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27 September 2022

Milford on Sea Newcomers Evening welcome

The Milford on Sea Newcomers Exhibition & Supper was a great success last Saturday.

Click to view
lyrics of
Milford on Sea
Once again the long-term organiser of this popular annual event, Ruth Bufton along with her team of enthusiastic volunteers welcomed over 200 new residents to Milford on Sea and gave them all a true appreciation of the warm community they have joined.

The day's events were possible because of many helpers, cooks and washer uppers from the 4 village church congregations and village volunteers.

The evening entertainment also featured dancers from NJ Dance and music from the singers of Straight Banana. 

During the evening all newcomers were given an information bag which contained details of Milford on Sea Clubs, Societies, Classes, Charities and Events to let people know what goes on in the village, as well as things that people can join in with or support.

Local HHC and New Forest District councillor, Fran Carpenter was a guest and commented online:
"A lovely lady called Ruth and her husband organise a yearly ‘village newcomers’ event for recent residents to Milford On Sea. Local organisations exhibit their activities all day, followed by a meal in the evening. I was privileged to attend yesterday and meet what must have been 200+ new residents. Wow, what a great day and evening. True community spirit. Milford even has a village song! Thank you to Ruth and all the organisers."

Ruth sends her thanks to all newcomers that came and to the many people who helped make the day such an enjoyable success.

To see the Milford on Sea Village Song in full flow; please click image below.

click image to see video taken by Fran

PS: The evening had been preceded by an Exhibition in All Saints' Church where newcomers and all village residents were invited to meet and discover many activities to enjoy or join in with, such as: Milford on Sea Clubs, Societies, Classes, Charities and Events.

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