Annie Corder Mills and her husband, Tony Mills, moved to Milford on Sea three months ago and they are keen to meet others living in the area. They held their first social in January at The Smugglers Inn which was very successful.
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They are now organising another Milford on Sea Social Get-Together at 2pm on Sunday 5th March at The Beach House, Park Lane, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PT.
This will be an informal gathering, meeting for drinks and open to anyone living in or near to Milford on Sea. If people enjoy it, Annie & Tony hope they can make it a regular monthly event.
This will be an informal gathering, meeting for drinks and open to anyone living in or near to Milford on Sea. If people enjoy it, Annie & Tony hope they can make it a regular monthly event.
You can find Annie on Nextdoor, or contact her by email ( if you have any questions.
Otherwise, just go along to The Beach House and find them there. If you are a bit shy, don't worry, Annie will help you feel relaxed and part of the group.
Otherwise, just go along to The Beach House and find them there. If you are a bit shy, don't worry, Annie will help you feel relaxed and part of the group.
You will find the group in the lounge area.
Annie & Tony also like to support local businesses, so please feel free to bring your business cards / leaflets.