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Monday 15 July 2024

Parish Council investigate Solar Panels in Field Concept

A recent article by Roz Waters in the Advertiser & Times reported on a 'Solar panel ambition for Milford Parish Council'.

The idea is that a field owned by Milford on Sea Parish Council could be developed into a small solar farm. 

A previous plan to create a woodland area on the site close to Scholar’s Retreat were shelved due to coastal erosion and weather conditions. 

Until recently, the green space was used for grazing livestock, however, the previous tenant has now left the fields.

This potential project is currently at an early stage and investigations are taking place to establish the feasibility of the idea.

To read Roz's full article in the A&T, please click here.

Contact details for:
Milford on Sea Parish Council
The Old Clockhouse, 22 High Street, Milford on Sea SO41 0QD
01590 644410

The Parish Office is open most days from 10am to 3.30pm on Monday to Friday.

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