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Clubs, Classes & Sports




01 August 2021

Beach Shingle Washed Away

Only a few weeks ago many tonnes of shingle were added to Milford on Sea Beach, sadly nearly all of it has washed away following some strong tides.

It is thought that the lost shingle is washed towards Hurst Spit or settles on the groynes. so that it continues to have a purpose.

Photos by Penny Arton
click image to enlarge

This perennial problem continues as our local authority tries to fight nature and the never-ending power of the sea. It is of course important that the sea wall is protected to prevent the wall's foundations from washing away and a collapse occurring as it did less than ten years ago.

This immense challenge is faced by much of the UK coastline and whilst the action taken may appear a waste of time and money, it is clear that many highly qualified experts are trying to address the problem and find the right solution. 

Ultimately it should be reassuring to know that New Forest District Council are doing what they think is best with the resources they have available, as if the sea was left to do its worst the consequences for Milford on Sea could be devastating.

NFDC are working with BCP Council to ask local people to get involved in the development of a new strategy. The strategy will guide how the risk of flooding and erosion along the frontage of Christchurch Bay, from Hengistbury Head Long Groyne to Hurst Spit, encompassing Christchurch Harbour, will be sustainably managed for the next 100 years.

To express your view, please click here.

Application for White Horse to become houses

An article by local reporter Roz Waters in the Advertiser & Times has outlined plans to build five houses on the site of the White Horse in Keyhaven Road, Milford on Sea.

The new application by Stoneriver Projects Ltd includes converting the Grade 2 Listed pub building into two three-bedroom homes, plus three other properties on land behind the site, which was previously the garden and pub car park.

To read the full article please click here.

Churches on the Green & Open Day

This Sunday at 3pm, Christians Together in Milford are holding a joint worship service on the village green.
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Saturday 21st August, 10am - 3pm

Have you ever wondered what Baptists believe? Have you ever seen a baptismal pool? Come and meet us; look around the inside of the church; learn about our various activities, and ask any questions you like.

Free refreshments served all day

8th Anniversary for Little Egret

Little Egret is a holiday apartment in the centre of Milford on Sea (just opposite the Smugglers) and they are just coming up to their 8th anniversary.

Owners, Peter and Pam Hutchings are delighted how many of their guests tell them that they love the apartment, and of course Milford itself.

This review comment from a recent guests shows what a great place Milford on Sea is: "We had never been to Milford on Sea and have fallen in love with the atmosphere of the green and the friendliness of the people.”

For more information: 
01590 644050

31 July 2021

MCV at Bee Fayre

Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV) are participating in a local family event which celebrates bees and their important role in the environment. (Details below)

To find out more about Milford Conservation Volunteers, please visit: 

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The Good News Newsletter: No.36

To view of the latest edition of The Good News Newsletter: please click here.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

About The Good News Newsletter

An enterprising group of local people have put together a 'Good News Newsletter' with the aim of keeping everyone informed and amused during this difficult time.

The Good News Newsletter has been created by Milford Library, Milford Mutual Aid Group, The Village Voice and MoS News Bulletin.

We will be publishing a copy of each edition here online and for those in the village who do not use digital communication, the Parish Council are printing some paper copies which will be available in some village shops and some distributed by volunteers.

To subscribe to get a regular copy please email: mosclibrary@gmail.com

29 July 2021

Queens Award for Voluntary Service Presentation

Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV) received their 2020 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (equivalent to the MBE for volunteer groups) at a presentation held at South Lawn Hotel earlier this week.

The Chief Executive of the New Forest National Park Authority – Alison Barnes thanked MCV members for the work undertaken locally. She said that the group was an exemplar of all the good things that can be done by volunteers for wildlife, habitats and the community.

Alison said that an example of this was in providing two first class bird hide facilities at Sturt Pond and at The Pans Wetlands in Keyhaven. She went on to say how the volunteers continue to work closely with the Parish Council in upgrading the footpaths through the nature reserves, repairing river banks, coppicing in the woodlands and pulling non-native invasive plant species along the Danes Stream.

She thanked the group members for their enterprising schemes and looked forward to hearing about new projects the group is currently working on. She said that because of their inspirational work she had great pleasure in making the original nomination of MCV for this prestigious award.

The Lord Lieutenant presenting the QAVS to MCV Chairman David Horne

HM Lord Lieutenant – Nigel Atkinson then gave some background to the Queen’s Award, saying that across the country, only 230 awards had been made in 2020. He said that there were numerous and vigorous procedures that are carried out, including site visits to see and talk to volunteers in action, on all nominated groups before an award is eventually decided. Mr Atkinson said that only five nominations were awarded across the whole of Hampshire in 2020. He also congratulated the group in producing their own Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and said that the group were in the course of updating the Plan to cover the next five-to-ten-year period.

The Lord Lieutenant invited his Deputy – Mr Tom Floyd to read the citation signed by the Queen which reads;

Elizabeth the Second, being cognisant of the said group’s outstanding voluntary work in the community and being desirous of showing Our Royal Favour do hereby confer upon it: The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2020.

The Lord Lieutenant presented the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service to David Horne – Chairman of the Milford Conservation Volunteers.

The Chairman thanked Alison Barnes and the Lord Lieutenant for their kind words. He said that the work of the group stems from the efforts of a superb management committee and its volunteers, including past and present members. David thanked them all for their ongoing commitment.

Alison Barnes (CEO - New Forest National Park Authority), HM Lord Lieutenant Nigel Atkinson (Queen’s Representative), Keith Metcalf (MCV Conservation Officer) and David Horne (MCV Chairman).

MOSHRS Podcast: Milford and the Great War 1914-1918 - Part 3

Milford on Sea Historical Record Society have published the third part of their new four-part video podcast mini-series; “Milford and the Great War 1914-1918”. 

Part 3 is called “The Aftermath” and can be viewed here. - You can catch up with Part 1: “The Gathering Storm” & Part 2: The Fortunes of War using the same link.

The community spirit which had sustained Milford throughout the Great War continued strongly in the years that followed, leading ultimately to the building of the War Memorial Hospital.

The entire series explores the roles played by Milford residents in the First World War and the impact of the War on our community.

To view the podcast series, please click here.

To view the Milford on Sea: Village at War Photo Album; please click here.


The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society has an excellent website with a lot of information and old pictures of Milford on Sea in the past. 

The MOSHRS meet 5 times a year where you can hear an interesting talk and meet people from across the village. There are also annual visits to places of interest. Membership is just £10. 

To find out more; please click here.

MoS Historical Record Society


27 July 2021

Royal British Legion Picnic raises over £700

A glorious summers afternoon greeted the Royal British Legion Picnic and thanks to good weather and an appreciative Milford on Sea audience the event was a great success.

The musical entertainment provided by The Two Mikes and The Jems was really appreciated by an audience of more than 200.

They community showed their appreciation by making donations of almost £640 to the Royal British Legion and a further £109 to the poppy appeal stand staffed by our friends from the RBL Lymington Branch.

The organisers send many thanks to the entertainers who gave their time so freely and to the audience who let their hair down and loosened their purse strings on the day.

Shows back at the Community Centre

Before lockdown the Community Centre were very active in providing a wide range of entertainment for the local community, and the good news is - it is coming back!

Behind the scenes lots of new events are now scheduled for the coming months at the Community Centre. 

Thursday 29th July see the Comedy Night return, on 31st July there is a Curios and Collectables Sale, on the 5th August you can watch the King & I, the 7th August brings a night of fun with 'The Noise Next Door', and there is also a lot more which you can see by clicking here.

If you have not been before why not go along, and if you have been before you know how good these events are, so get booking!

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Milford On Sea Village Community Centre
Sea Road, Milford On Sea, SO41 0PH

Village Library Book & Jigsaw Sale

Milford on Sea is fortunate to have an active village library with around 100 members.

The library is now open 4 half days per week:
  • Monday and Tuesday 2pm to 4pm
  • Thursday and Friday 10am to 12noon

The team are always welcoming, so why not pop in and take a look at the books available.

Milford on Sea Community Library
The Village Hall, Park Road, Milford on Sea SO41 0QU

26 July 2021

Auditions for Village Pantomime

The Christmas Village Pantomime is a local affair and fun for all of the family. If you fancy being on stage rather than in the audience please go along to the upcoming auditions.

Take a look at how to get involved below:
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School Uniform Recycling Project

Step Up, Safe Space is a non-profit making community support company run by volunteers who support families in need in Milford on Sea, New Milton and surrounding areas. Below are details of their School Uniform Recycling Project.

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Free hearing screening

Solent Hearing have announced that that they now offering free wax checks and hearing screens at Milford on Sea Community Centre - Every Wednesday from 11am to 1pm. No booking required, this is a local drop in service.

Solent Hearing

23 July 2021

Sleeping Beauty needs a castle!

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Last chance to vote for our local businesses

We have three village businesses nominated in the Muddy Stilettos Awards and it would be good for them and the community if one, or all of them!, won.

You can still vote for:

  • Ray's Italian Restaurant
  • Saltwater CafĂ©
  • No.64 Biscuit House

Voting closes today at 5pm (Friday 23rd July.) Please click here to place your vote/s.

17 July 2021

Local author writes TV pilot

Local author Jean Maye has made the Official Selection in Season 4 of the Script Summit Screenplay Contest. The Summit will take place between the 16th to 19th September at the Emagine Theatre in Royal Oak, Michigan, USA.

Jean's submission is her first attempt at a TV Pilot series in a competition. The programme is entitled 'Sandstone', which is a community lead action drama set along the Jurassic Coastline.

Jean said; "Just to be nominated is fantastic for a TV pilot, so even if I don't go any further I'll be pleased with this."

Script Summit
is an International Film Festival & Screenwriting competition based in the USA. 

Jean won an award with them last year for her feature film script LAYLA.

Jean Maye

Awards for Milford on Sea Sports Club Leaders

Milford on Sea has had two worthy winners in the New Forest Sports Council “Making a Difference” Awards.

Josh Mantock of Milford on Sea Youth Football Club was a popular choice with many nominations. Josh kept the players together with Zoom activities, football quizzes and virtual training sessions. In addition to this he found time to do maintenance work on the club's clubhouse, changing rooms and car park.

The village's other winner was Carolyn Brown who founded Milford Girls' Cricket Club during lockdown. As the new team could not meet face to face Carolyn started some video coaching which became small group coaching when the end of lockdown came. Milford Girls' Cricket Club is now at district level and many local girls have been introduced to a new sport to play.

Josh commented on his Facebook page: "I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who nominated me, hearing what people had put about me made me very emotional hearing the kind words. I love what I do for the football club and my team and also the community. Thanks to those who watched on the awards last night, very much appreciated.

Glad to say I had won the 'Making a difference awards' from New Forest Sports Council. I am over the moon and congrats to the others as well, so pleased to have won this, thank you all."

The “Making a Difference” Awards were based on what people in the New Forest have been doing to keep others motivated both mentally & physically during the past 18 months of the Covid lockdown.

New Forest Sports Council

16 July 2021

Garden waste collections suspended

Due to staff shortages in relation to the Covid self-isolation rules, and the ongoing national HGV driver shortage that is affecting services across the country, New Forest District Council are suspending the garden waste service from Monday 19 July 2021 for a minimum of 4 weeks. This affects Milford on Sea and other areas, and will be kept under review.

All garden waste customers will be receiving a letter advising them of the suspension.

However, if you know people that use the garden waste service that do not have access to online information, please pass on this advice.

NFDC will contact customers to confirm when the service will start again.

NFDC have also said that; "It is vital that we maintain essential collections of general waste and recycling, to do this we need to redeploy our garden waste operatives on to our core collection rounds."

To find out more, please click here.

Nearly New Clothing Sale

15 July 2021

Milford on Sea Greening Campaign voting extended

The Milford on Sea Greening Campaign organised by Milford on Sea Parish Council is looking at ways of way to reducing Milford on Sea’s carbon footprint.

The deadline to vote has been extended to 24th July to make sure that everyone has a chance to vote for their Top 3 green challenges from the 16 listed. 

To place your vote or to find out more, please click here.

The challenges with the most votes will be published on a special Greening Challenge Card, to be delivered to every household in the parish in September. Each household will then be asked to choose 5 challenges to commit to over the period of the campaign. More details will follow in September.

The Campaign is designed to involve the whole parish and its objective is to seek to persuade as many people as possible to make small changes in their behaviour at home and so reduce the CO2 emissions of the village. This is therefore a significant opportunity for our Community to take action against Climate Change.

South Lawn's extension plans approved

South Lawn Hotel have received approval of their planning application for an additional 24 bedrooms and managers 2 bedroom apartment.

The work is hoped to start in the Autumn in order for the building of the new wing to have minimum disruption on their trade.

You can read our original article on the application by clicking here.

To read the article in the A&T, please click here.

To read the planning application, please click here.

14 July 2021

Post Office Mobile Service coming to Milford on Sea

The Post Office are introducing a Mobile Service with 2 visits a week to Milford on Sea from Friday 23rd July 2021. 

This new 2 hour service will be in car park to the rear of the Village Community Centre in Sea Road each Friday from 2.15pm to 4.15pm and on Saturdays from 11.45am to 1.45pm.

The service will be reviewed for each timed stop, based on customer levels, in approx. 3 to 6 months’ time.

Paul and his son Miraj (he usually operates the van) are looking forward to coming to Milford and it is hoped that the community will support them in making good use of the new mobile service.

It is asked that all customers using the service, wear face masks when inside the van and respect the social distancing guidelines when queuing.

12 July 2021

A Potential Photography Award Winner

Successful Milford on Sea based photographer, Carrie Bugg has been nominated for the Best Photographer Award in Hampshire & Isle of Wight.

There are 5 finalists in her category, and it would be great to see Carrie pick up an award for her creative work in lifestyle, wedding and commercial photography.

To vote for Carrie Bugg Photography, please click here.

You can also take a look at her work from the website link below.

Carrie Bugg Photography

10 July 2021

The Royal British Legion Centenary Picnic

Breakfast at The Lazy Lion

If you like an early breakfast, a trip down to the Lazy Lion in Milford on Sea high street may be just your cup of tea.

This recent review explains what to expect:

"Excellent breakfast this morning. Didn’t book, but were made very welcome by friendly staff. We had the full English breakfast and all items were delicious. Served with toast and a large cafetière of excellent coffee. What’s not to like?"

Breakfast served from: 8am

Nomination for The New Forest Paddle Sports Company

The New Forest Paddle Sports Company in Milford on Sea high street have been nominated for the third year in a row for the SUP Connect International Paddle Board Shop of the year 2021.

This is the industry awards for Stand Up Paddle Boarding so to even be nominated as 1 of only 2 UK shops is a great success for us and the team here at New Forest Paddle Sport.

As it stands today they sit in 5th place, so your vote could really make a difference.

Sean & Claire would love it if our local customers who feel they have given good customer service on and off the water could vote for them by clicking here.

Plant a Tree

Foe every booking made at New Forest Paddleboard Sports Company a tree is planted!

All information, dates and sessions are online to book at:

The New Forest Paddle Sports Company
46 High Street, Milford On Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 645270 

It's Coming Home for Saltwater, Ray's & No.64!

A number of businesses in Milford on Sea are being recognised across Hampshire and are now in the Top 5 nominated companies for the Muddy Stilettos Awards in their categories. 

We have already reported the Ray's Italian Restaurant and No.64 Biscuit House are in the awards competition and Saltwater CafĂ© have now joined them.

You can now vote for them all today by clicking below.

As they say...; "It's coming home!"

Simon steps up training

Limitless Physiotherapy & Performance are pleased to be supporting Para Athlete Simon Heaps from Milford on Sea towards his goal of gaining qualification for the 2022 Commonwealth Para Games playing wheelchair Table Tennis. 

For the last few weeks, Simon has been training at the private one to one and small group gym facility in New Milton, which also has an on-site treatment room for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Simon is progressing well with his training both inside and outside of the gym and has seen a weight loss of 8lb in just 5 weeks.

Simon’s aim is not only to lose bodyweight, but also to improve the strength of his musculoskeletal system which will help with his performance in Table Tennis and every day life. 

Well done Simon, keep up the hard work.

Limitless Physiotherapy & Performance
07984 869249

09 July 2021

For the Love of Art Classes

new art class is coming to Milford on Sea Community Centre with a Special Introductory Offer of 3 classes for £30. 

The new adult art classes start on Saturday 17th July onwards

The classes are suitable for beginners and improvers and are friendly, fun and relaxed and will run every Saturday from 10am to 11am. All materials provided and no prior experience necessary to have a lovely creative hour!

Please get in touch if you would like more information (click here) or visit the website to book:

06 July 2021

Milford Flower & Produce Show needs a hand

Milford on Sea is awash with keen gardeners and vegetable growers and traditionally this has been celebrated at the annual Milford Flower & Produce Show.

Recent pandemic events have put paid to this year's event, but plans are under way for 2022.

The show has a classic formula of classes for vegetables, fruit & flowers, floral arrangements, home baking, handicrafts and photography judged by local specialised judges.

Christine Twyford has been involved in organising the show for over 10 years and now need an individual or group to hand the organising on to. She is happy to lead people through how things are set up and already has a number of the items needed in place.

To lend a hand or to find out more please contact Christine by clicking here.

Wing Commander EJ Hodsoll protecting the country

Wing Commander EJ Hodsoll was one of the more interesting Englishmen of the 20th century and an expert and leader of civil defence in this country.

Born in 1894, son of a Royal Navy commander, he had a fascinating military career before, during and after World War 2. 
Wing Commander EJ Hodsoll
Portrait in Imperial War Museum

He retired to Milford on Sea and died in 1971 and was an important enough man for the Imperial War Museum to hold a portrait of him.

A detailed article about his life has been published in the Professional Security Magazine. To read the article, please click here

Vote for Ray's in the Muddy Stilettos Awards

Ray's Italian Restaurant are delighted to have reached the Finals of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Muddy Stilettos Awards 2021 in the Restaurant category.

Voting for the winners runs until 5pm on Friday 23rd July 2012 - and you can help them win this awards by clicking here to vote for them.

Good luck Stacey, and lets hope you win!

To view all of the Ray's Italian Menusplease click here.

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300