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Clubs, Classes & Sports




29 March 2020

Mutual Aid Volunteers head for 100

We are delighted to hear that the Milford on Sea Covid19 Mutual Aid volunteer numbers have grown to nearly 100. 

Organiser, Jenny Whitley said: "Good evening to all our volunteers and supporters. It’s the end of a week when we have seen our volunteer numbers grow to nearly 100. We have not counted the numbers of people we are supporting as everyone has been far too busy getting on with the job! 

We have had so many expressions of thanks to our volunteers. In particular we have had thanks from people who have contacted us because their elderly parents live in our villages and they haven’t been able to get to them. We are happy as a community to offer that support for them. 

In collaboration with Milford Library, Village Voice and David Long, the first edition of the Milford Good Newsletter has been published. Find it on the Library website. (Copies will also be posted on this website) It’s wonderful! Such talented people have worked so hard to produced it. So I hope this evening you will raise a glass with me to toast all our wonderful volunteers!

Thanks to all at MoS Primary School

Delyth, a reader of these pages wants to thank all of the staff and helpers at Milford on Sea Primary School, and we wholeheartedly agree with her.

Delyth said; "The staff at Milford Primary School are doing a fantastic job looking after around 16 children of various ages including my 3 grandchildren. (As sadly, I am in the category unable to look after them). All of these wonderful people are obviously putting themselves at risk and doing a heroic job, and at the same time they are enabling parents who are front-line workers to keep working and supporting us all. They all deserve our warmest respect and thanks."

Well said Delyth.

Community Wildlife Garden Challenge

The Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV) have launched a ‘Stop-at-home’ Community Birding & Wildlife Challenge.

So, what are we all going to do now for the next few weeks?

Well, here’s a suggested challenge. Let’s see what birds and wildlife species you can see from your home and garden in our ‘Birding & Wildlife Challenge. Perhaps we can see how many different species we can spot and record between now and the end of the Coronavirus C-19 outbreak.

Let’s get our children and grandchildren involved

We can do this together as a community and as a family project. All you simply have to do is record every different species you see either from your windows or whilst in your garden. Keith at MCV will maintain and update the list and circulate it via this MoS News website. 

The sky is a big birding habitat which most of us seem to overlook. It is a wonderful place to do your birding and to enjoy whatever is flying about. Unfortunately, so many of us go around with our heads down which is what us ‘old-uns’ tend do when we are walking so as not to trip over. 

Let Keith have your records at the end of each week by clicking here, but if you do spot something spectacular, let him know straight away by email:

Remember, this is a challenge in which all the family can participate. All I need is just four things: 

1. What species you have seen
2. What road you live in
3. What day you saw it and
4. Your name

As the Coronavirus is a world-wide phenomenon, Keith has asked friends from different parts of the world to tell him what they are seeing in their own gardens whilst they are self-isolating. He has already had a commitment from his friend Peter in Tunisia, and who knows from where else around the world he might find what they are seeing in their own backyards? 

Keith starts start off this list with the following species seen by MCV members in their gardens or flying over: 

click image to enlarge

To Date: Birds = 27  Butterflies = 3  Bumblebees = 2  Mammals = 2  Amphibians = 2  Bee-flies = 1

So, let's get bird spotting!

28 March 2020

Shaun starts a '#GiveBack' Campaign

Local artist, Shaun Steven's has started a campaign to encourage and inspire others to #giveback to those in need in our community and beyond. To show kindness, compassion and give help where it’s needed in these difficult times. 

Shaun posted a video yesterday on her Instagram page (@shaunstevensart) offering to make and give away ten #giveback badges with gold leaf hearts of gold. The badges can be personalised with names and either red or blue for the NHS.

Please watch below. 

click image to watch video
Can you help spread the word?  You can share this video by copy and pasting this link into an email: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PMwkPBHtj/


27 March 2020

The Good News Newsletter - No.1

An enterprising group of local people have put together a 'Good News Newsletter' with the aim of keeping everyone informed and amused during this difficult time.

The Good News Newsletter has been created by Milford Library, Milford Mutual Aid Group, The Village Voice and MoS News Bulletin.

We will be publishing a copy of each edition here online and for those in the village who do not use digital communication, the Parish Council are printing some paper copies which will be available in some village shops and some distributed by volunteers.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

To  read the first edition, please click here or click the image below:

New Takeaway Menu from Ray's Italian Kitchen

click image to enlarge

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300

New opening hours for the Off-Licence at The Cave

The Cave is now open as an off-licence only specialising in wines, beers, lagers, spirits, Champagne, sparkling wine and soft drinks to drink at home.

Please note the New Opening Times are now: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 12noon to 5pm.

They also offer a free local delivery service on these days.

If you’re interested in the delivery service please call: 01590 642195, alternatively send a message to info@thecavemos.co.uk and they will get back to you as soon as they can.

The Cave
2 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
01590 642195




If you are in a position to volunteer to support local vulnerable people, or someone who needs some help, please click below or email: moscovidmutualaid@gmail.com

click image to find out more

Delivery of fishcakes from Catch

Catch Fabulous Fishcakes (whose owner lives in Milford on Sea village) have started a weekly delivery service to Milford on Sea to help our local community and their customers at this difficult time.

How to order: Take a look at the Catch fresh handmade fishcakes (Six varieties) and frozen product menu by clicking here. To order, please email: ahoy@catchfabulousfishcakes.co.uk with what you would like delivered, or to ask any questions.

Catch will take payment by credit or debit card when they deliver your order so that we minimise contact.

Please do not call as the team are in the kitchen during the day, busily making more lovely fishcakes. 

click image to enlarge
Please do bear with The Catch Team at this busy time, they will respond to your emails in the order they receive them but there may be a slight delay at times.

A message from Clare at No.64

A message from Clare at No.64 Biscuit House in Milford on Sea high street:

An update on our continued community involvement and a couple of ideas for you to while away the hours while staying safe at home…. 

I'll start by expressing my delight at last night's 'Clap for our Carers' and say "that's what we Brits are made of!" Amazing, made me tearful and made me so, so proud of our NHS and the public support they so deserve. Did you all take part? 

So, here's what I’d like to update you with, including repeating our contact details for anyone who needs help or assistance during these testing times…. 

Coming together as a community 

We are proud to be part of our village’s ‘COVID-19 Mutual Aid’ Group, a group set up by like-minded locals to help the vulnerable and elderly should they need it. We’ve divided up the village, each taken a section, and delivered notes through doors offering help and adding our phone numbers. 

I have had some lovely chats with a few ladies so far, it’s very satisfying when they realise they are just a call away from help, or just a chat if they’re lonely, if they need it. 

I also have one lady who has just asked me to call her every day, just for a chat, which I’ve done and it’s just such a lovely experience as she’s such a fascinating lady. I now look forward to that daily call! 

Here are our numbers once again if anyone needs a chat, or any help: 

Landline - 01590 643765 
Clare - 07515 711617 
Glenn - 07950 933466 

Please DO NOT hesitate to call us, any time. 

click image to read blog
Make someone's day with a No64 Gift Box.... 

This item was the idea of one our lovely customers and so we can’t take the credit for it, but we would like to put it out there to you as it’s a lovely gesture and it made the recipient very happy. 

So, our customer called us and asked if we could make up a gift box for a friend of theirs to cheer them up, what a lovely thought and surprise for that special person! She suggested an amount and I made up a selection of goodies, wrapped them beautifully, and then sealed them in a box ready for collection / delivery. 

And so, we thought why don't we offer this as a service? We've done 3 so far and the response has been amazing, the feeling of cheering someone up, making someone happy with a little gift, is so satisfying, especially at times like these.... 

To give you some ideas we’ll be posting images of suggested gift box contents daily on Instagram (@no64bh) and Facebook (No64 Biscuit House) and so hopefully you follow us and can see what people are ordering for their friends, family, work colleagues, or even a local ‘at risk’ person to cheer them up. 

And don’t forget, you could give a No64 Voucher, which means your special recipient could choose their own gift, or they could book a video tour (see below), and they could pick their gifts virtually! how entrepreneurial are we?? 

And finally, it doesn’t have to be a No64 gift box, I’m sure if you contacted any local business and suggested the idea to them they would be only too pleased to work something out with you so that you can surprise that special person during these dark days. 

As independent businesses we all need your support. 

If you would like to have a look around the shop to choose the contents of your gift box........"but how can I do that if you're not open?" I hear you ask, well here's our next fun idea to help with these 'stay at home' times..... 

Fancy a virtual tour of No64 Biscuit House from the comfort of your own home? 

Some of you will have seen our Instagram post regarding us offering a virtual shopping experience at No64. It’s just a bit of fun during these times of us all being stuck indoors, staying safe. 

So, here’s how it works. Let us know you would like to have a virtual look round the shop (there’s no pressure to buy anything I might add!) by giving us a call, emailing us, or via the enquiries section on our website. 

If you go to our March Blog - click here - you can see an example of a virtual tour of No64 Biscuit House… 

If you see anything you would like to buy we can then take a telephone card payment, send you a PayPal invoice, give you our bank details for you to make an online payment, or by any other means that suit. We’ll then arrange delivery, to suit your needs. 

To be clear, we are not asking you to come to the shop (you can’t, we’re closed!), we are suggesting a video / virtual tour to be enjoyed from the safety of your own home. Safety is our top priority; we have been and are following the regulations of Public Health England and the World Health Organisation. 

So, fancy giving it a try? Get in touch if so…..now, where’s my hair brush and makeup as I need to look my best!! 

Glenn & I both miss you all terribly and we can't wait for this thing to be over so we can re-open our doors and see you all again.......and never again will I not cherish every second of our little business, and this wonderful village! 

Lot of love and best wishes, 

No64 Biscuit House

26 March 2020

Sunday Lunch delivered from South Lawn

We have heard from Tim Wedgwood, owner of South Lawn Hotel who has given us an update to say that the delivery service provided from the hotel by volunteering staff is going well. 

They have had to cap the daily delivery of freshly baked bread, milk & eggs to 100 each morning and they have reached this capacity everyday since Monday. 

Meals are proving really popular and Tim is delighted, so much so that he is trying to get organised in advance for anticipated orders for an exceptional Sunday Lunch.

Below is a letter that South Lawn are sending with their bakery and meal deliveries about Sunday Lunch which is self explanatory. 

South Lawn have enough drivers and kitchen capacity to serve up to 400 Sunday Lunches but they need advanced orders to ensure they don't let anybody down. Those that have ordered already are really looking forward to it.

The South Lawn team team have helped many local people who have needed something sorted, and Tim said; "We are not just here for bakery and meals, so if anybody needs something sorting they just need to let us know."

Dear All

We hope you are keeping as safe as possible. As you are probably aware our delivery service has become very busy, we thank you for supporting us, we are pleased to be in a position to look after you and will continue to do so for as long as we are able to.

Sunday Lunch, we are providing our usual menu for lunch this Sunday 29th March but are also delighted to be able to provide a traditional Sunday Lunch, £12.50 for main course, £4.50 for Pudding.
  • Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potato, Veg. and Gravy
  • ****
  • Apple and Rhubarb Crumble with Custard
We are anticipating being really busy for Sunday Lunch so we will be delivering between 12 noon and 6pm. So please call to order anytime between now and Sunday, 9am to 8pm. We cannot guarantee we will have enough beef if you order on Sunday, so try and order in advance.

We will not be taking payment until Saturday afternoon just in case for some reason we cannot deliver, we will call you to take payment and confirm your order on Saturday afternoon so for now all you need to do is place your order.

And as a special Sunday one off special offer why not order a chilled bottle of Sauvignon for just £10 a bottle.

If you would like to have any groceries or meals from South Lawn delivered, or wish to order your Sunday Lunch delivery, please call: 01590 643911 or email:

To see all that South Lawn is offering please click here to see full menu.

The South Lawn Hotel
Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF
01590 643911

Harfield goes into temporary shutdown

We have had the message below from Gill Harfield. To protect their customers and mechanics, Harfield Motor Services have had to take the difficult decision to go into temporary shutdown. The plan is to reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.

The decision has not been taken lightly as they do not want to let anyone down, but it is simply the right thing to do.

Below is a message from Gill Harfield.


Sadly we have had to make the hard decision to close the garage as from Saturday lunchtime. This is due to our concern for the health of our employees but also for the health of you, our valued customers. 

We shall be monitoring the advice from the government as to how soon we will be able to re-open for business. We will hope it will be a soon as May. We shall be putting up another information poster in the garage window and hopefully MOS news nearer to the time to help keep you informed of this. 

n the meantime please accept our apology for any inconvenience caused. But safety for everyone has to be our priority at this time. 

Please stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you again soon, hopefully at the beginning of May. 

Best wishes from all at Harfield Motor Services.

Harfield Motor Services
7 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 642261

Boots commence deliveries

Boots in Milford on Sea high street are now are delivering prescriptions to those who need help.

If a family friend, neighbour or volunteer can't collect, please ring the Boots team on 01590 643224 and they can help, free of charge.

You'll need to call us the day before you need your delivery to enable them to book it in for you.

If someone is collecting for you, they will need to know your full name and address.

Boots are open 10am to 5pm and closed for lunch 1 to 2pm.

Boots has just recruited new drivers and bought new vans across the area to help.

01590 643224
68 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

Reminder of Local Services & Takeaway Deliveries

We are keeping all of the links on the buttons below up to date based on the information we receive.

Take a look to see what has changed:



If you are in a position to volunteer to support local vulnerable people, or someone who needs some help, please click below or email: moscovidmutualaid@gmail.com

click image to find out more

25 March 2020

Get the COVID Symptom Tracker

Researchers at Guys, St Thomas’ and Kings College Hospitals and the NHS have launched an App to help slow the spread of Covid 19 and identify at risk cases sooner.

This is being done by asking anyone to self report your health/symptoms daily, even if you feel well

This idea is to get this Mobile Phone App to a lot of people fast to collect enough data to see the hidden cases, the iceberg if you like we are sailing into. 

The app is fully functional and will be refined over the coming days. Simply go to you App Store on your mobile phone and search for 'COVID Symptom Tracker'.

By sharing the App it will help to gather data for policy makers to work with. 

Initial feedback of the site’s inability to register children’s symptoms have been forwarded to the investigators. Anything further you can add / any feedback will all help to capture what’s going on in the community in addition to what is being captured in tertiary care. It all helps. 

No information you share will be used for commercial purposes.

You can download the COVID Symptom Tracker App onto your mobile phone from your App Store.

You can find out more information by clicking here.

A little light relief!

As a news page we do not normally post jokes, ...but this is not a normal time.

Amongst all of the bad news it is still OK to laugh, so here is something I hope puts a smile on your face.

If you have wondered whether computers are male or female, this might answer that question :-)

Click image to view video

Monsoori Heights now doing deliveries

If you are already missing your weekly curry, or haven't had one for ages, we are now pleased to let you know that Monsoori Heights are now doing deliveries.

Click here to see menu - To order please call: 01590 644441

Monsoori Heights
69 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG
01590 644441


A number of other local businesses also offer take away or delivery services - If we discover more we will let you know.

Please click here to see the updated list.

To try and survive these difficult times, Milford on Sea village businesses have launched a variety of Takeaway & Delivery Services. Please take a look below, see what you fancy, and treat yourself when you can.

If you are self-isolating, simply ask for your delivery to be left at the door when it arrives.

Now is not a time for diets, it is for enjoying ourselves as best we can!

Emergency Pet Care

We have heard from Alyson Hall who is presently staying in Milford on Sea.

Alyson is the owner of Cottage Garden Boarding and Cattery in Sway, and it is worth all local residents knowing that if you need emergency boarding for your cat or dog due to self isolation or illness Alyson's team can pick up and deliver free of charge.

The kennels/cattery have staff on site 24/7 to look after peoples pets.

Just call on 01590 682457 - 01590 683200 or email:

To find out more about Cottage Garden Boarding and Cattery please click here - & click here for the cattery.

  • Custom Built Boarding Kennels
  • Beautiful Rural Setting
  • Long stays undertaken
  • Day boarding available
  • Off lead social exercise given three times per day
  • Fully Licensed and Insured
  • Heated and Air-conditioned
  • Staff on site 24 hours a day
  • All breeds catered for
  • From Puppies to Geriatric
  • Special diets and medication administered
  • A range of high quality food available
  • Fireguard maintained
All dogs must have current annual vaccinations AND the Kennel Cough vaccine
Cottage Garden Boarding and Cattery
Granville Cottage, Flexford Lane, Sway, Lymington SO41 6DN
01590 682457

The Village News remains open

Mark at The Village News remains open to support the village community.

To ensure everyone's safety, The Village News is operating strict social distancing rules with no more than 3 customers in shop at any one time.

We are all going to need things to read and perhaps a few treats to keep us happy. Please support him if you can.

Mark can provide:
  • Newspapers
  • Books & magazines
  • Confectionery
  • Easter Eggs at reduced prices

Special Note: Truffles of Lymington stock can be ordered and delivered in the village by contacting The Village News.

The Village News
Call: 01590 645595
74 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

24 March 2020

La Perle suspends deliveries

Update: La Perle are now open again.

Please note below regarding La Perle, we hope they are all back safe and well on Tuesday 7th April.

click image to enlarge

La Perle
01590 643557
60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

Ray’s Italian Kitchen Update

A message from Ray's Italian Kitchen:

Following the government announcement last night and within the realms of sense & sensibility, I will be continuing a limited service on takeaways this week. I feel a massive sense of community support/spirit is needed to make sure we all come out the other side safely. 

We have many resourceful people in this village and being a village is in our favour I believe. If we all STAY AT HOME we have every fighting chance of keeping ourselves and our vulnerable neighbours/family safe. 

Obviously I will be working alone, therefore I will have limited availability so I am asking that you communicate early so that I can organise logistics and cooking times etc. My partner whom lives with me will be delivering to minimise any element of risk to you or ourselves. 

I, like you have a responsibility to my little boy whom is 7 and my 73-year-old mother who lives in an annex on my house therefore its essential we follow instructions on non-contact deliveries. Where possible leave something for Paul to put your food on or even a plastic box or tray for him to drop into so it’s safe for you to pick up. 

Non-contact deliveries guide 

Phone order through Pay over the phone Driver knocks door and leaves in appropriate place as requested Driver stand back from door and wait for you to acknowledge drop off.  Driver then leaves You enjoy!! 

On Wednesday I will be concentrating on the vulnerable people (ONLY) in our community. This offering will be from 5pm to 7.30pm. Please call the restaurant between 10am and 12 noon on Wednesday for orders or leave a message on the answer phone and I will contact you on my return. 

On Friday and Saturday I plan to run 5pm till 8pm to those of you who are interested in a night off from cooking. I am conscious that by then you will all be looking forward to having a weekend feel to add some sort of normality to this unprecedented time we find ourselves in. 

Please can you call between 10am and 12 on Friday/Saturday to place your orders or leave a message and I will get back to you on my return. It goes without saying that I will communicate with you if anything changes. 

Next week I will confirm my intentions on what will be on offer, as we all know everything is changing rapidly therefore we just have to wait and see. 

I wish all of you my best wishes and urge you to keep safe and to STAY AT HOME 

Stacey x

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300

Update on Council Services

The New Forest District Council offices are closed as of yesterday evening, so are the public loos! 

Coronavirus: Council Services Updates 

We are continuing to operate essential services and are taking any necessary precautions to keep our customers and staff safe in line with the latest advice from government. 

Monday 23rd March 2020 20:30: The Government has announced from this evening we must stay at home, with a series of closures, and enforcement. We are reviewing the impact on services to our community and we'll be focusing all our efforts on the essential services. Please bear with us while we put our plans in place and check here regularly for information and updates. 

Following Government's stay at home announcement tonight we are stopping all but our critical services. 

- Our offices are now closed until further notice, except for emergency homelessness issues at Appletree Court. 

- Please follow the government instructions to stay at home 

- All public facilities including public toilets and playgrounds are now closed and there will be further announcements about other council services including waste, planning, and housing over the coming days. 

Please help us in this important work by not contacting us unless it is an urgent matter while all our staff focus on these priorities. Thank you for your support.

New Forest Paddle Sports Company goes online

Claire and Sean have been in touch from the The New Forest Paddle Sports Company in Milford on Sea high street.

As of last night they have closed the shop and all on water activities. However, they will still have their online store open with free home delivery for all items and we will be answering any emails or online messaging as soon as possible. 

If you would like to support them during this difficult time, they have gift vouchers still available which are valid for a year from purchase and activities can be booked as soon as they reopen.

All of the contact details are below.
The New Forest Paddle Sports Company 
46 High Street, Milford On Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 645270

Government Lockdown Update

Following the Prime Minister' lockdown announcement tonight these are the type of shops that can still remain open as we have read and understand the current situation.

Government's list of retailers which are excluded from the order to close:
  • Supermarkets and other food shops
  • Newsagents
  • Health shops
  • Corner shops
  • Pharmacies
  • Petrol stations
  • Bicycle shops 
  • Hardware shops
  • Laundrettes and dry cleaners
  • Garages car rentals
  • Pet shops
  • Post offices
  • Banks
Takeaways open:
  • For collection and delivery. 
  • It is allowed food to be delivered to your home.
  • All sit-down restaurants will be closed.
click image to enlarge

What else do the new restrictions involve?
People will be allowed to leave home only for the following reasons:
  • Shopping for necessities, as infrequently as possible
  • One form of exercise a day, such as running or cycling, alone or with household members
  • For medical or care needs, for example to help a vulnerable person
  • Travelling to and from work, but only if you cannot work from home.
Meeting friends, shopping for anything beyond essentials, and gathering in crowds are now banned.

For More Government information: please click here.

23 March 2020

Keep smiling & have flowers delivered!

Sorry, New Seasons have been forced to close, like all other none essential shops following the Prime Minister's lockdown announcements tonight.

The world seems a dark place at the moment, but flowers brighten up everyone's life!

Orders can be delivered for Bouquets, Handtied Posies, Contemporary Designs, Traditional Flower Baskets, Planted Pots and lots more.

New Seasons Florist in the high street are still delivering flowers to your home - and the shop is open today if you want to order some right now! Just call Nichola on: 01590 641001

New Seasons Florist
High Street, Milford on Sea
01590 641001

Entertain the kids with music lessons

'Music Lessons in Milford on Sea' are doing online music lessons which are ideal for children.

The lessons are held by a qualified and experienced teacher who offers music lessons for all instruments and all children and adults of all ages and abilities.
If you have no instruments available, there is a Theory of Music class which  30 minutes for £15.

You can find our more on Facebook by clicking here or emailing: jenanda@hotmail.com

Thank you and temporary goodbye from The Smugglers

A personal message from Suzy, Guy and The Smugglers team:

A sad day for us.

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came to collect the free beer yesterday. The Smugglers Inn and our sister pub in the New Forest have raised £1,185 for Oakhaven Hospice. 

It was a very humbling and emotional experience to see how generous everyone was, and very moving having to say goodbye to our loyal customers. 

It was equally amazing to see how creative people can be when they need to fill up with beer - we had vases, water jugs, and people tipping their water away to fill up with beer. 

We also managed to give away all of our soup! - and we had lots of NHS & key workers visit us and make use of our FREE meal offer. It was great to be able to give them a nice Sunday roast after all their hard work. 

Whilst we have really enjoyed offering our takeaway service, we now need to think of the welfare of our staff and we have made the very difficult decision to cease all trading until further notice. 

We will spend the next day or so ensuring the pubs are cleaned down, all stock removed and left in a position that we can be ready to start up again as soon as it is clear to do so. 

At both of our pubs, we have some vulnerable customers, that we will keep in touch with and ensure they have what they need. 

So it's not goodbye, it's see you later....please stay safe, and look after each other, and we look forward to the time when we can welcome you all back, with what will be open arms and a smile on our faces. 

Suzy, Guy and the Smugglers team

Fishcake and fish pie deliveries - Today!

The owner of Catch Fabulous Fishcakes lives in Milford on Sea village and her business normally  produces artisan fishcakes and fish pies for retailers and restaurants.

However, Catch are doing fish pie free deliveries into the village today, please see image below and then email: ahoy@catchfabulousfishcakes.co.uk to place your order now.

You can find out more about Catch, see their range of products, contact them by email or order online by clicking here.

click image to enlarge
Catch Fabulous Fishcakes
Catch, the story so far

Back in 2008, our 'Fairy Codmother', Hayley Elston, put her passion for supporting our declining fishing industry and protecting the diminishing fish stocks into action and the Catch brand was born!

Starting her 'sustainable revolution' on the Isle of Wight, Hayley started out selling the now legendary 'Festival Fish Finger Sandwich' at Bestival, made entirely from the catch of the Yarmouth Fishermen’s Association (now the Needles Fishermen’s Co-op, a bone-fide co-operative).

Such was the success of the famous fishfinger that at the beginning of 2012 Catch began manufacturing fish cakes, crab cakes, crab bisque and other fish delicacies for the retail and restaurant trade, under the Catch label, all proudly 100% caught and cooked and supporting local and sustainable fishing.

Now happily located at a beautiful coastal site in the New Forest, Catch continues sourcing sustainable fish from along the South Coast, and supply their mouthwatering wares to gourmet restaurant and retailers across the South, as well as being a regular favourite at farmers markets across Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Somerset, Devon, Sussex and beyond. 

​Catch won its first Great Taste Award in 2013 for its Proper Posh Crab Bisque and has continued to scoop awards year on year into 2019 which has seen us honoured with a coveted 2 star award for both our Crabbie Crabcakes and our Mac 'n' Hari Fishcakes.

​The Catch vision is simple; to produce the finest handmade, sustainable UK produce possible and to make your taste buds happy!