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12 November 2014

Donkeys to Replace Cars in Milford

The day started innocently enough... there I was, enjoying an early morning coffee with a biscuit treat, my wife was still at slumber, dribbling to her hearts content, and all was good with the world.

As I opened my post from the previous day, alongside the normal and irritating mail offering me great deals on things I will never want, there was an envelope from the New Forest District Council. 

As these normally contain bills or bad news, the law of averages says this should now be a good one. A nice council tax rebate perhaps, or notification that Milford on Sea was to get an emergency grant to get on with the beach hut repairs before all visitors write-off Milford on Sea seafront as little more than a bomb site.

Nope… the ‘law of averages’ was having a day off today, and his mate ‘sod’s law’ was in his place.

As I removed the letter from the envelope the headline jumped out and smacked me in the middle of the face. It read; ‘Parking Places and Restriction of Waiting’. Oh joy, more nanny state control of what we can all do and not do.

Please ensure you move your
car before the guys arrive.
Click image to enlarge
As I read on, I discovered on the reverse of the letter a copious list of roads in Milford on Sea which were to become car unfriendly. The list contained; Hurst Road, Sea Road, Castle Close, Island View Close, Gillingham Road, Lucerne Road, Danestream Close, Church Hill, Greenbanks Close, Lymington Road, School Road, and Keyhaven Road.

That’s a lot of new paint to go on plenty of roads in the village, so Mr Dulux should be happy. Better still, it should make visiting the village shops and collecting kids from school more difficult, and also decrease the capacity for parking at the seafront on sunny days. Sounds a fabulous plan.

The letter did not explain any reasons for these new parking restrictions, also (although it didn't say), it may have been printed on recycled paper.

Like a lot of people, I have driven around many of these roads at various times of the day, and I have to say I have never seen serious road safety issues, gridlock due to parked cars, or circumstances that create road rage. I must be living in the past to think that these were the main reasons for parking restrictions to be put in place.

Milford's new mode
of transport
click image to enlarge
As the ever increasing parking restrictions will at some future stage make Milford a 'Car Free Zone', a new way will have to be found if anyone still wants to visit the village centre.

A local proposal to counter these changes has been submitted by Mr D Ung of the newly formed ‘Car Restrictions Action Party’. The action group have applied to establish a ‘Donkey Park & Ride’ scheme. This of course fits perfectly into a seaside village.

The New Donkey Taxi Service will have pick up points at a number of locations around the village, and each donkey will have a helper to get you on and off with the utmost comfort.

The park benches on the village green will be replaced with horse (donkey) troughs and several ‘dung boxes’ will be placed around the village containing a bucket and spade. (Not to be confused with the types used on the beach.) Milford Medical Centre were asked for a professional opinion on any effects that may occur from the equine taxi rides and bemusedly answered; ‘Yes, of course the doctors know how to treat chaffing.”

Back to the parking thing, I have to declare that I know several people who work for the council and I like them all, we have also found the car park management team really helpful for village events we have run, and they are helping us out again for the ‘Exotic Car Show’ being held during Love Milford week in February.

However, it appears that the council as an ‘entity’ seems to have a focussed agenda to raise money. Not really their purpose as far as I can see, but what do I know I'm just a tax payer. The infamous ‘committee process’ appears to have been in action, and in starting out to design a horse, they may have ended up with the proverbial camel. 

No doubt some people may argue that this is necessary to raise the cash needed to provide services under threat due to government funding cuts, others would say that rather than spending money on installing these parking restrictions, redirect the costs involved to the essential support services.

Whilst I am at it, and totally off the point, - why is it that some national politicians are clearly of the view that they can spend your money better than you can? Just leave normal people to regenerate the economy by spending their hard earned money how they wish.

Cynics may say that this new parking restriction proposal is to generate more cash for the council by forcing people into the car parks. A downside will be that on days when the car parks are full, visitors will be forced away from the village. Not sure the council will be too bothered though, as they will have maximised revenue in Milford on Sea, and the visitors are likely to end up in another NFDC car park giving them a few more quid to control the ever restricted lives of our poor pariah cars.

When I worked in the corporate world, every department fought tooth and nail for their annual budgets, then, as the year came to an end, a spending spree occurred to ensure every penny was spent – or the budget would be cut the next year. Surely things like this do not happen in public services?

A great use of yellow paint
by Banksy
Click image to enlarge
Totally off the point, Guildford Road Departments seem to have cash to splash at the moment. How is this for a waste of money, - my friend in Guildford lives in a cul-de-sac with 10 houses, then last week a 20mph sign appeared on a lamppost. He was unaware of anyone speeding up the tiny road, nor of any general threat to human or animal life should the speedo hit 22mph! Then, there are the speed humps going in a road that is quiet during the day, has no record of accidents and is gridlocked during the school run. It would be funny if not true.

Amusingly, the changes to the seafront in Hurst Road include adding ‘Free Parking Places’ - This will go somewhere you can park right now, but the road will be nicely painted with boxes in a luminous shade of yellow. The rest of the current road parking will disappear and anyone then parking illegally will be under threat of their car being exploded on the spot.

The new ‘Parking Places’ will have waiting limited to one hour from 9am to 7pm. This should create some interesting jousting, as drivers battle to obtain a precious free piece of tarmac gold. Watching the jousts could perhaps become a new pastime for anyone walking the promenade, If you have played ‘musical chairs' as a kid, you will see the irony. 

As my wife entered the lounge having raised herself off the bed I had strewn with rose petals, she looked straight at me with the warm greeting; ‘What are you ranting about this time?” As I started to explain the predicament to her, I could see her mind slowly turn off and her face glazing over.

Finally, our Parish Council have rightly expressed concerns over most of the parking restriction proposals, but whether they are listened to remains to be seen. The project feels a bit like 'le grand fait accompli' to me.

I'm off to buy a donkey.


PS: The NFDC letter explained that you can read the full NFDC proposals by going to:
www.newforest.gov.uk under 'Transport & Streets', then 'Traffic Management, then 'Proposed Permanent or Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders advertised'.

- or you could just click here!

11 November 2014

Love Milford Week Launched

Anyone who lives in, or visits, Milford on Sea will know what fabulous place it is to be. So, what better than to spend a week celebrating what makes the village so special!

Love Milford Week will take place from Monday 16th to Sunday 22nd February 2015 and then bi-annually between Food Week years.

The community event organised by the Food Week Team, has been timed to coincide with School Half Term, to be close to Valentine’s Day, and to boost trade for our village shops, artisan makers and home businesses.

For a village of just 5000 people, we are fortunate to have such a wonderful array of things we can buy in the village, and we would love for people to take the time to shop and discover just what they can buy locally ...you may be very pleasantly surprised!

So, core to Love Milford Week is the 'SHOPPING CHALLENGE'. We are challenging everyone to only shop in the village during Love Milford Week. - No visits to large chain stores or supermarkets, no cheating, just spending time showing the shops you love them.

Many of our village shops will be running promotions to entice you throughout the week, giving you another great reason to stay out of your car and to enjoy shopping around the village. Our local artisan makers and home businesses will also be involved in events where you can see and buy their goods.

Love Milford Week will also promote a week of ‘Dining Out’, with the restaurants and cafés putting on something special for you to enjoy each day, so time to leave your kitchen and to savour the pleasure of eating in the village!

The week-end brings an array of events celebrating the variety of interests in the village.

We will have a Kids Day for our young people to have a good time, various village events & shows featuring village artisans and home businesses (Covering: Craft Makers, Local Produce, Gardening & Sustainability, and Artists & Authors). There will also be a 'Local Business Exhibition' where you can come and meet local tradesmen and professional people providing services for your home.

To add to the fun, we aim to have village musicians busking on the village green, and an Exotic Car Show, featuring cars from the village and with the aim of drawing more people into the village. 

To ensure the week is a true celebration, we will also have a full weekend of evening entertainment shows to let your hair down!

All events can be found at: www.lovemilfordweek.org, please keep visiting as full details of all events will be continually updated.

Love Milford Week will see all areas of the community celebrating the village and all it has to offer - So, get the dates in your diary, and prepare to exclusively shop in the village for a week!

Love Milford Week has 4 clear objectives:
1. To boost trade for village shops, artisans and small businesses
2. To promote all Milford on Sea has to offer to local people
3. To attract visitors to explore and enjoy our village
4. To create a week of fun and discovery for all

Love Milford Week

New Milford Artisan Market

Nigel & Victoria Harper, formerly of Milford Model & Hobbies Shop in the High Street, have founded 'Milford Artisan Market' along with Alison Aldridge of AMA Designs.

This non-profit making group is created to showcase local craft products.

The group has over thirty five crafters who plan to be involved, and The inaugural Milford Artisan Market opens its doors on Sunday 23rd November at Milford on Sea Community Centre for all to browse and buy from over 20 local Artisans.

Attending will be All Things Crafty, AMA Designs, Baker Jen, Blue Moon Bouquets & Bitz, Born to be Natural, Brighten Up, Bundles of Wishes, Chocolate Lime Needlecrafts, Crafty Cushions, FimoArk, Jo Vane Jewellery, Lights Fantastic, Made in Dorset, Monadikos, Monika’s Interiors, Moss on the Green, Patchwork Palace, Tessa Van Hasselt, The Adventures of a Plastic Bag, Take 2 Movie Memorabilia, Tipana Crafts, and Twinkling Hearts Jewellery.

You will be able to wander through 3 rooms and discover a rich mix of original work, from Art to Vintage, there is something for everyone. Candles & soaps, drift-wood art & interior decor, paper art, cards & crafts, coloured chalkboards, cute cushions and soft furnishings, decoupage glassware, festive decorations, funky cutlery, hand- made hampers, jewellery & beaded bouquets, lampshades, movie memorabilia, patchwork & craft haberdashery, paintings & prints and vintage items.

For the 'foodies' amongst you, select from scrumptious Cupcakes, Family Cakes & Sweet Treats, Welsh Cakes & Welsh Oggies!

Why not pop along, indulge your senses and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of this unique indoor Market.

Future markets will then continue in May, August and November next year.

Crafty Cushions
01590 642112

Milford Models & Laser Cutting Service
01590 642112

10 November 2014

Five Fallacies about Milford Wildlife

Newsletter from the Milford on Sea Conservation Volunteers 

Now in November 2014 the Government (DEFRA) has published a helpful National Pollinator Strategy which reinforces many of the things the Parish has been doing, in our gardens, the Village School, and also in our fields, commons and woods. 

In spite of the lessons we have learnt in our gardens, there are misconceptions about wildlife gardens which are still often heard, so here are five as a reminder.

Palmate Newt
1. You need a big garden to support wildlife.

Bees and other insects will be attracted to plants rich in pollen and nectar even if you just have a patio measuring six square feet with a few proud pots. A pond of similar size will draw newts and dragonflies to lay their eggs. You can of course grow plants up a pergola or wall: honey-suckle and ivy are great for hiding a nest box and for insect food, including for moths, especially in autumn. 

2. Wildlife friendly gardening requires a wilderness garden, which will be unpopular with your neighbours. 

A neat hedge or a few clipped shrubs are as likely to shelter the nest of a wren or hedgehog as a wee rough thicket or bramble patch. A small area of grass left to grow long for ladybirds or bumblebees to breed can look stylish just by mowing a windy path through the middle or round the edges, saving you work. A compost heap for toads or slow-worms can be concealed under a garden seat or inside an imitation bee-hive. 

3. You need to concentrate on wild flowers, which are short-lived in bloom.

This fallacy defies nature! Plants attract pollinators for their own interest and have evolved accordingly. The longer the plant is in flower the more beasties will come to it. Some of the best insect friendly plants, not thought of as ‘wild’ and which are found for sale alongside nurserymen’s specialities, are actually wild flowers in origin. Think of pulmonaria in spring and marjoram and viper’s bugloss in late summer, times when insects are hungriest due to their life cycles (these plants are all self-propogating). But of course some cultivated garden centre plants are also great for insects and birds. 

4. You will get bitten and maybe stung. 

If you are lucky you may get a wild bee swarm – perhaps residing for a month or so behind your air bricks and then harmlessly moving on. Wasps (there are many species) are mostly carnivores so you are more likely to get them indoors than on your delphiniums. Bumblebees very rarely sting (although it will help them if you cordon off a nest if you notice it). Grass snakes and slow worms (no poison) are a great treat to see when they pay you a visit. 

5. You need to banish cats from the garden.

It is true that even an apparently docile moggie is likely to kill slow-worms, dragonflies, frogs, and of course birds (the latter especially at dawn and dusk). A quick-release bell and keeping cats in overnight if possible are good partial solutions.

Go wild for conservation and get wildlife into your garden! 

To help you, there’s lots on the Hants Wildlife Trust website www.hiwwt.org.uk

If you want a copy of the Milford Wildlife Garden leaflet contact giles-darvill@foxhat.freeserve.co.uk (01590 642558). There’s a short animation on www.beesneeds.org.uk.

Milford on Sea Conservation Volunteers

05 November 2014

A Time to Remember

As many of us buy our poppies we will reflect on the monumental, tragic & heroic events of 100 years ago with both sadness and gentle pride.

WW1 was supposed to have been; 'The war to end all wars', but sadly that never became reality, and subsequent conflicts have continued to blight the world to this day.

Our servicemen have dutifully followed their orders to protect our country, regardless of whether in hindsight the political decisions were correct or not. Over the decades our armed forces have done their duty, and seeing the country wearing poppies in silent respect is simultaneously powerful and touching.

On a lighter note, it was only a few years ago that the troops came to the rescue of the 2012 London Olympics, by providing last minute security at numerous venues. They camped in the London car parks by night, and by day they made everyone who attended that magnificent national occasion feel totally secure and safe.  To any visitor there was a smile, together with an ordered efficiency to admire and be proud of. 

Tower of London Poppies
click image to enlarge
Last week we wanted to show our respect and gratitude to all that have served, past and present, so we travelled to the Tower of London to see the major art installation; 'Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red'. Ten of thousand's of other people had shared the same idea as the crowds to view the 888,246 ceramic poppies were equally as crushing as impressive. The unique display itself is magnificent, thought-provoking and moving.

The spectacular display of poppies are free for all to see and can be viewed from all sides of the Tower of London. Created by ceramic artist, Paul Cummins, the poppies fill the entire moat, with each poppy representing a British or Commonwealth military fatality during the first world war. Each poppy has already been pre-sold for £25, which just goes to show how much people want to share in this historic occasion.

The Poppy Appeal organised by the Royal British Legion has not lost support over the years, indeed it is evident that support and respect for our armed forces is stronger than ever.

Last month on a trip to Belgium, we visited two significant landmarks of WW1 & WW2.

Dunkirk Memorial
click image to enlarge
Our first visit was to The Dunkirk Memorial which stands at the entrance to the British War Graves Section of Dunkirk Town Cemetery. Not the easiest to find, nor the largest wartime cemetery we have visited, but certainly worth taking the time to find.

You are greeted by ten large columns bearing names of 4,500 troops who died or were captured during World War II and who have no known grave. This is followed by The Memorial featuring an engraved glass panel depicting the evacuation.

We were surprised to find the 460 graves of WW1 soldiers, alongside the 793 British Expeditionary Force soldiers who never made it home from the war campaigns of 1939-40.

Dunkirk was the scene of the historic Operation Dynamo campaign. This included the 'little ships', which consisted of 700 private boats that sailed from Ramsgate to Dunkirk between 26 May and 4 June 1940. The operation rescued and evacuated more than 338,000 British and French soldiers cut off on the beaches from advancing German forces during World War 2.

Dunkirk had also played an important role as an allied base in World War I.

The other thing that struck us was the number of headstones that revealed different nationalities laying at rest. Soldiers from India, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Norway lay with their British comrades.

Memorial  Museum
click image to  enlarge
Our next stop was the 'Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917' in Zonnebeke, near Ypres. The museum focuses on the Battle of Passchendaele where almost half a million soldiers died, went missing or were seriously injured. Housed in a striking chateau, the museum features uniforms, weaponry, battlefield archaeology and exhibits detailing the contribution of soldiers from the various Commonwealth countries involved in the battle. 

The Australian section had a soundtrack of 'Waltzing Matilda' by Rolf Harris, I am guessing no-one has yet told them that this may no longer be appropriate.

Passchendaele Museum-Trenches
click image to enlarge
Inside the museum is an ingenious reconstruction of haunting and realistic dug-outs and tunnels, built over a number floors this creates a sense of what life would have been like for soldiers working and living during battle. You then seamlessly wend your way outside and through a large warren of replica British & German trenches. 

This visit to Passchendaele was particularly poignant, as my own grandfather fought and won the Military Medal on the surrounding battlefields whilst serving with The Rifle Brigade. (Now The Green Jackets.)

Photo by: AP Photo/Virginia Mayo
click image to enlarge
Nearby is Tyne Cot Military Cemetery, the largest British and Commonwealth cemetery in the world. As we arrived dozens of volunteers were filling paper bags with sand and placing a tea light candle inside. These in turn were been laid in front of every single one of the c12,000 gravestones. We were to discover that this was in preparation for 'Light Front', where several WWI battle sites and a human chain of 8,400 torch-bearers were to light up The Western Front that evening to commemorate 100 years since the start of the First World War.

Tyne Cot Cemetery
click image to view
Tyne Cot Military Cemetery is built around three pill-boxes with the Cross of Sacrifice placed on the original large pill-box. These pill-boxes changed hands a number of times over the war, and finally became a British field casualty centre.

There are now 11,956 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War buried in the cemetery alongside 4 German soldiers.

Every visit to a war-time cemetery is a powerful and emotional experience. It is impossible not to reflect on why the men are there and the enormous waste and pain inflicted on so many families.

The whole experience hardens my view the every child should learn about WW1 & WW2 at school, and preferably also be taken to see the historic sights of France and Belgium. Medieval history may be interesting, but surely it is recent history they must know first, it teaches much and can't fail to affect the soul.

Finally, Boris Johnson...

I know.., he is a 'marmite politician' for people. Whether you see him as a insightful, highly educated, skilled, straight-talking politician with an ability to comprehend and deal with real issues, or blustering philanderer with a track record of misdemeanour's and mishaps which would have destroyed any normal politician does not matter. Whatever your views on the man, his new book 'The Churchill Factor' is worth a read.

Boris describes his book by saying; ‘I want to try to convey some of Churchill’s genius to a new generation, not through a simple retelling of his life: that has been done many times, and by scholars far greater than I will ever be. I propose to tell the story of the Churchill Factor, how his character made a difference to events – and how it is still helping to shape our world today.’

Now a good way through the book, I have discovered much about Churchill the man I never knew before despite copious reading about him.

A complex and flawed man, he was at the same time filled with compassion which was ably demonstrated in his relationship with his nanny, and how he ensured her well-being in later life.

Boris explains how and why prior to 1904 many felt the Nazis were less of a threat than the Bolsheviks, and he describes the fascinating and momentous day in 1940 when Churchill used all of his political skill to manoeuvre the members of the war cabinet who were in favour of negotiating with Hitler, to unanimously make a declaration to fight on. Throughout the book the stories keep coming.

This book gives a different aspect on Winston Churchill as a man and is a must read for anyone the least bit interested in the greatest British war leader or the lesser know tales from WW2.

War Memorials in Milford on Sea

Keyhaven War Memorial
click image to enlarge
Keyhaven has a traditional War Memorial, but the village of Milford on Sea took a different route by building the War Memorial Hospital. The hospital still stands today and thankfully it has been saved on a number of occasions in part due to its war memorial status. 

Milford on Sea War Memorial
click image to enlarge
What people may be less aware of is that a wooden war memorial once hung on the side of what was the village bakers. (Now where Lynk Photography Studios are and opposite the Red Lion.) This memorial was moved and today can be found inside of the War Memorial Hospital.

All Saints' Church War Memorial
click image to enlarge
WW1 War Memorial
in Hospital
click image to enlarge
All Saints' Church also contains a stone war memorial. The War Memorial Chapel was established in 1917 in the South Chapel but was transferred to the North Chapel in the 2008. 

Our current Parish Council is currently evaluating another war memorial for Milford on Sea. This would not stand on the village green, but one proposal is for it to be in the front of the hospital grounds.  We understand that the NHS are not to keen on the idea, but hopefully this can be resolved. A number of residents have already pledged donations towards the cost involved in building a new memorial.

Personally, I hope that a new war memorial is built by this current generation to show our own respect for the many who gave so much.

A Family Story for Remembrance Day: please click here.

Tower of London Remembers
Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red

Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917

Tyne Cot Military Cemetery
click here

The Churchill Factor by Boris Johnson

04 November 2014

MoS Club Wartime Minutes: 1915 to 1917 (Part 2)

In commemoration of the centenary year of World War One, Milford on Sea Club are publishing extracts from the minute books of the Club from 1914 to 1917, giving a fascinating and unique insight to Milford on Sea during the war years:

Extracts from the minute books of the Club: (1915 to 1917 - Part 2)

Milford-on-Sea Club Ltd
67, High Street, Milford-on-Sea, Hants., SO41 0QG
Telephone: 01590 643209

click image to enlarge
Special Committee Meeting - 30thMarch 1915

Proposed by Dr Bruce and seconded by Mr Cruikshank and resolved that a Special Meeting of the Members be called for Tuesday 6thApril 1915 to discuss and vote upon the resolution that Rule 21 be altered so as to read that All Military and Naval Units stationed in the Parish shall on the payment of 6d be admitted as Visiting Members for the duration of the War.

Special Meeting of the Members - 6thApril 1915

To vote on the above change to Rule 21, however and amendment moved by Mr G Wearn and seconded by Mr Miles that all men wearing the King’s uniform shall be admitted as visiting members on the payment of an entrance fee of 1d and of a subscription of 2d per month for the duration of the War was defeated and the original resolution carried without dissent.

Committee Meeting - 12th January 1917

Resolved that Mr Brown be censured for allowing his dog to remain in the Club and that if it occur again the Committee will be under the painful necessity of fining him 2/6d. N.B. Mr Brown said he would pay the 2/6d!

Committee Meeting - 11th May 1917

Proposed by Mr Miles and seconded by Mr Hillier and resolved that the prices of small Worthingtonand Bass Ale be raised to 4 1/2d and Guinness to 5 1/2d and that the prices of whisky, brandy be unchanged.

Committee Meeting - 8th June 1917

Resolved that men who are no longer serving as members of H M Forces are not entitled to continue their membership of the Club as Military and Naval under Rule 21.

Committee Meeting - 12th October 1917

Proposed by Mr Smith and seconded by Mr Brown and resolved that in response to a request from Lieut. S Williams, Hurst Castle, the Ping Pong table be lent to the troops at Hurst Castleupon a formal undertaking being that it will be kept in good condition and repair and will be returned to the Club when required.

~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~

Every Man Remembered Day at Milford on Sea Club

As a further commemoration, everyone is invited to join in the fun filled 'Every Man Remembered Day' night of remembrance and fundraising in honour of our heroes past and present on Saturday 15th November. Entry is free.

6pm: Earlybird Start with Nostalgic Sing-A-Long with The Diamonds, a Children’s WW1 Fancy Dress Competition, Raffle, Comedy and WW1 Stories.

9pm: Grand Auction with all proceeds going to the Royal British Legion Every Man Remembered Campaign.

MOS Club are doing rather well on the auction items, and support is outstanding. Already donated and up for grabs to the highest bidder.......
  • Evening Meal, Bed & Breakfast in a room with Riverside View at The Captains Club, Christchurch
  • Evening Meal, Bed & Breakfast at The Beach House, Milford on Sea
  • Rounds of Golf from Walhampton and Barton-on-Sea Clubs and more on the night....

Live music and celebration till close

So make a date in your diary to join in for the evening, entry in free and non-members are welcome.

MoS Club
67 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG

Dine in the village this Christmas

Christmas is a time for celebration, and of course special meals! Our local Milford on Sea restaurants and pubs are now taking bookings for their special festive dining menus over the Christmas period, or even for Christmas Day.

Check out all of the menus below, and book now so you don't miss out!

La Perle
Christmas dining with French flair.
Festive Lunch Menu: 2 Courses £15.95 - 3 Courses £19.95 - click here to view menus
Festive A la Carte Menu: 2 Courses £24.95 - 3 Courses £28.95 - click here to view menus
Christmas Eve Menu: 4 courses with canapés £39.95
Not Open Christmas Day
01590 643557 - 60 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

The Marine
Modern Classic Great British Christmas dishes.
Christmas Menu (Dec 3rd to 23rd) | Lunch: £19.95
Christmas Menu (Dec 3rd to 24th) | Dinner: £24.95
Christmas Party Night Menu with Entertainment: £29.95 - click here to view xmas menus 
Christmas Day 5 Course Menu: £85 - click here to view xmas menus
01590 644369 - Marine House, Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY

Fine fish served with the special Verveine Christmas twist.
'A Very Different Christmas' Menu: (From December 3rd to the lunch of the 24th)
Lunch Six Tasting Courses £27 per person | Wine pairing on four of the courses £47
Dinner Six Tasting Courses £44 per person | Wine pairing on all courses £75
Not Open Christmas Day
01590 642176 - 98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE

The Beach House
Traditional Christmas dining.
Christmas Celebration Menu: 2 Courses £15.25 - 3 Courses £18.99 - click here to view xmas menu
Christmas Day Menu: £49.99 - click here to view xmas menu
01590 643044 - Park Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PT

The Raft
Funky, tasty and modern bistro food.
Christmas Celebration Menu: To be confirmed
Not Open Christmas Day
01590 645300 - 11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF

Great Dining Bus
Enjoy different courses, in different village restaurants - click here to see Xmas Dining Tours


Pubs, Restaurants and other village dining places to check out for their Christmas Menus:

Smugglers Inn - www.pubsnewforest.co.uk
01590 644414 - 88 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE

The Red Lion - www.theredlionmilford.co.uk
01590 642236 - 32 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

The White Horse - www.whitehorsemilfordonsea.co.uk
01590 642360 - 16 Keyhaven Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QY

The Gun Inn - www.theguninn.com
01590 642391 - Saltgrass Lane, Keyhaven, Lymington, SO41 0TP

The Crown Inn - www.crowninneverton.co.uk
01590 642655 - Old Christchurch Road, Everton, SO41 0JJ

The Royal Oak - www.theroyaloakdownton.co.uk
01590 642297 - Christchurch Road, Downton, SO41 0LA

South Lawn - www.bespokehotels.com/southlawnhotel
01590 643911 - Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF

Britannia Thai - www.thairestaurantnewforest.co.uk
01590 642226 - 1 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF 

Zaika - www.zaikanewforest.co.uk
01590 643084 - 69 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG


The Village Coffee Pot
01590 641414 - 54 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

Inger-Lise's Coffee Shop - www.inger-lise.yolasite.com
01590 643518 - 106 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE

Polly's Pantry Tea Rooms
01590 645558 - 46 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

Needles Eye Café
01590 642458 - Seafront Promenade, Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY

Hurst Castle Café - www.hurstcastle.co.uk
01590 642344 - Hurst Castle, Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QU

Muffins Galore Tea Room - www.atbraxtongardens.com
01590 643601 - Braxton Courtyard, Lymore Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0TX

Camellias Coffee Shop & Restaurant - www.evertonnurseries.co.uk
01590 642155 - Farmers Walk, Everton, SO41 0JZ

The Cave Wine Bar - www.thecavemos.co.uk
01590 642195 - 2 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH


30 October 2014

Oldies in Milford on Sea

We have been sent an interesting article about the population breakdown of Milford on Sea. The friend that sent it claims that the article was sent to them by their daughter, but it could also be true that they used this as cover story to avoid admitting they read the Daily Mail!

New Census of Coastal Communities
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This week Matt Chorley, Political Editor of Mail Online, wrote an article which explains that some seaside towns are struggling to cope with ageing populations.

He refers to the New Census of Coastal Communities, which shows that on average 20% of people living in them are aged 65 or over, compared to 16% nationwide.

A detailed breakdown goes on to reveal that Milford on Sea has a much higher percentage, with 44% of residents 'Over 65', making the village the joint second highest seaside community in the UK. So, of our 5000'ish residents, around 2200 are over 65.

Conversely, Milford on Sea has an outstanding Primary School, and a thriving Pre-School, Brownies, Guides & Sea Scouts, so there is certainly a lot of young families around. Added to this, we have plenty of local tradesman and home businesses, vibrant village shops, fabulous places to eat and an active calendar for all to enjoy. The village actually feels well-balanced, rather than feeling like we are living in the film set of 'Cocoon'.

Matt Chorley's article goes onto to consider the socio-economic issues these population breakdowns can cause communities and expresses the views of MP's to the current and future situation.

Sadly, the article did not contain any statistics on 'Mobility scooters per head of population.'

We are of course incapable of serious thought, and would really love to know why a man's ears keep growing, and then become hairier than his head.

Living in the village it could not have escaped the noticed of many people, that avoiding (literally!) some of our more senior drivers is a regular past time. We have heard from a particularly poor source, that this has not passed the attention of the Parish Council, and they are currently working on a project to ease travel for people around the village centre. We have been fortunate to obtain an artist's impression of the vehicle proposed for introduction in March 2015.

Although I am yet to reach the 'Over 65 Category', I do observe that many of our over 65's are very active and look to be having a pretty good time by enjoying local clubs, classes, eateries, entertainment and of course the wonderful village and seaside life. The main downside appears to be that bits of the body start to stop working as you go.

Two of my friends (Jon and Colin) are at different stages in the ageing process, but both know they are getting older, as it now takes them longer to get over having a good time - than it takes have it!

It is said that there are 3 things that indicate you are getting older, first there is loss of memory... Can't remember what comes next.

To read the full Daily Mail article please click here.


A good friend of mine recently shared his experience on getting older.

Dear Friends,

It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes more difficult for them to maintain the same standard of housekeeping as when they were younger. When you notice this, try not to shout at them. Some are over-sensitive, and there's nothing worse than an over-sensitive woman. 

Let me relate how I handled the situation with my over-sensitive wife Janet. When I took early retirement last year, it became necessary for Janet to take on an extra job to generate the extra income we need.

Shortly after she started the job I began to notice how she was showing her age. I now get home from the pub about the same time she gets home from work. Although she knows how hungry I am, she always says she needs to rest for half an hour before making dinner. I don't shout at her, I just tell her to take her time and wake me up when dinner is on the table. I generally have lunch at the pub, so eating out again is unacceptable; I'm ready for home cooking when I get in.

She used to do the dishes when we finished eating, but now she leaves them lying around for several hours. I do what I can by diplomatically reminding her every few minutes that they won't clean themselves. I know she appreciates this as she usually washes them before bedtime.

Another symptom of ageing is complaining. For example she complains that she has not enough time in her lunch hour to do all the shopping. I smile, and suggest that she spreads the shopping over 2 or 3 days, and that it wouldn't do her any harm to skip lunch completely once in a while. Tact is one of my strong points.

I know I look like a saint in the way I support Janet. Showing this much consideration is not easy. Many men will find it difficult - some will find it impossible. However, if you show a little more tact and diplomacy towards your ageing wife as a result of reading this, I will consider writing it was well worthwhile.

Best wishes, George

George died last week, he was found with a 24 inch Stanley screwdriver stuck up his arse, with only 2 inches protruding. His wife Janet was arrested, but an all female jury accepted her defence that he had accidentally sat on it.

28 October 2014

Michelin & Harden's Guide for Verveine

Verveine have again been recommended in the UK's prestigious Michelin Guide & Harden's Guide.

This amazing fish restaurant goes from strength to strength, and they also have 30 pages of recipes and photos in the Hampshire Cookbook 'Meats, eats,drinks and leaves'. To cap all of this, the restaurant team have just discovered that one of their food images has made the front cover of this months 'BH Exclusive' magazine.

Chef/Proprietor, David Wykes said: "Well after an absolutely manic summer the first of the autumn menu's are now underway, so far the Lobster, Serrano, Passion Fruit and White Chocolate seems to be the runaway favourite!"

Always looking to be different, David is offering an interesting programme of events over the next few month's, including Cookery Days, Supper Clubs and Wine & Dine Evenings. He will also be offering his 'Very Different Christmas' Tasting Menu from the 3rd of December, where you can experience 6 courses for £27 at lunchtime or for £44 at dinner.

You can check out all of the Verveine events by clicking here

98 High St, Milford on Sea, Hampshire | 01590 642716

26 October 2014

WW1 Sikh Soldiers in Milford on Sea

In 1914, at the start of WW1, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) fighting in France was small and it was taking time to train the thousands of volunteers from Britain and other parts of the Empire.

The Indian Expeditionary Force arrived in Marseilles in September 1914 as reinforcements and made their journey to Flanders to fight on the Western Front. The two Indian divisions were formed of the Indian Cavalry Corps and Indian Corps, simply known as 'Lahore' and 'Meerut' Divisions, to distinguish them from the 3rd and 7th British divisions.)

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Injured Indian soldiers were bought to the area from the Western Front on France, and after the men had recovered from their wounds or illness they were sent on to Milford on Sea or Barton on Sea for convalescence, and then kitted out to go back to the front. Those unfit for further service were sent back to India. 

Mrs. White's Barton Court Hotel situated on the cliff top at Barton on Sea became a convalescent home, and hundreds of Indian troops also convalesced in huts of the Indian Convalescent Depot built along Barton Drive and Barton on Sea sea-front. 

The former Victoria Hotel on Milford on Sea cliff top (now Solent Court), was one building used for the convalescence of Indian soldiers. 

During the 18 months the Indian men were along the south coast 7,500 men passed through the depots, and only three died. (787 men stayed in Milford on Sea)

Today an obelisk of unpolished Devonshire granite stands in the grounds of the former Barton Court Hotel to commemorate their stay under the care of army doctors and the establishment of the Indian Convalescent Depot in 1914. The obelisk can be seen on the island at the junction of Marine Drive and Barton Court Avenue.

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An Indian soldier convalescing in Milford on Sea, Gyan Singh (Sikh), wrote to his brother in Punjab in Gurmukhi on 15th April 1915 from the Indian Army Depot Milford on Sea;

“The German is very strong. His planes sail the clouds and drop shells from the sky: his mines dig up the earth and his hidden craft strike below the sea. Bombs and blinding acid are thrown from his trenches which are only 100 to 50 yards from ours. He has countless machine guns which kill the whole firing line when in attack. When he attacks we kill his men. The dead lie in heaps. England is full of wounded. No man can return to the Punjab whole. Only the broken – limbed can go back. The regiments that came first are finished – here and there a man remains. Reinforcements have twice and three times brought them up to strength but straightaways they were used up. The German is very strong.”

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25 October 2014

New Car Wash in Village

Oh yes..., a Hand Car Wash has opened in the village!

The days of streets full of cars being dutifully washed by Dads' on Sunday mornings seems well gone, and now replaced by the convenience of a swift wash on the move.

Whilst it might be satisfying to see the results of your own hard labour, watching other people do it is even better!

So you can now pop your car down to Keyhaven Road, (on the old site of Milford Petrol Station), and have a hoard of guys descend on your motor. Simply pull on the forecourt and drive away minutes later gleaming for the day!

As an extra bonus, you can leave your car with them while you do your shopping, so a great way to use our village shops, - and no need to find a parking space either!

Hand Car Wash
Keyhaven Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QY