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07 October 2020

New Village Bakery coming!

The village is soon to have a new bakery.

Local resident, Amanda Maidment, is very excited to be starting the new venture, The Coastal Bakery, and hopes to be open in November.

'Berry's', the old village bakery 
was situation to the
left in this picture,
under the chimneys.
Incidentally, her new bakery will be next door to what was 'Berry's', the old village bakery many years ago. Some residents may still recall John Berry & Mike delivering the fresh bread around the village in the past. 

The Coastal Bakery will be on the corner of the High Street in the shop occupied by Time & Tide Fashions, who are moving to where Moss on the Green was in Church Hill, Milford on Sea.

During the height of lockdown Amanda's, The Little Cake Company provided and delivered delicious homemade cakes from her home and she even offered a special cream tea for VE Day.

Bread, cakes and savoury treats from a specialist bakery, - at least in this difficult times we all have something good to look forward to!

The Coastal Bakery 
25 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF


  1. I first came to Milford on holiday with Mum and Dad and my brothers in the 50s. Mum used to get the most delicious dough-nuts from the old bakery -with jame in the middle. We would have them for tea in our beach hut at Hordle Cliff to warm up after swimming. Dad would boil the kettle on an old primus which he pumped up to an alarming pressure!!! I've returned to Milford every year since!

  2. Oh it will be so good to have a bakery back in the village.

  3. Great - will it have a Gluten Free line ?

  4. My Uncle John (Berry) owned the old bakery. I know how everyone loved his bread and cakes so will be great to see a traditional bakery again in the village.

  5. I can't express how excited I am to have a bakery in the village. I know Hollands and Co-Op have baked goods but there's something so wholesome about a bona fide bakery 🎉

  6. I've been here 40 years. The only bakery I recall was the one opposite the Green where the charity shop is now housed. It'll be good to get a bakery back in the village. Will there be a choice of organic? That could be a USP in this area in the fresh bread market. Good luck!


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