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08 April 2024

Chatty Café at Everton Nurseries

Do you enjoy chatting and meeting new people? If so, then the Everton Nurseries 'Chatty Café Scheme', may be just the thing for you.

Anyone is invited to come into the Everton Nurseries Coffee Shop and sit at a 'Chatter & Natter' table for a chat with a stranger that could brighten the day for you and them.

On Wednesdays from 9.30am until 11.30am, a table is set aside with a yellow table sign displayed in the middle showing an image of a tea cup with a C inside.

Simply buy a drink or bite to eat from the menu, take a seat, and chat away!

Everton Nurseries & Camellias Restaurant
Christchurch Road, Everton, SO41 0BF
01590 642155

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