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30 September 2022

Free Blood Pressure Checks during October

One in three adults in the UK have undiagnosed High Blood Pressure with rarely signs or symptoms so many go undiagnosed until it’s too late. Based on these figures it is calculated that over 600 people in our village could have undiagnosed High Blood Pressure.

click image to enlarge

The League of Friends Health Hub invite all residents of Milford on Sea, over the age of 18, who aren’t currently being monitored by their GP to a FREE Blood Pressure Check.  This will be a walk-in service where the check itself will be conducted by a nurse. 

The Free Checks will be taking place from Saturday 8th October 8.30am to 1pm at the Milford on Sea Community Centre, and each Saturday until the end of October. 

Doctors recommend that you take your Blood Pressure at home at least every 6 months. If you haven’t got a monitor at home, The League of Friends Health Hub  have organised a special offer for you to purchase an Omron M2Basic upper arm BP monitor at £24.95 from Milford Pharmacy

The Blood Pressure programme has the support of the Milford Surgery, the Milford Pharmacy and the NHS Primary Care Network. 

We hope you agree that this is an excellent way for the League of Friends Health Hub to continue supporting the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Milford on Sea. 

The only way to find out is to come and have your Blood Pressure taken. They look forward to seeing you.

Milford on Sea League of Friends

Milford on Sea War Memorial Hospital
Sea Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PG

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