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26 May 2024

Mandy's cakes feature in prestigious Wedding Magazine

We were pleased to get an email to hear this good news from talented village cake maker, Mandy of Amanda Black Cakes:

"Good morning David,

Just feeling the need to share as I’m currently on cloud nine.

I got asked by a lovely friend and amazing photographer, Hayley of HS Photography, to help her set up a styled wedding shoot at the Wedding Fair at MacDonald Elmers Court Hotel. 

As Hayley is my friend, it’s her who is my go to if I need any photos of my cakes, I obviously agreed. Well the amazing news is that her photos have been accepted into the latest issue of Your Hampshire and Dorset Wedding Magazine.

The Wedding Fair photo shoot was an amazing day, with lots of fun behind the scenes, you would not believe how much sparkling water and apple juice it takes to make a faux champagne glass pour!

Anyhow, the event pictures are amazing, the article is beautiful and showcases so many local small businesses we are all over the moon but I have a not small extra level of excitement.

The magazine contacted me directly to ask if I could send them some images of my wedding cakes, some big ones and small ones, which I did. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect them all to be published into this one issue. They have used all of the images I sent them, four in their cake article, and another one on the inside pages. Can you believe it, that’s five of my cakes published in this magazine, I am completely blown away.

Anyhow, from one very excited lady, I’d best send my goodbyes as I need to get this weeks wedding cakes done." 

HS Photography: www.hsphotography.co.uk

Next on Mandy's agenda is appearing as the guest speaker at the Oakhaven Hospice fundraising Dining Divas Lunch at the Captain's Club Hotel & Spa on Tuesday 18th June 2024.

The Oakhaven fundraising Dining Divas Lunches take place quarterly at various restaurants around the New Forest, always with an interesting expert guest speaker.

To find out more, or to book a ticket, please visit


About Amanda Black Cakes

Mandy initially founded her company in Milford on Sea as Elmsleigh Cakes in 2011.

Mandy's journey so far has taken her from being a computer operations manager who started making cakes for her kids, and on to making cakes for everyone, including our royal family.

In 2022 (and again in 2023), Mandy received worthy recognition of her talents as a baker and cake artist when she was recognised as one of the Top Three Cake Makers in the New Forest.

In summer 2023, Mandy was invited to be a Cake Judge at the New Forest & Hampshire County Show.

In September 2023, she attended a week long intensive course led by Paul Bradford, holder of the Disciples D’Escoffier award which he was awarded for his dedication to sharing his cake honing her already exceptional cake making skills, and one of the world's most respected cake designers.

During the same year, Mandy rebranded her company to Amanda Black Cakes to reflect the individuality of her ever evolving cake designs.

In November 2023, Mandy was personally invited by Paul Bradford to feature her cakes in his display at Cake International, the biggest cake show in the world at Birmingham NEC.

At the show Mandy stood shoulder to shoulder with the big names in cake design from around the world. People that she looked up to, and who’s books she bought when first starting creating amazing cakes.

In March 2024, Mandy won the Cakeflix Cake of the Month competition, this was quickly followed in May 2024, when four of her cakes were featured in an article in the Your Hampshire and Dorset Wedding Magazine.

To see see more of Mandy's amazing cake designs please visit her current website at: www.elmsleighcakes.co.uk.

Please contact Mandy if you would like to enquire about any cakes by clicking here, or through Facebook, she is always happy to help.

Amanda Black Cakes
(Formerly Elmsleigh Cakes)
07914 586441

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