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07 June 2023

Adrian Blake Remembered

It is with great sadness that we have heard of the passing of Adrian Blake, locally known as Adie.

Adrian with Mark in happy times

Adrian was a friendly and popular face in Milford on Sea, where until recently he had been the village fishmonger.

At just 56 years of age, Adrian passed away on Wednesday 31st May after an extremely short battle with cancer.

Having lost his job in the village last year, Adrian had moved to become a fishmonger in Southampton, and to live with his brother on a farm nearby to his new work.

Adrian had a daughter, Chloe, and he was so very proud of her. She is a ballroom dancer living in Rome, and at only 26, it is far too young for her to lose her loving father.

He was also very good friends with Mark Cummings, owner of The Village News, and he would often be seen in Mark’s shop, chatting to him and the locals that came in.

Adrian was a well-known and very much liked, part of the Milford on Sea community, and he had lots of friends and former customers in the village. He will be sorely missed by many.

The funeral will take place on the 16th June at 9.30am at New Forest Crematorium and Memorial Gardens, Stem Lane, New Milton BH25 5FH. The family will then have a wake to celebrate Adrian's life at Pennington Social Club at 11.30am.


  1. Such tragic news. Well missed in Milford.

  2. So sorry that Adrian passed away far too young
    He was a great fishmonger and miss the wet fish shop in Milford which was a life line to many peoe.

  3. Very sad to here this news, a lovely friendly man in the village

  4. Adrian Blake remembered

    I am very sorry to learn of the untimely death of Adrian Blake, known to many here through his role as fishmonger to Milford. He operated the fish counter at Verveine throughout the pandemic, including the lockdowns when, you might recall, we were only allowed to venture outside for essential supplies. I thought at the time that we were very fortunate to have his services on our doorstep and that Verveine was able to keep the business open during that crisis. It became a weekly ritual of mine to call at the fish counter on Saturday mornings, waiting outside on the pavement if necessary as only one customer at a time was permitted in the little shop. The habit once formed, my Saturday visits continued until the counter closed. If I turned up on a different day of the week Adrian would express astonishment. I don't know much about fish, so my usual approach was to ask what he recommended that day. This worked very well and he would use his knife skills to prepare the choice of the day and advise me how best to cook it (so I did not muck it up). With Adrian's help Saturday fish became a fixture in our house and our visitors always got the fish-of-the-day too. Our fish quota is much reduced since he moved to Southampton when the counter closed. Thank you Adrian, I very much enjoyed our weekly encounters.

    Philip Buchi.


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