and they are using all schools in the area to increase the number of participants. The competition can have many categories, so more teams, and volunteers old or young are needed. The competition will be in a mini league format with finals to take place at Priestlands School during February half term.

If you would like to take part or help out please contact:
Mark Ketchen: markdketchen@gmail.com - 07967 547639
or Richard Millbery: 01590 643209

Milford on Sea Club, 67 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG

Food Week Programme & Goodies now in shops

The Milford on Sea Food Week Programme is now on sale in several village shops, and is still being ditributed far & wide. The programme contains the full listing of the 100+ events taking place throughout the week, and information on the many events taking place in the 'Cookery Theatre'.  Tickets for the major events are now on sale click here, or you can just pop into Gwen's.

We hope you enjoy the events planned!

This year we also have a range of ‘Food Week Goodies’, these are now in stock at ‘The Village News’ newsagent. The jute shopping bag is eco-friendly, and is already proving very popular.

I actually treated myself to a 'Food Week Cooks Apron', and looked magnificent as I supervised my wife cooking my dinner last night!

PS: We are pleased to say that the Food Week programme is also being sold by the Visitor Centre's in Lyndhurst, Lymington & Christchurch.  If you have a local business & would have like to lend us a hand by selling a few programmes to your customers please let us know & we will drop some round.


Les to ride the British Coast

Local Milford on Sea classic motor cycle enthusiast Les Spicer, is taking a break from his Applecrust B&B at September Cottage, to complete a motorbike ride for charity.

Les had planned to do this last year, but a broken shoulder put paid to his plans.  However, Les is now back in the saddle and ready to start his epic trip on 4th April 2011.

Les will be riding his classic 1968 Triumph Tiger 100 (500cc), He plans to travel 3200 miles around the coast of Britain over the next month. His ride will also raise funds for the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, a valuable local emergency service which depends entirely on voluntary contributions.  

During his ride Les will where possible stay with friends & relatives, at other times he has a tent in his kit to spend the night at one with nature. Enjoy the ride Les!

If you would like to support Les with a donation please visit his charity website:

Inger-Lise's launch Cake Pop's

Inger-Lise's, our village coffee bar at the Keyhaven Road end of the High Street, has launched a new 'sweet treat'.  The Cake Pop in a delicious mini cake on a lolly stick.  They are now available to enjoy in Inger-Lise's.  They would also make a fun addition to a childrens birthday party.

Christine also now has a delightful range of gift wrapped homemade cup cakes at just £1, and boxed handmade chocolates from the Beaulieu Chocolate Studio for £1.75.

During February half term Inger-Lise's will be welcoming children and families with plenty of activities to keep the kids entertained. It will also be a good time to try a 'Cake Pop!'

Youth Group restarts

The Milford on Sea Youth Group is soon to restart at the Community Centre.  The relaunched two Youth Group's will cater for all 11 to 14 years plus.

The meetings for those aged 14 years and above will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 to 7.30pm starting from 2nd March 2011.

On Wednesday February 16th 2011 there will be a 'Meet & Greet' Open Evening where the 14 years+ can meet the new leaders and they can meet you.  Everyone welcome to come along.

Tuesday evenings will be for the 11 to 13 year Youth Group, which starts at 6.30 to 7.30pm starting from 12th April 2011.

On Tuesday April 5th there will be a 'Meet & Greet' Open Evening for the 11 to 13 years to meet your new leaders and for them to meet you. You do have to be member to attend.
The Youth Group evenings are led by qualified Youth Leaders, who are supported by volunteers. Any young person living in the Parish is entitled to belong and is made very welcome.

The meetings are held in the purpose built Youth Room and activities include: Creative art, table tennis, pool, cookery and more... In addition you have visits by outside agencies for fun ideas such as circus skills and t-shirt printing. Alongside this specialists in heath education work with small groups on subjects ranging from drug awareness to sex education.

The room is equipped with 3 computers, a film projector and sound system as well as facilities for hot and cold drinks and snacks.

Full members of the club can have subsidised coaching at the local Tennis Club.

The 'Meet & Greet Evenings' are free ot attend, so why not go along nad meet everyone.

Entrance on club nights is 50p at the door.


Wednesday 2 February 2011

NFDC Public Consultation in Village tomorrow

The NFDC are holding a Public Consultation at the Milford on Sea Community Centre tomorrow (Thursday 3rd February) between 3 & 9pm.

Here you will be able to view the ‘Sites and Development Management Development Plan’ (DPD) document. (Snappy title eh!!)

Here are some of the issues being considered in the document, upon which Milford parish residents will have a view and may want to have their say:
1. Two sites are being considered for Affordable Housing (only one site is likely to be adopted)
2. Additional children's play space
3. Additional public sports pitches
4. The provision of 5 full size allotment areas
5. The provision of a safe 'pick-up/drop-off' area for Milford Primary School
6. The provision of a footpath on the eastern side of Carrington Lane
7. Cycle routes: Manor Road to Milford Crescent (via Chaucer Drive, Keats Avenue, Wolsey Way and Knowland Drive), Milford-on-Sea to Downton via Blackbush Road and Milford Primary School to Keyhaven Road via Lyndale Close and Carrington Lane.
8. Amended green belt boundary to reflect development allocations (Re 1. above)

NFDC Officers will be on hand to answer questions. The DPD covers a wide range of subjects, many of which are planning related, such as transport schemes, cycle routes, footpath provision, affordable housing, Coastal Change Management Areas, open space provision, recreational playing fields, children's play space, allotments, vehicular access, school pick-up & drop-off points, enhancing biodiversity, green-belt, green infrastructure, coastal erosion, shopping frontages, Sites of Importance for for Nature Conservation and Local Nature Reserve's.

Although Thursday's Public Meeting is important, residents will still have until the 11th March in which to respond, but in our opinion, there is insufficient public notice being given, so if you are interested attending the Public Consultation could prove worthwhile.

Apparently, this is the most important local consultation document to come out from the District for many years and it is extremely important that as many residents as possible have the opportunity to look at the plans and ideas that are to be considered as, whatever is eventually adopted by NFDC will serve to guide Milford-on-Sea parish in planning terms until the year 2026.

The NFDC Public Consultation period starts tomorrow, 28th January and lasts for six weeks, ending on 11th March.
The Document and relevant background information are all available to view on the Council’s web-site at the following link:

French conversation at Belle Epoque

From the beginning of February the team at Belle Epoque, our local wine bar & café, will be holding ‘Informal French Conversations’ on every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday mornings between 10am & 12noon. Everyone is welcome to drop in for just ten minutes, or a whole morning for a ‘le conversation (Real French, impressive!) with Patrice, Sarah or Marie. I am not sure if Mike will be speaking in French, or just using a funny accent?! In addition to taking the opportunity to improve your vocabulary, there will also be French newspapers, French books and magazines to browse through as you chat in ‘français’. Those that haven’t met Patrice, Belle Epoque’s manager, will not be surprised to know that he is a real ‘Frenchmen’ when you find out his full name is ‘Patrice Bieuy Pargue’. If you fancy some refreshments, there will be coffee, croissants, and gateaux all available for £5.

So, if you like the idea of improving or brushing up on your French this could be fun. I may well pop in, but our regular readers will know I need no improvement to my French language skills, having once emigrated to France. Mon épouse continues to insist that six weeks in France is not ‘emigration’ but a ‘holiday. She also insists that wearing a beret and drinking Pastis every day does not mean that I now half French, however the Gauloises I now smoke I think proves that indeed I am!

PS: If you have any no longer wanted French reading material, please drop them in for our local francophiles to enjoy!

Milford Croft win Five Stars & Gold Award

One of our village self catering holiday bungalows have once again been awarded the ‘VisitBritain Five Star rating & Gold Award’. This is the highest self catering accreditation awarded by VisitBritain, and was decided following an annual inspection and assessment.

So, not only is Milford on Sea one of the best places to visit in the country, Colin & Tricia also have one of the best places to stay! If you fancy seeing their property or availability please visit: http://www.milfordcroft.co.uk/

Sunday 30 January 2011

Milford on Sea Food Week: Seven great days for ‘Foodies’!

Milford on Sea Food Week celebrates all that is great about food. This New Forest seaside village is fortunate to be blessed with great places to eat and surrounded by quality local producers, so what better way to celebrate this, than to have an entire week dedicated to the joys of food!

Everyone at every age is included, and Milford on Sea Food Week has over 100 activities including: Themed Dining Evenings, Professional Cookery Theatre, Celebrity Shows, Cooking Demonstrations, Educational Talks, Film Shows, Cookery Competitions, Wine Tastings, Dining Offers, Kid's Events & a large Sunday Food Market, all organised by local organisations, clubs, businesses and individuals. A Programme detailing all of the events is on sale in the village shops.

Food Week is co-ordinated by a small dedicated group of volunteers who provide their expertise and time for free. They are also fortunate to have a generous group of sponsors & supporters. Any income generated by Food Week is only used to cover promotional costs, and no fees or expenses are taken by any of the Food Week organisers. Food Week is delighted to support local charities from any profits that are made.

During Food Week, Milford on Sea village will be alive with a wide variety of activities for everyone in the family. The website contains a full programme of the numerous daily events & the closing day Sunday Food Market. In addition to the many locally organised events happening across the village, this year’s Food Week also has a number of ‘celebrity events’ featuring Dick Strawbridge, Hardeep Singh Kolhi, Milford’s Three Tenors (a trio of nationally renowned opera singers) and Alex Aitken as compere at ‘The Big Cook Off’ with chefs competing from Verveine & Westover Hall verses Chewton Glen & The Jetty in Christchurch. On the Wednesday there is also a ‘CakeFest! & Village Food Fair’. Tickets for events are available from the online ‘Food Week Ticket Office’ as well as in the village.

All of the village restaurants are running themed evenings & special offers throughout the week. Some of the entertainment includes; Indian Elvis, a Spring Ball, Tapas & Spanish Guitar Night, Chocolate & Champagne Extravaganza!, Italian & Opera Dinner, a Sixties Day, Thai Dancing Night, Choir & Cake Concert, French Connoisseur Evening, Shellfish Night, a Bollywood Lunch and a party night featuring local band ‘Dorsal Fin’.

There is also a full programme of events to entertain the kid’s on half-term throughout the week. The professional Cookery Theatre is providing a varied programme of events and activities that should excited every ‘foodie’.

On the final Sunday, the Food Market takes centre stage with over 40 stalls on the village green & along the High Street. Local producers from throughout the New Forest will be selling tasty fayre, and various types of hot food will be available. You can also visit the many village shops that will be open. Last year over 6000 people attended the Food Market, and this year all visitors will be entertained by a jazz quartet as they shop.

David Long one of the organising team said “Milford on Sea is a great place to eat & fun place to visit, so we wanted to celebrate this with a series of varied food related events around the village for all locals & visitors to enjoy and learn. Why not come & join in the fun!”

To find out more please visit:

 Any enquiries please contact:
David Long, Food Week Organiser | david@milfordonsea.org

*If you would like specific information on any event please let me know.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Construction starts on Westover Island

Construction has started on the new developments on Westover Island. A piano has now been installed for the alfresco dining area of the 'Canute Restaurant'. 

click image to enlarge
Opening dates have yet to be announced.

*If this story makes no sense to you, (which is likely!) please read the 'comments' link at the foot of the 'Local’s stake a claim to ‘Westover Island’' story. All we become clear!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Local’s stake a claim to ‘Westover Island’

Some local villagers have identified a unique opportunity for emigration to their own paradise island. As you may know, a strange tidal activity has been occurring over the past few months which has resulted in a significant ‘shingle bank’ raising to the surface due south of Milford on Sea & north west of The Needles. To date the bank has stubbornly refused to retreat back under the waves, and added to this, the shingle bank was initially identified as ‘Dolphin Bank’, which has proved to be incorrect. This of course now means that this new ‘Island’ has no known sovereignty. Therefore, the local villagers of Milford on Sea have decided to stake a claim.

click image to enlarge
The new shifting land mass is estimated to be approximately 1.5 miles wide at low tide, and is constantly seen several feet above sea level, this prime land may even continue to increase in size. Finding the opportunity too good to miss, local residents are now planning the colonisation of the island. The initial plan is to start with the building of beach huts, a number of luxury holiday homes, four pubs, six restaurants & a watersports centre. (Health Spa’s have been banned by the interim government) Debate has raged amongst the few daft people who have come up with this idea, particularly on the subject of what name to give the new ‘Island’. Such procrastination is of course delaying the submission of planning applications. As the instigator of the habitation concept for the island, and in saner moments owner of Westover Hall Hotel on Milford on Sea cliff top, David Smith has won the naming argument, based on his theory that the ‘island’ would have once been part of his Westover Hall garden during the ice age. So, ‘Westover Island’ has been ‘officially’ declared the shingle banks new name. Discussions continue on the most suitable ‘National Anthem’ & ‘National Flag’. So far, the front runners are to create new words to the tune of ‘We’ll meet again’ or ‘Always look on the bright side of life!’. The flag is currently looking like it might be ‘A rainbow of multi-colour horizontal stripes‘, I have tried to explain to the others that whilst pretty, this colour choice may get misconstrued and that a rethink may be necessary. 

As planning permission and design concepts for the planned Island developments may take some time to complete, it has been decided to take the opportunity to celebrate part of ‘Milford on Sea Food Week’ on ‘Westover Island’ in the meantime. The village is fortunate to have numerous fisherman & leisure sailors, so the plan is to commandeer their boats to ferry out dining tables & parasols in preparation for a ‘Gala Seafood Banquet’. The menu will of course be locally caught and cooked by the Westover Hall chefs. To ensure the whole event is taken seriously, the diners must at least have a ’25 Yard Swimming Proficiency Certificate’. The dress code for the evening will be swimming costume, trunks or unisex sarongs. Any gentlemen arriving wearing a ‘mankini’ will be turned away at the temporary jetty. An ‘Oyster Diving Competition’ is also being proposed for the Food Week activities, the competition will have ‘Under 60’, ‘60 to 80’, and ‘Over 80’ categories. It is anticipated that the final two categories will attract the greater number of local entries.

The new sovereignty of ‘Westover Island’ has decided to retain UK currency, but it has chosen to be a tax haven with no duty on alcohol. Demand for building plots is expected to be significant, so only residents of Milford on Sea who can run 100 yards in under 12 seconds are able to apply at this stage. No passport will be required initially, however it has been agreed to produce a postage stamp. The image to feature on the stamp is as yet undecided, but it has been agreed to put the glue on both sides just to confuse everyone.

Suggestions of the creation of a road bridge, or tunnel from the mainland were dismissed as ridiculous nonsense. A further idea to build a tunnel entrance in Cherbourg, signposted to Westover Island was accepted with numerous immature giggles, after the proposer explained that the tunnel would be built to accept traffic, but the tunnel would come to a halt halfway across the English Channel. The idea of setting up a stall selling 'Milford on Sea Souvenirs' at the tunnel's end is still under consideration. 

Applications for the new post of ‘King of Westover Island’ are now being invited. Suitable candidates must have some previous experience of running a country or parish council. Please send your application to: ‘I want to be King’, Westover Hall, Park Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PT. To ensure true equality is maintained, potential Queens may also apply. (My wife made me put that bit in!) Closing date for applications is 1st April 2011.

Food Week Ticket Sales get off to a flyer!

Since the Food Week Ticket Office opened a couple of weeks ago, ticket sales have topped £3500 with over 250 tickets sold for Food Week events. One event has even sold out already!

If you would like to see the Event Tickets on sale please click here