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28 August 2024

Additional Sea Defence Work starting soon

Milford on Sea is to see a bolstering of the sea defences in coming weeks, with rocks being placed in front of the seawall, groynes being repaired, and shingle being added to increase beach levels.

New Forest District Council has announced that the first stage of works is to include the installation of 1,100 tonnes of rock, known as a rock revetment.  

The rocks will provide coastal protection from waves along the toe of the seawall, at the eastern end of the beach huts, where beach levels are low. This will help dissipate wave energy and allow shingle to settle more easily. Several of the timber groynes in the area will also be repaired. 

The site on Hurst Road will be set up from 27th August 2024, with rock to be delivered to the beach at the beginning of September.   

The second stage of the works will include 2,500 tonnes of shingle being delivered to the beach from trucks to improve beach levels and help further protect the seawall ahead of the winter. This is expected to take place in October 2024.  

Cllr Geoffrey Blunden, portfolio holder for environment and sustainability, said:  

"This coastal frontage has in recent years experienced a continued increase in winter storms, with the winter of 2023/24 seeing a record number of storms impacting on our vulnerable coastline. This has resulted in the continued lowering of beach levels, reducing the level of protection to coastal defences and assets.  

This piece of maintenance work is vitally important to provide protection to an aging seawall and supports the Shoreline Management Policy of 'hold the line'. This maintenance work is also in line with the Christchurch Bay and Harbour FCERM Strategy that is currently going through the Council to be adopted."


  1. Will the beach be accessible

  2. Yes, all along the main promenade the beach is still easily accessible. Less so for beach in front of beach huts, this has been the case for many years as height down to beach is a long way!


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