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29 April 2024

Cessna Aircraft on Village Green this Bank Holiday

The coming early May Bank Holiday, on Monday 6th May 2024 from 10am to 4pm, will see a Cessna 150 aircraft on Milford on Sea village green.

This is an event for all the family and everyone is welcome.

There will be a Cessna 150 aircraft on the Village Green where you can try out the pilot’s seat for size. There will also be a flight simulator so you can try your hand at landing the plane!

The event is being organised between Christians Together in Milford on Sea and Everton and Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).

There will be an opportunity to talk to people involved in Mission Aviation Fellowship so you can find out about the vital work that they are doing around the world.

On Sunday 5th May 2024 there will representatives of Mission Aviation Fellowship giving talks about its work at All Saints’ Church, St Francis of Assisi RC Church, and the Methodist Church. A similar talk will be given at the Baptist Church on a Sunday in June 2024.

About Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

The Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is a Christian mission organisation that has pilots and planes to deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, school books, food, medicines to isolated people in areas of the world where everything can only be safely and speedily transported by air. 

There is a MAF plane taking off or landing every six minutes.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)


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