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01 February 2020

Lunch at South Lawn Hotel to sponsor Village Minibus

You can help to sponsor our new Village Minibus by enjoying a wonderful lunch at South Lawn Hotel with a group of family or friends.
South Lawn Hotel are generously supporting the minibus service which is being planned for residents of Milford on Sea, Everton, Keyhaven, Lymore and Downton, by sponsoring a monthly charity lunch. 

This is how the sponsorship works. Once a month, South Lawn will provide a three course lunch (their Market Menu), including coffee, for eight people who may travel to the hotel on the bus. The cost of this set menu, is £24. But instead of paying the hotel, the eight diners will pay the minibus fund, making it a total donation of £192 per month. 

The first lunch took place in January, when the volunteers who run the Seahorses Playgroup were delighted to take part. There was plenty of choice to suit all tastes and everyone agreed that both the food and service were excellent. 

This opportunity is open to any local organisation, group of family or friends. 

1. You must book your month through one of the organisers, who are: 
2. They will notify South Lawn

3. You can then book your date with the Hotel. 

4. One person in your group collects the money (8 x £24 = £192) and pays it directly to the Charitable Trust’s Minibus Fund. 

5. You then pay the hotel for drinks and any extras. If more than eight people book together for the meal, your additional diners each pay their £24 to the hotel. 

Contact the organisers, Kath or Liz for more information. 

The Charitable Trust are now ready to purchase the bus. 

Everton Hyundai are looking for one which will meet the needs of the various groups who will use it. We want one that people can get in and out of easily! The service aims to make a difference to the lives of people who might otherwise become isolated, as well as providing transport for local organisations and residents. We are very grateful to South Lawn for all their support for the community.

Milford on Sea Charitable Trust is a registered charity 1172750

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