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02 February 2011

NFDC Public Consultation in Village tomorrow

The NFDC are holding a Public Consultation at the Milford on Sea Community Centre tomorrow (Thursday 3rd February) between 3 & 9pm.

Here you will be able to view the ‘Sites and Development Management Development Plan’ (DPD) document. (Snappy title eh!!)

Here are some of the issues being considered in the document, upon which Milford parish residents will have a view and may want to have their say:
1. Two sites are being considered for Affordable Housing (only one site is likely to be adopted)
2. Additional children's play space
3. Additional public sports pitches
4. The provision of 5 full size allotment areas
5. The provision of a safe 'pick-up/drop-off' area for Milford Primary School
6. The provision of a footpath on the eastern side of Carrington Lane
7. Cycle routes: Manor Road to Milford Crescent (via Chaucer Drive, Keats Avenue, Wolsey Way and Knowland Drive), Milford-on-Sea to Downton via Blackbush Road and Milford Primary School to Keyhaven Road via Lyndale Close and Carrington Lane.
8. Amended green belt boundary to reflect development allocations (Re 1. above)

NFDC Officers will be on hand to answer questions. The DPD covers a wide range of subjects, many of which are planning related, such as transport schemes, cycle routes, footpath provision, affordable housing, Coastal Change Management Areas, open space provision, recreational playing fields, children's play space, allotments, vehicular access, school pick-up & drop-off points, enhancing biodiversity, green-belt, green infrastructure, coastal erosion, shopping frontages, Sites of Importance for for Nature Conservation and Local Nature Reserve's.

Although Thursday's Public Meeting is important, residents will still have until the 11th March in which to respond, but in our opinion, there is insufficient public notice being given, so if you are interested attending the Public Consultation could prove worthwhile.

Apparently, this is the most important local consultation document to come out from the District for many years and it is extremely important that as many residents as possible have the opportunity to look at the plans and ideas that are to be considered as, whatever is eventually adopted by NFDC will serve to guide Milford-on-Sea parish in planning terms until the year 2026.

The NFDC Public Consultation period starts tomorrow, 28th January and lasts for six weeks, ending on 11th March.
The Document and relevant background information are all available to view on the Council’s web-site at the following link:

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