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Clubs, Classes & Sports




19 December 2013

Shappi Bringing Laughs to Food Week

Yet another top name has been added to the Milford on Sea Food Week line up for April 2014.

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Our comedy headline act for the Sunday evening is Shappi Khorsandi, the daughter of an exiled writer and comic from Iran.

Feisty, flirty and effortlessly funny she handles every subject with a razor sharp wit, softened only by her deliciously dizzy delivery and endless charm. Shappi’s upbringing has been in no way conventional, it has all gone on in the Khorsandi household and now she recounts it all the only way she knows how, with wit, warmth and hilarity.

Shappi has appeared on many top TV shows; such as Have I Got News For You, Live at the Apollo, QI and 8 Out of 10 Cats to name but a few. This will be a special night, don't miss it!
As the Evening Standard said; "Don’t be fooled by her innocent looks, she packs a deceptively powerful punch."
The show is for Broad-minded Adults Only and the bar will be open on the night, as well as a tea bar.

*Not too late to buy some tickets as stocking fillers, or as a surprise gift for friends who you love a great night out with! 


Tickets on Sale Now: £15 incl. a Slice of Cake made by Nicola at Yum  - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.

10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

School after Eco Pod

The economic climate over the past few years has seen reduced investment in schools. Fortunately, our local school continue to plough on to improve the facilities for our local children, and the Parents Friends Association (PFA) are not deterred by the hard work this takes in fundraising.

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The Milford on Sea C.E Primary School Academy Trust is currently in planning with New Forest District Council for a new outdoor classroom (to be known as the Eco Pod), which will see a classroom emerge through the conversion of a recycled shipping container.
The estimated cost is around £16,000 without the add-on ideas, to date they have raised have approximately £8,000 - so still a bit to go!  The Parents Friends Association have raised money by holding summer/winter fairs for the school & village community, school children's disco & movie night, adult quiz night, pamper night & cookery demonstration evening and have more events planned.

The front of the classroom will have bi-fold doors, giving it an open-feel and the sides will consist of recycled habitat panels for nesting birds and other habitat. Inside, there will be desks for the children to work from and the outside will be decked and professionally landscaped to complement the existing school grounds, including the school garden and nature reserve.

However, now due to budget restraints, they are not going to do the grass roof. Instead their idea is to use re-claimed car tyres and grow plants out of them.
The habitat panels for the side panel they hope to make at school with the help of the older children. Ever creative and ambitious the project team aim to have lots of add on ideas such as a: Weather station measuring rainfall for the children to record data and create statistics, Solar panels to power the Pod, Water butts to collect rainfall to use within the school garden, Insect nesting glass fronted boxes, Bird feeding station/bath, Bat boxes, Glass tanks for frog sporn/pond life from the existing pond, to be used under microscopes so the children can watch and take pictures of development, Hedgehog hibernation boxes, Ants in glass box and Flat stones outside to see what nests under them.
Phew, that is quite a list!
This is an exciting, innovative and interactive opportunity for the children to experience hands-on learning, while giving teachers the opportunity to engage pupils in a fun learning environment across many aspects of the curriculum.
It will be completed in stages with phase one, including the groundworks, the installation of the container and the habitat side panels to be completed as soon as planning is granted. The school has been fundraising for these elements for the last two academic years.
However, the bi-fold doors, decking and landscaping will be implemented in phase two once potential funding or further school fundraising has been achieved.
The school team have found it a slow process getting the idea together and through planning but hopefully the end is in sight, as they are expecting a planning decision before the year end, and they can then can then crack on!
If you would like to make a donation towards the remaining £8000 required, however small or large, please e-mail me at: david@milfordonsea.org, or should you prefer, e-mail: Linda Scott, chair of the Parents Friends Association (PFA) at: consultancy@lindascott.co.uk, she can also tell you more about this exciting project.

15 December 2013

Underwear Exposed in Milford

You know how some weeks are better than others?

Well, I have just had a mixed one! Having spent the last 10 days trying to finalise the programme for Food Week, and working 5am to 11pm, 7 days a week (yes, seriously!) it has been a mix of highs and lows.

The lows have been chasing people for information, the highs have been the fantastic enthusiastic responses from the wide variety of people who want to be involved, the great number of small local businesses that have shown their support by becoming sponsors, and the excitement of closing deals with an excellent group of top name celebrity chefs and performers happy to come and be part of Milford on Sea Food Week.

Anyway, tonight is Friday and my wife and I have tickets for the Burlesque Cabaret Night in Milford on Sea Community Centre. Naturally, the tickets had been bought because my wife enjoys the variety of costumes and the dances, and I, like most men, was going along just to make her happy. (Do you believe that?)

I have to be honest, although having looked forward to the show for some time (on my wife’s behalf of course), I was seriously considering wimping out for the early night that I desperately needed. My wife decided sleeping is for wimps, so off we went.

On arriving we were greeted by Sue in an outfit matched to theme the evening and Marguerite in an apron with projecting speaking breasts when you squeezed them. (Perhaps you had to be there to appreciate this!)

Things became even more surreal when our local solicitor arrived in fancy dress with a mac and glasses and acting a shady character to match! Added to this, some of the audience where wearing themed costume, and the atmosphere of the purple dressed show hall let you know that everyone was going to be in for a good night.

The table we had consisted of our old friends C&T, plus some new faces from Lymington. We soon introduced  ourselves and went on to have a really fun evening together.

Before the show we were all fed with complete efficiency, and enjoyed a tasty and generous chicken dish with a jacket potato and vegetables. We debated whether it was chicken casserole or coq au vin, but either way it was very enjoyable.

I have to be honest the show kicked off a little slowly, but at that stage we had no idea what was to come! All that were watching the show will remember the 'bleaching' joke after a few minutes, and from that early stage the show grabbed everyone's enthusiasm.

Burlesque can be titillating and erotic, but this show was designed to entertain at all levels, nothing was overt or overly sexy, it was something everyone could watch without any level of embarrassment.  When the girls got to the stage when they removed their tops to reveal their tassels, the girls in the crowd were certainly enjoying the fun as much as the men.

Throughout the evening, like the dancers, the audience lost its inhibitions, and there was more cheering, shouting & whistling than I have seen in any Community Centre show before. As much of this was coming from the women as the men!

The show was wonderfully compered by 'Miss Annie' who had a great voice and a great disposition for delivering jokes. Her rendition of 'Cabaret' bought the house down, and her song about her cat had all in fits of laughter. She could also put together a really good Burlesque dance. (We were later to discover that she is also the lead singer in The Regular Joes jazz band.)

Alongside her was lead dancer 'Sensu'Elle'. She was statuesque and commanded the stage. Her timing was excellent and she drew the audience right into her dances with her charisma. Added to this, her fan dance was perfectly timed and a delight.

As 'Miss Annie' was conducting the crowd in a singsong of the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' one guy from the audience, who had been good fun all evening, decided that the song was too fast, and then went to the stage and took the microphone from her. He then tried to get the audience singing it acapella. Not a great move to make after a few drinks, and he was soon heckled and shouted down.

What he had not realised was that the song had been purposefully set to make it a quick fun part of the show. Miss Annie resumed the microphone, and every table played their part by taking turns for each verse to stand and sing their lines of ‘Five Gold Rings’, ‘Three French Hens’ or whatever, along with the relevant with actions to match. The crowd joined in with gusto and amidst the laughter everyone was smiling

As the show returned to the running order, we were treated to dances from the 'Swinging Belles', 'Miss Anticipation and 'Baby Belle', who was making her first ever stage appearance.  The range of the dancers abilities added to making the evening feel totally inclusive.

The other striking memory was that all the girls were real shapes and sizes, they had sparkly costumes and were obviously enjoying performing as much as we were enjoying watching.

Arguably, the best dance of the night was a 'Belly Dance', having not seen a 'real one' before I was enthralled by the movement and skill that went into making it so sharp and precise. I don't think anyone in the room could remove their eyes from the stage throughout the routine.

The bar was open & well stocked throughout and I made plenty of visits to ensure that the team serving were kept fully active.

Miss Annie closed the show by asking if we wanted to 'see her privates', at which time the full cast arrived wearing army uniforms. They all sat on the front of the stage and performed a complex 'white gloved hand dance', which was as funny as it was entertaining.

The last routine summed up the night, it was innocently naughty in places, it was funny, it had some great dancing and the singing was excellent. Ultimately, it was great fun for everyone that came along.

As I awoke the next morning my head was thumping and legs not quite working properly. That settles it, it must have been coq au vin, wine always gives me a hangover!

Kitty Kat Cabaret Club

Twice Michelin Star Atul Kochhar at Food Week

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Exciting news from the Food Week team....

We are delight to announce that Michelin Star chef, Atul Kochhar, is looking forward to coming along to Milford on Sea Food Week in April 2014.

You can come and see Indian cuisine created as you may have never seen before. Atul Kochhar’s unique talent has changed the way people perceive and experience Indian cuisine. Taking inspiration from his native India, while continuously researching regional dishes, Atul has managed to combine his heritage with his love of British ingredients to create a unique and innovative modern Indian cuisine.

As the very first Indian chef to receive a Michelin star, accomplished during his tenure as Head Chef at Tamarind in 2001, he then went on to open the highly acclaimed Benares Restaurant for which he was awarded a Michelin star for the second time in 2007.

Atul is also often seen on our TV screens in such shows as the BBC's Saturday Kitchen with James Martin, and his restaurant is the Michelin star Benares in Mayfair, London: www.benaresrestaurant.com

In November, we had the pleasure of dining at Benares. It was a fabulous experience and you can read the full review by clicking here.

Tickets on Sale Now: £15 - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.
10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Fancy a Quality Cuppa?!

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A brand new business has opened its doors in Milford on Sea. The Great Tea Co. is the brainchild of local man, Ben Mair.

Previously, Ben had trained successfully as a chef, and spent some of his time in the Verveine kitchen alongside award winning chef David Wykes.
Ben however decided to take his career in another direction after discovering the exciting world of blends and exotic teas.

The Great Tea Co. is a tea expert, who knows the latest innovations and will always share its knowledge with its customers and consumers to deliver the Great Tea experience. They will always strive to have the widest range of teas and accessories in order to deliver the Great Tea experience.

Ben is inspired to source great quality, great value teas from around the world to offer you an extensive selection of delicious all natural teas. He has the perfect tea blends and accessories to match every occasion and mood, from the familiar classics to the more unusual, adventurous blends. So whether you want to enjoy a soothing, comforting cup of tea, or a blend to stimulate and invigorate, whatever you desire, he can help you 'Make everyday a Great Tea day'.

According to Chinese legend, tea was invented accidentally in 2737 B.C. by Emperor Shen Nong. He was a scholar and herbalist, as well as a creative scientist and patron of the arts. Among other things, the emperor believed that drinking boiled water contributed to good health. One summer day while visiting a distant region, he and his entourage stopped to rest. The servants began to boil water for the emperor and his subjects to drink, but dried leaves from a nearby camellia bush fell into the boiling water. The emperor was fascinated with the new liquid due to its pleasing aroma, so he drank the infusion and discovered that it was very refreshing with a delightful flavour. He then declared that tea gives vigour to the body, thus….Just like Emperor Shen Nong, Ben believes that tea is great!
Ben will be providing tasting of his teas and displaying his tea related accessories at the CakeFest at Milford on Sea Food Week on Monday 7th April 2014, he will also have a stall in the Community Centre on Food Week Saturday alongside other local producers.

As well as supplying tea lovers, he also hopes to provide his teas to local shops, cafés, restaurants, hotels, and B&B's.
To find out more about his teas you can contact Ben on ben.thegreatteaco@gmail.com - 01590 641972, or visit his website below.

The Great Tea Co.

14 December 2013

Bowls Club Panto

The Milford on Sea Bowls Club got into the Christmas spirit recently when they held their annual Christmas Panto in All Saints' Church Hall, Milford on Sea last Tuesday.

The performance had an enthusiastic audience of 120 club members and friends.

This year's story was 'Alice in Space', which was both written and performed by members of the club.
A delicious American Supper followed the show and a most enjoyable evening was rounded off by some hearty singing of well known Christmas carols. All members are now looking forward to the 2014 production......... Oh yes they are!
Milford on Sea Bowls Club

12 December 2013

Keep an Eye on Hurst Spit

Ever wondered what is happening at Hurst Spit in stormy weather?,
Ever pondered on what the view might be like from the top of Hurst Castle?,
Ever asked 'Why doesn't superglue stick to the inside of the tube'?

Well, thanks to Steve Cook, Coastal Engineering Team Leader, we can now answer the first two. No idea on the third.
Steve has told us of a couple solar powered cameras out on Hurst Castle that relay the scene 24 hours a day. You can see what is going on right now from the link below.
Should any one be in a new or amorous relationship, please be aware if you are looking for a quiet place, the castle might not be a great idea - there may be cameras watching!
Vision Link at Hurst Castle: www.vision-link.co.uk/live-camera.php

10 December 2013

Elvis is coming to Food Week!

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The first show of Food Week 2014 has now been booked, so get your 'Blue suede shoes' ready, as Elvis is on his the way!

The ELVIS EXTRAVAGANZA show is a fantastic, authentic & showstopping tribute to Elvis 'The King'; by the world's only Pakistani Elvis!

Award winning Sal Bashir's show has two 45 minute sets of legendary rock music: Early Elvis 50-60's and then the Las Vegas years of the 70-80's. This show will have you rocking around the Community Centre!

Why not grab some tickets now, they make an ideal extra Xmas present, stocking filler, Xmas table gift, surprise New Year present, thank you gift, birthday present, I Love You trinket............ OK, I'm just trying to give you reasons to buy some tickets now, but it will be worth it, and we expect this one to sell out quickly!

Chicken Tikka with Small Naan, Mint Sauce & Salad Garnish served in the interval. The bar will also be open on the night.

Other New Shows are coming soon, including 4 Michelin Star Chefs and a fabulous TV Comedian.

If you would like to consider any of the new shows for Xmas Presents,  drop me a line at david@milfordonsea.org and I can tell you who they are, and arrange tickets as Xmas gifts for you.

Tickets on Sale Now: £15 incl Tikka Snack - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.

Meet Sal online: www.sallikeelvis.co.uk
10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised shows: click here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

About Milford on Sea Food Week

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

During Food Week our village will be alive with Themed Dining Evenings, Professional Cookery Theatre, Celebrity Shows, Cooking Demonstrations, Educational Talks, Dining Offers, Wine Tastings and the unique Great Dining Bus. We also have lots of Kid's Events including Cookery Classes and a Food Treasure Hunt. To end Food Week there is the chance to savour local produce our very own large & popular Sunday Food Market.

Everyone at every age is included, and there are over 100 village events & shows all organised by local organisations, businesses, clubs and individuals.

Our New Forest seaside village is fortunate to be blessed with great places to eat and surrounded by quality local producers, so what better way for Milford on Sea to celebrate this than to have an entire week dedicated to the joys of food!

Milford on Sea Food Week is co-ordinated by a small dedicated group of volunteers who provide their expertise and time for free. We are also fortunate to have a generous group of sponsors, friends & supporters. As a 'not for profit' event, any income generated is only used to cover promotional costs and no fees or expenses are taken by any of the Food Week organisers. We are delighted to support local good causes from any profits that are made.

Food Week is truly ‘By the community, for the community’ and your support is critical to us, we thank you for getting involved whether by participating or simply enjoying the many events throughout the village.

Free Programme in Village Newsagent and various village shops from March.

Ticketed Events: Tickets available online from: www.milfordonseafoodweek.ticketsource.co.uk or from the Community Centre Box Office, Sea Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PH. Tel: 01590 643404.
Box Office Open: Monday to Friday: 10am to 4pm and Saturday: 10am to 1pm.

10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all online ticket sales. To Find Out about becoming a Friend of Food Week please click here.

To View our 2014 Shows & Events please click here.

Gold & Silver Business Sponsorship are available (click here to see our sponsors ads) To find out more please contact: david@milfordonsea.org

Join In!  If you would like to get involved in Food Week at any level, run an event, do a demonstration or would like to be a volunteer and haven't yet been in touch, please drop me a line at: david@milfordonsea.org

To See the Food Week Website please visit: www.milfordonseafoodweek.org

Food Week is 'Not for profit', and run entirely by volunteers. We are a true 'By the Community, For the Community Event!'. If you would like to know more, please contact: david@milfordonsea.org 

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

09 December 2013

Ainslie at Hurst Castle

We hear that the BBC has been filming at Hurst Castle recently with Olympic & America's cup hero, and local sailor Ben Ainslie.
It is understood that the piece relates to the 'BBC Sports Personality of the Year', which will be on air next Sunday evening. (15th December)
The winner of the award will come from a shorlist of 10. The nominees alongside Ben are: Athletes Mo Farah, Christine Ohuruogu and Hannah Cockroft are included, as well as tennis star Andy Murray and cyclist Chris Froome.
Golfer Justin Rose, jockey AP McCoy, cricketer Ian Bell and rugby union player Leigh Halfpenny also make the list.

05 December 2013

A Night on the Port!

Things started quite simply. My mate Colin’s other half was away for a few days, and he was under strict instructions to attentively look after the dog. I on the other hand, had explained to my wife that our friend was obviously lonely and that I should keep him company. She agreed.
We of course interpreted the dog instructions, & approval of companionship, as an opportunity for a boy's night out. - We chose the Port Tasting Night at The Cave.
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As we set off for the village centre our pace was moderate, on the basis that walking isn’t our favourite hobby. We however covered the 10 minute journey in around 15 minutes.
This did not include the couple of minutes we spent admiring the massive Christmas Tree on Milford on Sea village green. Simeon and his team from Aubrey Farm had done an excellent job, erecting a monster of a tree for us all to enjoy, and then Ray & Bob had put on the lights. Ellis Hairdressers again has a wonderful Christmas themed window, and many of the village shop decorations were twinkling away in the night sky. Romance was in the air, but we decided not to kiss.
We were warmly greeted at The Cave, and before the evening commenced I warmed up with a perfectly chilled glass of Leffe Belgian beer, and my cohort had some warm real ale which he apparently found impressive and I saw as pointless.
The Cave has three long wine tasting tables, and these were lined up with various glasses and a detailed list of the Ports to be tasted this evening. There was also a glossy Ramos Pinto leaflet explaining the appropriate serving temperatures, storage advice and suggested glass shapes for each type of port, there was also exotic suggested paired food dishes which best complemented each port. I intend to pass this onto my wife as dining suggestions for next week, but have to say; I don’t fancy my chances!
Plenty of people were in The Cave having a social drink or coffee, when quite quickly, the ‘Tasting Night’ crowd arrived from all directions. As we all took to the tables, the group was a mix of couples, and groups of mates, who did not know each other, but soon everyone was chatting and introducing themselves. After all, we all had a hobby of drinking in common!
I am sure several people hoped we didn’t sit at a table with them, but unfortunately Sylvia & John and Wyn & Roy were unlucky. We hadn’t met before, but very soon we were enjoying their company and they were wondering why they had made the mistake of sitting on the same table as us.
Our host Jon, introduced us all to our expert for the evening; Mark Leveson-Gowers. Mark is the Director of Maisons at Marques et Domaines, a company formed by Louis Roederer champagne house. As Mark spoke it was evident he was well bred and had a warm and engaging personality. His Passion for Ports was immediately obvious, as he told us how Port is made from red grapes. The process is very similar to the making of wine. However, the fermentation stage is ended earlier by the addition of a clear brandy, which ends the fermentation and retains the sweetness.
This has now become my new 'favourite fact', relegating my previous 'favourite fact' that, the city with the 6th largest number of French inhabitants is London.
The evenings proceedings started with a couple of Portuguese wines to set the palate. They were interesting, but the main event was soon with us – the Ports!
First served was the least expensive, RP Adriano Reserva NV, a white Port. The gathering were enthralled by the unexpected explosion of taste. Technically this was described as ‘well integrated with gentle tannins & a soft elegant finish’, we simply thought it tasted great, and at £14.90 seemed a good price for something a little bit special.
Next we moved to the more traditional Red Port. Mark explained the making process which we found interesting. All of Mark’s Ports come from red grapes which go into stone troughs and are then foot trodden to crush the grape skins into the juice, the more the crushing, the richer the colour. Bearing in mind we were by now chatting, drinking and not paying full attention, this may need checking on a proper website. Oh, I forgot to mention bread and Cheddar cheese was also served with this Port.
We moved then onto the PR Collectors Ruby Port NV, which was the same price as the White Port. Again the rich flavours did not disappoint as our taste buds gratefully bounced around in glee. Mark described the Douro Region of the Ports origin, its perfect climate and spectacular landscapes. We simply drank and enjoyed the full glass with the Brie cheese now in front of us.
We next received a generous tasting of the RP Late Bottle Vintage 2008. Mark explained the story of the LBV, which was something to do with bottling being late. As you will now notice, I was more focused on tasting than listening. The Port itself was served with Dorset Blue Vinny on a cracker. The LBV Port immediately gave a warm satisfying glow, and we also realised that we were also particpating in an unadvertised ‘Cheese Fest!'.
At this stage I decided to wander the other tables. Everyone was very friendly as they engaged in conversation. No idea what we chatted about, and pretty sure they thought they had just met the village idiot as I moved on.
Our next tasting was Ramos Pinto Vintage 2000 at £35 a bottle. The refined taste was immediately evident and enjoyed. Port is a delight at any level, but this one took a step up and was a treat to taste. The accompaniment of Roquefort cheese on crisp toasts went perfectly. Apparently we learnt, all Ports are ideal to be ‘laid down’, and by this stage a lay down sounded a pretty good idea.
The final tasting was a PR 10 Year Old Tawny with chunks of ComtĂ© and Piemonte cheese. Both were a delight and it re-confirmed my long-term belief that there is not much better in life than an evening with Port & Cheese. Mark explained that Tawny Port is made by vestal virgins, using the elixir from the gods, with the grapes trodden barefoot by a Pearly King from the East End and a donkey in clogs. (I think I may not have been listening clearly at this stage, and possibly drinking slightly too much!)
At £12.50 a ticket for the Port Tasting Evening was like an early Christmas present. The value was excellent, the learning fun, and the company great.
Milly enjoying another
hilarious comment!
Obviously, after such a good evening it was now a sensible time to go home - so, not being of the sensible types, we decided to move the two yards to Sam's Bar for a nightcap.
Soon a number of locals we did not know were gathered and we all chatted merrily, having quite a giggle about the night, sharing a couple of jokes and basked in the general warm humour good Port creates. Our charming barmaid, Milly, was enthralled by some of the hilarious stories, although she pretended not to be!
We eventually noticed the time, and realised we were now in the wrong place according to our other half's.
I have no idea how long our journey home was, but I do know that we still somehow resisted a kiss under the twinkling village Christmas Tree, and our direction wasn’t particularly straight. We then spent most of the time on our walk home working out excuses for our lateness for my wife and Colin's dog.
Fortunately for Colin, his dog was pleased to see him when he got back!

The Cave run all sorts of tastings on International wines and beers throughout the year, each is hosted by an expert who will expand you knowledge and give you an evening to remember. It is certainly worth keeping an eye on their website in the new year to see what events are planned.
We also now know where we will be buying our Port for Christmas, and as their wine selection, gift box selection looks just as good, there could be quite a few bottles on the way to our place to be emptied before the New Year!
The Cave
2 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
01590 642195

02 December 2013

New Shop for Xmas

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Many villagers will be delighted to see the lights on once again in what was 'The Salad Bowl' in Church Hill, Milford on Sea.
For many years the very first shop you see as you enter the village has laid dormant and decaying. What was once a vibrant and colourful fruit & veg shop, with a charming Georgian style bowed panel window shop front, had sadly become ravaged by the effects of time.
Many villagers will be pleased to hear that the new owners will be completing a full renovation, and a new permanent shop will emerge, plans of which are yet to be revealed.
Excitingly, a Pop Up Gallery, called The Gallery at Milford is taking residence for December, which will give added life and colour to the village centre, and at the same time provides an oppotunty for some local creative souls and traders to show their creations.

The Gallery at Milford is being organised by local photographer, Adam Lynk and the items on sale will include photographs from Lynk Photography, click here to view examples of his work.

Another village resident,  Jo Vane will be presenting her beautiful hand-made jewellery from the Jo Vane Jewellery collection. Click here to view ranges.

The final range on offer with be interiors and home accessories from Maison. Some may recall Nikki, who's Maison shop was once where The Village Coffee Pot now occupies. See website.

Sounds like this will be worth a look, it is be a long time since anyone went through the doors of The Salad Bowl to buy something tasty!
The Gallery at Milford opens its doors for December on Friday this week, why not pop in to say hello and see if they have any Chistmas presents you may want:

Christmas Viewing on Friday 6th December: 7pm until 10pm - Live music, wine and mince pies.

Christmas Opening: All December until Xmas Day - 7 Days a week, Monday to Sunday 10am until 6pm.

The Gallery at Milford (Pop Up Shop)
1 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH
Tel: 07590 333313

Shipwrecks Ahoy!

Next August brings the centenary of the First World War, and the Hampshire based charity, The Maritime Archaeology Trust, are looking for more shipwreck researchers in the local area.
The Maritime Archaeology Trust is launching an advance campaign to improve the research available of First World War shipwrecks and archaeological sites in the Solent.
Many of these sites of archaeological significance occur in the waters around Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and are often a forgotten part of the region’s history. One such example is the SS Londonier, wrecked off the southwest coast of the Isle of Wight.
On 13th March 1918 the Londonier crossed the Channel en route from Calais to the Bristol Channel before suffering an attack by a UC-71 a German submarine. The vessel was abandoned as it sank with 13 men managing to reach the ship's boats and rafts but 12 tragically lost their lives.
Today this shipwreck site has undergone some archaeological research and is frequented by sports divers but Amanda Bowens, Education and Outreach Manager for the Maritime Archaeology Trust, says there is more that can be done to explore sites such as these: “We’ve just completed a Heritage Lottery Funded development phase for a project looking at shipwrecks and sites along the South Coast associated with the First World War. This has shown tremendous public appetite for information about this often under-represented aspect of the conflict. A recent historic research session with volunteers at the National Archives in Kew proved really popular and we’re now looking to do more similar research with volunteers in Hampshire.
“Raising awareness of these largely hidden and forgotten sites is so important, especially in the run up to next August’s First World War centenary. We’re trying to encourage communities to get involved in our maritime heritage through active research of the sites and the human stories associated with them.”
The charity is seeking volunteers who live in Hampshire from now until the end of March 2014 to help research ships, wrecks and sites along the South Coast.
If you have an interest in our local history, and are willing to spare time to research from home or using local, regional or national archives, please contact the charity for details by emailing info@hwtma.org.uk, or by phone on 02380 593290.
The Maritime Archaeology Trust

The Ladies are Back!

Our good friends at 'Ladies Who Lunch in Hampshire' have been having a cyberspace nightmare!
As technical stuff is very boring, it is suffice to say that their website was broken, and as a result they have had to rebuild the whole website over the past few months. I think that is what is described as a 'real pain', to say the least.

I am delighted to let everyone know that the Ladies Who Lunch in Hampshire's website is now once again up and running. (click here to view.) The site contains reviews and information on scores of restaurants across Hampshire, and information on our own Milford on Sea dining places.
The  'Ladies Who Lunch in Hampshire' (LWL) are a lively group of four Hampshire women, who enjoy great food (and the odd glass of wine or two!). For several years now, they have liked nothing more than trying out just about every restaurant across Hampshire, and then sharing their experiences with a full unbiased restaurant review on their website: www.ladieswholunch-in-hampshire.co.uk
The website also contains a Discount Directory, where you’ll find all the locations offering discounts when you present a Ladies Who Lunch in Lunch in Hampshire Discount Card. The exclusive LWL Discount Card gives you access to a lifetime of savings at many restaurants all across Hampshire. 
The cards are available for a single payment of £15 (+£2.00 p&p) with no expiry date & no annual fee. Currently the LWL are having a Christmas Sale, and Discount Cards are available for £10 +pp until midnight on Sunday 15th December 2013.
For more information please visit the website, or contact: contact@ladieswholunch-in-hampshire.co.uk


30 November 2013

Giant Bunting Project

How about this as a brilliant idea from our local kids?
MiCO are putting together a Giant Community Bunting Project over the next few months. The idea came from one of the young MiCO members.
The concept is that as many organisations, businesses, groups, clubs or even streets get the chance to represent themselves on a giant flag that will be displayed on the village green for a couple of weeks in June 2014. The focus is to get everyone represented right in the centre of our community, and working together under the same 'banner' (excuse the pun!)
There will also be a giant community picnic on the green to open the display. Is it quite a mammoth task, and we are at the early planning stages, and need as many hands to help as possibe. MiCO would like to invite you to a meeting about the project on the Friday the 13th of December (only unlucky for some) at 5pm in the Methodist Church Hall - it shouldn't take too long, just to let everyone know what is happening and to see who is interested in creating a flag and how we are going forward with making it a reality!
Please let Joey know if you can come and please spread the word.....anyone who wants to join in is welcome! It will be giant!
Contact: Joey Owen,  Community Development Officer
MiCO (Milford Community Organisation)
01590 644961 | 07557 658495
About MiCO
MiCO (Milford Community Organisation) is a youth led community group set up to promote community cohesion and development, and to bring together diverse sections and ages of the community.
MiCO provides a forum for people of all ages to come together and discuss issues relevant to village life, and explore ways of promoting positive action to enhance the village community.
As a development of ‘Milford Youth Group’, over the last 3 years MiCO have carried out a number of projects enabling young people to explore what it means to be a young person growing up in Milford, and how young people ‘fit in’ and are seen by other members of the community. More recently we have also worked with people of all ages to explore and record the rich cultural heritage of Milford and Keyhaven.
Our vision is of a village where every member of the community feels valued, and has the confidence and means to have a positive input into village life.

29 November 2013

Waitress Required at La Perle

Our excellent French Bistro, La Perle in Milford on Sea, High Street is looking for Saturday Waitresses to cover lunchtimes from 11am to 3.30pm. Ideal for a student.
If you, or anyone you know are interested, please contact Emily on: 01590 643557 - laperlerestaurant@yahoo.co.uk, or pop in for an application form.

La Perle
60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 643557

Xmas Village Shopping

Do you buy all of your Christmas presents in Milford on Sea?
No?, - me neither.
I feel a little bit guilty about that. Like most of us, I love the vibrancy of our village, and the shops are central to what makes everything tick. But, sadly the draw of the internet, large shopping centres and convience, means most of what I spend goes outside of the village.
This year I am consciously trying to spend some of my Christmas cash with our local shops. We have around 5000 residents in Milford on Sea, and if we all spend just £25 in the village, the shopkeepers would share an extra £125,000. Wouldn't that be nice for them. 
So, why not join me and buy as much Christmas meat, veg, food, wine, beer, and other goodies from our shops. For your Christmas presents the restaurants and beauty salons have gift vouchers, we have a great model & toy shop, and of course we have all the charming antique and gift shops brimming with something a bit different for the people you care about.

There are also some local online traders you might not even know, so go on, why not give them a bit of your Christmas spending this year!

Here's a reminder of where you can shop:

Village Gift Shops

Jabulani Gallery, Landfall Gallery, The Old Smithy and Milford Model & Hobbies Shop

Brocante Antiques, The Gallery at Milford (Pop Up Shop), The Village Antiques and Carringtons Antiques

Village Online Gifts & Crafts

Seaside Miniatures: www.seasideminiatures.co.uk
Coloured with Love: www.colouredwithlove.co.uk
Little Green Acorn: www.littlegreenacorn.com
Milford Makers: www.milfordmakers.com
Phoenix Trading: www.phoenix-trading.co.uk/web/rebeccawebb
Wind Over Tide www.windovertide.moonfruit.co.uk
Tessa van Hasselt Greeting Cards: www.greeting-card-art.co.uk
Life Poster: www.lifeposter.co.uk
Vinegar Hill Pottery: www.vinegarhillpottery.co.uk

Oh, and if you like music, Nikki Williams, a great friend of ours has just lauched an album. You can hear her sing the tracks she and her writing partner have created on the website, and if you like it, - it will make a great stocking filler! - www.nikkijwilliams.co.uk

Finally, if you know of any village traders we have missed, drop me a line at david@milfordonsea.org and we will give them a plug.


28 November 2013

Get Involved at Food Week

Everyone in the community is invited to get involved with Food Week.

We are now looking for people to create events, or to join in activities that will be held in numerous locations across the village and in the professional Cookery Theatre in the Community Centre.

Alongside the celebrity shows, we are looking for local people to take a slot to demonstrate their favourite recipes or food passions, people can also hold talks, kids events, educational activities, ...in fact, if it is related to food, - we can find a slot for it!

We would also like local clubs to hold open days with a food related events, charities to think of fundraisers for their own cause, and for local organisations and businesses to come up with ideas on how they can be part of Food Week. Indeed, if you have an idea on how you can be involved, we want to hear it!

Should you not be able to get involved, you can help us just as much by coming along to as many events as possible!

If you would like to get involved in Food Week at any level, or would like to be a volunteer and haven't yet been in touch, please drop me a line at: david@milfordonsea.org

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

About Milford on Sea Food Week

During Food Week our village will be alive with Themed Dining Evenings, Professional Cookery Theatre, Celebrity Shows, Cooking Demonstrations, Educational Talks, Dining Offers, Wine Tastings and the unique Great Dining Bus. We also have lots of Kid's Events including Cookery Classes and a Food Treasure Hunt.

To end Food Week there is the chance to savour local produce our very own large & popular Sunday Food Market.

Everyone at every age is included, and there are over 100 village events & shows all organised by local organisations, businesses, clubs and individuals.

Our New Forest seaside village is fortunate to be blessed with great places to eat and surrounded by quality local producers, so what better way for Milford on Sea to celebrate this than to have an entire week dedicated to the joys of food!

Milford on Sea Food Week is co-ordinated by a small dedicated group of volunteers who provide their expertise and time for free. We are also fortunate to have a generous group of sponsors, friends & supporters. As a 'not for profit' event, any income generated is only used to cover promotional costs and no fees or expenses are taken by any of the Food Week organisers. We are delighted to support local good causes from any profits that are made.

Food Week is truly ‘By the community, for the community’ and your support is critical to us, we thank you for getting involved whether by participating or simply enjoying the many events throughout the village.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Become a Friend of Food Week

Do you fancy becoming a Friend of Food Week?

As Food Week is a 'By the community, for the community’ event, we of course need to raise funds to cover the direct expenses of the numerous great events we are hoping to hold.

Thankfully, we are fortunate to have a generous group of sponsors, and it would also be very helpful to have some kind friends to support us. As a 'not for profit' event, any income generated is only used to cover promotional costs and no fees or expenses are taken by any of the Food Week organisers.

It would be great if you can help by becoming a Friend of Food Week, you will even get:
  • 10% Off All Show Tickets ordered from Online Food Week Ticket Office. (Please request Discount Code.) | (Not Restaurant own events)
  • 3 Free Food Week Friends Gifts
  • A mention on the Food Week Website and in the Free Programme (click here to view)
  • Late Availability Show Tickets. Any unsold show tickets remaining the day before an event, will be offered to Food Week Friends at a substantial discount.
To become a ‘Friend of Food Week’, please send £25 (or more of you wish?!) by one of two ways:

By bank transfer to:
HSBC Bank Lymington: Payment Ref: FW Friend | Bank A/C No: 00006017 | Bank Sort Code: 40-33-43  | *Also, please send us an e-mail so we know the payment is from you, and how you would like to be named in the programme and on website.
Or, Send a cheque payable to ‘Milford on Sea Food Week’ to: Colin Holdsworth, Beach Cottage, 3 Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY

click image to enlarge
Free Food Week Friends Gift: All friends can collect 3 Free Food Week Gifts (‘Keep Calm’ Shopping Bags of Tea Towels) from the Food Week Information Centre during Food Week. (We will remind you nearer the time.)

These Food Week ‘Keep Calm’ Shopping Bags (£4 each or 3 for £10)  & Tea Towels (£3 each or 4 for £10) will be on sale during Food Week at the Information Centre on the village green.

Food Week is truly ‘By the community, for the community’ and your support is critical to us, we thank you for getting involved whether by participating or simply enjoying the many events throughout the village.

If you would like to get involved in Food Week at any level, or have any questions about becoming a Friend, please drop me a line at: david@milfordonsea.org

We also offer Gold & Silver Business Sponsorship (click here to see our sponsors ads) To find out more please contact: david@milfordonsea.org

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

About Milford on Sea Food Week

During Food Week our village will be alive with Themed Dining Evenings, Professional Cookery Theatre, Celebrity Shows, Cooking Demonstrations, Educational Talks, Dining Offers, Wine Tastings and the unique Great Dining Bus. We also have lots of Kid's Events including Cookery Classes and a Food Treasure Hunt.

To end Food Week there is the chance to savour local produce our very own large & popular Sunday Food Market.

Everyone at every age is included, and there are over 100 village events & shows all organised by local organisations, businesses, clubs and individuals.

Our New Forest seaside village is fortunate to be blessed with great places to eat and surrounded by quality local producers, so what better way for Milford on Sea to celebrate this than to have an entire week dedicated to the joys of food!

Milford on Sea Food Week is co-ordinated by a small dedicated group of volunteers who provide their expertise and time for free. We are also fortunate to have a generous group of sponsors, friends & supporters. As a 'not for profit' event, any income generated is only used to cover promotional costs and no fees or expenses are taken by any of the Food Week organisers. We are delighted to support local good causes from any profits that are made.

Food Week is truly ‘By the community, for the community’ and your support is critical to us, we thank you for getting involved whether by participating or simply enjoying the many events throughout the village.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

50 B4 50-Benares

Benares restaurant in Mayfair London, serves modern Indian cuisine with a contemporary British twist from twice Michelin starred chef Atul Kochhar.
I managed to go under the cover of a lunchtime business meeting, my wife was not in attendance. Naturally I was devastated, - as this now doesn't count in our 50 B4 50 Michelin Star Challenge.
One of our party was pregnant (Nothing to do with me you understand!), and on being escorted to the table she was asked if she would like a cushion to make her more comfortable. Little touches then continued to impress, like the handbag hanger on the table, the way the shared starters were served facing the lady, and when one of us had to leave the table to take a phone call, their meal was subtlety covered with a cloche. Simple elegance and class.
We all really enjoyed the experience, the food delighted at every level and my personal favourite, the Lamb ‘Livers and Kidney’ Masala Pie was a complete triumph.

We did not leave the table until nearly 5pm, in that time we were left to enjoy our wine and at no time were we hurried or harried. The only visits were to ask if they could do anymore for us. Quite simply, they had done everything possible, - with panache!

In summary, the food is impeccable and service sublime.
The pictures of the fabulous food are certainly worth sharing!
click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

‎12a Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London W1J 6BS
020 7629 8886

26 November 2013

Landfall Gallery Re-Opens

We have been delighted to see that Landfall Gallery has re-opened in Milford on Sea village centre.
This charming little shop has a wide range of interesting and stylish gifts, as well ascrockery and paintings for the home. Most are hand-made by local artisans and craftsmen.
Owner, Sally Steggell has plan to make the shop bigger early in the new year, so she can introduce even more gift ranges.
The majority of the Milford on Sea village shops will be open for late night shopping  on  6th December (Also Carols on the Green Night), and if it’s not raining Sally will have Spice’n’Easy's mulled wine on the go outside of Landfall.
The shop will also have a Special Christmas Opening on Friday 29th November (10am to 4pm) and Friday 6th  December (10am to 8pm), with Mince Pies, Mulled Wine, Spice ‘n’ Easy Christmas baskets, as well as lots of Christmas presents and stocking fillers inside!

Landfall Gallery
96 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
Tel: 01590 641159|07971 573577

Opening Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 10am to 3pm.

MCV: Gardening for Wildlife

There are many keen and knowledgeable gardeners in Milford, and Milford Conservation Volunteers would like your help in conserving and improving our wildlife.
One easy step that gardeners can take to support wildlife is to have a compost heap. Composting vegetable peelings, garden waste and cardboard gives you a ready source of growing compost for your garden and reduces the amount in your dustbin to be taken away.
If you don’t have a compost heap or a bin they are easy to set up. There is brilliant and detailed advice on every aspect of composting on the Garden Organic website (click here). On the website there are video guides, advice on how to build bins, running cool heaps and hot heaps, open and closed bins and a Q and A section. Hampshire residents can buy low-cost compost bins and other useful items for the garden by visiting www.hants.getcomposting.com
One of the Milford Conservation Volunteers has open compost heaps and also three closed bins. They told us; "The bins are tastefully hidden behind some evergreen shrubs, so if, unlike me, you are a very tidy gardener, or space is an issue, you may prefer to use this system for compost. I put in all vegetable matter, bits of cut up cardboard, soft green garden cuttings and the occasional box of grass cuttings. As any book will tell you, it’s good to have a mixture. I don’t turn the compost in our “Daleks”, just pay attention to what I put in and rotate the bins on a three-year cycle. It’s a joy when the worms and bugs start doing their thing. Your compost may become a home to toads, slow worms, bees – all of which will help your garden to flourish."
If you would like help or advice on setting up a compost heap please contact the MCV on info@milfordcv.org . Also, do have a look at their website www.milfordcv.org which tells you about what’s going on locally.  They would love to see you at one of their activities.
Happy Gardening – more tips next month

Milford Conservation Voluteers: Would you like to get involved? To find out more, please visit: www.milfordcv.org

25 November 2013

Hurst Castle & WW2

Sean and the team at Hurst Castle are reorganising an exhibition room to convert it to what will hopefully be a record of Hurst's role in WW2. They would particularly like to have any pictures or recollections of events leading up to D Day.
Sean has asked if anyone has anything of interest out there that they are happy to loan or donate. Often items that people regard as insignificant can actually be of great interest.
They are also looking for extra pairs of hands to help putting the exhibition together. Tom Smith is running the show and he is hoping to organise a get together in the new year.
If you can help with any World War Two items, or can lend a hand in the set up, please contact Sean on: 01590 642344 or hurstferry@aol.com

Hurst Castle
Hurst Castle opening times:      
The Castle is currently open weekends only till 31st March when we are open daily.
Christmas opening:
Daily (weather permitting) from 27th December to 5th January 10.30am to 4pm
Daily from April – September 10.30 am to 5.30 pm
October Daily – 10.30 am to 4.00 pm
Nov to March – weekends only 10.30 am to 4.00 pm
Entry – Adult £4.50 : Child £2.50 : Senior £4.00 (season tickets available)m
Friendly dogs on leads welcome.