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02 February 2011

French conversation at Belle Epoque

From the beginning of February the team at Belle Epoque, our local wine bar & café, will be holding ‘Informal French Conversations’ on every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday mornings between 10am & 12noon. Everyone is welcome to drop in for just ten minutes, or a whole morning for a ‘le conversation (Real French, impressive!) with Patrice, Sarah or Marie. I am not sure if Mike will be speaking in French, or just using a funny accent?! In addition to taking the opportunity to improve your vocabulary, there will also be French newspapers, French books and magazines to browse through as you chat in ‘français’. Those that haven’t met Patrice, Belle Epoque’s manager, will not be surprised to know that he is a real ‘Frenchmen’ when you find out his full name is ‘Patrice Bieuy Pargue’. If you fancy some refreshments, there will be coffee, croissants, and gateaux all available for £5.

So, if you like the idea of improving or brushing up on your French this could be fun. I may well pop in, but our regular readers will know I need no improvement to my French language skills, having once emigrated to France. Mon épouse continues to insist that six weeks in France is not ‘emigration’ but a ‘holiday. She also insists that wearing a beret and drinking Pastis every day does not mean that I now half French, however the Gauloises I now smoke I think proves that indeed I am!

PS: If you have any no longer wanted French reading material, please drop them in for our local francophiles to enjoy!

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