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10 May 2023

New Play Park Equipment installed

The young children's play equipment in Carrington Lane Park has been replaced by the Milford on Sea Parish Council, and it is now open again for small kids and toddlers.

The previous play equipment had fallen into disrepair and it is nice to see the Parish Council making a valuable investment that many families with young children will be able to enjoy.

Graham Wells, Parish Clerk commented: "The old unit had been repaired a number of times over many years before it became beyond repair.

At the last annual ROSPA report, several more defects were highlighted and the Parish Council acted on the report and ordered the unit at the end of last year.

The funds to pay for the equipment were met from mitigation money received from taking on the Play Park at “The Swifts” (i.e. it was in effect paid from funds received from Pennyfarthing Homes as part of the housing development).

We will probably purchase some turf in the next couple of weeks to finish off the surface before it gets to muddy."

Milford on Sea Parish Council
The Old Clockhouse, 22 High Street, Milford on Sea SO41 0QD
01590 644410

The Parish Office is open most days from 10am to 3.30pm on Monday to Friday.

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