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Clubs, Classes & Sports




29 September 2022

Charity Doubles Tournament at Milford Tennis Club

Milford Tennis & Squash Club are supporting Oakhaven Hospice by holding a Charity Doubles Tournament.

The tournament will be held on Friday 7th October from 9am to 1pm and the competition is open to all players, including non members, and will follow a fun based drawn partners format.

Entry is £15 per player which will cover both the entry fee and a lunch which will be served between 12noon and 1pm. A maximum of 28 places are available and will be allocated on a first come first served basis, contact Head Coach, Dan Hitchins to secure your place. (Click here.)

A raffle draw will also be running to raise more money with various prizes donated from local businesses. Thanks so far goes to The Coastal Bakery, Britannia Thai, The Lighthouse, New Forest Paddle Sport Co., The Beach House and other village and local businesses who donate prizes.  

Raffle tickets will be sold on the day but if you are keen to support the charity and would like to buy them or offer any additional prizes please contact Cathy Simpson on 07887 642142 or via email at cathysimpson752@gmail.com.

For more information please contact Head Coach, Dan Hitchins at: 

Milford Tennis & Squash Club
Lucerne Road, Milford-on-Sea, SO41 0PL

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